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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Apr 1952, p. 7

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Tine For Bed with thbe îthought that our fore- ,pteus slcpton the grond The anient world of EgyptianIs, Greetks adRomlans retied t 'ouIches and'lutsbut in flIc Dr A'gesevryneLay oan tbe grond.(1 They smpyfln ba-sis vr a ma't 'f lae.Ltrtc erc ùputithelleaslaasaowbx ýin the Middle Ages thc in- i ened matessstuffed wit featherýs, woal or lbair. Theuse natrse retd o b)enlches againist thewl-lal th anIlceýstars of t-a' tlt beds! Whnthe Crusade1 ( crs broughtd resrsfrom thýe M'MdeEa, bcd daperies were part Jfte Iot. o etre fe that, nao- ~ body whowasayod drme of goinig tu bcd wtotbing caIr- Rea-ched Their Peak utbcds cidn't, really get gaing uhtil Clumbusdisco-vercd meic and Euirope grew r ich eyod t istgihled medievl raý s Beds grewý% bigger, Bdsgrew' inore eleent lThir heavy, Ibe- puewed faris bred a WhAlcnew .idnd of snlobapa. odsuiprstructures - Sa tal they grazed thle highi ceilig- reacb-ed theiir' tyak in gad Ili the 1801 cetury beds hec-anie lighiter, simpler in w wokamnd drapery. Frenichmeuci slcpt in a sm11all, separate bdia eithier in an l-oveouner1,a1detached- The English kept the canopy intact and produced the anm-cestor of thic fouir-poster. "Twin v. Double", AUl through tbe lth cecntuy of coreleds b-ad( th-e Victorianl tenl- dency to le heavy, solid, dark and ela bo ïra-itely ea rvcd. Etut ii thie SMýleicS ino&dern "prhigs and riat.- tresses arrivedi and beds as me knio~w them followed shortly afer.- Wj ~ ard Engge4couleswho failiout Conî thle "t 17 . douibieprpblem ,can blam e 1Wi i ,a m Sheraton, the-, famouis Enlglisb fritremkrof the lthc(entiiry. FIe bu.Il*t a tviin-bed fouri-poster, bothi side's resting tnnder the saint canopy, 'M-e caMled it a "sumlliner bcd." Temajordty ý' f ecip4! pput bofth balves together agA,g0$biut Shera- ton's eprmntgraduially to0k 110](. Witb the triumiiph of ifurnisbled apartmenu hi inte 2001 century, twini beds Seen-r to have wn But torRex Harrison tbfinl<s ,fialttnit tin es<are onu flic way out again. 'Ne and bi;s wife, 1Lilli Palmn- Mr have Peut finisbed a fiM called 'MiheFupse, in wbicb they ca star with the piece offunii;turfe n e tile. "K.'The- bed usqed ta belong te ùthat Latin lovr Rdolf' Vaîentinro, and 80 imîpressed Itlie filmun ,iit fthat Umeosof paei have aadoned their gin-gle b«!eds in favour or postes. brave First Stept--Glyn Evans, 4, af Roehampton, Englaçid, smiles at adversify as he Iearns f0 walk with his "'plonkers," as lie milis them. The artifficiai legs n rnd crutches were designed for Itim by doctors of Queen Macry's hospital. The child wcs born withaut legS. Cn'wekeep aur iurarmirage a "Oh, we'l tell be aby-, af COur17SeL"- Add Years 0f ,Life To Your WoolA Or Feathepr Quts\, ,ý. Eiedwsare xpnsvetabuy, new ad hvercaovercd. But thr is na needta odiscard anc wihis tin and laking.A car- rcspaadent described haw she re- cavcredaa made feathcrpraaf, an tawed a yiin thc ýattic, for Sh agtsx yar-ds of qi- pdîgfar th!e singlebcd ider dwcutit intatlaet.legthIs of carfuly ~cnd i t. LThe e(ider- dawnwas îteaspred aathe loar aadqujt padin plaed ver it, an sa g e ttc ,tacc Recaerig ws sîpliicdby stitchinglcaver mterial int(,aabg ape ied. StillI war:kiaig fram the ,0flar the caverwas carefulyeaseC overvfl.ic adinlg aalý id quttad anid 1gaýtlircd sa oyau arcnr's'ilu1'- battm canersfram inasidc ag daabattani ini haaid,s as w'11a anather v ,pcrsanl, eýs slip tap) rgtside outsidej(, oerqailt far m. ,waal comîfrters alt the timel( of makng hem Pu' te toal inaa ces thCain-g lmade intafthe samec size -as ou-tsideý coverings and Casýiing is spreadanfioý'er anid wôl inserted enyand smoothly. Then quiiilt -with strang cord in thrice-îinch suars o hold wool flly nplace Sew 1upopep sides cOutsidecoveI\gs ttaccdu ta batto inin aI af ortr ithd be'donc siilrl aedcdw tticcd l a cavringisan 'iVoal ics ar placedat freucent inev ls îhCail*ra yr ft old A coith ,ac iag thread. l-uie When wahing tme cams roun justeutwoo fis ad pck apeaý: cli caaî wi qie lily! go "~ Ar«b~ws thepre is noa end"-ýr lhave J ad wayI kaw hat hae acouiplc of sele il of them11, 1but -,,,1 nI a new ole Appears I scani it usl! a s ea,-getjy s saie cfolkt 1bury vthemi-, seives in dtciestaries! But it wan' fronti a book, but from th c New vv York ý sil ldiay Times, that 1 go)t thýis idea,, Cook ueplcnty i, fter-ms that mgtbe puIZZIlng1to3a novice. Sa biere are some ic fthlose terms,- BlManch - To ïimeise fru'its or f»uts in lboilinlg watem to 1rmov1 Ekinls, also to tlijpfruits and vege- tables in boiling watcr in prepara- tion for canning, ferieziugÏ or dry- Braise-To bi-owu meat or v ege- tables i i n mal quaxtty of bhot fat, then ta eook slowly la smlail amatint of liquid. Clarify - Tocea a liquid, sucb as conisomméii, by adding slightly beaten egg whlite and egg slîs, The beaten etgg coaigulateýs îla h biot liquidi and thle particles wich cauise cluudincess adhiere ta it. The mixture is thlen stmaincd.(l Dice-TUn cut inlto smlall cubes. Fald im-Ta combine twa in- gredients or two combinlationis l- ingredients !bY two îmotion)Is, ctt- ;ing vert-Iically thmough tlle Iixture and trin veran d ov e r by slidinig theimýilplemient ac Islte bottom ii thile mî,iing bowl with of fat into unc(-ooked lean met for- aj(ddd flavor anld 1jiciness. ODr siceýs aot n-,-ny le spread on ctop of unoo e lan meat or1,s fo the saine puripose, Mainate-To let foodJs stand ila a maýrin-Iade, insu1lly u ai- mixture cfail and v.inegaj r.or wine, Mince-To cut ith1 lknife or scissors inta very fine pices. Pani-brou -Tocookucard l'le fat1 is poulred off as it ac- etimuilates.- Pan fry -- To oo lm asi aunlt of fatusnny:u i th Parboil-To il unitil partially caooked. Purée - 1To for ce vgeta ýbles, f uits and aither foodstrug a fiesieve ta env ki, ed adsfotand nd , JIL!ta praduce a fine Redce-T-'o evaparate some oýf Ileliquid la tockor s;aul-ce by Rendr-T hea met fat cut la sallpieesuntil fait is separat- cdfroni cannei,,ctive tsus S'auté-T-o fylgtyi m amout of biot fat, tulrning fIre- -quenitly * Scald-Tobet clqd a ojusýt belaw theboiling point. Mýilk ba1.s reachied asal gpoint whe-n 'f1 im fa1s on srfalce. Score-Tao ct narogrooves, temperature for a short tue in,17 ordIer quiclçly ta fa abrow crust~u heouter surfae cf met. Simmer la caak iiia lqi fart lawbý, l ad break vela [lie IN THE FRENCH AugraOtn-Thlis refers tathe thia crnsýt tht arsn ,oitap wh)ea bra-ilud o bakd. he 1&sh may be,ý topped ith. aspriul,ýing caI butte- cbrdcrumlbs ar cestag thlis is nat aasdonc. court Bulo- ihyss sanied fish broth. Croftons-D)iees ofbread that bave een txstedcd rn uecd butrcrý FaýggOt -Asmall i nd1ie lcof- hembs, Iusua;lly eonisistialg Ofthrce or four sprigs pa1rsle-y7-, aenc-artwo stlscclery, hl bay leaf and ia s;prig -or tw%7Ocf thlyme, th1t are ticd tagethýer and1 cookecd ilaa stew%, saufce, and sa faftt gv added flavor. Fies Uerbes -- Fineiy miced dry bersusmaly aixteure of equal parts Cf parsiey, tarrgan, c ivliad chervil, or a liqueurand gni. Juienne-Frod eut iinvery thS strips. MaIcëdoini ,A iture oif tfruits !DEATH-RAY FOR FLIES ceesbd ncws for fics.A setitbas invented a eath ry for iling them and daims ii: 15 By prjnessing a bitton e aue higi-jfre(Ituec-y sould wac taKilI flics. 11e dmntrtdit ;recently flics on wlsad clnsfeli dead. Wolf plans taii bis ct a m1achie ta householders and othiers tronib1led wi lis.Itcosts aou $250. A-dit can tbeuscd oý,Jy against fis-not agaiust huanl bowns! "'ve - sen it through sa50nam timies 1 forget where \me came, 'n.e Chainaed For 67 Days-Canadion seaman William M.-Olynyk, 27, of New Westminster, BC., Ieft, caskçed $100,000 damages from k!isthmian Steamnship Ca., in Superior Court suit ai Seattle. He charged his captain chained him ta the rail of thie freighter Clyde L. Spavey for 67 days on voyage hif way around the w,,orld, With Olýynyk lefi, cire his wife, Emily, and his Iawyer,. Sami Levinson, LAlýDIE'r-S - HERE'S HOW TO CAN PORK & BEANS AT HOME Thant Saturday igLht stanc-by iin npiany homiies-beýanis anid par-k- usually bsb(eencaierdto caýmplicated a dish for cainlg at homic. iBut -as a result of reccaIt x- perýimentis, thie United States De- partmnt11 of Agricuilture bas jusct annpouaIced a itcamp-,aratively easy praceduire for c~iniiig thlegu with alssssauce. Instcad of bakýing the ean for hauts befare proccssing, thie cookînlg is accam- *plished ila the Pressure cannri Uafter the soaked alnd par-boiled( vegetable and, tle mlase auce havme beenl 'iTe tate Exqperimenit Station in MasachsetsCeniter Df the regiýon heebakced beanis are l ighn fa orcoaperated w iteArcl tuire Departmiient ia developinig the new ecip)e. D-irections, state that, 'iybecuscd, W-ash two anld one-haîf quart£ (tei cups) cf beans and prepare themir by theý quick-soak methodî that, is, caver the beans with sbç quarts of boiling water and baîi twa m -iinutes., Remave froym heat and soak beans one hour. To have the beans hot for pack- ing, reheat themn and drain off liquid. Save iiquid for ucýe ini sauce, if desired. Make molasses sauce by beating ta boiling four quarts cf soak-ing liqu'.d or water, three-fourth-s cup dark moinlasses, onie-fourth cup vire- gar, threee tablespoons saît and one tablespaon ground mnustard.., Fill each jar tbired-fourths ful cf h11ot beans. Add a small piece cf sait pork, bacon oýr hamr. Pour ivi sauce, i eaving one-haif inch head- space at top of Jar, Adjust jar lid and process at once ini steair pres- sure canner at ten pounds press,,ure (240 degrees F,)-quart jars se,,- enty-five minutes; pint jars sixty'. five minutes, Comcplete jar sealIs, If closutres are not self-sealing type.. -ekmr My 'brother wants mec ta help bim with his incarnle tax. " Jelie:"Bttyou can't read orr write. I{err,: "Fie doesn't want met ta read or Write, lie wants rmet pay it." HairodayMayBe Gone Tomorrow, So 'Pro blem H-erýad's'Switch to Wigs Ne'-,w York-lf y-aur new wig costs rcve blame it an Adoîf HTitler. Indlirectly, it's alh bis fanît. Hitier startcd World Vv'ar Il ruig the war, Canadian and UntdStats troaps took tMer went. Thcy went ta Europe and soon i rpen ama ere wear- inig th-eir baiir shiorter, the way the visitaris ljkcdl it. Phe contunent, particulamly the Baknhad awy been lthe big lonig bair supplier. Now)1vaday s, thercs vcry litte of tOn reain g culltivate(lDion Eurape's f emaile bed.Sa the long halir buyers have ta go ta reinate villages, ruai contcsts witb pr-izes for tOe best fiair in each dsrc n pay bli- er pirices. Thesue faictors cmeoui in wî,-g catsere. Tbat's the sad stary uinfolded by Paul Flishe, hefauritb Fleiscbl- cm generatian tabu in the bain goodýsuss, Ta llsraethe curmenit marklet valuie of beautifl lonigh iehcplldointa cartonl about the Mie af a shi box. "Tinsidle,5> hnsaid, utapping' it witb a signifcant foreinger, Cs about $7000 worth aofhai" Ie ýopened it aad displayed hanks of lbair, allilenatly gmoulped in lcgh dsads br-cwa glîstenling black and pure iplati- nwnm, ls-okngsae red and auunand titian aind s Fleiehe lokedahlmast mver cnt as he fole d the Ibair carefuiliy and stowvcd it ba1ck la the, box "Hii" e sid, lai a, bushed( Vaîice, is ntm' atepce u few oFu applreciate it. opr t it, diamïiond[-if you closeFt your ees ad fld a diamiond, vilat is îit? Just a shaýrp stlne.]DBit fair! Touichit, and yaui can le its bceauty. It's almnostfes-i. "But Am.erican wmn tae abuse, ae tint, dye, cnt and otbewitec s up Otheiélai.Tbev Fleiscsem'sa yc 1,sca(j a s lie talked ab)ouilt DEthel Thorseil, a televis"ion a ýctr>ess-. ie Say 12shlas them mot beautiful bai;ir in Amneica. lucase sh-or ayod is- loses, it, or wa7ntjs ta au),1gmnent it Mitbswitcbcs, çurls, falistop knos,-ang, pony tailsorchi g- nlon S, esee>tanlds eady ta l, ï-le crails pe-opie thsae or, no-eisen ain y "proble'ni beadsc" Wi.,maker and Exhibats; Paul Fleisch'er miakes lhair pieces" ike4 those in foreground for "problem heads," but flot for Ehel Tharsen, Ile can1 give a m1aie"pobe hea" ancwset afi hair fo--r some- whee btwea 75 iand $250), ede- pen 1ngan ize and tp.These 'ioppers" arc iusually miade ta look Pike junior graide bai(less ta ak F 1e(,hr saïysbfis topes re and thaýt )hi's "hair pee"foi' wo- mciael italyimposý<sile cta "fielite front, which, is thie bestbai pices-itheacb of the 110ý,000) ta)150,000 ,aistied iii sepantely y haa-costfrom $50 It ctks up ta tioweeks ta malce anc ofthesore sari i herawu hair, voisblurt has a mally plm- lane1nt wave put17 la it It's blended an a backl amcdxctly thIe hrsii lefit on the ic lei head.' Thnit'S ktte , hix1by ha0,1o a vetilltedbaseaf i1k and lynl weameur-f-the-hiair ecan change l.tut sulit hem mood.,1 'She can be demum-ie Mcoday, soigaice Tucs,,dayý, femime fýaae WVcdnesday," says FleiseE.She can style it herself or send it bak here ta be mesyled and" end' One top B-îraadw,,ay star blas tbrce bair pie(ces.One ila aubiurn anc brunette, anc"mite She changes theni a-s lbermadIicýtateS. l-Ic's iSn'ýt a "pru dlm bad-h just doesnl't have time ta keep ber awnvi hair f reshily stylized, so she juist slip s onl the coiffurFe lke a;a. Fleischer's business cýetitds tce such small iteýms as wdwspa~ wiih l casts about $25, asrd "streakýs" ai blonde, White 0 ocp-~ per hair ta jazz uip an tew« und](istinlguîshled heaoaf air. 11e0' n danger of an-y Of thmeSe- hirsunte flsis lowing offï, lke tbiey- alway s doi lathemvis M'eýn's toppers are beI4 fast, i twa-way plaster.and women! tav,- snngy ensconcd rid th li. if youi're blonde. youll be '4e, ligh-ted ta kaoîîw tiat'blonde hbau, àx tareexpensive thn bruncef, fl rarer. '4 N I N N 't' N 'N -4 'N -4 'N 'N N 'N 'N N 'N 'N 'N "i "i Ne N. 'N N 'N N 'N 'N N 'N N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N N 'N NI "I 's 'N 'N 'N 's 'i 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N N N 'N h 'N * 'N 'N 'N "r 'N Nav y tor ipel bl af la - th aomnsïa11,u madeupho 1i rgej t topttin us aormp tïi.llow eyes far 1t-i i dwne An excelent sorceotfrte Mhae ofine andtwoof he as a r Zatin di retohnsurition-f milkor £ees be ncldekd t

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