Use AUl The Pig Except The Grunt The meiiat induý,stry is making un- eeasinig efforts tou se ail of the cow bt the mou,i)nd ail of the pig buit the rut P'igs ield a man as 31 differ- tctby-produtcts, cowsý 27, and sheep 25. Mo- t spctaý]cular by-products rethose now b ised -i n edi- c!n. ciece b- las tnded despair orthousands of thlentinSsic:k N yrvetaimiiing liie giing mra -druigs f rom anima glands and,11(i- ternlai organs. Inisilin is onec of tbemt. Itï comecs îrom thepancreais adin- the thirty years since its discnvery-1v bas been osed b-y illüis ofpeople u, fr ing fromt diabeýtes. Livr etratsfor- theue of, anami, colsteolfor thec pre- parationi of Vitainii D, sex hor mn ies-, adrenalîn ulsed to ,treat shock and asthma, suirgical su,- ttures, pepsini, iandicortisone il be- lng to Ilhe great family 0ofby- proues tatcone from ctlpg and sheep. Tepituîtary gland, a tiny growc,ýtb in the brinI, is the mosýt ipratof ail tie medîica-l te- souirces that corne f rom the s'auighl- te-bIouise. Th'le miracles cnandisd this gland are ilstrin scieni- TALE TÂLK ILI x rdw lFrom ai great niany Europe'an countries' ive have' imported the secret of -making their favorite d 1elicacies, but fcw of these have gained wider popuiarity - in our cities at least-than. Danisb pastry. But even the best versions produccd by restaurants and commercial bakerieýs bere usually, lack, some- thinig of the buttcry teud'zrnuss ,which mwarks the crisp, tender or bake-dini Denmiark-as any traveller to ilthat lnd will t estify. Dansb pasry admnittcdly in- volves quiýte a bit of time and effort inits i-poyper prparation. As a matteùr of1 faý,ct Danîsb bqusewives tbmevsbuy'the pastry oftener than they bake, it. But for, some speciati ,ccson-sucb as that late Sun dlay breakýfast-kt's u el Worth thei bother, esýpecially if you use thjis somewhMat sirniplified version of the rec:pe used iiiDemar, icb bas been(d]ised y Mrs. Rtb lP. Casa Emllellos,hoeenmitf The New YorkTie Alhuhthe dougb used is of thie ordinairy yeaist type, àt is gre,.aly eniriclied by the butter spread -n it whxlbing rildout. Tt is thec of dough Mhicih2hs ben oiled to on1e.fourth inch. lc filling across center, raise opposite sidjes of dougb andl overiap at center, Press. to seal. 1Let risc, apply giaze anld bake. F:rost, if desired. Filled Figure Eights: Cut rolied dotigh into finger-w,,ide stripi, twist inito couls and saeintfo8',-sor roundis. Let rise, glaze, cfui- et.s and bake. * CHEESE FILLING iCup cottag'e ch:eesesee 1 Vz tablespoons flour tiV tabiespooans swveet or Sour cream 2 eggs, separated V/2 cui su.gar 1, tablespoon butter, melted V2 teaspooni vanilia or gratedlemr-on r in 3 ta'blespoonis currat-,is or ranmns 3/2 cup chiopped bace almonds, ()Mix chees, lorcra egg yolks and sugar. Add uttr ad vanilla and mi I smot. dd curranits and almondIs. 2) Fold ii in etncgwites Yieid: tw cups PRUNE FILILING Grind or chop one c!> up ptterd an dained COaýed p!7rnes an-d one-ý haif cup coaked apricots o-,r tasins. Add one-haîf cup dry berd r ake crumbs an-.d oefor cup oney. Heat, sýtirrin-gcnsnt, Il weil biended. if to thn, dd re crumbs, if to tick, add 4Ion juice. ALMOND PAST 1E FILLING Cream together one-haif cup each 4utter and sugar. Add and blend in ne cup almonds, ground. Ihe Pc=ries A're Coin'-Resplendent in their pea'ri but-ovee duds, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Matthews wvatch as- a London bus is junloa ded in New ,York.' Leaders af London csemnes the 41,ailtth e ws wiII take prt in a -caod-wili tour during which three of tihe doublUe-d-eck-ers will cover 8000 mliles. TRUTHFUL Arthu Kobr's fiîve-year-old1 dayv party-beetbe food bad bceen scsndtoo srngyfor beluik- in.Qienaturcaliy se emake to tieu otss Thsisafu" "Oh(, o,"ecoýrrccted ber urse I' veCÎ oo. Ii jut a litie dfe cnt. Yuhigtt-i, t" N, Ou1 the way homei, 11-e nurse ex- plaýined, "WIhen yo ýU're(atngout, de ar, it's ail rigbt to sRy1 the food is good if you like it, buit if you don't, jusct leave it'[on7your plate- and don't say anything."ý Tie ext Sauray, Catby soit vistin agîn.For I lch, shde as seve ceaedchIickýeln, which shle loves, auid peas, wihshel ay; bae.She finlisbled thiechce ttc the peas, then llookedc( at the nur-se, and in! bler bes it Eily Post v"oice rema-rked(, "These pa are delus-butawful, Our chuircb bial burned (dowvn last weck. Holy smoke! Iawyer sougescd iMexico. "But U ed "ha' ilrighit." said thle Iw yer. Wheneer thre's alpase, -ail youýhave to do10is say , ," Thc star created a great sensa- tio inthelittie Mxcnviîlage, and henshe pperedin court, the ,,-Iole towntu n outtO it mess he eent.There w'as a reat the ,s'tar said "si, Si" veryfirlyï on numtiilerouis ocaiinswSdenly the crowd gave a great Ch lCeer JWh, Iguiess I'm w vred"sh*, said-complaceuly iorem eyel" cried herpesingatrey "You've married themvr" ted Hanids-One of the stainiless iteel hands, vwhich Soviet sources soy vvill be fitted to a giant Jock On Moscow's Palace of >cince, is examined by a Rus- tian woka.Eectric bulbs on -he- hon-ds Will ren-der the 20- ontipee visible From a disanc atnight. d ýr- y- 9) If dougb bas ciiled,( overnight, let sztand1 at room temipera,-ture tili soft enougb for rolling. Roil anrd shapej as directed in followinig suig gesions or as desied. (10) Place n greased haking. shecets and let isc tilI d1ouble in1 size.ý To gLaze, býrush with a b)eaten egg mWhbas been blnded with on-orhcup)ilk 1ýand one te- spoon sugar 111) Bake in a bot oven (41ù00 degrceesF.) tihi well-browned, about tweInty minutes. f idesiredi, firs twelve Lesxte asre ïin Delnmark ,thjere is aP great variation in the miannler Cofsapn the bujns ;and in thcir fi1lings. Here aea fewýý of th1e 1mywaysin which the pastry my b om also r ecipes for- a few ,of the mit popular fillings. HOW TO) SHAPE DANISH PASTRIES Cock's Combs: Roîl douigh te on-orbinch and spreaý,d \itb a pasre made by craming equal maueof buýtter and sugar. Cut in1to founch squaes. Plce 'a sp)oonfuïl of filliuig across center, moisten edges, fold iinto aretnl Und pres7 egs ta sel. Cutfour orfv deep siashies in sealed edge. Let brisc rsb ith iglaze and ,bake. Spandaners: RohIl dougb ta one-i fourtb inci, sp read(I wýitb pastýe madq(e by creaming equalmesulre of butter and sugar. Cuidi four- inc squares. Place fîling in center. Foid crners ta ceterand- press d n.Let risc,brs with glaze anid bakýe. Drap a teastpoon aof jelly, in ceniter ("f each and ice. Fihled Triangle:Rail dougb ta nue fourtb inch.Spread with fiilig and foid in, thirds, Cut inta four- SAl squares and then cnt eacb squar, e i t ranle.Let rise, glzbake and frost. Filiedl Rounds: Cut, large rounds CanadienMae Syrup is woild renowned for its delicartefllevour and delightfiilly Ldeanraste, IS~V~fflTELLS 111E WORLD "Say 'aad'and you tihink o zestful nortLernl air; swvift-runnming sreams; rch, roZing farla nds. It s1mld 6be an tespciai1y Éa taste to so many 'fthe good thjings fr-oml this Favoured land.- The above il]1usý,'ation and text are from an uiadvertisement no)w being Puoblisshed by Mhe Hanse of Seagramn through- ou t the world-in Latin America, Asia, Europe, sud Africa. This is one of a series of advertisements featuring Canadian scenes and Canadian food specialties. They are de-signed ta inake Can-ada better known throughout the worlrl. and ta help aur balance of trade by assisting aur Governmuent's efforts ta attract touriets ta this great land. The House of Seagram feels that the horizon of industry does not terminate at the boundary of its plants; it bas a broader horizon, ai farther view-a view dedicared ta the' development of Ca.nad a's statuore in every land of the globe. 'N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N ~ N N N Zhe J4ousc of'~c~rî N Germatrecret nervices ertv receved inalinsructonsthe aqý ýýlas one"hnred"p-ent aitisheum -una de'dop- fhoborc frea muitnes se Iù i ressur dio but everyoeoftemwa signaâl arranged between the Bri.- -ihscet servicead its highlyý SLIGHT ERROR N '-s N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N