So By Helen Langworthy restur-ant table a t lis (lau1glitef r Avis. .H e bntrealized hlow imuch hoi ised er i-sincefhe lad sen21t lie sGrndRierta sclhool. "Ae ou- rea-lly gadyoui're goýing t rn Riverý? A titueyouweeder mmied t Say in Northvllewith ne. "Reembr!"Avis ýad with fire- alain1 emphiasis. "Iwas just a 1 yeaýr aid bab1y tIen.1Ididn't kno abjouttIlie big ilieels a, Grandiv- er, and that ,I'd lie a main spoke. Yo)u're sýcrimgranigorgeous!" Ais' eyeS grew large over 1fI-e 150e Ch1icken; placed before lier, "We don'tLseeg ta "lk t l(c s ,ie(J saniej Please interpret. Wliat's ab'ig wlieî" and abai)poe'Fhat. scrin- something word, is it' good?"f> Avis srnu-ileC, "Dad, 1 ogtyur cf t9e vnmage of the terrifc twe- ties! 'Bg whecel' is sc;omen mpor0- tt roiiid Higli. Andirn impoýr- tatarond 1Hîgli. And 'mimp tata'main sp-okýe'1 'Scriigra-- gorgus' ,is swooiggood." Avi Bruce decderl lie wasn't lbunygry. )For -tie liousandtb tulie he icMslied AvI' niolircould bave livd., To avoid bringig up Ais à ia wom-jan-less ,houSehiold liebadsent ber to Grand River. Avis finiished tlie -clie nd wispered, "Can 1 have a flat?" Sue"Bruce aniswered, 'Meu wlat is its" "Tli is ic The 64 busin-ess! -~- float 15 ice creani and coknuxed Yuny"Avis con1tinued, "Whbat are we doing after dinnier, Furaie Mlartin'sin twn . . . Franke'sa sax man! Con we go, Dad? 1 mean, can we?" B3ruce noidded anid f it dizzy. Maybe a slow witliAvis istning would 11,give bu ltimie ta impress 0tlie evlanguage onto his mmld. Avis oely applied lipstick(le motlier wudneyer liave done tha!) s Bruce saw a faliar fïý ace across the restaurant. It was jimi MeKinnon, son) of an, idfiend. Jini retued Bruce's nod casually th1en Jii's eyeS miden-ed. Jiniwa 2.Buewas glad whlie came toir- ther able. Bruce puiled out a chiair anldlie. gan pelting lie boy withi questions abouït is faýther and about uies jin! responded tliat lis fatiher wvas wel, lusie~swas finle, th1e fcootball gameis liad been won, buit ail tIc. fine lisees were on AvMs Tt bit Bruce like a walop, Jn hadn't corne for mian-talk .i was Avisl And Avis I-Bruce squirmed. Her eCes were downicast,. TcsParkleý wva s go ne. B ruce kniew that bsiu ten year ol's had îmore personality, Plainly Avis wý,ýs men±ally son ing ove Jim. Jini asked her, "How do you lik Ee Grand River Hligli,?" Nie"Avis said softly. "Do they have a good footballi team?~ "It'-it'snice" Avis answered Shie raised liereyes as far as ji's hand,,s lîke it wvas a t.rrific effort Bruce cenbe is iteet1 }in' shet kno-w anytlingl lif she plit one t(enth o f feth e sso iercnver- sation five iutntes ago îia talkig witl i Jin, lie wanld lie inter'ested. "Do yon ýike lfiavinig dinner hee, Jini aqsked, already sear-cliiig ithe rMoonior an escape. Avis took; a long tume ta anmswer, and imanaged ta, raise lier Ceyes f0ý tllevel of jim's. "It's so-50oï]n;Ce here," slie sa1id. Bruice k!ottd bs bu n sigbd wtl isappointm1-entan d politely asked Ais ta dance. He prbalyepected lier to _Ysay li couldnj't puslic'ones foot alead o-f tlie oler. As they walked away Brucej closed bis eyes-proliablyslie soud faîl! If onfly lier miotlienliad ivd -Maybe slie cou!id bave tauglitAvi how ttalw! Tlieu tley were bacli and A'vis was drawing on lier coat and Jn aswailk-ing away. ..Hre's pay"Av-is lreatbied. Bruce began, "The<%' sometbing 1 sliould tell Youm If you want a mian ta be iîrested you bave toelie alve-" Model With, A Model: Pretty Ann Martin of Montreal,,takes timne out ta pose with ai severn-fot, nine- inch model of a deHavilland jet aircraft which will g into service on Canadian Pacific Airlines' trans-Pacific service this year. After being displayed et thfle Windsor Station in Montreal the $15,000-maodel vwiIl go an tour ta Winnipeg, Va.,couver, and Honolulu, in addition ta ap- pedring ac the Canadian National Exhibition ini Toronto this year. 0f plastic and rtetal construction, it has a wingspan of fine feet seven inches, with i'ubber-tiredwhes on a retractabl~e undercarriage w,ýhich can be aperated by hdnd to fald into the belly of the aircraft. A remioveable panel in Ilhe side displays the interior of the model which consists cf £rew. compartment, showing pilaf and co- pilot seat in front cf a detailecf contrai panel. The wireè operators dials and range sets are aliýgn- ed in one corner while the navigators working table is shown in the othier. T he next section shows lounge romn. The launge section which accomodates two sets cf four chairs bas table with folding leaves, while the body containis 28 chairs, wîth the hand luggage rock overhead. The sec- tioncl view cf the rear compartmients discloses ladies' and men% s washrooms and the service corn- partment cf the stewardesses which is located in the rear of the airrcrft.- Was Q ueen A BlevrnSpirituali"sm?ý IO Dd John Brown Aclt As A Medium? It, is nlot genlerally kçnown tliat séncs ave leen lield in Buck- i-ngliani Palace and Wido Ca,;stle, or tluit severa. l memnbers af aur Roya-l Family are interested inSpiritua,,ilsm. The full story-ý can- natli toid aS pr-esent; blut I cani mnention1, withliut disclosing 1nanies, fItnot long aga, -one memiben of thie Royal Fanily attended a voice séance in Bigliton, and received spiit msaewrits-auic Barlianellin "Tist-Bis. AnotËer member lias frequently stwith a Ileading London mied- m.An intimazte fiend ai tIc Whlest Court circles las related tathemn the remiankýable spirif proofs froni a loved onle that lie latiied'tiirotigii aniotheýrLon- dn medinnri. ' PCrinicess Louiseý, eIder siSter of K<ing George V, regullarlyreev cd spiit commounicationis fnoml lier husbandtlc Duke ai FileThie xnediumn was Miss ElisaletbGar- do, er opnonscrtry iene are herOwn words: "I rcgnlanly ave Ae Princess, wio died in 1931, miessages ironi b1er hlband. For tayears I1 was the Pnincess Rayasisprbe apno Qneen AMexandra once held a séance in Wnindsor Castle. She wsattracted senoiusly i.a Spiritual- ir.A very close fiencid of bers, wvho died a fcw yeýars aàga, leit, a pirivate record ta ber ianiily. Mysferious Music In,,it she descrilied liow Quieen Alexandira, anec ,ceing in lber dresing room at the Castle saw thie spirit forni of a tal w a in a black and \wbite dress tand- ing at the doorway. ThIe Quicen aisa mainitaýined afterwards tAt dun1ing tlie nigbi lit sheolten hear musiýic. and inginig for wvliidli tliere was nu explanation. Sliorfy leore Kig Edward VII'spasing, and nnknown Yta h ing, a Landaun iedin was Cn- vited ta WVindsor, Castie by Qneen Aenda. Tbe, seance, hit ini anc of the alite roonis, W'Is at- tended by about a dozen Proppe, including tfie Quleen,. Sani e nmakalie sint mes- sages iwere received. Oe orctoid the eaiy deafl iof flic KRing in flic bouse ai lis bîfliWlicn Quecen Alexandra was ;eig holiday in Canin, tic olow year, itmainreacliediber that flic King wvas "nlot feling .so w asusa" Despite officiaiasurnc mthefi niatter was not in th- Ieasf serions, fhe Quen lJeft, ne diatciy for London, She arrivedl jin finie fasec King EdwardbIneaàtheý lis iast af Bnckinighiam Palace. Thc Kînig comniunicated npany finiies aiter bms deaf1il tahis ,iind, Lady Wrwck awi ased a en sation"' by becoming a S5ociaIist. SheI fold me flic sta-y aibis Spirit ntnrn whnfIinterviewed b1er in lier Essex lame. King Edwamd's Voice Shc lad binvted lMrs.e ffa Wn'iedt, a wl-kon Amcricaîn voice nmedinni, ta visit Wýarick-î,, Castie. Wlen she ar'trived sIc was sloiowta 1er rooni. Wliuie wa.itig r lerousiflicenooin, Lady Wamwick noticed a tumlpef standing on flic floor. A trumipet i s irequlently used a séances ta intensify fIe sounid of the spirif vaices, fuifilng a fnction sirnilar ta that ofa imegaphone. Ouf of, curiosity, LadyWaic picked iup fe truimpet. "lImmiedia e-. ly I beard the voice of miy aid friend, Kning Ed-wand, talking in G nan"shle fold rmt. Yen cati iniagie lier surprise as fl i mdi- tnit-was not even present I T-hnecrIqatf-vi tli Mrs. Wniïed (1t,' sle added, "I1 always Icard King E1dward's voice, always speakbig in Germian. Hfe was su pesite t ht Igo nico other ne- suIfss 5.1I icit off sitting,"> fin a giass-covcred caseafPtle Southi Kcnsnigton oeduatr f thec London Spirituaiist Alliance flere is a gaid watdli whidli vas pnesented fea a cir by Qecen Vcoria. If licars anr engnaved inscription stating fliat if was pre- senedby11r ajesty in Jnly, 1846, ta Miss Georgina Eaglc "for lhi icm eifoiaus and cxtraondiniany clairývoyan1ce produlccd aut Osbornie Hanse, Isle of WigliÉ."1 If is bclieved fliat on flic deaf h of Miss Eagle the match~ was ne- tunned fa flic Queei, xvo asked W. T. Stead, flic fanions journal- ist and spirituaiisf. fa presenit if ta another nmcdium. 'lic wThe l lias a seod ncn vho licb re- cords tfiat Stcad presented ifitfa Effa Wr ied t, "tlîrouigh wîosc mredliurnislip Queen Vicforia's direct vce was leard in London in Juiy, 111"af a séance. As fic Quecen was barti in 1819, flic watch is evidence oi lier hin ferest in psychic mattens af fIe eanl age of fwcnty-sevcn. This was ninie years affer slie ascended1 fliceîrne, and six years aiter lier1 mamiage fa Prince AIlemt. Thlicstary ai hemassociationmth Spirituaiisrnid nat end at flic Isle ai Wighit. SIc, deived greaf comi art front séances lieid in Buckinglaim alae iti fwo imed~- iumns flrougli mwlom flice Prince Consort commuiiinicated affer Ilis pUssing in 1861. Eviden-ce cf Survival Tlie first vas R. j, Lees, a remiarkýalie Leicestern medituii who began fa meive Spirit messages imrom Prince Allierf wlicn lie was Still undýerF wenty. Tiecomn- mnicaions vwere lirouglit ta flic notice of thec Quen, wio sur- nonied Lees ta thePae , anda long series of séances ensuedï.cGui dance, eitence ai surviaater deafi and Consolation,cmeta flic Qucten in these m1essage. Slie offeredl Lees a pstin ber emiploy 50 tliaf li could in iclosýe ae inc pon 1er lt is spntguîde wonldpot p tnrnlt h ta, acpflcofe.For, lie said, tIc iednnilad'a geattask ta compete-lie ritig, uder in- spiration. of accounts of lufe in flic ['FRONT TJliýýis i't tfIe fir'ýft tine 'vc writ ten about tle danesof carbon rmooxde in tlis colnmn, Nor wl it lie, in il ýprobability , tlie last, For, as somebody once P putqbcTli caeyou took ysedyis!n't gdin'g ta keepyo csfetodaY"ý'd l<we afl nieed cnstanit ,arings about the liazards 50 cammnon iin evteiýY- day, modem fe. out wcanng. it is a colorless odor- leus and tasteless gas. Carliomon- oxclgts int its (Ieidly wýork be- fore you knaww liat is l.iappeninig. Experts saythAt yon can avoid carlion monoxyide po)isoing easily by-followinig a fovew simpjle mies. 1, Neyer mntlheie matr of acar iîn a losed garae. If tkes only 3 niinuts for tde air ta become dange-rausy poisýonious in a sial garage, 2, Keeptlie nmufferand tbilpipe on your car in godý repair, and lie lie sure thle manifold istiglit. 3, Check for gas iias i your furnace and see tlit.fic- smoke pipe is sound an ié ,glitly connected ta furnace and chuney, 4, If you burli coal, dnfca-ver flie enitire fire lied wiI tlicol. MHe:ap tie coal tao ne side, lieing sure a finie is always vsbe Tlhit une of lonig icicles lagn froni tlie eave(s inaýy lic very pic- turesque a 'nd give your hnean artistic Clhristm-as card l'ook, but can wreak a lot of 6damage if ai- lawed ta remain Wliere icicleýs farniat tie roof edge tliere will le ,ýan area of ice on flic sl)iinglcs just blihind theni that May reacli up six:inclies or moýre, It is very soidi ice anid eiît lowiyThe it mielts wben rava cames or a risc 1n temperatre bings ant&aw, but tli mn-off as mpeded by te idge ýthat siliids fi, nýThis ire- vecals itself as a leak arunmdite wvindalw casinig or tlirouglitliecc- ing. Roof s widare eally sounidfo ail ordiniary purposes ill leak world beyond deafli. Tbis task was iulfiiied *in thecompilation of firece books wich became ,,bce-sellers. Lcee's gulide ncPaled tlat fc Qenliad anlother medium ,nier at biand, liswas Jolin Ron anc ai h1cr Scottisli giies. Thei guide prornised tzhat shlîd Johý-n Brown af any tim1e b l able ta give lier a séanice ie wou21a10W Ilis medinni fa lielp liber, If was Lees, rat lier lnfi Quen, Whoousisebeçauseof his ncti inaue and dislie ai publiciy, tliat these séances sliould lie kept secret, lie asked for li visit ta Buickinlgliarn iPalace ta le- s0 arrantged fIat flic Press slonld "lt give fli atter ny pulmity. TIe guide of Lees kept lis pro- miseý,JAffr tIc deafli-ai Jolin, B3rownl, séances w,,ere Iidý for flic Qucen witb Leeý(s as thcmeini Peopie bave always wondre Af fIe imystery of sli cos asa ciationii betwcen Quenr Victoria and John Brown. 'flic simple explania- tion is liat lie wits for niany yeams fli cedmni flier busband's com- munications. Wlien Brown died, flic Qucen he-,rself ordted aun- scription lion flle fonibstone in wbidli sbe rfer(,red ta bu ïïas lav- ing epresented "God's lisig Court Consternation 'J'ic Quûený wrotc a nionograpli on Brawn 1in witse paid tri- bute to flic 'lieip slice (civcd fhrliogli lis mediumsliip. SIc(-dedi- cated if "ta tliecneory aifnuy devoted pronlattenidant an faitlifinî frienid." Mlen sceexpressed lier desire for tflimnogmapI3 taelie pulbiisid there vas consternation in Court circles, and Lrd Dvidson, Deani ai Winidsor, tlireatencl-d ta rcsnÀgn. TIeQcen en1t lier mngrpita Sir Fnr Posnylier pivaf e secretaý,ry for t weu y -five yas Sbc etione-md flat sbe voii, ai!so likeJoi Bon'prae ir I fa lie printed o sny. h latle ecrle unider sncb coniditio1nS. Sa, bbiný carefu-l no tota ijure ýtlie inglcs5 knoclk fbose icicles and içecp-ridgý The(re is aniother way îin li, icicies an(d roof snow cancas dam1age arauind t'ie lhomle. Wher-e orniamental sfirnîs (or rees -a r planted close ta tIc walls, mleltin1' snow and i ce draps down -i-capi- tîinu!ously from th, eaveS fa freezýý aigain and fýstoon tle)niwïtl.,icýy weatlis. Bj-oken icicles ilsit ter down on fitliem. Or sbieets oý1 snaow may eslide froinithe-,roof leaigoff brnches anid heniding others uil fj lic bush is hialf bn by ti mass. Ths~alterna-,ted freezing an4-ý ments is a patenit destiýoyer af suf- ferin-,g sbmubs andsml trees. Be- custeydo nat show the in1-Iury: for f wo or thiree montjs aJter i liappen1s, 'dem owniers -art-,zie taý accounit for tie biirnedape- an cc th0ey presen-t at lcafinig-ott turfe. Stornif an' 11d snow lhave lnow passed from iimmd, sa neon1'e'- lates il.tta tlie winter conditions tbese plantýings lad ta nue Valuable trees ,and snsplanti- ed close ta tlie bouise slionld have a protective casinig af stray or evenrgreen, brandeilis. A wiîde, pro- jÎect:ing roofwil of course, take tlie line of icicles leyond !tlie dan!- age poinit. But lest me--suits forý lag rîneties are bakd wber.they are planted awvay rom i te lo in mare favorable spots 0on t'be GIRL IN SLACKS (Miter Lewis Carroll) "You'e grawn up, littie Auidre," lier mte xclainiied, "Ad onr forn is alil wýavy and scalloped, Ycet you puon m(111en's panitsan you dan'f seem iqashaned: Don't yon ltliink you dcsemve f biewlpe" "nmy haose," said th c hild, get- inig intýO a wax, "There -are several hales and e, ladder, And even a mother miglit see that th selacks Aca cbioice 'twýixftIc lad anid the b"addûr." prcssed a doul ;wlht!)er "tiâ record af _Youir NMajesty's ininer- mosf and(Jmnisf s a cre d f eliieg shiouid le nmade public 0fa fi e wonld.," P(iosonby's advýice prcvailcd. T'f1. Qnceen's pap)ers ý werestroycd anid flic praject was abandonied.Moe over Ponsonby imipounided mw' pnivafe diary wîic as aiso; des- froyed. Wen Brownï passed on, Ponlsoli)y records 1,ilia t "fIe Queeni's grief iat fic loýss of ioneý on whom shie depecded for daily and alimost li'ourly affendanice wae vcry dcep... Shc is utferly crinsla ed 4 . TIc shock sIli]a. sugns tained lbas sm-ade lier very eak," If %vas tIc ciosýing ehapter ui n se of theicniost dramauýtic zatOnies is Bitisli hisfory. "Plug Cut"-!f an antimal like a poadle can quaIify ft aeoa hairdo named in its hanior, why not a horse? Sun Glo-w takes a few minutes f r o m iniensive training et Hialeýah Pasrk in Miamni ta demonstrote the 'pîug cuf suiîab(y top'ped with actn ning chapeau. The fash!îom. cansciaus tharoughibred beýonigt ta Mrs. IahlDtdge Scoan. L a airw