t u uro eite20 sou twb yo1 i CCýi Davis an bi Ou sîl to ioe TenyIr. Ye ticitîsr f er uedluth hab!ï its n' Jsý it isnalt sun - duoIli, a n ci woild tbe'ic onue!niglif a wvc ek. 1ICs juilsf as \evi. s aiiDt a'greeab'l)yv"Mca. HToopeýr Ïas sc ine tof01,ob thtNcigbborhoiBig Uion, anclI1,1 be ouf, ton,"*' T11e11Ce-roctiltings rîuMs Houpe'r and otherlbbtauso în qtber atmnîbose cos hy Fr example, bbc Reka wcr couiterti"]fasî'." The Broun wectfalltbey appearti f0 be Bit by, bit Phiil ani1 otatapet theisevesf0 hei oe lu, Tcyiý antijobi] buignIore. îtnhyfc pl r dtiits drab tIlîneIsIcî_ hntii. a cuion exresionon is faceIi f0 ler uesion."Bb Ta hciia vlîen smeone nw arrives \\ crs Houper ws lu)totia ýiSlî uvasbiisgdoue SheI ntiet, h P i ai , Dotisarti Ic'ýiscioe icvtJsnc(ltienty it c aeecrti- hc ut mb lIauglerlýaI site la ,c cxcbye u ori ttsonitî as W tiseif il](a-alag S. .,director o"f FrdamUniver- sity's eismu,ý%iil nbsrvatoy, s ibeen latin bcwco ebagesi- ns t He ani luscolaus dbave yeLt to' deteosin wba caues lîese icro o prognostcat' theweat!ras i niovesfrom est t east sti nxvicb licrefore indicat tbe dstane of be siockfo b r~koring tacbue, icro fis Ic wavesare ecordd a arîi{e v- brto. utcae lirfre a Center in LkeLi, . Tca, nc bt~U.sl IHvr, ide at Hde ppk, 5 ot the "ource Iltbewcubt nd vibr'lioss, seond -~pf n C-do' t il t uton 1-rush r lit ift wona'tbc.onmti arkeî iii quatiti- ties unltil 1953. ut theilreI cime s usig nw sobti rai saiti fo be foi100 f0 1000 te companyKnilif asintotnct by the 1 eeaci0Dr. C.pA. bh 1 Ascaion fribbc Advance- *l t ( U a ý ( Ntafrilise, Kiinm is soil ctidiboner wijctifo telfa-s TuhOn Tr~- lThispicture, taeOt (a spe;d cof 1/ýý15,000 -cf ai second, shows- whatl happens whvier your auto tire, properly inflatied, strikes a brick at a s;peed of 40 miloýs per holir. If is otire of a scries cf photos ircade by en-ginleers at Seiberling Rubbeî' Co.. ta study effect cff Ob- stîacle5 on irets ot hligb speeds. Feeing Time APt OcJk PRidge - À oka places an alumAinL.mI-. jack-efed uranium ,siug in a fuel channel-- openinig af one of ithe graphite rectorCs that make up the atomiic pile at ~i Ridge. The-ý natýural urcrîium -is!uqs, like lte one c being. inse-rted above, eg 2.57 pau-,nds ecich ar Theinlrnîns er nxtm-ill - L* o o ings lu -otb Carfo -, % îi b Le Apalachians near J, ' t 1 e1 p eo- "s[Ilbor er. A trf:oiag laiti indicaeti thl ' lt csorent keesi q apoint o)Ver Lk Eie LatirLyîc'irs btpoal cet(nIiinm at inti erue$42.) Rate ni application , ic tc- pedrutetp nitertn o cSncentrafioss i rfpercent f0a utufori rte.Bot il surfa! ce-antie Sîsce uci nisîuIc annnsi desiabl 10usea dluet hei the irce lowin poxdcr, hci be tis, rta- ile uaud11 insplîir- tiw u lfli frltt t iî cb p fainfatla thee.pctedcu,- aecvsurce cu anic(1Ipattira cdugeaï b Krlnc sai ficxe atct cenl nomicl eliii onrt icai Aiteroil ecnssc llI. i h iclî id are four ice'og subsquen grwtb f te grss r for prmannt poteci plagaînat Th otilone od sc gune ae ernintn n eoi th srfceaplictinofiliu is effectie j3teamctjfawet vrietmy- fasit types. uhmla Econons advantgcs oI ring lu cmparspiswithvarlions surface tion, lack 'qf(flammalilitrstance q to wund vilabîiclit uIii areas wbere muichesare flthcb tai reaiy lnd savigsipran1spo rtalti, sto- Kr, iiiliuolî1nîaycbe useful in gý ire bousesl , :sie n30 t 0 per cent. crue ogan -ý ic as1s uch asipeaI mos an cmpotseostny mns ttlem t inary'% greenhouse stand wh j san anvIlerm u perlo; suaLty)ï nate cosîiderabte nfc ilu an mlcin vitilo, aic Maer,u prove sot acrati n foIpttcd and Eve tgh sutae ratetsWm aid nfilratiti ad drinae, hç are mporaiîtprocsseswhensur face rrigaionsncb s tha use How,:i ý4DcpecW Horses. Th'Ie dpigof rcbossis bcad-1 Unie lnews to-ay.Tbce's ondubt tba toropigbbire-ds are "go)t at fîom itimie to fne.b-y usrplu inivduls;ad i'loiuterctig to rucall,,oime of fibe prfclylgal, blut smcba uorboox mtods bagsuptosrtblteeay dysOF tbe Turf. 01ne oftb flicrst onrcord ws Gervas Markam. wiorvalt tbc emytes ofubis cig to the worl ni1599 wtba -",rkCIenîitled: "How t-o Cosekide, Taeauid nPing-borses." '11(l!'[l] Uc explahi, somcwlît obionly tJiat you mua t rs ick a1borse wbse;sap, onjnaceanide- 1:uiaouir gv nie ofspeed.- On tbc mlorn1ilg of tbe ralce, atrbig iîgyolur bret t cko dict f st !,ladtoas vaicdvice brakat i aewite lof, ntrj ptastcd. soaked in wiî, n tbeîîbcdried u bew cnot ctots. iberie;ti noix\ bt one foinasrvc fo\iOlul peîýrniform.U amc"l iy t fl you mutb itb str ,ongcgrtand bof itlintbc ai idi' lnotrlil 0makng tem t fo-,r tbe recite ofl I fore Ibe off . . . "andian beOuca btm antOi yoursel lt, -irGod. l:,1 An ( ro ur o that centry it soccoiigi da astefut n1oue ofe htlu'it -ycar-olds aboult face tb alaruI and.ecursiosf rccouitre ibut.lrst but tborouly coniti ofed to noise- and acordingy deceedtat sqi sbul1h fo f ucxeccly .-slu their cou-binsandtbat at ercis cîcoîîerduî-ald-fi)CLfc buds t Anotber, 1( ortbodox owner io- tl'atltie :was L r tasgwwb (11vhe Iperf iousanc2displeaC"u Uc als, o bd i ayofaing sunth- rnily w'itb slIsrats; e ce tbrNew- a water eck-fd-ro nt t blyme wido ilactisb bCoït, br k iug bis eg and asing other inl- juries.Wbcultes irate 1managerl remoostratedwitlî hlm, islod n tbe ilI ohm ae waif ias. on"by s 16was d e la st oasn aîîd1lli Oaks sutuf le aces at New- Epsoncmeeing 'of 1801. trintbe poor fellow l n1ly whicb llie wsi)so auxicnus to r itibi pend! onif, thaýt Etanrs abllo amr 'he cfui ni]î lc dead.lTe rsnhati nly imîiClf ubaeif, a fehas ae, b faldtlack tewne of bettls gvn te IPaul rigbf ofbr muin aoneiýs in bis vcry reaabt bok, Tbe Turlf o Ld" ;1 notable conltribultion to tblifrature of rac'ýing i)Greautl3ianHeas ('f tbehadol dys li'ma nu tro f a dice, anid wbnhe gencrl zes2',t for gmln is perbl"aps Lutfcpitonîizd by the prince 01 t!(ltm at, Cbýarles Jaies -Fox\ , wbo yanigyasserî?d tbýat npxt winnl1)ýing aI g a Iliog ibe lovcdl lusing beat. Onw of t otfi asOý iitte Wage-rs wastlat cn i teDueoQucs berrwy, whu a Ilfl ner1Uity ito t*et tbat lbe cotidispa tc leffer lfy m1iles tb an hour -iin days hes tbe awifcs tansp)ort vaStfbc stage H is oppolienit msîst Ibaveconi- hie snc te ue ncos ueletr il] a cikthall, wiblie handedc fbgroundi' a mesî ( ircl!e for HZe PaintS FPi Ctu1r es. On Heads 0f Pins WbnItaliais rtit, gidin us clIi, btsanil îibtof 1 i bs wokcacb paiotiinlg cau be seen by ouiý lyne prsnata tue. Viw- crï,ýshi suybis pictures tlbroiugh th -e blus nf a higtî-pnweret mer'ope. paini ii ixladcaeiaol poirtrait -nulthe1beatis ni Lordinar pins. c wi Il qever make an;y i ~Iior o4 tbese inte nssterpiecces, be- cau is e the ',tralinli ivo vet I lilas eostý bonl the perfect sight of bis Ikt work, it la euirprbydm Art experts wbo bave studCti bis wýork are amalzetdi at the anioiint of tictai1lin the paininlgs. oqiý latiscapes shlow cloutis , il b skiesý, tesantI srubeynciy bittsal an ti nfbr items tbtae fr,-euetly iguloced min ormalul sized pictînres. wotild reti birbrlineutr 'Of a, brsh lbe Lseti a single bi frnu tbe back niho bImnt. CA CAALE WMTI1 A GADGET MADE M SCREWVING TlRrEE 'BOTTLE CAPS TC A Pl ECE OF EBROOM HANDLE. JITTER. ________________ By Arthur 1~ointer y- v. rA~.t c~~t s ~ -~... C C-s O.C.a» <S~ IÀIII Ele mie-oINT N 03 ýl vl' ---------- iz: A F