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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Apr 1952, p. 4

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~v ) WEEKLY TIMES Second CI;dss Mail. Post Office Department, Otawa. Rates on Request. Subseription $1.50 Established January, 1937. RÀAForrester Puhi'sher. R C For rester He Is fRisen In the end of the Sabhath, as it hegani to dawn1 toward the it day of the week, came Mar.y Magdalene and the other Mary t'o see the sepulchre. And, hehold, there was a. great eanth-quake: for the angel of the Lord detcended from hbeaven, and came and rolled back Ihe itone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance w-as like lightning, amd his raiment white as snow: and for fear of himi the- keepers didi shake, and became as dead moen. And the angel answered and saiid unto the women. "Farfot ye for 1 kiow that y7e seek Jesus, whih as crusified. Ho is nlot here: for ho is risen, as ho said, Come, aind see the plac-e whe e the Lord lay And go quickly, and tell his disciples that hoe has risen from the dead." The story of the Resurrection of Christ as told ini St. Matthew's Gospel is the basis for the Christian celebration of Easte-the mýoSt ,joyful festival of the church. It is, indeed, the hasis of Chriistian fith The world today needs the pr-om-ise of new life giveni to miankind oný thtfirst Eaisten morn. In this hour of threatoing wonld war , tIhis1 hour of broken dreamis of world peaco, this hour of misery aind fear thnoughout so much of the wvorld, the hopie that Easter hbrings of boetter worid niot only ini the heneafIter b5ut on ehis earth gives dhe fe naen of the worl ouraIge to carry on. Through the ages Eastr ad snringtime hiave beom eosey as- soc(itoed in the inds of people ovoerywvhere. The eternal mystery of terenewýal of life iin naturIe i hring ý" ild the ýtory of .he es- urconboth brin hoe to !a tat ultirmately good w ioquer evLTI-e imessage of Enkster is :a trumpfiant oè Peýople of ou comuniy, ike those ofthI sadsof cýommunities alovu e , \hnsin ol iImlliter ext Suniy:: teiuurhe J 1n of teatiful u i of aster and fthe comforot nd challenge commoate il tose ho ish to take Ipart inte, asersevies ING PEP IN PASTURE tilityof your soil is like a bank account. in't keep taking it 'out, without put.ting ,ack in. s demnands for more production and yiekd i- atower cost need the proper use ýplication of fertilizers to pastures, grain nd ail areas where produce is grown. These ýrs will help replace i the soil those Is so essential to plant growth. anager of your branchi of The Canadiani f Commerce represents a bank that bas iy years taken a keen interest in pronioting farning and in looking after Canadian ýbanl0ng needs. Why not pay him a visit? ê~u. Gta free copy of PASTUREONTHEI PROD UCTIONI LINE [rom your ~~brnhJ i7cares branch OLASSIFI D COLUMNS Thte ann I meet1,0 of tho Orono' Wonmen'sI stitutç ,1iii taketh fr FOR SALE IHAY FOR SAE ofathen willhoted o rdo nceay.Cnact of aPotuc chen, o Frday .1ve up to 10.01on e bradi ood mi d balodhay. Apply April 18th,ý 1:00 p.m. sharp. b-c1Rfieaos)dRnç, ur-JmsLwey ne5,3On. Teannual Good Salaçi Tea wi efigera ors adq ng Guara C n-amcot. e5r3Ooo servod in 9t. Savioitrs Parish Hall Orono Eloctric. h 93r1, Orono. FOR SALE on Wednes4y Ari.-Ïth e-ommiienicing Specials! New machinery on bandi at 5:00 o' ock dmission Aduits 60c FRSL Bisseýli Tanidem- Dises, 26-plate, ift-1 and ChildF5R.SALE o-maitie or handy control type, $205.1 ofte WCTT~ae Collapsable 1_aby Buggy, goo(1d 'e New\-type fl'exible Harrows,' 3-section The ladies new; Raymn Swng M e, steel drawbar, 15 feet, self (lump, having- a sal'e of home c(x)ing, on Chlest 0of Draw r-is; Hdt Pi10 an d trai1 fruee '69.0. Otaco timiken bear- Sa,,turday, Avril 19th, co "iencing at'Toaster, Also ied Hay dà Baled1ingwagons, $140.00 up. Otaco Mn 3:00 p.0m,1,io the 1co ro fjh Straw. Milton Famblyn on me 65119.1-ure Spreader, two whleel on rubber United Chifreh, Oi-r ;. 1 12-b-c $3'75.00. ýertîizer and lïme S.pread- A pu1blii e ng.. of -ile 0ronQ e $200.0 Whoelharriow -, A ýlso aivail- Amateur .Aetie Assoo atioin ill rFOR SALE able plo% s, cultivato4sn"ne, low he held il, t e Or1ange. al on Tuies- 1Bajeil il od.1-Hay and tý Strawý,. price on Wood's C .eetie Grind- day, April ý5th at Y45 p.m.spJ. H. Davo p hone 5 . 13-c-c or's, Co-rs'M ers, Fre(ezers,,, as The exectt ýe of ýee Skating Club iow a $93 U Wagons and Racks and the Ba eh 4Club are urged ' New' LeÏ o'ý i taur1 Tractors, '28 b.p. attend,.ac elejus R SALE t pull 3, n hda lpow, $1790. AVan 4ty Progrmmn-e local! ret for SmEte pple Cider, a Contact Carl Todd, phione Clarke py apporlost -.and 1,51.2 3-P talent wij ho gi-ven a J eskai-d potatoos. Oronio ivery.. Meadow- School, uesday , Aptri l 5th at S:30, mjount Fa s ake '2811.a- Round and qare dancingwliFOR_______SALE_____ follow. Procee( sare for- echool pur- iOne Int namtional h -dmaee poses., d4n Adults 50Ce., cild- Plaen+,NTC ouer in od condjtif . one set of1 n2,5v. Ldisplease bring -lunch. cstn IWl e h oig2004) lb. ýaies. A yChas. E. Tay- cut i awniriower this season. lr phonu 35-1 ý_rono1(. a-p SOL IFRThank you. Ray Caeton. a-p i".5 SOHilîsidERe Ci .Ask agent for Souls diffen gieutly in their natur- pie-ovr CadaA4'.JV ai staýte., Somne are vo,,y fertile, othiera !C9ý_ING EVENTS pie re n aaaA nv biave to ho imuprov-ed beorecrps aned from this wellknown cey be grow on the s ccolywhleA pa operating Upw aids of 3 r.Wide be row onJie ýucc,;sull, hil A layý'from Lakeýfield .., nited choice, some s urtitedi- oduietion for stili othiers are lunsuitable for. agn.-:i- Chunch, 'flle eComies, JÉPrince",I ood nmarketd'deucd on go-tting cultural uise duie to their iow fortility Fn"Iidaty,4pi 25thi, .-teTown HaI;ll, chieka o.EA LaaRR2 or due to uindesirahie phfiysicafl con- 0lro1o. ýponso_ e by the WT. A. Orono. ditions. Thiese dîfferent souls are flot________-___________ in theirprsn condition hy somne DEAD FARM STOCK hapazad rragemntbut have' Picked upj promnptl1y i formed ove-r the centuLries as a re-4Hrss1Cms eierShe4,s1P*f ~ I suit of the influence of a number o n factors. I (We pa ý for Cis erilii -,)aieý-, The chief factors which de',errmiie Call us odt the nature of our soils are theh- Liv e o .prl.f univo sical and chemical natureofi'chemini- iv cr i e eda odhrse 11.fqaft fWood eral' materis which have ariïsen MA GWi FUR tFARs v0 1lîgWaOaeflj a geologically, local drainage cond É onýs rn [wlbesd au in cljimate, egetation and the acvity hm Bwmnviie26ý79 A DURIIMJNIOFARiRS . Ifair- y vat Oron. MTIN DN E-COMPETITION Fe .Rcado Fre C r(-1a1-s [ ironied out anda arnra a eda prprdfor oecmoiini Oroo t1 fiiong nt, bu t t thefir sur-prise t'heieovwas nonle frh coming - t e woe Dra'repr- r eef tvs. 11a the spirit orf adventure and good spor-tmanishiip they7 journeyeçi to Peter-bor-oughl, wh ere thley found fouIr I other _ýeams entored in 'Cto ontest-i Peterborough, Hastings, Victor>ia an ýNorthumherland. Our group wvas the second eallod to the platform. Car- rying out the pioneer idea, the boys ,were dr-essed in brighit plaid "lumber-I Jacýk" shirts, dark blue jeans and redl handanna meckerchefs, white the g2irls were attracetively lad in light colouired blouses and dark swirlîng Skirts. The Master of ceromn-onios,' Dr. Harold Worton of Peterhocroughi, in- troduced the dancers, one hy ono - Irmna Betty' anmd Willard BReatty, Matrjorie Finnie and Gordon Wilson, Elda W'ilson and David Wilson, Betty North and Carmian Ir-win, al from the Gardon Hill, Elizahethville, Weleomje district. To the musie of "The Little Burat Potato" by the Sargent Bro- thers Oceta caller 'Jack Ogden <Iiiretedl theni in tho famîiliar "Dip and' ive. n, or ino nItheyoun folks turned n a flawless p)erformi- ance of' this familiar -,,t tricky fig- ur1e. The onfly regret was thiat many more Durhami folks wvere flot jpresent to see thiein danees, and to support c aind encourage them withi thein ap- plause. The othen team)is tookc the pafr and penformed in tunn. Evidentiy the' judges wore uindecided as to the final standing- of Peebrog ind Hast- ings for bot-h were ealied hack :.or a, repeatl perforimane. 11 our humible opinion it should hav) %e beenl Hastings1 and Durhamn, but since we Lad a haad in, training themi, we :are wiliing teO admit a ittie bias bore, and cýoncovdo te Point to the judges. Atan rate our boys and girls uphieid the besti tr-aditions of their pioneer anjcest.ors, and Durham may weIllho proud of them. Thiey attempted and accom)- plishied something, andl we hope they will have other opportunities to con-ý tinue what thoy have so -well begun. I In thiis confection would it nfot h a good idea to foliow this tmp hy a, petition -- of folk dacig t our festive occasions, sucli as our j pienie in the summor on the Fr Forumn rally in the autunin. The ý.o-1 cmal values and the pleasuies for hbothi participants and spectatons at a folk festival are many, and )nakce a worh-wilecontribution to Lihe en-'; joymient of rural life. May -the peuple of our- county vvho hiave long, lent interest and suppor t to such cul-' tural activiti'es as m-usie and daa fesivascolsier beextension ofý ~WE I]LP GUARD QVU H-f AlMont s of~ hard odur and 'a heap ýof savings 4asted away .... n lless y r are covered y 1tualce. onl't gamible. ha- Q ~ N.F. PORTER ORONO. ont. Your insurance costs can be substantially re- duced by buying Davi- dend P aying PoliQies Quotations on, request. Leroy Hamilton ORONO 1 RING 16 Orno n Ï Ishop", Spring Time is ËEavetrough Time Let's have your Order Now R. E. LOGAN, Phone180 Large stock of fabrics on iand to select fromi. Rapid ser- vice. Cal us today. Also Customi built chester- field and chairs. F.Duncan 01ro1o, Ont Fire, Autom sicçne Liiies and Waterý $6,500o. acres go barni, 8 largoe CA-tlL L u HARRY Professional Directory A. F. MeKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICI AN atid SURGEON Office IHouri : 2.00 te 4.00 P., 6.30 te 8.00 p.m-. Sundays and %Wedmncdays by appointmnent onIy PHONE 47r] «$ E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON la;ii Street South Office 1Houri: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.: 6.30 to 8.00 p.. Sundays and Holidayk by Appointment PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO Lawrence C. Mason, B.A- Barrister and Solicitor BOWMIANVILLE. ONT. Phone. : office 688 Home 553 TE D J A CI< r Auctioneer and Valutator ~onducts Auction Sales of ail âImee and at reasonable rate@ Communicate with Ilim it Px- perry, Ontario, or se, bis Clerk. A, R. Mwortfn, at Orono, for date.- JAC K R EI1D Cnutme for ternis addat es LIFE INSURANCE [Pension Planls; Educational Poideg. Prwtdction and Savings Plans W. Children and Aduits; Mortgage la- F. E. LYCEf ORONO, Ont. -Phone 2M r le The RITTER GRANITE COMPANY Dial 3216 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario NMonuments, GravemarkeM~ JPnt-rviner <'ndleafînp STAFFORD BROS 1Monumental Works Phonie Whitby 5,52 318 I)unidas St. E., Whitby FIEQUALITY MONUMENTS ANP 1A RKERS Let us erect a hnsmu nified mo)numeýnt over the re ing place of your loved It's not expenisîve. And een yo-u ffeiess comfor. Monuments P. E. DELANTY and 106 KING ST. 'WEST COBOURG, ONT. SýON PHONE? This firm erected thke Oro:ro Memnn orial Gates. Onýe of the highest for-Ms 0o'fCan4. adian senimjent is oli radtoa customi of erecting a Monument o granite or mnarbie to our Ioved ue who ieft this life. Orono EliEctric Phone 30 r 16 CONRAR4rtS Fok FARM Iand HOUSE WIRING APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guara»teeAd Repaira Co ail makes of Electrieal Squipiueat and Appliancea queh as Mtotors, Water Haeg Ruaif,> ,;5t.vesK rons. t

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