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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Apr 1952, p. 4

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Second Cas Mail. Post Office Departmtent, Ottawa. Rates on Request. Subseription $1.50 Established January, 1937. ýr. R A Forrester Pubisiier. R9 C Fornester CHANGE IN TIMES Tap the Barometer nearly anywhere in Canada these days anid the black needie jumnps te change. Sorte of these changes aire world- ýarund ones, some are cemrmon in varying degrees to many or a e other ceuntries and seme are peculiar te Canada alone. Buildings, traffic, îau new naine, mi-ore people (altheugh not so nmauy as had been expected), new relations with other states - in a few minutes any- oeecanu make eut a substantial list of alterations, in what is going on. Soute peeple faver certain changes and condemun others, but whetlier good or bad the trend of the national baremeter is to change. Among the things that do net change mlucli are humans. That fe- low deing kitchen police with a brand new dihwshn ontrivance, after the frozen food mieal, is miuch the same fellow mwho a fewyer ago peered hopefully from hîs crib. H1e is stililioping that the morld around him~ will settie dowu enough for hini te get -some grip ou it. The way things are going, it neyer will. H1e may look back te the m-id- eigliteenth an~d mid-ineteeuith centuries as timtes wvien quite a few 1humans did more or less catch up te their environnments. '?or hlm- there seemis littie prospect of this occuring. But at least there is smnall danger of his becoming cmug. At the iruement when new industrial developmnents open a br-oad vista, free- demt bas ceased te broaden -and niay even ceasýe altogether. Nothing cau be taken for granted; everything hle loves is in terrible peri'L every second. This causes hini. te love the more deepily -and te be greatly alive fer las long as he is alive at ail. Th-ese a ýre really wone- derful times, if you can stand theni. Silnce his ,ppoinitiient£as, Minister of Refor nfis titut ions,Mao Jobin Foote, V.C., bas wre for, the imiprov.jieent of con1ditiOns ln the procincial refoimatories in a quie, efficient wvay. lis ob)jective bas been rehiabilitation rather than punItiiishmýen-t> with special empha- PENOLOGY sis ou encouraging the pienmers te take an iînterest in activities whicb will keep their mninds occupied and which miay prove useful, wlien they regain their freedomn. Semie timte ugo it Was kinuiounced th:at the Minister plans te have seveiral outstauding penologists visit the provincial institutions te give the staffs the benefit of the latest rnethods ln deaing witb criinals. Tite first of these visitiug peno 'lo- gists will be Sauferd Bates, presideut -of the International Penal A- sociatien and aj.ormier directer of the Federal Bure(au of Prisons in the United States. At present lie is Commi-iissioner of Correction In- stitutions in New Jersey. nnatorles eau nover be made icompletely pleasaut )ose, which la pantly providiug puaishment ;'or be.mainti*ined, but fortuately the old idea that .dungeons whene the ininatos sheuld ho made as le lias pretty well heen abandoned. Canadia-n itories bave gneatly changed for the bobtter in 1the reved and greaten attention Js being giveni to ams Theo physical conditions under whicb the pris- iSoine prisonons do nôt nespond te the kinder mig mneted eut, but there are many othens fer 'Wilh bo tter itan a blow roni a prison guard. es fer whom a sincere effort at rehabilitation ;,s ,prtmnent of Réform Institutions is takiug e ideavoring te leanu ilthle jmest m,-odem mjetliods of pe of prisener, Ltain your to-day for the jýj vanid D ce eaturineg IN PERSON Iorey Dort Ro in e je 1Nigit Cl C andasOustiigStaeI rebb~1 Zena Dac nifl Celeurfu1l Baritone Stylisti Pian1ist - ca irectoio -ar A'ra A1a1ScottS Modem sud ïdTiBn c )ý4-ing at ý 3 ÂAdmission '$1.o0 'Olo "Orono Orphans" Hockey Team Seating Capacity ;jOO peýrçsOns Nunmber of Tickets N4ew Aalal 00 )NTED s r of at' away aiean April A lFfe linked %with myown, And al that is left are memnires As 1 walk threugh life alone. Sadly »iissed by liswfe DUNICAN-1ri loving imemiôry of ïa dean father aud graindfather whoi passed away April 4th, 1951. Dear Da d -your, face we'll always renmemnter Your voice welltIa,~s recaîl 1Your memiory we'jll ieasure aýlwayVs Because (you eesd dean te us ail. To know mwe (could nýot say goodIbye Will always bring regret, But w-,e know God )ias a beautiful gandeni Fer he always chdoses the best. Sadly misse rmebeedalways by bis loviug ýaughter ,Alice, son-iita law Russelli-aud grandchildlren Kath-b ryn, Allan aud Douglas. a c N E W TON 1'VILLE F01R SALE J 20'Xl2' Summnir Kitchen *Wth! Wood sbied -tt ched and store lool ,,n the opposite ai . Will i lb tender. Uighest or any ether . dr net necessar-ily accepted. lVWinSt Orono South. Mr. JL B. Browii. b-p COMING EVENTS CQOLUMNS FOR SALE, A Maroon clored Bah Carniage ini good !oiiditioii. Phone , r 8, a-c YORSALE Twýelv-e good .Vorkmre aTami- Worth pigs, seven ' veek>s iýd and wveaned. $95.00. Phtonie L e Todd, 15-20 Clarke. C-p HAY FOR SALi Good mixed baled --ay. Appy James Lowery. Phone "r3 Orýoi. A play frop Lakefilid United Odryur 'li Cckn - Church, "Hero Comies the Prince", fnom local agnt Sve tim lui cor-1 Fniday, April 2Uhtinl the Twu, Hall, nsouec e p rices J1d choc Orno. Spoalsord by the A of breed. This Hatclery_ - Canada Watch for furthor parti nlas. d-C Approved - bas wbat y9i waut, in-, rcluding started. Eanly ý,hicks catch The omeandýSeouÏ Cl4 wll the betten market4s. î Th Hmeanýc Cu ix E. A. LeaiaTiR.R1. 2, Oronoi ~meet at Clarke V n SchWltitis ________________ Fniday evening at eigbt o'c ck. Mn. Earl Webstrorfe Osha wa,' beSEED BARLEY guest speaker for the eve iug. n-c' r'ommierc;,aIl\ No. 1, grown- fromi re- S Jgistered Mon$clmI. Genyintioii 96 ----Reserve W>Idesay-April 16 'for per cent. Send l'for, sampl1ý E. A. Weir the Annual iEaster iea iu St. Sav- flJl I YIUU1kXI, mon ti- giIIVuurt, Mnr. and Mrs. Earl Walkey -iud ieur's P.arish H{all. a-p Zone 2-486. j c-10-c. famîily visited Sunday wthMr. and iMrs.. Elmer Pellar-d, Cotice T . .ut.A1 AiEWR There was a v-ery good atnac Kirby 1(Jited W .S .AiCRETYWR at the Suuday School Suniday mo1ru_- will hold thebr >,aster Î îeetig ng o apeir ok I id iug- Good Friday afteruoo a-,t 2.30 p.mi., With Quality - Wornm f-shlp Contact Cèongra,,tul1ations te MrL. and Mrs. Rev. Mýr. .itchen will e éthe Speaker. PMorleyNewc irýCren d-8 Carl Bickhell on tebrho iteOrono Mu4 Leskaird 1 dies atre invited daugh'ter. te attend. a-c Miss argarthOenswa om -room Bungalow inuOroue. Apply MrI. Wm. Darh1ington and friend BTH83r4, Orono, Ontario. C-10-P ïMiss Tr' oa 1o Knso vis:ted SatUrdaLy evein ith MM1% re-thranid c Mageie Desp)ite t e im clemieut wpather aMrs. Jaick Gove ad lMrs. Dar. ar happy te anuuce the! there wais a1, ur-ute0h lingteu. arrivai of a daughter, LnaCrl atrThauk-Offering of thd Womi- Mrsý . . gowspn aoenay tThunsday Arl3 15 ttean's Mssna Scetnbl athe with~~~~~~~~~ Mr- ta,.TnsBomnvll.BomavllhMmri Hopta.Tuésday, April s. lepre- The monthly eetng f teW A.' sentatives froi Kir-by aniid ewcastle was held at thie home of Mris. Sidney î joined iu the enýeting a . very Lancaster last vweek. -wýith a spl)endid d h sric.S1ty scjede 'leasing num-be was sun bxy a trio atenane. Mr.Edgar arwieM. ul u i ohrmmesf.rom the Newcastle grup. Miss clough spoko very ni-cly on berip e te amly1 JWinfre ari, îformerlyi Secretary- te t'he western Coast. Mn. and Mrs. Walker m)d amily ' Treasurer of thé Woia 's Mission- Quite a number frem here dreve have -moved jute the room-s îin Mr. ary Society wo luin _est China, te Bowmanville te see the- picture Spencer Burýley'.s bouse. gave a very inte esting and inspir- "The 1oalnTurney. ing address. 'iNrs. havle mWoed, the (Te at frlat ee)Miss Alice Nesýbitt spent the w,,eek- president, c!haired mh-'ieeting. A fewv ladies from b'ere took in the! end here with lier sister Miss Anale __________________ Cooking Classes on Thursday a Nesbitt. Mr. an MOronackICnver v Th unrlservice of Mrs, Spen- o Suayi Tnnt itted r nrT n h 1er Burley was held lu Port Hope atonSdainTrtowh eïP George's Funenal Parlers on Sunday fri - nds, Mn, and Mrs. Ernie Waten. Qiea few, people frem, here attend- hoùse. e Mr, a. Spring aime l%;is N tc to Ceios tained te- uhe lba hi Noietoc eiLA oe atSaudyevnn.E avetrough î JOHNCAN late of the Vil-, u lage of Orono iu the-, Comity ofi Durham, Carpjeuter, deeed: Ail persons having ýýc]ir-s against, the Es-taýte of the said Pleny Joh-'n 0 Chpmnwh dedon oi. aboutthe, I l9hdyof Jaur i15,ae bere- rI by notified 1tesend te t undersigu ed Execuiters or thei Siitr on on f -termýs and a rrse sd I patiuar'of ter ii 'dth nlatureofte urjte (vay hedbytImdlyvriid by stcatu- torydeartin day of Ap4l 195-2 the asets fth said dcese ill lih1a""dr s It ued havug egad oyte he dimsof o 7March 1952 Sa oîito o Eeuos auAdPC V \V sRestatirant, Ooo - ~'o~oc ~ocoe~ac~o.c Youir insuîrance costs can i"be substantially re- dulced b)y buyîng Divi- dend Paig olce Quations on rqet 1RN RING 16 I1NSURANC~E In ail its branches FeBurglary, -ros pitaliza tion Automiobile, Life, Accident and Siclkness, Plate Glass, Liahility, L'i e1stock, BolIer, Wiad. Real Estate S4,500. lNewý*castie residence, eue block from No, 2 Highway, detachied, solid brick, S rooms on two floors. -Mautel fireplace, furnace, electricity, work shep and garage, forcod sale, greatly reduced price. Termns. MaI<o Offer. Leroy Hainîlton, Time Let's have your Order Now Professional Directory A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICLAN and SURGEON Office Heurs: 2.00 t. 4.00 pan1.; 6.30 Êo 8.00 p.zr., Sundays and Wedmeadays by appointment Gnly PHOINE 47r1 OIRONO E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Main Street South Office Houra: 2.00 to 4,00 p.n-t.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.m, Sundays and Holiday. by Appeintmnent PHONE 74 r 19 ORONGO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVîLLE, ONT. Phone@ : Office 688 Honte 553 TED JACKIS C Auctioneer anid Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of ail mismâ and at reasonable ratio Commuffleate witithihm nt p4f Perry, OntarloD, or sechlm CIeh. k- E. Moerton, nt Oron.o, fer date. J ACK RE 1IrD Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatr SpeciaHzin laFarm andX 1Fvrniture Sales (Consuit me for tenus and ,dates Phoe 5 r 1p LIFE INSUIRANC penxien Plane; Elueatlonal eid' Protection and Savings Plans auldren and Â4ultt; Moctugaw surancesPlans. F. E. TLYE¶'r ORONO, Ont. Phonqe 201-r IS The RUTTER GRANITEIF14 COMPANY Diaï 31- Pý.Box 62 Port Hope, Ontario STAFFORD BRO- Monumental Worl-8 P1lme Wlb 5 318 Thundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY 3LARKERS Let us er-eet a hanidso4me, iig ified nmonumnent aùven th1oe msi, îpg place of 'your loved Ae tsnut expensive. And ~On yen endleas coinfor. Monuments - P. E. DELAý'NTY and SON 1i06 KING ST. WEST p i 0ONýE stei- CRUG ONT. 731M Tisinm eecethe (Orono Memy- can enilGaes. hlgestformns of Can. utadian sentiment is aur traditionLai custom of erectiug a Mnmetof 16 granite on marble te our' lo)ved )IeeS Swo f t this 11f e. and Hot Water Heating CALI, U'- FOR ESTIMATES H1ARRY E. LYCETT l'hono 84 r 12 ORONO - ONT. Orono Electric Phone 30 r 16 CONTRACTORS FOR FARMI and HOUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteedl Repaira t. ail makeg of EetrclEquipmen*ý and Appliances queh as l'otoraF, Water Hertue1 Rudio» gtores. Irons. ee, f

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