c TO THE MUSTU 1F Gra don sheldon ANbEilS OLD 'T'YMERS OId Tyme Md n D inin The ino es a l bndn f an .MISSION Ï 5 cents Os awSkatig Cu Orono Orphýansk-Hockey Club Al-Star Varîlety Show and Dance Featuring - IN PERSON / MILDRED MOREV j Famous Radio and NightCi Star Canada's Outstaiiding.- Stage'Comedian BRUCE WEB Poplar C.B.C. Baptôale ZEN4 Exciting and Colourful tDance Stylist LLOYD COOPER Pianist \uia Director of Bar-baa Afin Scott Showi FrIèay, April lSth OROO TOWN HALL Modernma ý,01dTirne Dancing Ail proceeds go to the "0/.onüoOrphanis" llockey Teama Friay veingoflas wek av,, r.Mac Carleton had the nmisforl Ms.NorlsRîla rd New ly Fia fev erniso atdweeting W Local Ne w s tune to severe tenords in irns .hum I isited Mrs. James Dickson. W onl ra fe pso athendoyaSmeting Non Tuesdty, when working with a IMrs. MeHlom, 'Moislû, vst, IOrono. Due to the ack of interest bel Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Keane and sharp knife. He has bis thumb i'n augter, Ms. Cecl Ilnes mu ing showvii ning could ho donc in fa;mily, Toronto, Centt fe we-edcast. Rthe favour of a Boy Scout organization., itb Mji. and Mrs. A. H. Keane. Mr. and Mrs. Jaines Paterson of M',rs. 'hompso11)fCha1fèvs The bco,.l Central Committoe . isA l. C. H. Froste aNir. Murray Toron,opnt Sunday> with their-par- spont a 'few day1s t e Tuedayevniwen ii ilh ronvsie M.FrdFrse i ns, -Mr. and Mis. J. E ators:oni. MsV.Giila. thant a g 1reater atnac sr pdKingstoal Hospital <On Sna.____ Ped i Fr to etbis cu in l Uj11v. Oie B. Iloisen g-ve a1rm),st Oronoa greatdel bas týo ho4oe inspiring m iessage ,e 1he ilnýted blV -raCta l o iteand by"b, eenn sricest Sunda..T 10 ho ring abouýt1t he "îr f lr ,r 1 binvý1ter1ested ersas ith es!talish- Mr, and Mis. Il. IH. Babow ando wîilh be ppecadTis Tesdey ve Mr. and Mis. P. Milallor,Coboui-g! Risngflod atrs n ues vofMi. emd Mrls amani e 'nd( !u, Miii dmva raî iisyar1 yo BwavleweeSna n;oowl e hldat 8 pm a~~~~I smlr xet ftat of two eers gust o Mr. and Is.EhamTlda , a c i alog he es sde f hebrig Mis.CÀ. CumnTorn, J ougr5lti~to . and MrsMi-s. Carl , Bilinýýgs.Sndho1Rom OooUnitmdChur hrb -augte i Boanîhl Mm-Waddahl) visited Ms isFed Cowan J1 111er n nerested in this slni okaild ltrain ore osnital. ls ek o y F",,rom 8 y e 018 yearsin nîi-dto atte Mi.an Ms. awene ooey uand Ms .Wilsonreturaedlhome 'Js ma an reatediga r l" Bwmnv'e.osialhatS"PECIAL Sîe -ERVI-C-E boie sle n Idinnaoli Ibs wekwee-en an 's makig a avoa;ble Mi ~dMi. ri Foîrester ad ecvey.o Uitd Cuh- Il :0am udy ac NMEOAMed their 6hAnne Sktn en-yScouits Ass-ocutiol, Otro dea mthe, hopa s se aatra y evening,1lhen n adienceý, Mnrch l6t,-1l1. f aproimT:eluy f1!1ivehnrdws u____________ Thuhon ait onare 'nomoe oetoteflbyanppciiv Stii n mmoYi you are wixh us adene unentertained fort,, ~' youalay wîebefore,isP~c daug;bters-i. Sioedibe d Mrgre.li aeous ,ý sho r n nuro f Miss Dinig the hours of youir berelave- ___________________ ayMcKenaa bslw'irid-o-be he ntour11aim i ,tdoeverything roos wîobeatiflh deoraedin our power to ligliten your bur- wit srig fowisfor- the occaio ed is ustar of port Hop)e attenid- adMr. and Mrs. R C.Rsbouh nndMarly of Niaga,,ra Falls spent K-,W aZ, C- r theweekc-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. H A R TL JeY H. DAR LOW lwMr.A. E. MorIon attended the FUNERAL DIRECTOR Aa-ngýuction sale of Beef Buils ;ii Toroni- Poe1 Reatisig to~~ on Tuosday and whihe thero pur- hoe8r7Ornnt cbasedl the second Dibs riced buill CALL Uq FOR ESTI2MATE, in the Aberdeen Angus claiss wvhich TTARY T. LYETT wih head bis bïerd(. This eigbteen- 11ARY E.LYCET nmontbs old animal w-as tlie property Phono 84 r 12 of G;. B Beatty oif Richmiond Hill. g ORONO O NT. Congratulations to Mr. and Mirs. N Mick Adam-s on the arriVaI Of l n/, baby dube in Bowmaavihhe 'Men- )ral Hospîtald this week. WA ~ ~ LECifSHPd ES)tA11fr 0 Fi2riture éSye WhIy buy avfriuewhen we can re.style your presenti furishagsto uitYomr di- 3lu B an D ef urolcyto sell you the best la ,,a t y owe BLADE ROAST ....blade removed lb . 69. SLICED BACON ... indless ....... V î-b. cello, pkg....29e.ý 7~Shankless PICNICS ..~ smoked ..average 4 lbs. . lb. 49c. 4..-~ WEINERS .... tender smoked / ...............lb,...49c. Christie's Assorted Cookies,.....fresh 1stok -. .. . .lb...45c. Maple Leaf Lard....tender flake........ . .lb....15C. Astor Coffee ... . choice of thousands.......esh ground ....lb....95c. For the finest in Fruits an~d Vegetables shop nt Phonme zl Si luw- Chas Bewin arm and intends 1Me-Cul] s thebeP tofhiuck ýadIe- Mrs. ,fd Smth and Soam, Bow- man "vilevisited Sunav evenling wif Mr.andM"s.qStan-Poreos Mr.an IMs. Clar1enc'e Burley fie othe ho se with arheuats on Mr. T ho inseofmn a nMr.T.J W. Kt.ne wou r e ofne o e be we b wihparetapedteoey Mrs. BLesn Poell, isd lwith Mand llMpilrs. Clarece tchl e onSTe WyomenhseAsocati on meat Oenesaday fevnn with godea-' tenane. te wAs petenabutob hateld at the spos home of Mr. and Ms withhr aensatQeoesbnro Moessîs.Lest cred, SdhalIwed aon l B ihelooed toUxbidg ouncStraythh.sl fahn Toabe iewasfispent wan. aou gatheed at inth saciu borneonMr ane Mnrs. i Hnlwl. iecveoein- sconefroi oge yA. libj otl The ion peCtarkefowoo ndipMortb diaseas infthis viiun ity1.on Mon-j dhay.o aura ach Fa tce, mndes d basrcivue n Jack Reid, Auctionecer 13 UN!TEDCHLIRC Oron.oiPastoral Charge - 13, -,,£ C 6, 1 5 Or101 SUNDAY, and 7.30 p.m g Field Conimissioner JackAt- CI filü khxson, Provincial lleadquart- 13 ers of the Boy scouts Associa- Otion, Toronto, will h1 he1 speaker at the morning ser-vice, on LIng md- 6th son, 9 Speciaies 1éndShare the Wealtk. gThurs la, y ',ar. IL3th~ g NEWCASTLE COMMUillNITY HALL ARfïSROicG41S Con naad ook our aew wllPaIp s "over. Nwpatteras for every, room. Also a f ew room lo1qts ýat 12Price. Curtain materials in rayon mfarquisett ,Suimwebb, Dot- ted marqu ýsette in whitle and cohors. ---- Made up 'curtains in Dotted miarquisetteý taihored or frihledi Also sirr -d back i plain mlarquisette.e .Draperies for overy room froin Creton es to Satlni dam- ask. Spr-ing coats iii long or shor- tie. Different shades and( styles te choose from. Ladies Nylon ¶Jrësses in flowered patterns.,'AU new styles. Pre... -~1~5 Bouquet yara in ahi shades with nyo7, 45 oz_ bail. Fanen cups and sauceIn Prc.......... 5O$&t rintsý and gin ghams, al. dif- îrent patterns. Prive 59c-$1.50 K"iln-Scot ders, large Blanikets, blue bor- Fr1. P CIAL Sato, with every Grocer Order ry 3lbs. ColÈen Toliiian Sweet AppIes D3ates,........21lbs....25c. Choice Plums 3 20 ounce tins 25e Fresh Cabbage -Carrots Tomatôes '-iBananas Celery - iCabbage s- N N N N N N 54 4... N .4 .4.4 .44. N 4... N N. .4.4 s N N k 44.4 4.5 N 4... N N n n s N N 'N N AD 1 il!