rof weked t viit at Trenton. "lof fo th v,ýeked t vist a ýlss Aunie Nesbitt left hast Tues- NE'? FON 1L~ fortheanli-,,,toisit Lier brother, Ji-aýnd hiss The youjg aughtC Mr.,]lGsaceLAnn, v sitd ndywife at Newiport News. Later on E The ilyoung son of M r. andM. ,11 Sundaady s JckGlve.she initends to take a trip out to the s Satu day -nd was quite badW av1 1l peopfle wi'il rieember Fred %weni Ctoa. urt.lie vvs akento Bwmaaillehe ws stati,-ned at theý C.P.R stton ifosjiala Ai ten to O hax npi-l NwonilNewcastle, Bowmjan- _Sg g .tl ews inased ecl er. vile. Oshawva, London, Elmnira nd( II I u Mr. anfd Mrs. Banldy went t n- iother places. Hie is now freighttiagent 'rsYarS d _________________________________________________j e are very sorry, to heaurïof the Ti erSn I 'eriovs ilness of Mlr. Albert Mortoni __in the Ohw Hospital and hlope Edast r h ls 2ondition soon mnproves. Mr. aad Mrs. John Biiey1 have -re-_C u e '~ a leaan tn i, Vi-~New and beaùtiful -- iia ýnd Florida -whIe:'e they -isited irelatives. IMiss ,Tackie Bailey remAns-5C,-1 . U d l irgiiaand is nttending IlA E - BOWM 1 iNV1L1, i Mr'. James Hjoy, Stan, Helen and Leonard visiPeli ihrelatives in Tor- D U BA RR Y orito on Sund y. r lrM and Mý , C-as~. Walk-er . nd Face Powder Spe.. ai U~R5~~Wdaughters of Camip Bonden ý,pent ai df1ay wNith MUr. and Mrs. Jaàk Stà- The $2.00 Face Powd I ~hwstarts at 2 pa. Mrs N.KenedyandMis C. The $1.00 Indellible Li tick stewart ,attended the m--eetinig of the Hlospital Auiliary at the Memiorial t fo. .$2O Ff.oppital on Friday 1ast. FRIDA ,ï SATURDAY -- APRIL Il- 12 Schoo~l losed for- the EPaster vaca- tion on) Thursday. Mr. John Alfney 17 *1, went to lis homié lu Trenton for the --IN ! et ek!A A word ofwonde hor.lday Mrs. Chas. Gay, Ross und T e R i ONE G EAT onnie spent Sunday in Keindal with ~s onty wonder-w r Mr. and Mrs. McRoberts. Cn ' r WalttDisney could Wg it ta M.amiyvsd wns.MG.sE. Lots ~~Watch for yotir One CIMIt Sale i tho ereni asc tin failyvistedwithMis C.Stea4 'And be wise! Shop earl funiny-foIkl $ngst v.fu recenitly. -eg avi The YK"adal Womnen's Institute ha" Mod-cop rrmentI Guy soil been postponied until Wednesday y r e % it DApril 1(; on account of bad rond con- LESKARD KIRBY IU In We welcome back Mrs. Chaters On Tuesday night, April Mr.1 'nand also Mr. and Mrs. Angus Watson and Mrs. Hartwell Lwr n r Doris and fllly, who recently moved and Mrs. Bill Reid attended the Mas- ER Mto our comimunity from Kirby. oncbqutm rno lhe ai-eatton Musical1d dofIi rMi tnCrih ai nd On Wednesday niglit, April 2nd Edgar are spending a few days with the Oddfello.>ws enjoyed a turl<ey dila- OR r. and Mrs. Bob Moffat, while the ner in Orono Town Hfail. C 0 boys recuperate fromn a tonsil oper- On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Ar- .0 ation. We xish them a speedy i'ecov- chie Lunn had a quitting lanlier home .Ade WnerulEtetasmn o-lr.Miss Mary Rutherford ite I M. ad Ms. rnet Geenand Friday afternoon wt r.Bl SK .U A c eIfamxilv had Sunday supper with Mn. Wannan and r.Ptesn SIN TECHNICOLOR The W.A. held their Easter ineet- CWnan benpdMrsandm.ReidJack _____________________________________________ on Wediiesday, April 9th i he 5a epdMp m edwt ~$una~y eho~ rao. Th tope ! omel~ tiiig Sundy shoolroo. Te toie 11e;Plcse einibe~r the W.A. Social 'not here,lHe is Risen"'was a eennbt h culi nWensay £V ~ 5 8 Wgiven by Mm. N. Fee ..d ,s.i,ýý,iga h euc nWded Chapina ~ndeed lovly Est1 evening, April 16th. Mr. 'Roy Cor- soloaccmpaned y Mr. J Camr- ish of Por-t Perry will give a taik, solo . ___________________ i b a Bee ther>h stae ý%t lie nhi rpto 2 P ionda 1 01. the Cone and have a good MOND -TUESDAY - APRIL 14 15 this Saturday in connection wvith the-__ new kitchen and any help wil be ap SOIL TESTS FOR SPRING Th-e FnneCmitefor the buinaan metaut te hoe armeors who intend to plant smnail M.and Mrs. Lenoy Hlamilton on f1ins 0or cornthsprn and have dayevnig ndfoloith not yet had their soil tested are as b)ush ss meeting a deiicious lunch a sured of a promipt analysis of their cervd. oul if they submnit sam-ples now to Airi sd. C rn, n+R Topo,lte Sous Departmient, O.A.C., Guelph. ~rn~ OB[JSN s, E, G!(een nd Mns,. A. ock Ith)thenumbeof, sou!test attended the Cubmetigon o- adldb the Deparmn Tces kÊ dayý evening ait Iwhic-h new Chm 1gec er a uiin aoa ~ ~ A I cx Onren andGay hmonweetony h s b een set up la the Depart- BÀ~ BAIfiN Insencal E ater Curch Srvicethe expan ding GONI TCHICOOR ouyoxscompflete ith struc- w jlbe hi on Sudyateno t tions, are obtainable at t1he offieo n ndteeil be a BaptismalP_ the local agicultural repreýsentative ser cé aal ecep)tion oî1' new mem- or drety omte Sois DepantI 'rbers. m1entO..Cueipli. -W DNSD Y 1 Mon. -Tues. -Aprl11-15 COME EARLY AND BRING THE ITrue Story e No. 1 CHILDREN TO . - Sat. p.1 2Sp»yol f;rld War 2, TÎtIS1PARTY ' ., trning i iDhCOItD nts - ME ASON wD ED . TIIURSDAY - APRIL 16-17 I Techailéolor W'ith Jean J'ters aaded Thurs - Apr 167 e c2e; mWith Clifton Weýbb ,,No' HIGHWAY h)i the SKYII Wit h James Stewart Duirin)- the hlours Of Y() im o.u dlen. 'L50111n' "I'm jr d for 'Lov*- Gif t ,stions Coutt's Better Deliclouis Ceocolates Specialy Eailer Wrapped. Boxes a t$1 $.O$20 Chocolge E aster EasterNovelties EaeI-g g s, 10c., 45c. and 49c. Easte Bunnies, .55c., 59c., 75c., '7est Drug Sale 11 in the mail this week-end >rug Store Easter Fluwers (In sitock Thssday atrOa Id EA,-STER P.LILIES 1 bloom plant .-.--.-----,.75e. 2, 3 and 4 blooni plant, Per bloom............-------.... 604, Calceolarias ---- $1.50 and $2.00t Potted I>affodils $1.50 - $2.00 Poited Tulips $1.25, $1.50 $2.00 H ose, Ladyl- Beth, Nylon, 45 gauge, full f as'hioned sizes 9) to 11, pair for .............$1_19 Hose, Menls Ny"lon aink-Ie, nîb knit,plicios and, 1 mroon or lblue, Pair for............ 98c. Pullovers, M4srayon spoirt shIirt,asrtdcls anCtlS. t S1zes 8 to 14LEÉ hfor ........98eC. Blouses, Ladi es' Crepe, assorted colors. Size 12 to 20. Each selling, for ,......... ..........$19 Sips, La icepehai, lce rmsi-sk Ankle Soc , (idrn's aind Ladies y ,plte on ott , 4 pairs of assortedcoo r a size to a paekage. Sizes 6 to 112 ckage ..... 98c. Easter C rd(s, priced from.........3)C. to 15c, Easter.-,B iiskýetLs priced fro..........lO0c. to 98c.1 Cups arfn Saucers, fancy ntglishi China, set . $1.19 Ge ÇwnDo n der, 1ilb.....33c. uAST~R L~Wt~ ~ akerts Shred Cocoa -nut, 8 ounces ... 25e. UMITD ~Domi-estic Shortening I pound f or ...29C. Green Sherff': true for 23e. GenBeans, Maîkins fa.ncy, 2 tins........39C. Pork and Beans with chili sauceCk, 2 tins 25C. ljiced Beetsý, Aylmier, 15 ounce tins for.. .....lIOC. Peas, Aylmer large grade 4 - 5, 15 ounce tins 15e. Pineapple. Aylmer L;id bits, fancyT 50%ý sugar, tin 28c. Kraft Velveeta Chieese, Y2ý lb. packa'ges.,ý...... 31c CampfireMahalws 8 ounce package .. 25e1 Olives, stuffed, 6 ounce refrigerator jars ....35e 1 hrt-AlSo a Phone WVIVIKLY TIMFS TE