ce Department, Ottawa. Subscription $1.50 January, 1913î ,. Publishier. R C Forrester j DEADFÂRZM STOCK Evans Real Estate Number of homes to select , roin in Orono priceti from' $4000 to $12000 Gooti building lots- for Fuale. Farris for sale priceti fremn $4000 Contact W. C. EVANS Broker, Orono Plhone 84-8 Picked up promptly Herises, Cows. Hifers, Sheep. Pige antfi Calves (We pay for Horses andi Caws) Cal us cellect L-ve hre 2 to 3c. per lb. for crippleti and old herses MARGWILL FIYR FARMS ryronle Phone, BowN-maniville 2679 9 CAI 1 wish toexrs my thianks rny reighiboursý, friends anld for k-indnesses shown duling cent illness, anid ,t'ay i, T General Hospital and special to Di,. Syers. Frank 11 BRtH C14ABEff-4ro Jean tid oy< Crabbe ;at Ottawa Civie Hospital .Feruail1, 1952, a dauglitei Wendy Christine. ca-n supply You Sponsoring Orone Tow ruary 29th prizes will dance priz t* or~ n Peti J't S-1S a 4 Now 192 LSMBIEt,8 MCet the miost powe(_rful Ree"OdItbl ever buitl the alnwNnt-ih a triunmph of ine-car desiin- a classie 1 The sensational new action-star -- OIldsmiobile's Super "88" for 19532! Both bring you the new 160 hiorse- power"Rke" Both feature Oldlsmob->ilte's new Hlydra- Matic $uper Drive- - and an even smoiothler "Rocket Ride"!1 And, in the magnificent Ninety.-Eig,ýht, Olsmnobile achieves a new high in fine-car dlesignlt There's new GMI Hydraulie Steering*-. A sweeping niew "long look" outside! "Cuistorni- Lotinge" interiors - the finest you've ever seen ! Corne ini and see tbern today! NeIOH &ma OlS o PHYSICIAN andi SURGEON Offie fours: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 te .61.00P.m. Suntisys and Wednesdays by ~PHONF,47-1 - ORONO E. C. SYEk, M.D. P1HX¼IG1AN andi SURGEON Maiit Street South Office Heurs: 2.00 4' 4.400 p.m.: 'ýO to 8.00 pim Sundays and i Idayài by PHONE 74 r19 ORONO LEGAL Lawr ece C. Mum, '01. Barrister and Solifiter BOWMANVILL& ONT. TED JACE -N Auctioner and Valuator Conducta Miction Sales of al u1 andi at reasonabi. rato. Communicate wjth hlm a8* PU Perry, Ontario, or see hl@ Clerk. ÂL E. Morton, at Oromo, fer date. JACK REID Orono's Licensed Au3ct!oneer and Valuator Speialzein Farm and Furniture Sales Consufit me for ternis and dates Phale ;r VQ - 0 LIFE INSURANCE Pension plans; Edurational Pellces Protection anlài Savingg Plane fe« Children and Aduits; MortïAgg la- surance pians, F. E. LYCETT ORONO, Ot. - Phone 20 r X The RLJTTER GRANITE COMPANY Dial .3216 - P.O. Box 422 Port Hope, ontarlo STAFFORD BROS Monumental Works1 Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Wkitby FINE QUALITY MIONUMENTS AYV MA,ýRKERS Let us ereet a handsomie, ug niified monument over the rest ixrg place of your loved ee It's net expensive. And nn you kenlcss corir- MonumenLs P. E. DELANTY and SO0N 106 KING ST. WEST PHIONE COBOURG, ONT. 7 3 4M3 This firmi erected the Oroao Mem- orial Gates. Onie of the highest formus of Cant- adian, sentiment is our traditional custom of erecting a Monumenut of granite or marbie to our loved one -- h1-9 e 36 r1.1r