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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Feb 1952, p. 2

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s pORTfs COL uM N e lHOSE 'EXPERT vjewers of tihe Ssports scene who record such tingaeet Iyv \oted to lecide who was the "g-reatest - womIan Canadian at'hlete of 15, We naçy be quiibbliin, but we býelieve that while thse selecion wmas perfect, the term uîcsed jincrec.Tise greautet athie of thse ytiar, of' fe*ý,ir sexjelways a question ta debate. But if this balloting wias intended, as no doubt it was, ta designate,, ise conipetitarwh provided the nsost trligarnd spjectaculaýr -ticcees of tise year, there as' much doubt abett ise aýward. 'lhle lonor of bccoring Cýiaada's Girl Ahleeof Distiinctio1i àn 1951 went, and quite riglrto a suub-nosed frecked bit oýf a girl, 17 years old and wihig108 ndwh idubteýdly redlisting as Can-ada's most dramiatîc sïingie figure of 11951. This was pMirenc Stewrta poerfacd bundle of olfin dyunmte f rom olssiure- Fothiili, Ont.,h captcîred the Cnda Ladies Close and OPen écajponhipqeat AMotreali rollin Laviur-le Lac inks.$ lmree might go dw in golfinighity as "be Littie Chi1 Whoi Played Lk a Wolmani. For hier -lhe wais, ulyv 17 vyears old, a imere s'lipoùf a girl who hand 1neyer fiaced such crwds ou W. cb cettos before pittd againat anme of Amica's best. Let us paint in a bit of the lakrudta a Canadian girl athlete' finet performance cfte year. Marlene, the Moighty Mite, in acicvintg the- firat "double win" by a Can-adian wjoman ine Torontos Ada McKmeic turnetetricle ini 193,. eliminatcd Marjorie Rowe and Mac2 Murray, two topnfotc-h US players in tlse opening rounds of m-atch play. Thatt thre stage for a grueliing 3-hole final agaý*inet Gracé Lcncezy:, totieCanladian open champion and onc of thce beFt wornen amrateune on ttice continen1t. WyeeMarlene held a shaky nue-upYleat tde 35th ount ihe trickýy ck n ine at:LavaI, anld haddor tble finial ioewt h kuowledge that ber pner"fuiopponeut was gcttiîg srug having erascd a one-tme threeup margin. The chips mere dowui, Thýis wa,-s it. And wee Marlene mei:tbte challenge. Sbl'uue her slim shouiders aud hoomned a tee-shomt rigiit dlnwn 'th ic ddiilk. Grace Lenezyýk duplicated t ie feat. They b !oth maede the greeni in tbree. Marlene stroked ber 18?fot Wut wtbiu incbes of tlice cup, while bMiss Lenezyk mjssed ber 15footer aud ceed M arlc Youth marchs on, in sport, as it always has donc, btt m'ore decisively than evýer, Ir. Canada a 17 year old girl becomes thse top athiee of the year, Acr'oss, tlie lune, b-y coinciden1ceý, znothecr girl atillirît her teens is namied the United tc girl athlete of ds tinction for 1951. Maurecn (Little Mo) Coninolly', the second youngest player ever ta win thse United States national tennis chamrpionship, blazed bier way ta this honor 12 daysbfoeshie became J7 years aid. There seema to be ani interesting moral in tiscentý'ined upsurge cif yout iii sport. It mneanis, wc think, thatthe 'kids are getting into sports competition at earitr ages than ever before, anid tiere's nothing wroxng with Ii dt., Tt meîuns, broadly, that instead of a nation c.of olookers, we're becoring a nation cf par- ticipaint%, which i& a great deal better for botismoral and physiîcal wemIbeing. Vcour commente rand su,ýggetion)s for this coýoLmn wi«Il L b wkon by Elmier Ferguson, c/o Caivert H4ouse, 431 Yongý,e Sf., Toronf),o. AMHESIBRGONTARIO Provinicial Curling PIaýy'-Own Dates,- Da)'teýs fo(r1provei c crlng play- dowuis in Britishs Coluimbi,5Aisert'a, Saskachea a sd Manitob)a vere BiïtiýslisColum1bia lead off inci tie playýOff quest aviicIs a'ii end next IMarcil in innîIIipe,,avienchamp-i îins fri-0 everyý province squiareof ià tie round-robncmpetitin for- the niatieni's rfiost prîzed( curling bab l ise- a nadsBrier Tankýard, militic of Catiadian Single rIfmkstprem'acy, TJop culýlersý trom tis Pauifc Castprovince will t.rek nlndtIs the ftiing' t ' f Kimeoy for Aixdays cifcmpet- ition wiich aili get uniderwiay on, Feray 4 and et-d February 9. Crac curerdfen Mantoby ata ditioiialiy tise province te b[eat wliscn Bier tue c ils areund ecish yea-r, 'wil start thicir cwn prviniiim- atosat Wnnpe o Fhrar 7, itlis play ceuntîning unitil es ruary14 - Edmouton al! jw ti s ale cf a audden-deabatde on Februay 16 between nýort!iseru suld sotiseiru AI- berta clamlpion, ,witlis ise ainer ca fi ise nil poicstorclisat tliug or dti nse ibttcry ts Aay; late in ise mois at Ssacn aitis piayscsdue frtavodays, Febrny 22&23, ern pronce suiltke possesion cf tÈhe Brîtisi CnoI roise, m bislratic of speayir tiseir T'O dateeIicnly luepoica c'isaîsipin asbeen dcae witbi retitionLisatwekit QebcCity foýr the riglist IDrepeset ii .prov- imce. STRIIÇES versus THE PUBLIC Hwcent wepren tie-ups in3 pubflc utilities cor in otberidures such as thle distribution of a ia food, wbvl-ere ,tlisecouvenieu)ce, safety und somletimes even thIe 1 ftbe Tpivote -itiz(,niisinlvd That is a pmrblem we muet suoivr wu face a complete breakdownl cýf or soc;Mty. 1u recet miioliths we- have had some btte and costlyepeine We hiave seets our railroadls parayzd wibh every idmutygreat a. smal l irougisout tise ceuîity i'nmediately afcted.VWe have sceen ecommlercial rnotainservýices ïin agreat city nd ! its Suburbs hlafted for ahirneat three weeks, ithere have been tisrats to shut off' fulel for ceOking and heatili'g in scores cýf tisousanuds )fhomes, Tisc sort c)f tiîg simpl)ycat go on. Wbiat is tise soýlution)ý? Complser arbtrain ithut stoppage cf work has been u gesMed "d tie Ontari Goernrenetit iisssnderistoodt is nùwcosi%,n support cf labor unions and workers W 'oul net be ufcin Tieeare Seme thlings that a Iaw catinot douo canotdo ell On(e cf tisem is ta maean unwiîig person 'WOrk * To really proteet tie public as nuceeieAncd obsever bas sug- gestd te 'he Fianciali Post; tce prevent tile private ctznfo cn useel as a p n luindustia squabbles, essentilservics muet bemai- t ained, To do this when arbitration às rjected thnmeauns rouiAtb provideil Pr: lise dismîissal cf tbcose r-efusýingt' wor- wrk saifatriy Effective policing te preventmaconens from ýdefYing tie lw ad interfert % n éibtiergisaof otisers tQ work and, fial- Provision fer operation of seniserv-ices by sub-situtehlp, if îleuaaay by tce miliia fil our Conwlicatede0, ;ode cco tise publiclaasutyd- îîetbkKt on tise continucws funrtionlinlg cfits grcat pulic uiltesVe "ute4 asure way cf tkeepýiing tàhemfurictioniing, --From Tht ianil ,t CanDiacn NtonlSportsmen'sShowa Ao mo hedin ce Comieum, Toronco, March 14 1ta22, are these il1-year-old wins, Joan and BeverlEy Turnbui , wih VWanda UttIeCanoe cf l eSx Nations Indhismrsevaon nor ranicor, Ontai". =0 hmre exhibitors thon ever before, new atractons anid feaýtures anid a cmltl ,different stage and wvotr revue, ndctoare thc*t the 1952 Spoýrtsmeýn's Show wilI be biggeran be:lier tho(-n e-vv. So sponorcl by the Twooo Anglers'and Hunmtesoiatin in m cneet f conservotion. This Mlother WsA Poe Care For Real IndividuaTisýt SeeG re Thr r ew stolnies âblot my Indisa tnw wlsee suelived se) long'wbcis ills litiebettrin- One of theise tpicaîetoSies abouC ber wa told o n occaioni er sud a bakt'ur aas fîuga:1tj,1aise'L i elbIut V more ! st1mpa' tissu aise-,eded SI" 1t 1tise rneu.OnIisda, ise a,ssiedfor a tbi-e-U(It tan-ip alud te'deedP tweuy-dolarbil in jpayment.:1LtS liappeîî3edislat t'ise pns fiescah l esev was Io, suid tIsy coiduII't 1isandle tisaitIimui1 lmýnuey Thiev were -Cquite ,wil liig v) trusýt ber, but Mana abisorred ndeteues ad iseCtisoulgist of owvinýg anbodI tir wel-rese, aialîle Minsuil w lc' said: L4adamif it: "%ill bec ou- veiueto youi eau ci1ngUe yu nînl1ny.' Slise lsnkdim grcinusilý-; ly: sud wl(eil l b 'ise aeSion baid eI-)cCrc o 111 1ý2'Led il , sa .-id: ý' 'JISc pi arlMtisrouglas. Perbaps ylu will bell nme wb!O yen are." Said lhe: * 'i arn Reverenjd sc-ud- s, tb isnew milinIister noise !Jnited ltieauld sud si'1 airn glad-t,2 inetyo, ir. 1 wan tc: te s. ýiake baulds wtsapreaciser wiso is able te change a ,ttwenty-dollar ih1 My oterxvs cOnispiculyI oldfassioed.Nceerl, îicmy recel- letodid aFisechiangeliser mue cf dresa, or berihabits,1or .ber op)in1ionsi , By retfloîsi te alter tise fasison cf ber cloting, aie claimed tt isecould bc in styl-fora bncI erio-on1ce abouitevr D1 ften trîcd te givcet era Iew modem cveniences ici her lîttie, bere, ut isepreîferred aprmiiv moen ivinig, and isad ne use for labo-sig gadgets or elctifles V/heu tlise GreatDeresinfi-si struck and dtis anksail Uvertis cunJtry veIe cloai1îg, and V pople )y tise tIisou.ýaJsad wrebcmg bakutovemnýigjit, Mýfarnla tec1h ionro0e villc-'s11main stÏ.reCtfirat o oD adeand sotii(i ise otis er-- gù oinDg into vey plaec1 bsns Tisey telni aie ssok hrcane i-ntseface of each lproprietor (witb ail cf wisomseisad la ire-a acquaintance) adsaid: "epeare il, a pniTisey are taking A1Il teit Ooe uf t f s ak eybr Tiisiswht asbatiks lý,3 ai. Ail tise mcey I posss is Jitis bank Merein OMeevile. amrnOne takinget ont eny ndIdo' want yen te., f Ifl Iltie bsns e lev heir mroney in ttlebank, it vivilI net la1"Imîn apy o add tisat tise businless m-en fojjowed bi goo açvice aad tsebanvk c tin1ued 1ta uO n-Fo 'ieto Remmbe,"by Lleyd C. Douglaqs. Suede fachints long a faroent in couutry seting, ba"vegoue tA tomu iu a bg way. (oîî us c"ats auid jac'eqa as ;e, s lbats ail cf coin, fi uedei. aitiougs sedeis alierit is (1ot an~ ~ ~~~~n aà-etîrmîrl u ýi i dlry onut ifiu~c to a beavy ra or SnOwfAL lTis ay rob tise IeAM Aerois niLdrug it outam- Pily(su ai ng i àt ncrack. Keep seegarme-lî1ta a aifomn tise irnu;iun pi-essçingvitsa co rule Ifa sedegaýrmeut is tvrin- led, lttu i ang ,usually takes for soe tulle bu it carefuliy itsa soft 1bristiebru ipayiu1g closoingý1j su pCkCet edes. A oIt scar proectacolar isuduekie ten ise akeup suad prprto pnay mark Yt keep) it in a plas'tic stoag bg, bUt dou't keep thei garmeiut toed sncb a bag Lîr ",nl excesiv pcriud And in auy case, do ot store it in a bot place, like lur, it îv',i ry on1 t. Neyer attenî)t bo so-da suede. Cleaniuig fluid î isioo-t hrn fui to0ld3e. Even if tie sot is, smail nue, bel ak isegauln to ad la epneferably uevisa cfle air jcare if tbeýy arc bo give fui1 liea- ability.Deki5aedlctan soiild be kcptfordeafocaios dnesyb-t is-,arc sturdy enougis glov-es c)f ali wo)rk sund sitnid up unider biard use. Tisey are imoat suitabie for.drivig sudsports. SQUELCH! Au n mderlaker ýouîîd a;jdue lyiîlg dead inl fronit ocf bis pretuises, and went iufor-m fth police. "What_ -fill i do witis it?"lise ske bis officer i'î c'harge-. 'oa ilisit Bury it, or cors-, tsid ftiseolce _r Iaugiing. 'o ;ieanui erak aret yn?"Tise undertaiker loe ii straigbiti tise eye. 'Certainly Iarn," be repjied, "butI tisuisT cnîy r*)gbtto oreamouuld and :in- form ise relatixca SEOICIN tablets lton occording t., directionsït a airae.way to iniduc*e3skep or quiet the nnbrves WII*I tense. $1.00 ImWas Nearly Crazy l With Fiery Itch i- jel i8voveredi Dr. D.D. Bonris amcaical1r 1.t trellel - B. D. BDr- enl1tls. cri popiilsr, t le pure, -ocelleS.lquid mnedlcatlse nqec l ïâreacetndI co r re,l 1If ll lot soit scier litho treibiesTrial tiotte, 43e If lest applicatIonci vo thse mnotent u lleh or money issei. A5k trggist for 1D. T), ProOrlpton <r1$lsryoretr rcv- *.Uassîtaïs; .!,nir PA v 1, 1 IItX REO 11RB ESS9 cf , Oct , or., ou rai, e"-nk chink for aga o mca . to al n ct ion aottc attr eesaii Verge Ona1- twety-euryeas c caofu seecion and isredîngTise hav te e gLd oeaus 'ce ant he vry bcc kad o cheke fer cr om ~ocs~ -sie ieos n faly au 1 esresegsz n unffrmiy l3rre Rona. hiteLeg born, Sssex ColmbiaRocsrWsct ROSI BitEEDS r chiise -W frWicte, n d 'ver. Coasbreeda, pu-~ for rie t9 esoie bloud MNiANu CLE$ANIM; ar '~ te asos y5ur7uesH-n"154,e 1101 '"ic in,'r'rive fOuth cL VEEALI Ce etrgtrs.olctl ceont cf bien in c niuo v-tt Prodele tti. 7-9 T Lgo 'ira, oonb _______ 'r NO I('loer ~sawpd ISMNETf24Lb. $451. 45 Ibs 5511: 70 lbe 0ll0ri Stps pitn ricd Oi p i -ng Pt ietali, ni rcto 1',c ylne 'vlSt'ig n vle sea. Lcn~ uodcrUnitd Staes ad Cacdicc CR0SACR F"am-% bue 2 *aè rasi'th hyre; dilot wli.n - S -noy 'CLIS twE 7cts arnseta b' Ioucicerstee iv ayouoi tiO5 bu ovts efdfl u av ie hoe laisfacionguitit0cio. Etradis Ionsof -i aou irc$i iespi icg n hatia lntq3atIn . CatLc11 ii so ivoe toe,,fanleraon, r- ccdoh ook, ec. t~ n_-Ite Je iteo Mail Oren Biviin 10afrce\ic od in5~,StretsvllF3,ss epa__;c 1POST'S Eý-CZLhMA SALVE àANinH iciglentl îr en cor a nene antiisetiis sie nicslee 'ne ' et' u - ~ ~ ~ 1' Sale wll ci îaplcItou eï- PERwrm imle at aiîtfatat.wI SotPOST'S REMIEDIESFrc F "OR fBA1.DESS A ND FALLING HMI - - THAUA MAIR RESTQJiE9 R'tLTrs CIT-A RNT E E Don Monoy BaT b V h.~ alui D Hrbi tmibutora.o 1C71 ), Dvie S treet. , 'Tacoovoer 70, B tish IE'N ANDWOK Hý. AýAIRDRLSSE-R 4DNSL1AfINC SCUtIOL e .2Har d re SIS le, 'fsead r sucedstul MarVel gýr1uups tilustratede Catalogue Frýea Vrite or CaO! IlAIIIYtSSING cRO0uLî5oý "311r St W., Tojrnto M4SAgStHamllton MÂ.DE teolesuedresises, lin.gerie. çltdessaeld me's wear eret- t itet stylesluid rfa br leCs rire allIe. Evry gýarmen t factWom, gcara ntîeed îgs etcm1,lnii ccs ý late,0s1nu es Writ Britf1 ilsknis,'ear Ltiitied. Sjiýee.iOn $18.00 AN' EVENING FOR Tu ar lm.Juýst 5 Easy-f ree A NTEED0 P1BOIqfT 9)FER. il-Frost 0- R1fl, Oric'ent 34 Netnmua ret fhs e Idy witb ac-oltihe r 1Arkb discevery cf teag. Saca Polo cna haîr rli] eet. ,I1 EASY TO QUIT SMOKiNG UseTebcce Eîmiate. a ,centtie bertl. O, ex 73, London, Ont. PAT ENTS AN Oj-VP',! er1lncnlo-'Ls e- VetinsR ni G l iformatin eni fres rhWlmao ~ eîteeiPtclAir ny 7 anis Bîert, Ot s I F'ItTHItRSTONHAI'GB ot of Le Fa ga îet.Treeioohio cilne, COOR Ce-v oraigeastedfrmm o twe VOtr-t-adits al thefut, ade d t ogfs, Bîndas, Otneyo digest yu k bive np ceciof lie loel maysanot digt tre ln .as Érybeaýs CatraLitti et rer, illa.tHel'ime, P illa 0wy bave the-so ad.Ol 5 froen any druggis4t. 1 hlE

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