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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Feb 1952, p. 7

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Leýd olff JbY tkr gerbeBe- ing of the IL 'T _ tates, a llng ist of Amierie aenedCn adianhbthir lot ~t IJocle Sam. 1< St rcenitcme from a ;jconig from biag iàbfo woluld , s Is ovr as:pa menclt of Urit'1' pts Common 1ldemns [tl;,- we t ioud e\ the ç omplimex(it and aàsk Amei, is tojoin anda V 'e have 'adS~eteprecî enilargîng our N c w ftr i-)Newfo41 landrs tte o eits sucesJTl1r ",it lbe smiie problem s t wbetheýr ithe 1U.S, w old coine ais 48nw rins or an elevenith province-but1 tatlasox'~h 'wic oudbe lroined iout later We\bavethie raw aterials.Te U.'S. couilld 1supply] the fatctorie,,ý people andfî markets to sufpport thetom. We h1avebilin of do'larsý of U.S. money hre now-anidlikec it-e ight as we 1ll ave the11 pepetoo. We ave sound-ovrmtsan tbey are alwayva1atin]g to takec nmoeanid imore ute. orun the U. wold bea real chaljlnge. It igt ~engive ouir Saesomei- tigto d. naddlition, particu-. Jarlyiiin vrj,-we aa ooio xinemloyedpolitiçians, If the JS tl hik htw F w mibt be wýill:ing to trad ( e hlef country a rt paymnt for debts ilirlu.e- ( wavrd Britaluhe are ano's quite 1 age ýf recltpn&i caeCiadstlibey could r fl tdaim to. lavýon the War o vasfrein I)thevel$t eginnii1g Ottaw wond rmanthe cptl but a wiiiter capital cctld 1),pîl soebe~ in the Southbcsomle aaîsptIike VeroBetach5 1i dx Washgtny). C. i s n w arin beaLchesý. Th~e empty' bilikvg4 qthie cou1ld bie used for over-cvr ded: Ot.e tawa d(ýartmie1itý. C:an4da lbas zdd4tios$4< pï*tua aidvantages. Tliec cliae aireidy gives a lot of people k adeeý-frerLze evry wlNiiter, and we have lots of By r1% tatnadns.sim tiss a mir ceùntury, so die Anericans lbaciet ýter gel, on our banadwaigs. Fro Thle FinanciaE Pt. COOlS cellar While Heatiing Water Sometbing în1ew bu l housebold hecatbng bias been t'eported. The laitest device uses the air in a basemlent roori o lo eat ynur bot wvatur. And as a bonus it gives you cooling and dIried air for tis faile basemiexit roolil -- or anme t-e ro î lu sumrnél if yen, cbhoose. This at-w robot uses les lec- trîcity -- thte only enpense xcp in)staIlatin-- t-n u a standard eletric !lot 'water heater. T'fe report aras mnade by M. S. O1ldacre of tiseUtilities Researcb Commission, Chicago. *Tbe fir-sti hetater was tried in the home of One nf tbe cofmiission emplesýces in Cicago. -The air in the room lablnw by a fanin lto a refrigerýtîing sys- tem. u lsioig f reon tbe sanie as nmost househioldj refrigerat-ors. The beat tht-n passes in a coil up tbiropigb a water tanlk about five feet hig1i, Thie cold air that remnaina is bîno back bte thle oom,, arbere it both dries and cools. lu this home , the hast-ment roeem becameý a qick-lryý,ing room for thle laun- Th(, beat of this basemient room-i wvas ariound (j85 the year rounid, froi t-he flu nace b in ilter and froini outdoor Ibeat in sommler. Lt ar-,as a huid in sommer. -Tlise water in, tie lbe ater aa kept at abouit 145 degrees. Tlre- aras lun, noticeablenincreas e ibui-x- ter due to riuig the baseenlt air. These-cret CI this trick sla'tie fact thlat, Itbýougb thle air is ol at-85 egeeif you concen'1trate tlbc;aiiounit of beat in1 af (,w Cuibic feet of air do ovvi ea fecu.v bic lucjcs itsla h l->tfbotter. Th .Iis snepriiciple bot-ihcbats. cetire borne1,s i0 armnt1er- and ccoola and ?ir-coitionis tbem ilu soux,- mier ulsinig thie air frotoi piples laid d1eep undmer your yard. The, pipe) haeswere dcrîbed by ve o,, - gineers.Tby vsaid this syte l -till to expe nsive for sale to thec Bookas ves? AIilapq i (',tcd ibooksan ildwîicihedr J.twen3000 Ctlers )on the sheclvesj been ieified a« ýs the or of Wil- ,> w hoielived ninfile lSt cenury Thie fbook is siae to bewrt Leetds hoseife, Mr'. jean Morti- For tIle 1!st450 y carfsprels -op'es of books printed bly (Caxton have beenun iling 1up)in ithe most o(id places. Hs"ite e, 0 in heBits Iuseumly fory centures buiedbtihe dusty attic of n old c (outry oue A copj y of iato's "indulgece" 'vas foni ptdindskl anoer bokin] Redford tw irr.The faosand pr icelJeýss Vl Catn"wsfund iiia Roman-Ii Catholiec sem (narina ilng any molre? - Undoubi1ItedyIi. Olyý a j-rction ocf the umbelll-r of bookýs c '\eed ot a inlecopy o ýf 11mn ç< ispblcat lns as eenfounid. whyche benconulyned thef Abe o7 fOuydle'" bot of wibno)trace ha enfound'. Tbrei no onol Oofbi pitdiin 14S;6an1](1 etiri very ulikcly tIat e caseIpr ing duing these twoyer Notb;ing 1has been isevr RobeetuEre of Oxnefod"hie pulseA gni~ Copy of tbisv'old be) et is esfi't1'( to be aboe(toids- tinguish theligenieCatnro the( spurtins ýone. A genluinle CaxN- ton, forinstnc, ilî bvero title- pag, s be ee unk,%n7 "lilown 1tilI after 14%. AIl thae tea-t la in Gotbjic or Oid En1glib, nd Ebcee must be on Roman or italieleterin , tboghl Romn figur11es myapa.Nor- 'wi11 commals 1bc fond. Ised Cato uedanliqestroke. Caxon lped us a lot by usin ony sixkinds of Tp, recgnisAbl Ï)-' exýperts. Hle did nlot uise niew' type Unitil the old waýs pïreýIy w"ell w'orn1 oui,. Hence the pint iù nanyil nf 1hýs ook-S s ltick and smudged,ý Even if we filid difficult'y ini idlentifyiggaigeniiniie Cato, reafly old book should nleyer be 3gnlored. Ih lmay bewortb tbou- amies of dollas. ,2' ~' IV y it is 1ont a cop-is the clous(11 tract right at thie ucd (of the bo"ok b 'wbIicb the ýprinitrusuai1,l 'vly unr- den1s bis ieat)t readler and telîs him luat dit,- -ulti:es and pr'vations lie ' na)t g tbirouIgb in order to print that booký. At thle end1lOfCaons Te History of Toy"for intan ee tells us thlat is s are "dimimed witb overmuitch lookiig (on1 the whîite ppe;thait biscorg wa not an prone and ready for- labour as it hlad been, ald itbat age was creepinig on im slowly and en- feebling bis body,"' ['ABLE TALIKS cJai And-tws 1 do't 5suppose ïi need te re- mmld youl-for the) urn1pteenith ft-luxe - -that every last drop of sour creani sbou1ld be bloarded for use. You already kl]nar, tbat, 1I imagîin"e, a h:ere are a f ew recipies ynui'fl lijoy tryýing, aIl of tbicb ,make use of sour creamn. XIDNEYS WITH SOUR CREAMv 6 laxnb kidneys 1 medium onion, chopped Butter or margarine Frenchi dressing Salt Pepper Basil (mnarjoram or thymé many l'e tsed) 2 tablespoons flour ~cup boiling water tcup sour creamr M*ehod-Clegn kid)icys ýand e ut in)to at-paîl pieces, removilIg mem-1 brn.Mariniate iluFrenicli dressing for one hotur. Drqiiain andsauté in butter w"itb h chopped oinion. Add ,seasoings tb taste and duat, with flour. Ad boilîng vvater anld let si merutîl reduiced,ýtheubln bthie sourcrea i ad srve On tator potaitees. Srefouir. SOUR CREAM SAUCE WITH MUSHROOMS ipound whole freshi musbrootns Butter or margarine 2 tablc'epoons fleur 1. cup nmilk icup sour creatr' Pepper Pinch of ta'rragen or dill (option- a]) MVýthod -Sautémuabroonis in b)utter ornmar-garinie very carefuilly anid gtyputtîbng 0ony a few in tesiltat a Ltue and iftinig ont thoe wicb bha-ve rwe.W al baýve beentaknotsýec t-bat i, the pan.loto11' this, blenld the flouir and add milk te maike a creaux -sauice. W%*1(,nistffic-ïintly blended, add sour ,creai sud ne1- tom mubrom to mixture, add- in1g seaisonbnlga to taste. This sauice rnay bc kepIýt i10 the refigerator and beated as peeded. Serve on1 toCast, eutber: plain or -with a thin lice cfý Cheese o-r 1bani, or it m11ay be uiscd vvith cieken or seaIfood, SOUR CREAM FISH- LOA)., 3 cups cornflakes 1%cups milk 2 cups flaked, cooked fiýsh 3acup siour creani 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 tahblespoon rinced onion 1 tablespoon lem-on juice 34 teasýpooni thyme 1 41eteaspeons Sait '/S teaspoon pepper 2 eggs, well beaten milk anýId let stanfd ten m l1intes, Aýdd laedfis, sour ream and seaIsoninig, thle1i bld in thewe- beaten egga. ýT unint.a grea-,sedl loi at )un sd bakc at 350 degreesý Fý., for about one hour. Serves four. LIVER POT ROAST 3 peunld- liver (in one piece) 2tablesponrs flour 8tablespoonis melted baýcon drip- pings /4cup fiuely chopped nin /teaspoon sait 3teaspoon paprika 1cup sour creami 3cup wter Method-Rub i)flouir bioethe iveýr anld br-own iln nîelted drippîngs. Remoe lier t bakcing dish and brown ois in t-be fat, tht-n sprjead tbem o ýver t-be liver. Tofat r-emaînîoIg in thepanaddsaIt, paprkasou crauxandwaten anld Pour Ovet meatCoverU nd bake at, 350 dgesF., for oeadnl- hall biou.,rs c- il iveris tender, Serves six. SQtÉ CREAM ROLLS / clip ill4eWarm wat*'r 2 cups sotiy lighit creaux 3tablluspoons sugar Albout 5 cups aIl-purpose flour. tetblod-Sofiten ilyeaat nwarml rae.scaldI cream in l the top of a double boiler; add sngarsaIt and di ovdyeast anld hall the floilr, beatbng to mlake a smIooth b)atter. Add remnl.uing flour to niake a sýoft dub Turnilonto a ligbtlly f nrdhoard and knead iuntil stny snd wsmootb Shape into smaîi bisculits alid in a1 greased býaking pari. Brush ightly wit!I nelted boutter. Cover with a dean towel aund let risc in a9 warm place rntil double bbline-u-oe hall to twe hurs. Bake at 425 degrees F, 15-0 inutes. SOUR CREAM CAKE FILLING Scup sour creami 1/3 cup 5ugar Few grains nutmneg Il/, tablespoons flour 34 cup cbopped raisins Few grains cinnarni and cloves Shake of sait 1 egg Y011, Method - Combine ingredients, ûxce.p tcgg yoIlk, i0 top of double boiler. 'Stir and cook until mnixture tcenthlen cover and cook, tenl minutes longer. Add egg yolk anld sgo and cook two mirrutes. Ordered Cloaks But Got Clocks Instead By186ien andf womenci on botb sýides of tbe Boundary were old bands with w"bîte k'id gloves. Officially, the WhiteClove Era was inaugurated one Mlarch igbr inr 1848 whieni officers of tire de- partinlg Sixthl Regillienit of Foot entertainced the diMte ofRed River seutlement at a sumptuous Fare- wvell Bail. Thotlihit]( feet that c'arroid a certainl Mrsý. wa oto the floor of Fort Gary'sbalîroon wcre mcc liedier 1ban1ds were shcathed in sbliimmJer-il]g white kid, right, off fic last boat froin Loii- don. tn early Aprl, w ýiiîtr vas taied linto a socialseon Inauuraionof ed RvrCart Trains to St pauil and openling of navigation un cd River eul- ricbIed fhomes ý5otthe smarlt set wîthl brocaded 'vwa IlJp aperC1S, glass and marbe laps, baýtbtulbs, the firýt tin pans to'c'replace wood and stonue utnsla ooka mgaies pp organs, art and news of the world proide phsica lidn ential equJip- nlt for- more sehlools, readiîîg club)s. inginlg societie, harde ygd home theatrcals. thJhlc~ e gentry elre t sociXb5izons, ariers, Irce trad- irs, alîd otliùýs cpgajged "in tae bad flot beexi stanldinIg Stijl,. They, clotlhes fr:ýnI Lfýopd9. s~Not withcout msa.Ouxe poor 1man1, yearate year ,ordeured a clo)ak, only to ro- cevyear after year, because ',f decficient lhandwr-iing orsplig ced ib thefields. As ýpovýand othier macbinery, stoves to lac operi fireplaces, andIsimnilar it4 s a v i u g convenences înCraswq, they, too, ad leïiure 1to look abou't and t)jn abou1t ,vat tbjey satw.ýv Wbat tbey saw brought Canadi Red Rive:r Valley te nterm- m aIdate, Inthe summier of 18517, Henjy- Youile Hinid, Caýinadian enmgineer, wenIt c'lt onie mernýinIg to inspect the proserous Edo of Joh Gower, Later, when the farmer tool< bis gucat to the bouse for the noon mel, they fond that Mrs. GOwvCr lad l aid but one place, Anld lin er bsadakd "Whrelamy pae"she ecxclaiu- cd in sbocked proteat: "Oh, John. you iwould nIot thinle of sitting at table vith gentlemnen!" John look.-- ed from faLce- to face of bis soni- bn-laxvand chidrcnwaatbig Ai- lently f romn a far corner and camne to an bhistoric dcisioni. "Arnii- 1ont a gentleman, too." be said. "Ia not thia my b; ouise, niy farn, m food? Give mie a cb,ir and a plate." Step )by 5atep duhringthe svn tics, thle CndinValley's social atrnconitinued to Cole.FOr thieir biennial balla, Maniiteba's niew GvroetHouse officia, looking witb diafavor on uinen arsd womLIIeln 1deahorate eveing dres buit mocasiined f-e, made cold fact the Ameiricani quip: "It's forma]; wcear bi, "Fo "Red River Riis N I)v ! byVeýra ay Tlie ,ChilbWlin seaoi1 suo , wickhed Snow ýtf ihmrcou. 1,y ensgcudsue betweesx thie victimn's boots and toes andc fasten bhis teeth on1 the delicateý Thlves wr said to have been- s,(een climbing )oit of *the ,-top of e mnan's boots as he toýasted imrSelf infronit of the fire, Chiilblain sufferers were adv;ised totrýy ail sorts of wýei0rd remedies, rang ing froux dielpping the afflce tocs inboilinig uea towain baeotinhe snowand placing- tlie feet ini the imnprints lef" bya holy mai;n or fiar. The Bla-ck Prij-nce, Ewreldlest son)i of Edward 1,11, suffered front, cbiilblains and often hgid ito re- move part GI bf is fairious 'black amu Othat hie could scratch- Cbiilblinis are localised inflanmma- ion;is affcCti1og thie part S fartliest From itble centre of tbe circuation- badfeet, andý more rarelv Cara a'd nose. Tlie cueof the intoilr- able itchi is tbie escape oi a ccitair serum whviich irritates ùte nerve, endinigs. Undelrinilg cauises aredbity nsu-Lffiieint exercise, poor circula- bon or pofor qluality of tle lood. Calcim-whèh mens egs, ilk ndchieese--is Sirlpposed to be Valu- able ini treatttmenýtbt t atest researchI bias produlced tablets conitailling othier potent inigredlienits besides Playing Carda Keep Their Fascin-ation fin spite of the rival claimis of telviio, adothie 1moCvics, anid othevr en)tertaiiuents, dt popullarity of playiing cardls remaýiins as grcg-t as e veýr. Their fascination ne-ver Tlbe pack was origini1ly designed to amuitse a roy,1al madma-Kiîn Charles V'i of Franiic e, Pl a.,-Ilng Car1ds had been known for ceniturieS before Charles' reign ( 1 38 to 1422), but since The 'king biad the niind of a cld(, a special, simpl]e pack was made up ini which w-%ere dlepicted pictures of the people an! tbînigs Charles talked abouit. Tbesv inicluided kings, queens andl jack.s,Lkoaves-, s'\ordis ({iow%- de- based into spades) diamioïids, and mercianits. On.- merchant arpamecd Jajcquies Coeur, apd "cou in bFrenchi mears he(art. Henice thie suite n1amied after Clubs wevre "tref les" or clover leax es, sypio o tilemedva - renéh peasant. Chiarles insisted tb]at the padc shiouild be Sodevised ithat it wovl be piractically impossible for t'*ot exactlysila bands to be dealt. Liesiben, anueGce rtrilGarri, bet that he would succeed bi turn.. ing ip ,t packt of cards in a certain order whih as stated in anl agree- n ,11t. Hle dealt and redeait for tep hour, a day for twentfy years, repeating thie operatin 4,246,028 times, and at last succeeded. The card gamie witb the longest pedigree isvvist, Il-,one formoýr anothier bias been played 4î)1 years. ~its aniCestor avas called trmp -,Id the gaine was played by four people, eacb w-iithi twelve cards., The remnaining four cards lay face doaru- wvar-d in the centre of the table. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N - N N N N N

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