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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jan 1952, p. 3

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-- - -A III 1" ..~ r i v 's -~ ~N 'St s becatu- Y t- of wbat an ambitias cie pinig ta, go inito ighl society and cut a dah blbr wise busband points 'eu[t tht tbe aeimorat el in theirIhome Ca ), bt il) Ihigb societO teIxii n the -risJ "li ItiswllttGier jnp- tante to Ct pr'l rbî"bo,~b ,eviy itrs ~,ftwai asl Victoria tWida aslC Quer it, uSa knewsonelltig about tnusS,)Jmut WAig about lierature and baI n precaseit' 1< il shows i ~ tire was an $~p lb agai~ w ne livi' a lai ram tir r J z ?Pient.Line ishop - Far Eastern Ccw-nmanider Gen.lMthew B. Ridewa (lfi)welcomies Francis Cardinal Speliman as the Arch- blshop c -f Newv York arrives ot Tokya's Hamczned Airport. Cardinail 'i peimctt henprc d4tKore, where he spent Christmais wifh Unlited Naýtions Traops. o( este of butmar-, is neLt that youreembr nt olytbe 'na 1;[utin ieither casè, meid ', ut ibe wrds, audi ( are ion mu~ teater imar- flotsafisfie ules aucne atcta 1_ thle musir aptue 'i e wokTIs aSSI]shalenil Mont niG ilieri's ihumor b s tiIli n tb Quen adeSol- rfunytecuseit is basued anilunda- nîiiadiefc ltit a metlî ~spae iÀ mark îoý(lemn- lez" rya~exeraliIed i the are er~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~S m-sn.itt1iIasjwee ua eezlStney ,lhav- isua in pezair wirls, jbar ' t ., uot (ai!bis sys tem, I ws cn taulypaitimg flmow~hiisleli an1 thIýelerryoa ie I«1lrettis 3a c S o-tvçm ts on tbeplea tbat Ie lis th tim osr; ai, i ttopbIan by, r in] t1lathler s.-taair fo a etsn svuein he amelù opera wbiere tbe peras ave lied loner >Piiemenpult up a trifir maii s aitof r aras a*i boult gig frard on u te m iay bnid i. ods t îoc," but donl'î,n', v't'r musîrrau'Ii ney,ýe r have. a hs s n ary~~ metorwtb' ois is- ann ten10 tanod m'aihmowbr cmiaswll ~<a s îriug iloicinth fcea 'et nd %iivu plin adv roi 'Tbe Warld a ~~~$sitiuslilbrn ul~n"b .A tP thte nell-beg and Yo fi u in ens, About e ýO gjïý, t rtlandw tnoi-tbirus n tite aiaTeg sehenluei isa compf or \ai t e.?I i oieuzls stauold rialyysm a ns *ut Posonrciey rdu a. - mù y pon ac ey , * t ridCl Ixcia - tNtzly i mt~ii îlrl f lut In o dîffeLrutyearsý, Ina grops Oai 150aemchyear, ban- ing aotlt aetd mgî <agei, and apparentIc ayîug atilit, ne(re uisedl. One group italud ratez 10. drnk, bý%[ile onlyson as -proD- videri for liteohr ru dmn nater ouîd odinlarily bci irOzen. Resuis as judged by egg pro- dri sbanýed tltI rate-r ras far sueirt u, r. be roduction i lite graup rm 1-civ-ingrvater was 1.2 pencent higiten per birdtia bmbrds inlte grouýpzeiig sna niiletite imericnumta per birdna 10.6 per cent less for Sinif:re it% e gg poota a caniderdaiy loner andi ieed con- sumptianbigiter i ltegraupne ceivinIg snaw, illdî be dvsale saysMr. essir lakeep "aterý lways boere ebirs ceen ltaugi tIbis migittinive mir atenio ta e il ini zemzin-g, ai fri, prirlryapecati bA gretlyafece by enivizonmeutaî iafaclas. For eam le, urer nl orlcdlansIm rn a ppAis aui l os es fiavoulr. Exerimenî1 1tS canidttd et ftbe Sum2mezland tE- perimentai Station in ritisit Col - vaiey i ppeifpaer in 30 ta 2 dgres rid tozagýe immedLi~ tmaîel Aie ad lIea Januam,ls icempiug qalities ar thus mor titan dcoubleriKy stoingitaa apewiitzom lepeatzAa imlportant t artan inderiin the keeping qualiies ai apples, S, W. Parit ailit1 umelar Station ý)points out litaI atliter atr alsamnust te taken mbarraunt, Cine aiIbseis ltebuityo dapnssailite amshz A apple slormd i0 aJ dry amsbz sonsitriveLs andi its storage lue tempematuze, apples <silr tbel at umîides ai 80 pezreut or btnon in oander ta insuire 1fmI, .cnisp eatiu1g qua1liîy. A'\smaotit kinued nnwrinuied apple, even ifsligeiîy aveýr-zijpe,is eallen zeasaniably ac- ceptable ta litecosmr Considerable nark bas br ien due inri uent years on pnolýouging, tle keepinig ie aifapp'îi au ipuilation af i lie citemical ast- umats of the atimFopitere.Thus, certain 'Varieties ai apples nxay Se kmept 1 uderso-raled "ga>ls storage" or rontzolled tmsbeestor-age in wbicb kmeping liîe islmrtciendm by rednrciing[ibe oy and in- creasiug the rarb)on diaxidconitenut ai tbe atmaospbere. Tlitis metbiod bas been utsed ltrîciularcly in 1En- gland ritit certain varie-ties \wbicbi d e v eIop pbysialogical isdr wbhen stored ini ordinairy Ion ew perature storage. Canitrolied atmai- spitere storage, bone(ver, ba1ýs met witb ou'ly limiited arreptanre ýin, Canada, berauise il] general au'r va- netts rmpondsatîiaf'ctorily ta or- dlinry rold tra ninair. An apNm in thecourefairespi- ration araîygives off certain gass wirb ffcttite lteepinlg lif e aifthat apple and otHer appesstr ed in tlite same zoom Fot r istance,ý gssareprdue wirtcause skin sad ndaie gasýs -sucbi as e tlenýe are knawn taaceert ripenfing. 111reren:t yaz, iteres bas penlred aroiund meauali fr- mo1(ving somle Cf _ibese briflgas- es Fr1ma il bio trage atmasopbere an lteus preventinig apples io causiing îtbeir own destruction. 1It bas 1been iound that a large proý- port'ilon ftrgss rdcdb aplsru te absorbe(d on ar1ivat. dcatnair fiter. Tis is "i'. romnplisbIed bLy rOutinueus ircMUla tion ai part of flitealasiiophere i-n the storage aven artivaîed c1Cartonj in arder toabasorb andit1ýis rmv tibese gases. LEthylClee, hanever, wbiric s probaly tbie imostitari- ful i o tbicgas-espaue by res- piring frit, ilsnul cpableaiSeing absar-bed ru artivaîmd carton aI or- Ainaylmperaltures andthrfe al ;ite meas must be iainnd for re- m1oving titis substance. 'The xvble field ai air purcification oai apple storages by man oi activa ted cartonis onillde intensiveninvesti- gation at tle presenit time rýbui tas yet na,-,final conclusions bfav'e been reacted as ta tlie pr-articability ai Ibç;is metbad fori rlagnglt kemiug lufe ai apples For tbie avra omle armeIbe tetryta insure dtatapples e tïaini their firmniiess anid crispniess avecr as long ai perîod as passile is ta store Ibea i i a cool basement r om ias lnear ta 32degrees as pas- sible anld nilit as igb biiity a rau bcs abtained. The relative bu- idity aiflte atmospbere rau tlle tbe flocuoai e fruit roaai, or by p)-iiug a faIse floarotcver a ted ai peait mass wbirbru te peridical- ly watmred lin, ocriezta provide maoi- stLure rtbzouLgb continuelusevpr t'in. For Lthe ownler oai au apar[- mieut or sma.-lil home wbmree storageÏ, isý scarce, apie(s sitoulri te kept in ta prevnt the bîgitlmemîie cauisinig undue ripeuling 'anrIsbiïv- elling. a roam betund 111estore. Their town xsasouaçnmjbih- way, nd evtn drinig the worsta the epresiontourist tr-afic was beay.Th problem was ta) get these cpeople ta ;stop at tstre. Sudd!elyý, li!e to'astt ppg out ai very Nxt day bey put lup isiguý1s 0an Free kae water at dhe drugstore hin (Jnitd Staieshadbeen givng awy ice woter for years, but nope ai thle iaet, 'TO toriitis sign ,pro- vidledi frist a eatrtyIau!,gb udthen awcoeinv-'itationl. The ideaxyorked il achajrii, an oa Itis couple is ipesu ice waler t the rae Ofi me t1ian 5,000 lasseseacb dy. DuingIthe tourist tasnthey have 28 cem- ployers ta belp thaiu T[heir siguls aire ail avez thleHmap. People wbao haive seen heniofteaivemiles aut aitheir way ta visit th dug wateo.' lf1corse., maIt ai tite ar'cA ui , ite ole do1 whiat they couszider .a"wtpig Indian-s In cudo Lif e maveý s On caninuouly arunlte ludianhomIle. The'lie itte bIousýe is thle bubi) evryae activitics; iruru Ht aIl travel in] theil iLabors; and taroit thle pradIuce Of alIl titeir euergyre)turus. Here tbjey store thleir grain and ias and ite wo()(i1for weviu liTe rtiîkwas biolbsthleir ie seculre and lguardi tbeil ir ar-wýonprospe(rity. Tle' se i fan JIndian tit mIlunity azre Hot gterdaronnd a;ý plaza as i0 Spaiit villaiges. Itey asax l, ttered oer tIl(e-cltIivated feeacb bouse oelokngis cm,1 int Cf boaîltrI l, p rom.1li boys a sue coroaI- rata treieluCIt:ials iw aire mlauliti dti maeitpasbet dians aif pue rommultl muniiities frar riromt riothes, rblile nu Coni Ibeir loîbes sadew --Fram "Tt le Awal< tra-ýzil'-s nuls 15 cali( nud. T itere are 1,3 bili grow Tthesti, auri Ib snmthnfr înL, flf0ll the- Vc )il put i snec irumar0 Ir f10lic ml o re i salat ed o r n IiIuitie(-S, mosl ai tbelbouIses àare imade oa i mur arn rýatîle niit birgittt[cited roof sai paramp rasThe Llue - raaied bous-es are zgenezally langerthan)i the bt hius, tut ite0plan is tlie saie,% Tlue porit iof ftite ludianbon is thte norlrsbýp nitere mosntailt shade fraoib01te gaigsuiigl, ami i-, geond for warkinlite ruaigives tie rail ai litbouse vards off dite shai- rp rdsywind(s, On1lite inajy SOC) antler PREVENT CLOSET rHOOk' DENT.IG MATS ANODRAIGTE 1 FOCGSPONGE RUBBER BALLSO'VER Tfl! [SPONGKjCE WILL HOLO TH ÇfAT MORE -r ci LOTASIa9Y~ lit tpe-

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