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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Feb 1952, p. 2

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1 SPORTS COILUMN e COURAGE IN the sports world i. Like Christmlas packxages, Tt comles in a.,ssorted wvrappings, some in gaudy coverîng, withi glittering ribbons, some mnodestiy reserved. Sqme courage is Pysa.Th te George Hïainsworth, Shut Out King of his day, piayed an entire gaie for Canadiens onîe one. nigbt ith blood drippinig slowiy downl his sweater front. His nose had been broken by a practise shot just before the garme started, Ching Johnson played for Rangers withi a broken jaw, partialfly protected by a steel cage that covered bis head and face. Eddie Shore playedI with one ear dangling, bis_ nose broken., teeth knocleed out. Somec courage is mental. There's (theplerafitd it an infertorîty complex, 1io rallies bIis faýlter!ng coulrage and fighits flot oiy thle oppositioni, but 1his owni fears aniducran ts.There's the player woIGca1rnes onin xthe face of lheart- breakin-g faiiy tragedy. And ali litese constitute cou)trage. But y o)u can' t mensu3ire physicai courage: and h1ardihlood as againlst h les-specacuarbul t qualiy galiant omental courage, Sowe're flot g'Oinjg tosa that a littie feiiow nmdGerry McNeil, woguards the ,nets for Canadiens in the Nýa t îina Hlockey Leaguie is the mlos-t Couirageouis thiete Df ithe monith o er. Theremay bc scores o ohe ldswh aced situation >ust as bleý,k, and rode across the barrýis just ias gallantlyWer 'not mnakinig eompariqOnls. We're me-,rely herCe to record Woh'at w thouht a a1th0at-catch1ing bit of sports heosm f tequiet fortitu4e th Cat istht stamýp oýf trýu-Jvr MoNil ~ setimntLIbo. 1e is ;ýn only chiid. Hlis motherý, had îbee'n 111 for a long time, ber death wvas a certainty, a niere mSatter of time. This is a plight caiculated to unnerve the stoutest morale. But game ;after gaine, McNeil played, andi played weii, dtspite the shadowy spectre of death hocvering nearby. Thle blow came onie ight just asCdes were starting for a t1vL1agamie road trip, in Detroit and Chicago in turn. But McNei.i, sadiy shaken by the.inews, cvEýn tbough niot uinexpected, refusýed to Jeave tise teamn. lis face actuall!y tear-stained, he played i Petroit, put up a fine gaine and Caadiens won, The teamn wenrt on to Chicago. There be played briliantiy, thougis in between perîods he co-,ldnl't keep back the tears. But hie scored a, shut-ou't. He arr1ived back in- time tu reach Quebec City anld be presenîl at bs 1mocthers funieral, a, tryýinig ordeal iii itîcif. Therme vas a1 gamei in Montr1eal thýat very nlighaaiit oonoLeaf s The clbmaniagemenlt fiîng th lat MeNeil deservýed a rest 10 recover poise, offered to get apa ce et.utMceLudclined. "h repiacement iglht e betterthnmbtimgtpsthefm when 1iw're go-ing Weý ii, esad"IIpy. And play he did. His mates fought ssvsgeiy to protect M,'cNeii. OnIy 15 ýýhots were thrown at himn, tbough Leafsbos thse second-best scoring line the League, the Keïinedy-Sloan- Smith combine. Canadiens won, 3-1. And when the gamne was over, it wasn't around the goal scorers that tbçe players gatbered. Itwas rud McNeil, shaking his hand, anid pouniding hi-n on thse back, a tribute to courage, to a trouper wbho hsd nmoFt gsllanrtly upheld tne ancient slogan of sport and the theatre. The Showi Must Go On. Your comnmenfs afid sugcasfions for f1iis coIumn willI1le wlo b y Elmer Ferguson, c/o Civert House, 431 Yonge SI., Toronto. AlIR'BRONTARIO Timely Aclvke About Buyin a used car is a risky 1purcl business, as countiess motorists j I. bave found out, ta their sorrow. Tise following tips on tise subject, passed out b thtie Toronto Better Business Bureau, migbt save sorne of ou.r readers considerable imoney, tu say 2.U notbing of grief. 3.I (1) Patronîize a repuitable dealeýr, 4. doni't buy it ,a librry; purchase a car only in daylighft. (2) Do not psy attention to the 5 eecorded niîlecage. Lool, for wea 6T* and tear on, the upholstery, wich i isquife often the besf guiide t. mnileage and care. PatIs on thie l clutch, brake or accelerafor also are pretfy gooi indcica1tors. It takes e .ý about 6,000 miles to Wear thlese pads c thirouigh. $9 , 3), Drive the miotor- abouit halt 10. an -'bonir until the nmofor is bot. n Wiatcb the oil gauge on1 the das- D board. If the pressure is low when Chase you go aiong about 25 iles an do so boure the beaings may be worn1 sider or loose. As su (4) Lisýten fo-r noises in the gear on SI box and ait the rear end where te wil dr.ive shaft concecîs upI it the if yî back axle. Noise nmay miean b1adiv carny woru p ýarts. be su (5) Test theý car on a steep bilI, sale AIse try 1pushing idown antI letnting îiy st up the accelertor quickly, Tis wili finlan shlow motion in thle (Iutcbý,tra- su ad c' moîi«o,etc. loans <6) AIfter the road teýst siboe, diffeîr zihe motor andI riin your badoVer nmcecs the radiator in front of theý fan. if Vi ce thecrc-e ae ool spots on if, it'sa - good inidicýation tihat teewili be radiator trouble ahiead. (7) if theie are more thn a L Couple of inchets play in teseinig whl whe"1ýn yctt rc -nil, with tbe-i Kinger tlips itiniidicat fethat theIl steering rmechaniiism lis worn oar (8) Dntbuy a car wb1ichl is out of !une. "Cbçck tol, sce that týhereax W wbee('ls foliowthe same trcas tde tiont oios W1nthe cr i moing Nof, îu a stratighline. f Jo5_11 (9) Wthhdalcbrake-iif Cp Û the brake pedal graduaiiy eezes M dolwn tu the fluor board whn oU oîep o irmyif i i gu of- etdiý îulluthec mastecr cylinder or -,;h rîs ithe wbieeîs. mulle Refre rei sigul a coctrac to f0 (rom ig A Used Car baseý, get the followviig tacts: Adequate dlescrip)tion 6of thc car (naâme, type, mlotor cumnber, surial nmlber, anîld year if defiinîtly kcowvn) and any ac- cessories ta be incided Theý cash p lice. The down paymàenit. A description of the pr*opýery to be traded in, if acY, andI the trade allowance therefor, Othecr credit allowances, if aniy Tfhe differen:ice bteuthie cash prlice andI the aggregate ofth dow'n paymenûlt anIdallowjancesý. Description of pol-icy o ýfinir onice. The amlouini of tha finanjct charges. fotal amount ta be finan.,ced. rheý niunber of instaliment psy- nents. 10 il0f sigul a contract to pur- Ie a car if you canntafford t o. -A deposit is genlerally con. ration <or ;a bindinýgcnrat uc,Jit is flot refunlidable excçpt peciflc agreme t uon tilt ignless of the dnier Io refuind, n0- slignl a conitraci anid do net yout your agreemnt. you may ueýd for tlle balance- due. The of auitomilies bais been, great-î Stimlulated by t1ime paymient ce. Timle paymentm coctracts cha;rgýes are often cnu~wt tand initerest, îLegaliy, tbey are en.Afiniance tcharge is not ~GLISTLESS, OUT 0F LOVE WITH LIFE? îv!olunt iyen le to jump auf of b.d feelin fine? I t2p to P;ar? ., . pou mey suiffe ein anm cs ystain. IM yenare cnsiatelpur may net digestfreya oybls 7sur stomseh .. . ail the rue & nti spakla o ýut e)f ile. Thet'N when yun"ee ter',, Littia Liver Pille. These rm'la atble- pilla brip'g pois qtsck relet frein 4inaton asud scs help prome0ts 'tte feo flgestivo juices. Bren yV0111 fe] ta Pydsys arehfe,a gain thslotsticartere v teunle? Cet Carter's' LttiS Live y2: hâve tlam eoj hebiî, O4,;1 11 M ýA. TrytsasrnetAu, "'hick amndîiik, 6das i' soIve tise almiiin te rosewatei'0 anid pour th I), trestowly ntq the a aimond milk, beatin-g il- Con- %ien coh Q ,Whit (causes the littie dropsu of syrup that often friironc the; top of meringue? A. Uing 00 mch suga'ruua. iylï; cassti.Foi. pies, tue Cor-. rect proportions are from onetoc fIve tabiepoonfus of sugar to ead-h egg mobile. Q. How canii 1remnove ùou or grease stains from browni or tan shoes? A. Use lemon ,iuice for ithis fse Q.Flo.w canti remnove thse white lining on oranges witb thie skia? AThs witeiinng illcome oiff with thie skin if thec orange is soaked in boiiing water for five mIinultes before peeling. Q. Hlow can I make ea good A.*Mix necup of cigar ashies -with tLwo tablespoonis f bicar.- bonaite of sod. riig to_- a smnooth1 paste u-ith Water. Use on a CdeanI Q. IHow ca-n I avoid ie disssgree-, abile odor from rendering fat? A, Place the kette contalining the fatinil the oven. ,StarfthelL fat onI.1flic top nf thie stov ad he bieted f]hrouzgh, place ti amd erate oe il it is fnised Q J.Howý can 1 restare the bright- neomsto s .'iduli brass article?' A. Soak the artic for. abou't a hIall houlr in- a pîn]t of boiliing ater,' to ýbic a bie ýýrock :amml-onia bas been added Aterh bs heci re- mjoved from this a',poihwt flu one aIhtiet, re tece near oui famim wsiabit oýf landI of threce or four acres, bal opeuibai covered wvîi ha, (ew growfh of treeýs, LevelCspaces d regular ýidges mdcitplain tlaf mac hd -)nce ,bad soýmetbïing to dlo with this piece of soil. Thiere ;vere iany sucb places in rilortl.ern Michigan,' knoovunas. "Ludian gacdeiis," thec grands jardins of the eariy Frenchb. Our genecratin of ýiidians di- owced them as thieir hialidiwo!'k, nor had the, any legecds about their origins. Whecce came tOn garden es ? WhViiter did they go? Thiese li]dýaiî gardens were amiong the-cunfath- omecd mysteries of m1Y boy- hlood., Corin, was the staple arteile f indian agricullture, and at the edge of tis garden nearest Lake Michi- gan were three deep,fun-sae pifsIIn I hIchwere the remains of cbaqrred corni. No doubtte old, gardeners had cacbed in these pifs charred ern acd crcae.the ' YeýiloN cakes of Mnamn"as Hinovaha calied them, alonig with- maapie sugar, the tbree mnost nutri.- lious sud appetizicig fooids on! wbhich ouir Northern, Indlianis lived. hoerlaid oufthtzis gaýrden lîca of the sec[ofot signet ring, accor Isroei H. Noe, Epis( Noe says ho re-cr sign of the Iost rn aind by telepathy versai Subconsci< replica seal, about silver dollar, is va 0. rep. Dmon's Dean rister. he de.. search "uni- Fi e nearfly had a tame for fCI: as wel as for corn, antI had piantedthe wl iack cherry, wbicéh produces a vou1bitterish frunit miich liiked by thle Indianis, Aboutii the gardien were perhapýïfs a dozn)f thiere enormous trees oftMis Cherry not to be fouind anywhere. esein our reCgion. Hereýn, is0 wa a ticket- of wvild blacke ph1lume, whichgrewv rowýherce1ese in1 clir part o f tlie botanly,I found rithat thlis ws he C:aný,apum Prmus nigra anid of the St. Lawrence; whoever had pianited tosetrees had trîtaded wttheSt. awrience nin. From ."Thei Land of thie Crcooked Tre"by U. P Heddick. Arragemnts avebecîs co- pletd fo curingpiayemffs iii thce lind, according to officiis in cîreof arneinsfor the Cadnîpiaydownls, owhich are scheduleld for i- j arch ,3 to 7. Litst year DLon Oyiers's aazinig rink1 from Keýntville, Nov-a Scotiat, SWl) troghfive dy. of stiff comptitin wthou deeat la biing thle Maritlimes tileirscodD- iîinChamlpionship sýillce colm- pelitio Oi.or the a vjcdolid's trier Talarld was iiiaigtirated iii 1'927. Tri tiat year al riink skipped by the late ProfeFsser 1Murray Macnecill of Daihosi UverityWaS Su5cces-- fil1 ini coppinig the titie. Since tien), Weeterni riniks have domiîîated the competition, althiough in recent, years teamns fro5n' Easterui Canada bave been mnaking things tougher excery tme Out Thisycar the Marimes airedu- teriîîeid to emntrt that Oyl.. er's victtry WaS cci fltike auid soîe exceptionally strong quartets wiIl be VYinig for the right to traývelIto Winiiïpeg, long regarded as the stronghiold of Cndasfinestcr- UrS. dfrction s la o a.!,wuy ftinduce gai.p I <quiet thé nervea whon tonse. $1.00 coM&echf ou gt your chick b9er it ,Mk alyed chu11put Oflstyer laylng thir beet ighit throuýgh hehi a o f uit ease= "n the piéboe Litie ondr hat, 1ack netted 70e pe heu moe tha 1311. Puy yourliche eariy an ucaechiche withR.O.P. breeun TPNTCH lICE SL uleph Onta aýr îlurlts nSmxe a atd Wrtno feuteet. Teronto, or 120 lohn Nc, !:'Vmiln f blod et o aturnip orcn yun e ch'asel. Al)400RI?,,. 1pedigreeS ock erlail fom hghreordho c oIse ilu oýur raig.Teecih iipyof the cootsx; ea ,peýnny or two mn're, lut S osn xtra ggos at 40e a-l2een i l;c1.00O extra. Dou'tho peuy wiee ail un fols.Puy quulity. AlsoýC td hcs oldorpuilts, roiechioks. Tljrkeypouie TWFEDDLH0110 ACEESLD GALT CI for inimodiýte eiey ,, rder cfrom thiead"! with dpGHt.Ai pulloe $2100 an upo, oc1r1l,210s 0 pa 100 au up; ullate$2100eud0u.nWrite diatedotivry. 'îtChcarios iQitOpt anS sy.fhey ref the reeu1fllzd! ozoeedî hyhvle t e ho goud.heae Mr cent thI vor bot Icid o hSl tor, Su11 x. olomie R c hcs ltocke. famo x Roe Crozbr - Roc x LegornsCrosebrede, New ilme sý uexCrsbredý, ite f,,oraf re f1 ,8Ge. Woodatoc. Antarl eprjng Siivory. ross brede, pur luestckgoermen aprve aIod blood llatbery Box25$,flîinra, Otro DYIOAND (CLEAS-iNO( HAEyey 7IIth;Ina 1,ýO eyroIn8 r 'an aregle teanser ourquestýin. P e' RFOE ËSALE (1ITE yonr cear. truck lor tatrapoe ring andi vae h bwhiio>yeldrive metili ani-ficton eaton cyxinde,. wat.rn-gs andx,]ahve samLlceused ander Unýited ,t a tes aid Cuiaïadin Patents. Price 50prepaid. Bech ale Conimay I.portee. i Palae Sret Londonx,.Oaro graînerly. WHihhydre.dîle el.o paveS oad. -For îfurther Informa tionCon- tact: lxthew Gonrgh or Arthbur Quinia., Strathroy. Otarl, 01110 eovr Oney, 12 fours $0: tbirtes 1.61, mberhoney12 ouirs $7: thirties $4. IE. Downose miblle On t DESTROT GOPHVfERS, RATIS.mu2r, with.out ondangoryine wHIh pI son o trape. lmie. Safe, Sure,. nomain 1100 O WIsh, Garibaldi, I.C. ,x,.'ST ad .gnnrs 1snSfor ec-r 69 tPage untalosune featln$ xgArtIs' Supplies and IPicture Fra-mes. Rend 25e nconte crover pstge oweille.232D lo S.*Wexst Tioronte. AOVACED Regstr Tokshre ors readiy for servlce $75, BreS «its$0. Epesprepaid your station. Hitî Bull Calves 200 Doulas Hlart. Wood- wtok. Transparent Vinyl- Plastic., all e staleS b& aYon.Oder 0w-oa o every wiudow or Sorm oor. Comlets KMt.Smze2U "7. $150ceaWhrepaixI Bock Sales Cmany Im 'rtr'.2s5 ralare Streot. London. Onytarlo. ýxri.fOLRîTE EG4 ATN pcal Intouctory pr-ice nor. ul1dd por180 crtasor 4.p eggLr 2 atos or 101.e. MUlDEýI> FIBtRE ILTP. eSERDS I Try oýur Always Tender Beet. Rend 3()e for satul mifreec atalogue. Ar'tlhur Vesey, Tnýrk, Pniltce wrdl- BrnePouitsare excepËIonaIiy strone ami thriftyl,3 k ecllntTh I lg, VIne, lit AviltbleifhchanS iAprw ~imien HuOn. AMd:eo. Onarlo. -N 'Ct relif. Tour Dugs ei FItM mp-1,1lem-lsan jahie hou nc ne.leilSing lune ofGrfarmmahn nr; ment. Box 728, New t.lsheard. BIRDSOOT IFOIL EmrjýeStan er o an soi. 8.21per lb. Stuani- RASBERY lansNoe1Goeumn MEDIJAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE 1Itlng , 0 sta7Lina. bmb ecem. au POST'S REMEDIES MIENS AN» 1WOMFEN liairdre.nsing Aeia'p Geateel yste rteor Cail eho- ranhes: ,es ç, FI-Ir, te meesure dreIsse, inere Tril denSaS mens wear represeta' Lat etstylosanS fre re ealleîs est ommision oandho uses.pc rlt Brltleh u!tnitwar mitS.Sioe, GOnt.? FOR Tour Spaý,re Time JuetD- as-re mtie bodyfrigerator Defrsers cen ps oou tat. Hndred of bt proefscn. mij' o.Rab naElm, addresfrIUN Mate Cte. tDe i 14I. vNwosare 1Oit s rlo.o heur rooton ',rtynt ouckl tps caiu o Cataogu. aiS1r Aeti)ýaon olg.M. vOntEuýST -Nd fui fïrmioneei ie, f3e ll1mey <'o. RogtCteed PetIl" ACter-ý Sent Simlelto. ret l.hed1990. 580 lo onrneta ok j oýO,(uadv you rmalte. This le agol4en ortunity for frmr"DI.511 DEAL" sleon Prlcing P-rùose(P,0. Box 74, ttom" , Â$ZNGguarauntee, 1Bp)te iye."",g,,e, frea replacemo'nst on mlel's sockean laisSis ylns.enbling yole te 11e very- Ne tvesîeut enuied.Group mInagp inie.WrIte for fros sLales kit . SUp)er- Soxm Canada, 18 Vorl St.. Hamî!lton, Ontý, W A-N TED FOR ccomedauonanS ealqary, Catholleý cul ascook-general aýnS sitn fer rmixeS l arinlng near Tüonte. EXp7eri- ceed with modemn macýhlnerly, pige, ipool- irc and gardening. GoS uture Lfor rîghi, pate.Giye age, refaranros anSd xet 'Toronto. Onatrie. COUNTRY homnes for Cetholic beys, pie- ferably ¶vthin 100 moiles of Toronto anS5 easy distanCc ita Ochool Will pro.vide beeqre su loflhing for R gOOS ccemmçdation and hinSiy earo1. Cive age. personnel of famIlyý7 anS raferenrs., Box lii, 123 Elghfeanth Stmeet. New Toronto, ontarlo. ItCIIuii.ItChumutC 1 Was Nearly Crazy Uni discovered Dr. D. D. Dannis' aemssîng- ly fast relief - D. O. O. Prescrip)tion. Werld popular. this pure, colng, liquici medic.tion s'Peedsea eeand eomfort front cruel it8hing causaSb y. aeCzme, pimpies, mraso .thlete'e aen sd ether itch treubies. 'frIa1 bottle, 35e. Greasoless. First use soothes. checkes r8w raS lOch or mouey hackr. Asie druggist for D. D. D. Proscriion Iodayor exra streg~th)i. ýEý

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