Vol. 16 No 7 Parents Show Inte Public School Grass ' and Farming tslogan For Spring Showi 'Il. d Wed. J. D, Ontarie Centra been%,'n(- motof rmanship S Hope miý' Lachlin Show Iras crs front the chair- et Pot Dr. Mac- te. of Peterbor- s tic city afr- cd Faim dircc-, sinig for ticl equipped for ifity to tic! ,il be rccýeived1 ýhall on Mon Il be judged on, The Wedniesday afternoon progra-nli înclides:.ý Seed Judges Demiostra- tion hy Dr. G. R. Mc-Rostie, Fieldý IUnnbandry, O.A.C.; and a talk: "'Why Grassland Farming" hy A. M.ý I3arr, Principal oef Kempville Agrci- ,cultural School. ~Features for Thiursday incluide a panel discussion on Grass Silage withi Keni Fallis of thae Ontario D- partiiient of Agriculture as chairmani at 2 p.m.u t will be folIowed by Doug EParks of Kemiptville Agricultuira1 School on thie -subject "Selection of Grasses and Clovers for- Pastures"; and tli-e fur- ~ ToRaise $312. .ï Dol is cription $ W.A. h pen Flouse The mild weather of this ek will likely finish operations ant the, Rink, after a very successful sýeason. ýhers and pupils of OronIo Fromn reports gleaned -Fromi those ýol hel.kl Open bouse last wfho have had considerable use of [elcomne their par-ents and the rink, the management and care- iencouraging attenidance taker are to be highly congratulated. ýsday, of ýthe W. A. y Sehiool rooni E. R. Rainey, inig opened by esong follow- Duncan. Tiie conducted by by Mrs. Robt. of Meditationi was present, showing their intere.st The chldren of our comiunrity and Prayer. ein the welfare of the yýounger gen- have had the privilegeý of more skat-d vta eration in t1this community, ih ing thani for some years past. Among Misý Joani Black- favouredwta Sspeaks welI for the alertnress qf vital l the many repor1-ts received the 1,iost eraprrievoa81. maitttiers pertaining to progxress - in commenidable was th, iaek of profane Generi business was deait with, the educajtîon lai our schools. language arounid the Orono rink, I reasurer's report and corresponding and( no doubt the caretaker has been secretary's; report. Sick and shut-ins lWe were shoýwn thre new and Up- responsible for some of this. The op-I were remenrbered during this portion to-daJte innovationis which com-prised eration of the rink costs considerable of the meeting. The miatter of cater- a ery wel-equipped and modem oey enlih, uinn cr- 'to the Masonic dinner was dealt mianiunli training. departimet under taker. The Oddfellows servieluhb I it and commrittees appointed. It thC) xirvsin f r. McCallion, lIl l iii-i'f the above 'facts have 1 ,v-as decided to present 'Rev. and Mrs. ala Street Ligh The Clarke Towniship Counicil met in the Council Chambers Tueýsday-.,,! March 4th. Reeve H. Lowery wvas present ýwith Gouncillors H. Davey, A. McKa,.y, F. Lovekin and the Clerk The price of Calcium Chloiclde was, dixcussed. This year the price has ïncreased about $4.00 ipet on due -,o the increase in freight charges. An' oird'er of seventy-five tons of C'ai-j Lcium Chio>ride was passed to be used' this year for the Township roadis. Coun-ci'l received and rvee pctition'preseîted by Mrs. Nornm .ailies andiniembesiip. etOrono Church iii flni-cet local ceaigegational con- ýy ofttins weck to plan oIur ,p te aise $312.00, \wiich le gcsted objective of Orono 1charge. is a National Canupaigul ,ut thie wliole churai, lnclud- ry departmnent and every or- ion. NE WTON VILLE Mm.Gainger visitcd Mm. and Me C. M. Joncs on Saturday. Mme ran g-em is leaving la two Weeke for Mr. Jn El-ier Nwhê 1ad been ill for naine ime passed away at th home of lis niece, Miss Minuie Ran-. Mm. and Mme. Roy Buley. Oshawa spent Sunday at Mr. and Mme. W.1 Farrow'e. Visitors miti Mme. T. J. Carscaddcni and faiiy on Sunday werc Mr. and Mm.R. J. McRoicmts, Kendal -id Mr. and Mme. Cihamies Gay, 'Ross and -Rouinie. Thcy brougit tIueirm usical -instruments wi htheni and gave us a aice musical pýograni mmcli mas veymuch enjoyed and apprcciatcd. Wayne Purdy, Bowmar Merrywood Camp, launches the Seal Camnpaign for Crippled C two prominent Durhamites, H of Reformn Institutions, at lef t Dave Higgon, right, President Club, smiles his approvaL. whrewewee maedtose e y oung------------------,Hise ihagf tione-y berore!1 -nieay representing %eVvonien's sters sawýinig boards and using tools voe o oae iene1rced leaving to take up their niew duties 1Inistittt of Kendal. On behaîf of the anrd generally mnastering the tecli- ternx ac fMrh2t n a Mission station in Northir-n Haiet of Kendal requesting ýnine ni cal and practicai problenis InteTw al roo otern Ontario. At the conclusion of the radial type reflector street lights :n wod1r, rnig hoef 1e expense accouint, May wýýe suggest business period Mrs. Rainey calledacodnewtthsumtdpln fully to us the great advýanitages Ilhat the RiiinkCfittee and others 0n1, s C. Wood, president of the1 The Clerk certified that the petition alnd opportunities 'the younig folks gt behînd this mo1]v(.eet nt loder' AfternoonAxlayofteWMs had been signied by a mfajority of the h1ave in this worthy addition- to our thaît the Donation can be asgra as foi, a Short meoeting. resident free holdiers of thie Haiet M_1VRS. k THORNE 1oc,ý11 school.possible. Paul -Minicola's Orchestra~ Mrs. Staples explaied- how a sug- of Kendal: Couil made resolution! MrLs. L. Thorne of Kendali ýýilJ gain ie ort1ý ob. 1teýd her, 88th irithday o fn Mai local ~ ~ lo scoo. il'gan e n.te ob estion had been made for a gift to ro petition fth(, Hydro Electric Pow-er h as one solian n The younig ladies wre1t vr-Obe-,presented to Miss Luella Rre Cmiso ofOntario for estim1ates Mr i eretfThone fIHn, havebeend in t[hl E ývho is on furloughI froni Japan and 4oniceringil the possible inista!llattion aind Mrs. Jamnes, Swarbrick ý vided with a "Hom1ie Ecoomic ft -AL.is, on an itineraryý of speaking to the ofsre îhsi edl hd clnssroom whý-ere the elemnentarýy and1 Auxilaries of the Osha1wa srsixer gac n and si advave stuy ofhome-akingand rs. Saplesis oe of com itte Withjn one nmonth after receiof gandhiren eec)ioomical sy.stem of hiouisekeeing1 We ar'e sorry to hear of the acci- aPPio'Lted froiniPr'esbytery to dlealý estinmates from the Commliýission a js taught by our very capable Miss dlent to Mr. John C ýarscadden on W \ith this miatter and five dollars specialmetn of Councýil will be Poster. Tuesday, March 4th whea he feu %oi th Aiilar. eld in Kendal'of which ail petition-K R Avery entertailnng program wavis froni a ladder and broke e ribs.1 Mrs. Staples then called on Miss ers s'hall be notified of the date a-.ndc He is stili in Bowmianville Hospîtal, Davy who presented the trepasurer, tiiie of this special meetding. P1et it- ThKnbWMS.mto prsete ude hemaagmet fbut is .expected Ironie in a day Of r M. R. E. Loganl, with a liffe miemn-i oners will be advised at this meeting day afte(rnooi-n, Ma ,h14h.w Mr. Neil Stewart who is our local to We hear that the cast wiJllhave bership 4,ertifficate and pin on behaif1 that their namres can bc withdlrawni, 1presidenllt, Mrs. Youmrans .i1 Mus,ýical Director of the district. 1 to remiaîn for, about six weeks. W6 of all the memnbers. -Mrs. Logan tak-1 if they so desire. If thi eiremaining, The sxth l, t fonthi The foliowing program w\as coni- SlJonaseyrevrY en comipletely by surpirse rei ames on the petition constitute aibo."reti in Canada1, duc-teted by , N. Stewýýart: Mr. and 'Mrs. Stevens and famnily Very "ittinllIY. 1m-ajority of resident free holders i n edb Ms.oua, Mi5 oster's Roomn, 3 part chorus vîsited her prns Mr. an r. Temeigcoe ihtebn 'KenldaI, proceeinig for installationAiaMsH.Lwyad (a)Th Sntne Firy () heMcuienin Bowmnanviile on Satur- îdiction, 'al ei. e amsmybead-,Capmarn ,nAnini -tiowa Bid' Sag ()Spring is 'Roun-d the day. ded to the petition to the tune oftoaen teOroEse Co~er FoI Dane byJeanWil. Miss Inch spent the ,veek-enid with Newcastle LionttesIod cosing ýOf the kýspecial m eeting'.ofeigm tiwhnMs hem prent in oboug. ScondA dlegation composed of MYessrs pe teo speak. liiams and Everette Couvier. Mr. Ormne Falls and Harvey or ecn Regular MetîgW dmP .Vnlevci K i 1(tjl Mrs . Carleton's Roomn: Chor"us Starkville spenit Sunday with his (nadA.Bfinwe -rte-S.ilb hd0 If Wýe Could Fly, ,anidGavotte. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Toux Fails. ; The second reulr eeting of th, permnission to speak - witih Coulnce.F Py vrlit Juniior Roomi: Gr. 1. The Bumrbie A good time Nwas had at the euchre Newcastle Lionettes Club was held! Mr. Adamis, acting as spokesmnan for Mrs. Wni AMlin arid Mrs. ï Bee, Hlead ani Shoulders, The Elf ai. dcrokinole paty 4i the endal ntefrtMnn aMzc ihth eeain uldteMns ferýy at(niied the nnhl m ie, Maloin.ria a 'tiat.M ii Tbteen members in-, attendance. of firearmns by hurnters and dest-ruc-*Rreatacrli h M Croup 2 grl: Ù i n alovps a jni.W Jac>ksonu hadthe high scoe fi-rPre echri h ; Roc-a-ye OnTîtoe cokioleaa Ws Kthtap1e h An invitation was received froartien, f piîvat_ pioperty. 1He £rtier Snowfakesthe îow score. Mrs. Stoker andiMr the Osfhawa Lionettes to attend thei r rqeed M.Vn eua to Cu Pan spoke of 'lie vork Group 2bora: Fshing.L. Roy were tiie inners îa euchrel nmeeting on March Zth. The invita-spatoCnil h ttetatethradofheretnef D7anes: Chimies of Dunkirk andl Murray Gordon~ having 1the low scre tion was accepted, andiè a nunuber ofrad! reasdalow rce1y'orvun wrer leaders ii Duke of York. After the games, efýreshments mer'e ithe nniembers plan to visidthte 1O 1-$54swhch ad been shot.ded, re- curcan shoorie Mr.Hrcnjoyed. Sponsors were the Kendal waClub. siniatblyf rom tayble. uter "'a of +hed aclo r Prizes were dntdb W.I. nd the proceeds for the Red Plans ,vere discuFsed for the Lhi-- ehdbe odb h iiigVt .Ri' m ule nte Iry Romýe to thre followiag 9students: Cross. etsboht eoeae tteeiaytia approxîimately eight nit Doreen White, 14 years of age; Dom- The Kendal Farm Forumn met at Lin Cu aivalinlaJune, inateri- cattie had been shot this yenr. Ilai oseaiediaet oeca Aied, 13 years of age; Paul ehe home of Mr. L. D. Bell and HiElda Lîsig hsns Club Ca(-dee nredbyte i Ruteror 12yersofageonthiron eodonniht'Mrc lo hmionlsobengditruutd o mgaer dscusig hi nate wth hedee-reprtd y Irehevymi Ruhrod1 twst. make aprons,. A "'Yo-Yo Bedspread g t'i ',heCouncil gmantelthice Th tidW..Sia excellent essays on "Why Abstain" ten ia attendance. The subject«m s t emdlo rwpiefrad.riiei d)lehl nTusa w,,tihfuir honours of commen- "Customners Abroad - How vis the far-l1 ehemd oradawviifo ptian d irpo r oise od ilbehî nTusa dation in thnt these essays are for- mier affected by Cndaschaniging thre Carnival mthn herpoertoo em hsj ac 1h.Ago 1rograrf wvarded on to the Oshawa Presbyý,tery. tmade pattera?", Thre memrbers wIere Mr-S. Dave Hockaday imade the destruction of privatepoet. Th- ngprpared. Mrs. Wml-. Ari divde itotw goup fr Ir ds-draNv in thie regular unonthly Club Clerk was intpted te take this lm expected to shfow p)ictureý Lunch mvas provided by thre Womr- cussion when the first question was,ýdraw,, Mme. John Rickard bei-g thie mte pwt i eatete nhmtpsuh enls Institute and was delightfuily "Which do you thinik offers the best hol4der of tic lucky ticket. Lands and Forests of Onta1rlo and served by the senior girls iia natty I1 long-terni market for Canadian farmi Mrs. John Koropatwa mas eiected requlest iinfo)rmationi for establishing uncpait.No bounty- whit aprns ad cas mde by thle 1products, Great Britain or the United to fil tIhe vacaacy in the Directomate a Munpl hniglcne adbyti niialya girs heisive s a %eing classes.! States ?" The first group thought thue of the Club. Toeproswohv o et Ohdyo Marchi for the 1! United States. Thre fariiers get a The PsintMmKeStpe-topsntfrbntaeicwtise, son. Tihc procccds, which amiontcd to! better price for their products. Tic notitied that tenendays miii belallowed Corfoncil approved1the pav1 agenlerous contribuion, iii be ap- i second group decided Great Britaini son, appointed tIre following stand- after the deadline. of Februamry tcv1 c s1 t' mun f2 plied to the fund for the staîaled would provide a better long-term in onuteso teCu.(is 9ý,iu to collect thc bounty fron the, Couacilajore to me glass wvindow la tic Oreno 'United mrarket as they couldn't produce naniiied hcing the chairmian'). __on_____________________________________ I Clhurci. enough food for ticir -population audi Social and Welfarce-Mrs. John AJ'lstit9am C'n"rch.depended on outsidc niankets. The 1Rickard, Mme. Rod Carvethu, Mrs. second question was "What sliould Chas. Glîkes, Mm. Tom Lennard tIrer subject "New Developmie'nts iu be donc te naintain or delvelop niar- Pmrogw-Mrs. Cilas. Knox, Mms. S a tE se e t( m « Grass Seeding Machinery" by Prof. kets for Canadian farmi products in JJehastonE,, Mme. Tomr Lewis, Mrs. - C. G. E. Downing of tic Departmenit Great Britaîn, Uni ted States on other Dick Davies. Pubicity- Mms, Rob- 1' of Agmricu.ltal'Enigin-eerinig, O.A.C. onre. i- ase a Epr erts, Mme. Gord Agne, Mrs. Chas "". Ooon tIre basis of foreiga currency or Megi. iitn adFoerCm. Dr. Haroli Weton ef Peterbomotri-de goode." Ia answer -te'tic third;mtc-r.Ca.0lks r is Master of Ceremionies for the question "Hem cv an farmers ielp te .- . Thur-sday night entertaini 1unprornote tic devlopment et expe)rt Beno iead Ms eg Wa mrusic and dancing beginninig -atf8:00 n arkets for ennadian farm -lpro- ton aad Mme. John Koopatwa. Sp.mo. Higiligits mili bceftic square duts." it mas stated tInt tic faner Idance com-rpetition fer groups from pas mea in Ottawa te develop for-1 dal!. Tic funcral mas froni tie Un_ ti- Centrai- Ontario counities. cg akt and tic fanmer Fiould j ited Chýuinh on Tiursday teno Sale of seed on exhubit vvill begin, preduce igi quality goods andý Mrs. Young ie h bas been mwiti hlem Fridiay at 1:30 p.m. and iii be tic1 guarantec delivemies. sister retunnced to Ottawa Sunday conicluding tenature of tic sh ow. Atter a hilarious haîf heur playing imnorning. gaines, eresiments were scmved by MeDaintoad Mr.C -- Miss Bell and Miss Powell ami a sek omnil etStma vOot ttianks mas cetnded tote t , Bl- Dll dtStu OO Loc& IIy Irot and hostese for ticir hosp«ital- mP>augo a nedo ity .fi atnp lsouti. The speakers on thie farmo forum IM.adMe anaM.S .- C ..!broaçicast mere Francis Fl'oodl, direc- I{aiskill and son visited Mm. and Mme. ig S h oo Centre trOfie tForeiga Agricultitral Harmy Wade on Suaday. Relations, Washington, Sir And m A numnber ef boys 'fron heme it- Joncs icad of tic British Food Mis- tended a hockey gane la Chathiam financiai campaig lnshvim-sen wtaa and Dr. H. H, Hannan,Frdyagt ceed tic entiusiasti c co-operation presideat and mranaging director oet Congrtltin eMr. and Mrs. _of Doinion Council of W.A. tcCnainFderation et Agiu-1 George Kimnbali on tic, birti of theirl Six iiui-idred thousand s required tr1Ir mvde oi itrsin hagter. Sorry teici-r et George's iformation. Next meek tic Forum wic bl.Ias becea divided amiong Pas- nicets at tic ýhom-e of Mm-. and Mrsistrune te crack Iis ankie. tonal charges according to, tic piui- AtL.- Mr. Garnet HallowelI visited hie, r ad eve ni les milst es t