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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Apr 1952, p. 6

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with aarried ma. I worefr im fr thiree ion ta me uti bitbis wife left iaillis always fond olie bHis wfI e bas -thecidn, walîom 4 li upotgpoery "Onliý;e dy'lsas ewoid talceber a The net, tht1h uouldc fr Sthe cdr s ae.H dais e as't loedcbr ,fo ct eas And g et 'it f-lor t Aan daims ,el ï au sce bu three P mes11 eek Hehssomn pasfo u uturme He says for me not t woryIt. o' e ur nteed USE SCROAP's fil-op you kitchfen]chee flsdgy Ptod rs thatlo-okC, i ke fo rbn the in L ir 1 0wnil udy bsie pate iicpices for set., Send TWENTY-FIVEý. CENTS Ont.Printpiainy PATTERN NUMBER, yourNAME ind AD- DRESS. Siud au colorfl mîndp e centýs low fororLaaWelr Needicraf Catlog. hoos you paffusfroi ar gifyillstaned * You are olId eog oreaiz *So u1pset you haveot fa(ced the * ae 1ltbe ody sdgo ae * aoneuni b Cali com-'e ito-,ou a freo lMali, A Romaqntic Ch-ild "Deaýir Aun ie 1Hi rst i: L,1i ja, iengaýge ta boy nKore, whv"lorrs PlI ar as Soon1 as b cogijes lbomýe. But m youngsiste is akinga f ol of bersehýCf over biim. "Iluis asjetteý r ta me, he e-11 crazy love le'ttersthtsad h but sh sholdknonw better. I arn (My other I-.i s deadý . C Or da * Hand telttrlo your Sisteýr. ,* 1u, i f Youd o u tit rl our s self. doui't [tel oi.ber whaf you * im'. Ynolr ucxpcttcd ilence * ad it n Iill feling ew ar Y*c yIu. Sble wi1ll understild, t oo * t thtyucouild lhave' g'iven T!teni * i toyor ifathecr, witb r(esul tiuig * ý Eyth, time yotîr fanere- * uriis, she il avegotten over il ave bueen due o ~one. Ifa marri*ed man is making you 112 customlary promise, turn a deaf ýar. -Don't get Mixed upiia scandal.. Ariime Hrtw hel1p you find Courage 'ta do rigit. VWrite her atBx 1, 123 Eighteenh t. NwToronfot', Ont. ModemEt îiuett Qý Are showers for pro::spýctive brideroomaapprapr7iate? sok o auidyto we, "aity andchn, ndthle likýe. 0f course the shower of usfuj1l gitsis';s Q. I've been told if is permissible ta le-ave t'he soupT spoon in the soup A.If Itle plte on1v1 jtLehoWl restss wid , t is btter to lay the spýonou ilif. ifveyarwb - 'Q. laIt ànecessarythat-a plaîl- bearer aiý a funieral wear a black suit?« ANo: nydrk usmssiti Q. How sol one taketh olive stone from the moufli? Aý. Itlsoud e rmoedfom the' mothwith thie thumb and fore- fingeraud li on the plate.Neyerý heouit of jctingý it from thfe mrouthi directly t(nh plate, or into the ýpalIm of tlue ad Q. if severai members of a famnily gotgeth-er ta 'bty a wedding gift, is it il1 righit for the bride ta write a note of thanka ta Juat one oýf thepm and( ask her ta thank- the other miembers of the famil1'? A.N;th brde ustwrite a separa-te 'hote of thanks to eacb Q. la i correct ta have a mono- gani engraved on the enivelope of social sfationiery? A.\o; the mon,)iogram i should he engrved nlyon thie note paper. Q.Wheni youi are talking with somecone whose inari e,011cannot remember re-idily, .andii another friend joins you, should you at- tempt an ï-introduction?ý trouiontan f0 leave two per- a.t eab othe [-[er y-u an say nai1 e. Paee~~ ~ c/è&t~'ad/ "I! Lue dleaners wo-,-uld only shrink their bills ue theydid fuI ONPCE-BUTý. NOT NOW Peole f te heîc p uei- have tîme v)hw ops~o n uuderstanding for those wo ia, longer dan nmake the rade.(n Hollywood, bo-wever, th cmpti fion is so fierce sd te snseof insecurify sa evdngta o body bas any fimne Ifor fahl'en buig- shof s of yester-day. A star wb bias m.anaged ta o dbiplc tbrougb tbeyer ucosouy su.mmeid up fb olwo ti tude af a dinnierpayreefy "The time t to you moey away is wben you'rýe ;rollingaon o>n tohe announý(ccd, "Youeye know ben 1you me goint bit the skids. For exampie, tke thepic- ture I'Pm doingc. t cîsfor a flck of exrs1 a okn hmae at Ilie studiofua orig-amt ley rwad o' e rae ha*If-Size Fashion TEA BAGS HRONICLES "ýOut 0f Thîs Wo>rld"' Lhasa i truly ont of thiswmrm% scncîypeogra-pbicaly;anld Cul- ttroally. Standinlg at tb ehlead olfa green valey, oly wethusn feet above sealee-w for Tibet -tecity is almost srouddby tail imounitaIins-, the hgetof wbiich 1Loomls up eighten tousnd eet Evnil] tle sunimer, lncW sn)ow can11be seen alm!!1osttevery mu'ýonng onl tbi mjstcpek towerFing to- ward th'e deep b)Ilue sy. To add to the splen1doýrscattered 1up)and owi thle imounrainîls ;are red andwht precariuly toroc('k c If ikeC Dor-je nOw le'd usaayro th center o f te1 it,1cls'svea fiodd eadows to vwhat wst be our hý(ome heviiigLaa Hie tokusto a gorumelult villa, calledTredaLinga, o th soth hanksof the Kyýi Chui. The1re wec fuud amplecrom and )comor! botb for our anim i andour- Selves rle thaýtt avisitoýr to hs is that three(avs, a't leas, mus 1as before h is permitte t enter thf audenc -halthere theTibeta pion tf lsesplrms sa * el an oia, e nearby Budd rist1 conreNWl, o h is tie iiTietnjiory1 s th sai tht ie a direarldedwi festi1,val danedbIght ardi clea over ,", lhasa, ('th lenty of, sunl a llight7 for1) our'l color sfilm.Ely th mor ing e ond rthe stre1am of-- ý Ibeta1sou et womile proes lrci tlipste to rig otaa fimth orful vcrwd lu hi ha Lwlsen moe Coog0i pepl. tibetanofficiis anh thei e'ly d s nd mle-te e dressed ina fowig lroeswityeu fi,, w !ats ofith, in[ertd saucer tynp. hebotlor sgheme o ther th il,]-robs vared acod'ip t ràn and)- Coffuicesonie gld an lue who b earugh('ip thI rear, wer 'lintne igh alil à ltu as fth right weldas one ir. tP a - !ny)y wthngcudone bez lie Ve such ua feat wspossib-le. cla i sw oetinlls ta a chance to imaterialize a black streak liof ur îvs uontbeIm, baclc arcbed, tail ini the -airan using the most, awful laniguage. That streak was our Black IJoe, Now, 1 tbought, I've s le ce n everytbing. When dog chases cat. tbat's noth- ing. Butwhen 01 lone cat chasce tîvo big dogs and br)eaks up a fightý, that is really ne S, soon as Ilt, had the dogs sprtd Black Joe sbinned up a chestnut: tree and stayed on" guard. Today wtcedas good à fenigmatch asI arn everJiikeC:ly tu see. Tpycame On tý,a groun1d- hog uaae.Shie caught, it, theaý droipped it. Anid thn Tippy ,and the gonhpcir-cled and j ocke-y- ed for position wthligb3tning speedI. Twie Tippy caught it and dropped (it again an1dl the perfor.- miance wlas repea:ted un til the th1ird and lastt1,iime, the gro-undhog gamly igbingin dece o ýf its, ik'e ta av esue t, So tiny DID'T NOWTHEIR OATS When you eat yo"rtoatieal ja thlanik yu sas ht b ld R- paes.TeRo-mans flgured oatu, wee eesbut they neyer qumite kileItei ailUoff. 'These days Caniadian and U.S. farmilers grow aboult13bilo bsesofat 4592 ? 4/22Y inereitil - vur e f-Spring1 Ciecsigue rthe fýU lr, shorter taller1 r d timer 1-1-i! 16,l,2W'222',21 .Sz complte ilustrted istru tis senid TIT IECENTIS accpte) fr tispattern. ýPrint pla:Iinla SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUM'iBER. Send rderto Bx 1, 12,3 Eigbi- teenSt.,New oroutlo, Ont. A bushia etter th3illan aclotbl for emovng tainis froni a deep- Free Kig,lnoted 1 CIlothinil igteoil ed areas in thei irec tino h iler -not cros-sise to latertretuen, wipe the spot witha dan lt tat has been dipped intoclearwarmwatoer an1d sqeze o eiov xcs lois- tur , 1 2 tm n e Mme ailofunhesi, folW wiun a, graeslet ucba-is C arb)on tetacloid . Us a br ush to get If hee wotratm1ents do not completly remoe the tain, start ah over gain. Rpet the lte a0dsovet tratmeuttormv the emaiiugstain. Care of Coats Befre uckngawa-ýy thlat (Ad pet huutinigcoat ii nmothl-bails and puttinig à it iiefam1ilycedar Cbest, be Uremto gveit aPcoat of good cauvmas water-proofinig sncb- as is us-ed forr tenrts. Thiis wvill flot onl1y preserve the tmateialibut wýiil keep thocse blood-soaked pae at the bottom Of the gamle pockets f romn SPEEDSTER A womau i was talkiý,ng witb az frieud abot thec athletic achieve- ments o te atersson. "Your boy mnust be an excep- tionally fast runnier,; I see by this mrniusg' puer mhat be fairy burnd up the track with bi sod breaýin)g specd_ I suppose you sawi himh do dit?" repEd the oyi icmthe, -but 1 saw he rac 0tis m1orning and there was notbinig bot cinders COLDS Applv warm oiI frely iNSI~ At ruggsts'for 8 [LW e RT Lt is too coid foir bouisecleaing;. towetfor seei]g --or for raking thie iawns or flower eds, b4t it 15 a grantime fili lor "red-(din-g up" odds anid ends ;that fbave accumulat- ed during thie wintecr. And bow they accumulai1ýte! Just recently friends of our mioved away from the ir spacious farm home to much smaller quarteýrs. 1 just about wilted when 1 saw ail the -stuiff that baî to be sorted, and then, sold, given away or tbrown ont, according to its usefulness or value, Wiat au, ordeal! And yet bow uninteresting our homes wo.uld be if we did-'n't board anything at ail. Imagine housecleaning the boxroom of itbe attic and havîng n oldletters or school books to look throutghï. Or patcli work p3iecces to sort, or pic- tlures andsiapshotms to look over,' some f icbbd Ibeen almiost forgoteni. Wha Ilfut ttake an- other lookattos odsco- grupitres; j1tiiîuk of Maie a ls she is now ý%,and sce die shy littIe girl sýhe Iuedù'to be-o)r the sturdy Volutb vh wsuscb a puuly litle boy Andl,!of corse1ldCounltry peolewase ?)a lot of prc ius tiîn lokiing -atpostcards suid o1L111r-relic'S Of byîoneday, taking usbak othe pas't aud mIakýi11g uîinfor lus inow? .Timies and plce ave cbanîiged, a lot anin( i many caesithe olk we uoved ar no logr hrew efit tbiemi. Iupston, there are abin The tling,,s that we hoard now ar veriffernt from hoe f rad CILuthiiIý f0tmak(-nir 1for the chi'- deOrt lr 111cutup drllug -tbe winter for rugs an quilts. NwIII111mailauattic, inIsteadu of c1oltiI1g tlhe-re are antillque pees eýd - r byrescued Ifrom th xvoodsed orpicked "ip- at au uc tinu sle.The other -day sa w abeautiful cedar Ined, audJ-cary- ed oak cbest. Lt lhad bueen brought ovr rom 1.England a rnd lbad been savgdfrom anilold hack k iten as a bnvplace ou wbýicb f0 r, ut up tinemet, ftranlainmaihd The tue we spe(ý n ireddiuig tip"decs to agre t extet ou the wathe. Aslng as if stays cold, wf, or tormy e arei- clineud to dwl ntejob),e- jnyiIg it to tle lý i. ý But !et thýe weatber chiange and very soon sen- t;lientg ives wn1 ay M Éf0!ordin1ary, everyday commonisnse50itat lu our1 deieto speed)Uplte work we find urseves litte ie more rutb- lesir, discardiug treaisures of the ps.A lti usieanid we realy sep aouîd esecillyafter a ra iy ýspeli sncb a;s xve ba,-ve bad jutrecentîy,. (0f Course spri[]g is reaillyjut1 arouud the livCornier, No, doubt it wouild Ibave been bhere - f fore bult prnloan extenIsive could atalyget' here Butdot wory-ît is coming ah riighit - must be, Wy? ell, three days ago1 I erdgesegoing over . and- -iwdop re blooming; cdaf- fodils are iii bud; rhu,,barb) is peek- ing rosy-red truhifts win ter bed, anid the san r ,tblouigh suentnowhave 1een eard sinýg- ing. To say no-tlîlng nf two cc r-ob)injs ta eearigout pr- cîsIýion exerc ise o orfrt Law o nl 1 yyedy .--ITIle M ouutie's Mulsical Ride had noting 11 tese twu ois They rau, sto-ppef-. raui, stopped; left wbeeled and ISSUE 17 -15 RELIEF ?S LASTING There's one t -hinig tht bring-ýs really fast relief frolm the dsofr..thle headanche ... te usulr chsand Pains that often accomipantýy a éold . . INSTANTINZ. And the relief la prolongedi Sa get INS-rANfITINEF and get quick Camfort. INSTANTIN7 iS compjoundedâ like a prescription of three pýcrvn medical ingredients. Yucani depen-d oÈn its fast action in getting relief framc everyday aches and pains, headache, rheumatîciý- pain, neuritic and ne- ralgic pain. Get Inîtastine today -. ssd always intpi iant Un I 2-Tablet Titi 25t Eco-nomical 48-Tcblet Bottin 75ý,

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