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Orono Weekly Times, 15 May 1952, p. 2

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p "Dear Aune H Iirst: \When Iwa 411 high ýschooi, ] rau awlvýay and arida iman mily miydid flot, e wa s athome;ile ha d a step- dîsiiked hec ini- that she disliked mei asur1deut "Atrorfliegirls ýwere boru niy hnsbaud becaýme resies gainý audI fundlie wsturiug to hIi', stpohrand fathe!r for conisolaï- tion. ",We bad au lýot of bd icHe joüined the Armry. ilis familyse- cd tautln1 itws y fauit, but said JI0 cid stay with them tu lre- turln for my allilrttceqe1 turrued thlem dawn,. Sintce the-n, thoey caeto see uis oniy Mwhen my bu is- band was home. Lettes Canwmte "Soon mly ihusbaud's stc!pmother began ta )write endearing letiteri rto hiw Itold him thlat 1 saw ,a couiple before befiewent overseas,. He r-(, fflk-c, 'The aid girl does get a bit cloppy, daesu't she? iHowever, hc answeredthe letters and ià stili wriing ber Noue of donem seoc Lareabou myfeelinigs. "Is hereanly vwy ita show ama tht is wvife aud famIliiy shouldà camue firtt? Is there uly ,way to t4eý this wmnthat she is over- oteping ber place." e s s41l overseîas4 Whajt ïT'd Cely ie ta know is just what, place she really occupies iu myv husbnd'alif-moterfrieud oùr lover ?" CON FUSED," * How, differrnt1lou'd feel t- *ýl da4, wenya adte) O 1ýîil su et- *eý tryou and you'r huad ad *had a goodLluglitogte-n *dîsissed the icidea ,a othrlinî iipor- "Hsit occurred lta 300 that * your usbandis so eieedt *c' clie ufr-ieuldIy termis itb is * ahrswife that he acepsier * em ii enide-armenlt l-ith a li meu!t a I sbriug? lHis re2ply ta oo ,' d i)('d hur ilt 1i ast weIl, But if he is *-_ as malîcilos as youtihiuk, 'why *1 d1)et,aliebrr at lier uwni * Keep your ltes iigacrass, * tim. Lavinglettersblrimiiug * itb newuS of bsfrieuýds ba ck * homle, gay wîtb staricses f the * chidrn's atet ticks, anld tel- *inig bim in detIail just vwlityv *snaplIshots aI yau i-adrm * lmrl that yu icouy live for the i a lie cames home. You ua h ilm beCtU tertanyaeelse does *A adcan gaugc, is normtai ce- * ctosSab sure ý1îLthat ( evr * ette'r yau send 1m1akes iuî le *otht be's dcopped in at homne and l ad a wonider-fi, ersin ii e wihyau and the ciidcený. * No Mattr how u tempedyou *arc, neye say ayuytigabout * bi f rniy, xcept ebpsta *yusaw thein liateiy andthyr * ilfinie. Give him the ipeso *tt ,theunlcsntpatyou ali far as ouare coçeredth * fture wii ringug a rew felinig si ail rad. '5' Yot mw-u'tget auywhere re- *ndiug biW ttiyou aWd is *chidre corne first, nor aceultiug *a yoréribtsor bis wrugrAd * 'auy attenpfto ta tîlhis,- m ~ ohrofoitU aniOly ,a'dd e *futel ta the fiamle q ai-erproba>bîc * hatred fo'r yu * A iastwhîethoulsauds aI - *'sadtaike h for-gratetat * l i Il,-Th chances are you w'vi .Dea vAue Hiîst: My new bus- b)aud !is -a prahlerm abrady.Ilie bas ththabi aI aming home at av) time 'ýlie nphrases, andlnat even ie - phig1ug f;irs_ t, ite!wý "Lit i n t nlristtbcg, as n i ,îhcekce reul1ho vsoes iannSbit ssiciusht vou gocivE meany? * V/it a reasonaie litine for * siter andleae hi a ote- Il U wre youiaie. Add that * ipuelr is il)Illheeu. Da't *p Aktaisu of i - ald don't ;t(ho ay anlger w\hcîî lie cP * oryu. lBe asgay as ïmua, and M- OF scthat -lieesjy wa'slI * o Salay nw usan o lo * lïý relz htif teeis ta be *ý' o -decIn thle home, ua wiIe',s"rau *tine basxta be berved. Tbcyý *that ordor is vitai, auld ais lapse- on auCheilprt tupsets the ;whoi ' Yau are w"ý is taculb this hlabit * eariy in youc arliage. If mr * promptly, the c .d i haierv If yo)ur husband is a soidier, it is yoýur jo'-b ta carry one at homne- kcep your probleme tA yourSel, and nWke hbins rae your firt job. Wvrite .Annre LHirst whatever is- worcyig yoýu: beltry to belp. Addrs h berat Boxn1y 123Eight- eenh SrestNcw' Tronito, ont. 7Ja aaeea 4ve.1 450 Eveung 11ra! BaliCat! e thle mo)t uewitb thi eastsw iug fr-ont thlis Mkeit in a1han Latr auiIwear it avc yoursuit taI bahadback ilfyauma ke hin a tubbîe 'cottonl! Patturn 4530: Misuss i 2 14, 16,18,20, 40, Size 16 takes( 4¼yards 35-l ch far simpe t sel tetedforFIT.S plaînliy SIZE, NAME, ADDORESS, ST.fYLE NUMPER, Senld ordertoBo- 1 13 igt In Chicago Iu the dear dead days of %ln ago iwhen Prohbiion was in it gspory nc af its chef befcmire, a gentema naed A aoe ge adinluer dance atteoldedb t he crcme-dc-Iacrme of Cioer. Our extrmmelretty gîi, nacn sefuîyexpccted talec. but as th 1eeig orc nshig cd bertaIndaucce withlmh -"eS dcdfourtirneswitbu chtuaifrmp luhin thebmperoxide bions ;and prpî hads" se oml plaIiued ta-,ber- escant. "Fie asi even ooked lî m. Y nure h thingaboutit!" wbat iftI]mc:liiCapone da(1i iiiig witil litha anKo le ,let bier-, "you o nîn'tlike tat mils, knlo%,ta ucl.lapoe nw"The grIpaîrd suddre The youug Mchiveli wss pasdwitb isistraetegero1, ie couidni' reittePiug -il aA a jo!ke uastop 'goodtari-,Cuilshr H[e wake vec ta tllegilcary tok ý lier'away from the ian tor whlom she was tlalk'IPingi, and sand ludiy. "This duois wvitb net For- four danIces il'ucesin liewîrd ber around th Ile or at th eud of % wh fic,,bm ouula dy ingý iucobiercnlt sounds andIïi(berc cyrsevere poppinlg fr-onlierî-Il bed Capone appeared maread mr On te wa bone, imutcli, muýcli itiaapjiediugi, this nie ibas withu tcut-fou borg.Hec boy frien ivasIounddead i an lley. blis bodyspcye with a dloz(n mciegunl lets. Shiewai- ingý' salY atuiS picture>, and Wlonl- decrinlg lia tcta eart the funleral wivl esgra rrived ib four- dozcu logse ed meia B I(auvties. T'l'le ccac crdrepad, "Mce apnomiomtsas Utos -bve Weekly Seui-Thrifty ANwE I41RSTb Fcuilq~u.e,"otn a~~sasde rt by it 5el ie BRANO MýA:id 0f Lilies- Payinig hoînor to the Be-rmiuda lily, a 'Lily Bie wffi a oskiri resemnb.;!ng aonitain oF flowers, ridez, on a float in the thiird annualpaen honioring the nactive flowe. Mre than 40 smarydeccrated floats ,vound thiroughi the streets of Hamoilton, Bermda' captalcify, during the ceelbrafion,ý tormeiut meto such an exteut thatý I aeto see2k refuge 1viulthe ousze No,ýw sahb bc-, ta or e aud Joy the fresh ir and sunýý shie ta is, oc te cidw be woud rful! -p-ace - a uoîsy bumble bcç fit- tiug busily v c and forth. 'roié thec chestout tree the stariugs r~ holding a faiiy vconecreuce. By t'li way, hv you noticed thsaï starliugs bai e one cail that is an exact imitation of the corne-hithec whIistle. commouly, used by boys u the stret te, attract attention from thGe girls passiug by. Now 1 wonder- are boys imitating the stariiugs, oris it the other way round. Ou April 24th Partueri reported the returu af' the barui swalio ws. Atleast our swailow vas bacl< and was inmmediatriy buisy houseclean- iug. And 1 niear xci that. This littie sw --o wa nluand ont of the cow salpecking vigo,ýrousiy at the aicculatdrubbish ii n an of last yea-'s -tests, flying away wvithità or Just lettiug it drop te thle floor. I wonder if Mr. Swallow ousy s smeothe(-rmaies -- aud eithere is ýonehigve can- uo gt se t tis sp)ring , -- that, is the hutmofeilou tractors tor sit sieutiy i'i te driviuglsed. As 1 may hae -rnentioed before we are inot putiulu any "'1crop at aIl ths yearas we ave -theenir farm downin rs.Wlhud at irast, hv inyo a4n patuhre. I-Iowever, ,lthe act thiat we are not di'îoing artyseediug d(oesn't mijean 1th1-eè islawork t- o do around bere-,. T-ee are, ;in fact, cenougli cleýar-jing p jobs ta do ta k1eep Partuier anid me busy aIl simmner, from iýdaybighitetodark %Which rýeiiuds !me, ve havesrivdthe hlrs twomornugsot dayhigh)t v iug tm -adwc founld th,, ticag0ver quite painesa. we get utp at 530D.S.T, aia 5.30 stand(ard ftlie. Butwe ay ndit iarder to go ta cd at 1ý 0.3,ihici is ourtrticl boc o'retirine, gets no i ee -w,54-p before bedtime' and the re t f ii afte-r\vaids. Hw ever, for tt1l m vytafu bCcatlse I ýan)surit is Prtur' abit ta sfeo pthat Ibas kl-ept h What a blessinta togo ta bed and' drp ighit off to see. iicn aleel" snsclýi acommaln coin- woi leep a, lot boetter if they d*du'tworry boýut keecpiu1g aa Ifsieepiess ol oudonytelI thcmelve tha lyng aake s fot aý mnajor dsater tat tey area latre-stiuig itheirbodlies, Cthen ta nlervouls syS[csma and i a ittde Toes and' Fe et H1er c da, ai3a ai elcoi t wli do more 010ilP yugel rsd of y0u? roul than anYth'ineyou've er sd The actimof tMONSEERL iL la su powerfuii1y pesletracng tisat 5ht itrb-in l, quirlrly stopped; a i ua s hortt ime you ttare 1i16 or that biesm.FierY torture Thesaine I trýof ohBarber's Itrh, SatRheum zemaand! mla;iy other Irttisusghl knfoules., Yusi obtainMONE EMERALD aIL lis the original bo 1 ule a an i d riid g ,tore. It lus fe 10 use-and la iture i l any i teeai menits isýrarelne . 1ISS0U E 20 15 -~--------m-~ - - w - .Mm Aefor u we eloo y wài few, quesitios ta considpr. Tila 1 1,1 .pril is bappy ta rat îîîedow g assad cild 1bcrhs, why in junemust lie have gardoni pea,ý string boai, tips anld bu-- gmooîn iii-cttînce? Whly do the hlgbi- geuStvolets grous in tie boggimst part of lim og? Doerint chick- wAeed ever nte-k L1Éluthof thie gmt al its emryaln bous dos it kmmCp Ira-Cýl i 'Iiiug -a-ulcirvaus breakdfousu? (Or is-,that %shat agi- tates al uims, ;a perpetui nervaus Jirekdoun? hy are the( biggest nili eales alusys anound Whm yon ur sading a garden amnd neveu arouudushenyou muighit go fshng Some 2peopleý say th1at sap, flics anI "n se-us"andahicd gnat-s luia4 vernal hungoCr uceput bi-e ta mpIo thehid, old' thle hirds possibiy jimana ta ma et someihiag mxe? O, btter yet, ta - matmoegasWb do pactr-idgec -peas flourish 1parîticu1laniy alon te san1dy b)eachles ai Georgia alid Fia- rida, usheýre the e sttbinig ta a partridgm is a plica? 'fic tCaw- b-'ny te rose and th1e apple il bmogta the srebtnclf an- i1ý ly, but u o1Mou ýL guss it, off- baniJd? Andvil ud 1gi[)pai) aI themi, particlarýiy usiid roses-anjd Is there auiy huiersond ha th t f thbers ýin a saur1gum tre suc-h absur-d co)lornmesas fus- cous, vnaeosfrruginiousan rufatîsu H -dos ick-iory pc 50 ulè;i intonaurud? Wby are ib isi six w fes aI sping s50 brooks ýthose tliat flo oly iný Mari ad April? Vbat as [the nireof chat a rhie, tisatjutit bl p u, sli,(ole it'i grm anld From Te eu Yak lies HROICLES Maybe ýitsndrzbt Ijulst feci as if If at owrite oiy, about te wether it is so b)eauttiful. And there is na better berecat homen o \t oly ý7that but I bave aà uew vauitage poiut fromn whlich ta enijay the weathecr - that isarrbtsuo, ll-wbich4 faceýs soutb-eas. Itis a job tha has ueedddoing for yeams.The frotwas failug apart and piaster drpigoff the i :ling but louil" now there awascseed (lta be somfohr re in n(eed of iurgent ai,1 Ittenionl ote uro<dgn atdinta athaitor the gi Th anpart of the r-,ebiidinýg je doue buit westili bave ta ai a befoe w ea get window sash for arpicture wndw 6iŽ ee b Y, Theiocati a i the sumrom ,s ideai Fion! oue cornurwucwea sec the igbWay; frmnthe oppo's- ite cone )tere i a iveiy view of aurnegbau's !bush whIjC! bdrspart a)tour farmn, provid iu)g a good ýlshelter beit and a ioveý- iy backýgrouuid for aur pastureý fic0ids. '! he,: mjiteforeground la nlot 50 o od. br ij h wne asbple, ioauicorao hre sigtlyscceryis easily remiovcd, I do't nowhowmucli use theý rest aIthe fa il dima of oaur be oneruifor me.I hve ee bee aie amit ieuL t i te gardeu -vitbhrn îediu, writiuig orred ie eietosl %gile way 1indMce leI

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