By Anna E. Wilson jJ NCE IlONS jalay held "'ha t wa aasduty !te look after his women f olksbut Otat ws before he .get augt ut u is dory îin a storm and wu'î as bro-,aght homie ii atwisted lg Hfe sat, now,oamialdiscardedsaw- horse in Timothy DonGoan' back- yard and wbitted Yiet not labterthan this orning bis sister A baild aid!, "fitoe seem f0 mrie, Jonas, as vi ouco get smtigte0 do; eersincre youleost that lory yu'edoe nlothinig but it aruand wittle. It (don't seutm raght for a maýn your age te bex a bulde- 0ottha P'm compbaiin," aMd Abbie righteously, "thon)Igh it's bad1o a arnlmly agekepnborrs itot"shie faishied litae cenn p a mes of his Jqe-nas iad poptymoe' i wbàitlg out of Abbi's kithen, and over into Timothy's backyard, mahbhe shared with a moth-ate Wldgot, codemus, lis gnarled bauds handledth knife sifully, andhbisfingers icarressed the tin1y cafn is skill hlad prodJuýed. lie r escuied2a piecei Mf calice, purloied from Abbie' sails te lowof from .lthe mna ture miast and sarand set er Hie hadl jusf, fiiasished âadloe up te see Abibie 'earÀing dwuon imiiiîlui!sail, lNw onas, tber--çe'snocaîl dfor you tlu sit ont here lu the sýun- with thatn old goatl. Fls'lbe say- ing 1 drove you cou f ofiithe bousý,e."- 'couksulbu rsont"said Jos Abbie>s fceb ok p, she was dou1't need tO take what aperson, sys f0 beart." "'Thirfy years," ,aià ousstu- hornlyi "I kept Che bouse fed an respectable. Do00% seemlauy C for .you to go frettingnw" "Iknow, jona-s"," adAb wipiuig 'ber eyes witàh Lb "Buit if doeesae- e ýo Nicodrmus bad hnibed cbewing tle ilabel from a tomlafo cau.n, b b-leafed, bis vnitv iteee swniarouulu iiA)bbie,'s direc- tion, Abbie lef t in a lurry ianid Jbnas patted the goaf. Wbhittlig could be bard ;vr&, be É toghfl, when you did if eight1 hours a day. Hecounted biMlitl fleef c. f lly teyweealtre smtuwatertight, infCnIlsail, De looked iup to see -Abie om down th[le street wifh 1a man Abbies vice ws ncrtin "M: o!Stein camie ah the way dowu from the city f0ee yon, ù,ouas. Mr, Goîstein keepý-seculo shop - buAt Mr. Goîstein w,ýas sbaing auds wifh Jouays lowing al1 bis teetb. 'Well, well, i see yeu,,L've got themu fiisbied. Are teyallter? Ilfe startfed coiintit fheminfo bis bag" J onas unodded, ie as unaiiccount- ably tied a man gof that way wvokng under Strain; bisshoulders acbed, is fingers were bisfered, and ios iboues cried ouf againuî1ýt thc bardnes of tbe sawhors. Mr,. -oldsteïj in fiised acin thC spt, oe onit bis %allet, S$250," lbe sidcheerfully cùuntiiig ;t ot An aJouais, lthat ffigure of dhe itue goat is geig over Kg, anlet you îhave aintoder for bdrdofftbemn.Saepre. He fturned f0 Allie, "ILckv da for your brother and inie. iss Ab0ie, xvben le rame mS0 ewn te bavebisleg tteded f0o nd sw sonecave1 gue s in x iid Teili e waMis Abi.,o mnany ,peopleO's getie mc or sigýiCt these dys 11-i ' ct'fi chuckling. "Now Abbi, sid Jou:as gentlx, ltee'ioci alfor you tof(;bec ry- au. t's a ilai'g ldify to look aIfter laiswomia elk. Ididp'ït teli yoi beoebecause Mr, osenws' sue.i(e, auedte sýc thni first Seemstat on if's gU1ieg odr weconld c f( lifeebores oad Icel'd it l tin ithe, t' ore comaninale kefor- yen suqid 1OR FRE A fC ýIlI iatr aridsddv ed i xe î,ý Inîsi he vs,,,a h is't mhuch of an exaggeration f0c say that a reaî revolution iîis undeuway ini agriculture. h ka biochem-ical revolutlin in the po ductionof ceres, etsand t er foodý(s, tbat is biniug miitnaIs and pa t e aurt adtbe mre-ngreater qatiisand more speedily tban ever ,befor. On(e ' tfhemotiprato tsede-ve'lopmIlents is tbe new -,synî- teramycin.i bve already rfre te fi bseclms buit ko that a litte fullr idamaion abumt if won' be amiss. Hîerbert J Luthier is thie nam-.e oA mie nutiritMiewbcomposed ïhe origýial forimla, and before anneuniIicýing bis dlis-covery lAst No- vemb,ýer bie had tested itadîar- kis variations oýf it--on ne less; than 5Bby pigs àin islaoratoy aweIas speviIngtettestinig of, an aadditiol ,3,000 Ounomr ciýal bogfria Thiemilk is cm pucdof Skiui lcoW's nilk,lad fisb solý)ubles, vitaminis and inr aIs. Baypigs taken fri-o t heir mothrs at 24 te 48 hours learu without ifficnly te drink iffrein a freugb. At 5 weeks, baving bee fd al tbey will drink o)f tbe csyn-ithetie miilký, witbl dry pig starter kp const[aly bfoetbe(m from age 2weson, te sckigsveigbh inthcnighlborbeof 3i ý5 pounilds and are readly te go onited The fhre weks aved cover pigs sueckl- ed by ',]e csew gives the sy_'ntbeic- slyfdpigs is a bI9 igead sfarf, TIleeplnio is that erayi grea-test stimuliationin mthe first weeks' of a yengm nmiz 1fe The 11ex discovery is vnet merely a reîsceentfor sow"'s milk; if is aIe lae hlarbinger- of a w w \ay of ifofer bog ries df or swine. h opens tie way te new pi-actices tha can evolutionize the breedling ap feedin]g of hoLgs 'and, particuilarly, th leir care in the uckl- inig stage. t mksavilsble f0 agriculture a fooli thaf can revou, Useful Hlints' For the Pipe-Smoker Or For The Man Intending To Start That greaf esssyist, C le Lambfl, wrte nMymylast1breath be drawn through a pipe"-a5 mn ofe m1ucb isdm ON CHOOSING A PIPE A besvy or1botsîn-oke-r -msy pfýier a bowl wiïtb thzick walls, sinuce the -more wood there is in ýiebFýowl vail, tile imore beat if auabsorb frotu the Uuruing te- ba-,cco. Choose 'a pipe, hewever whîlchý cani be beld comifortaJily betweeu ,the fee-cth. To gauge tbe weibtWudbalance, bhold the pp b,ýle the d of the mouthpieLce b)e- twveeu thle forefinger aspd fbumb. ff yen bave ifentuires, a ligh4t- weghobwl with ,medinux om r sho.rt st S 5geierlly 'n s11sutable, Tfiere are aIse specially 1deSig11ed montpiees hatcam be easîily held efendentuires. ON CHOOSI1NG TOBACCO "I 'cannot gef oni with a pipe .if burns mny tongue." How ofteu this bas been said. The pipe is invariably blsmed for- t-ifs sensation, whereas more offenj than nef the fanît lies iu the choice ofý fobacco. bMan ,. siokers choose a mild bend rut tmild' is a somnewliat mis- leadinig description. So-called 'mild' fobseos sioke otter than fnll srgt teJiaccos, if shouild be re- membeed fat finet-cnt iobscces are nef se ýcool as medliumi or cer -umeist tobaccossmk botter thlan dry eues and very dryv tobaccos hbum teefreeîy, -lo smokinig -edstea bumut fouýgu,-c This increases,, the flow of sahix a, wh:icb iteui podcs itrei Lat skia. 111E CARE 0F A PIPE A nw pipe sfionfld be fillied for f lie firstfeîvsmlokes suid [then shlould be smkdSlowly )untîl s protctiv\e layer of carbon ba:s Ifori- ed inside the bowl te avoid tbe risk of charriulg the briar, G-ood tobacco is often sp)oield by biasfiîl A pipe soudbe care- fully packed te nueev cm ustîin, Ligit ,up-,eveuljy and well. Press dewn the ligbted tobacco affer the firsft pull or se. A pipeliud be emptied immnne- dîafely ýfter smîoking. The BW sbiould Ji eld whn mptyving sud the ebcc tapp)ed ouf against the palmn of the bud. f lîeld by tbe mnitthpieceeaf strý[ïain is imposed ou, the stem xvbý1ich maly split oýr bra.if tapped againaf a barp-1d obj-eefthle bowl may be dai-maged. The bowl sheld be scrýaped oc- casion1,aiIy, as itee thick an accil- muiitlaticuofcrbn,-ievnual cas01eC w e rc.Thsuu ally occuirs twfeu a haiycar- boe ieis being reýsted'. ,An ideal crust sÉ 16tb in1cb cool, .sweet smkinitg de2pendcs ouý a properly sapdbowl aud a'lpipe w icbi kept dan A pukufesbld nef i(be used fer scrapîuýg. Tbe har point may bore lîrough thCe bonttom of the bowl. Use- a pipe üeaerorsmno-J ker's cemipanionm. Youlr ec1ýCconaisf will recotimmeud 1the best type f or yonr. purpese, A pipe bol neyer Jie ýecle.aned witb wteror'steni.An ordiniary Jceaner is ,best. Thlis can be1),dibped lume'hlae spirit if rqieIf sbould mn tlaougli Ci'e pip'e tWo or tb1ree îmsand he pipe t1'e allowed te dry offd. WheF akn tebow! aud mrouitbpiýce alpart aoi:dunudue strain, ou 7t stem.Crasp 0the meu,,thlpiece f irmly :lu eue baud and gen)tly twýýist ithe bowl off vifhthe othler, holdinig the pipe alf the jumcture of t be bowl sud meutbipiece. A pipe shoI[u1ldbe_ allowed ite cool offbeor resmkig a a havy smekr sbuld eeptweo r tbree in. ueTochange a1ipefri a te day eusures th'Ie fnllesýt Ëenjoy- meut, XVlien neflotin Luse à pipe sbonld lie kcpt bnIdovwwalrdsý WhatNe Tin Cons?-Haviing given up hope of finding, a tin con at an international agriculture exhibition in Paris, this billy-goat who- halls from Normandy, condescends ro ia:cept a handfui of hay from fîve-year-old Anne-Marie Vergne. Her bearded friend wvas judged one of the best animais% raised on European farms. tioaaize le raising and au)crease availaý)!e te the iconsumer. T he story of the*synfbefic inilk bas its begiunings in the defvelop- ment by cbemists of the autibiofics, chemicals prodnced b)y ls whIicb imniobilize or- kil! disease- causing organisms, UWbenif was learned thiat addlcition of antibioties te the regu'lar feed couisumned by poulfry land swne ouild increase their rate of- gr-owtb sharply,.ty, earth-înold idruigs became ipr tant economnically te agricul]ture, Animal nutrition studies inidicated clearl y that fbie yonnger tie animials ,were when tbecy 1began te get anti-' biotics, the more ipressive b--ave been the gains ýin their rate of growf h. With chiicks, stuidies bave sbown, if the antîibiotic ee is given tbe day after theyý are batch- ed, tle rate of gr-owvth gaýin can mn aslbiïgb as 50 per cenit afour, wveeks; il' it is b)egunl four wevCks after hlatching !ltherate o0f gain is mublSSiprsve if beguin affer elit wekstill smilaller-; andc if nef 'eglir unfiil after 12 ek there is almoist ne ogatin over nior- mal,uo-tiitcfdcikn The problean iiwitb sw'ine wasif- ferent. Yonuig pigs normliall sncukle the sow for 56) days. Un-ldertos Circumstances, tbiey Cicut !e lfed an antibiotic atprdtrie levels. 'Moreover, with creep feedl- iug of antibiefic-fortified dry snp-) plement, p'iglets stiJl' face saniitariy and other hazards,, snicb as ctrush- ing-problems not eisiugiipoil'- try production. Ilow then cij ei an antibiotic te, piglets duiriug this vi- 'tal perioid when it will avethe most stimuîatiug effet nciutbieir rate of growth? Feeding. abuormsilly ibigb levels of ferramycin te the sew in lbepes that somre of tbis wouild psste theyonnig pigstrng tesws mil, rovdery xpusvesd badl littleleeifanyeffct 0ou speedling the groiwtb OF the :pig-s. ObvioLisly, fbis procedlue was netthesuer cini inte psatteImpts lhad been Madle te evs a syntbefcic Sew's, miilk. Evenbefrethe adven-t 0of, auitibiotirs, bed r relized they, conld sbariiplY :cnt imortality and simprlify',,theuir manageent prob- lems if tbey cold separate the yeuing pigs froim the sows witbin a day or two 'affer birtlà.. One snicb attempf had been ma-ude by Dr. Ceai- lier T. Jolinson suiid co-workers. Tbecir, tailor-imade -ýsynthetie o' inulk was prohii)tively expen,ïsive aud did lnef lend ifself te redadi- , aptation afthepacialfmil e e, BuElt their wr j niaewa rnighf ,c eldoue. sible redcinlg 1mortslity froni a preseuf ranllge (ol 20 te 35 Per centý te l5 per cent, saf tthie sanie timie predulcIles pigs sme"0 tei,35 Sper cen bevie afweanilîig f han tie averae sox-fedpiglef. B;ut fleiere are othier hr-ag eno ieimplicationis of great -i- prac.The errtyi li e Iiiilk ,siiilatsL rotli. By mskling lt-esntei sow"s milk aviiLableý te tie enfire litter, ithe pig raiscr can virtuallyeiiae the ruutb thaf staf sfical pig-and-a-half lui every litter that f00 o ffen cosfs more 0f feed than if is worfb. There are aIse some important long-range ecouomic implications lu the synthetie 1milk. pceonsex-, vilnc c% mna Penniingtonis byvBSilParridgi licr-sil a e- iinhd bth k Ca in>th theer latercount'ry the, Pat was a chonscï 1)cad Gf tl e family ;ck1dy fonc the eadr'smout. Te bok' aritimes), ontraadR. toe tpenîntonasora ingsord yh rther arrti aed pour dean Of- th , od~l,~atth rvn sfore s is fe itra ir are atfonai'dzen acildren, rgin tonr type, qt a sn an, dauber âiii their ,eareyits T he action on- is mos ieestig Teaadher ha a definlite gift. for'hr. trzain s0 the Pnigos r eyreal' people subject tothG soros, is takes, disappoitmntsi-and joy-iýs- which normal peopleenontr i life. Here-is a timey emndr ha millions of pol tl ednra lives inthïs discorat a-ge. 'Ther is nothing ;maýwkïsb abut is boo,, ht is a lively stor,,hI miove, ýThe kind of book that WiLlbare- ing more than once. _- 4