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Orono Weekly Times, 15 May 1952, p. 6

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LYtISPORTS COLUMI 6tte e't9a * Another Kentucky Derbyv passes into S histony to, be recorded into t1he zo1orless i exactitudfe of m.ýathemat;.cal equineanas another wTinuer is behig glamrorized as ,the Most rem1avkaibe aïinmal of tje rawhîich s the cýustom and t1he ruiepoeue But how long w-'i)l the glam1xor last?Ho soon wili t be rubbled off? Wheu, if ever, will the praCticl-_ aýnd lne iu sport more so-h-orse folk remark sCcorVufulý l:"Hlow did 'THAT thiug ever corne t wivi theý Derby?,- Neyer, perhaps. This winner miay move ou to equal the greatuessi of some others whio trnimphed iu the Run for the Rss Buitvwe neaîlaDrywinner Whonerha getes b-fore, an neer stewrd lis bief mmn fgoycm thal't Myaflernoon ,of 1933, whery iu the final 100yardof he Chu'iirchIiiliDon stretch), two horses tbuniderdtoarsthe ir crged)y tertwo franitic jockeys, One- anid bisglory 1C00 Ister aided offInt -o sheer idsgrace-was Donald Meade, -id-ng broken's J'f ip, neýxt to the r-ail, executiiig one of the trickî7 that led to bis disbartu1tc He hd a grp on the saddle loth oi the other horse, Head Play, rirlden by HrbeFisher. As thie horses ;1earet the finish, spectators saw Fisher stnike Meade with his bat as hie souighîto shake Meade loose fromn the cýliuginig grip on his saýddle-cloth. They wene slill almost 0 inseparabie as they bore pas, the post., The jutiges saw Broker's Tip's nose in firont. There was a tnemenidous roar from the, 35,000 Kentujckianis present,, for a Bradley horse had wou the fourth Derby for his owuer, sud the wne' share of $48.9Z5. wr as ore of the most thrilling finiishes iu Derby history sud onie of the miost taîketiaot The winner was s that day as thousands sang his praises, sud clmuef print glonifieti bis qualily. Buit the sutiden glory faded fast, Wihen Broker's Tip won thal Derby, 1-e was saide '"He hat3i iou a race. He was the second aiiil histor-y 10 have wodn the dcassic, the Cauadian-owned Sir Barou having precedetd i bi, Su antnracing for thele Comm1ýander J. K L o wnonto becomie 'a1,famous 1q1-Urr u rkr i eto tribeomea flop. One w-eek a'fter thecDerb he nsced HeýatiPla-y sdothens in the Preakneýss,$5P0,ù00 stake, Heati Play wO; bu!t Brke'sTipý, e rethorse 0fî' the week before, rau, abs£o i- itely last. lu fact, h e neer won aï,,race aai.When retired 10 the breigfarm, hfi ae ntl aswýa failune there. And a few yeatî latern, thie lorse that on î48,(0ü -itha My ftennoon, was'sold foY a mere $],4ü00ami comlpletely isapjpear'eti fiotu ',<ew. Sic tranJsit gloria. Perhaps we're laying too mruch) stress ou the. glanies cf a Derby which really is't a Derbiy at ahl, in the truest seuise of the word. It's s weak imitation of the daddy of ai drbi1 ,the English race, wihich 15 at a mile .sud a h1aif, a quarter-nmil oger than the American race, The Belmouýt Stakes is the nearesit replica ou ihis side of the Atlantic to the Epsom Dowuî r7ace, being alsop at a. mile snd a half, for three-year-olds. Your commenits and sgesi.sfor tMis column wiII be wekcomed by Emer erguon--/e Calyeri IQLse, 431 Yonge Si,, Toronto, coluînîl i wa-maybe Grant- laud Rice ~or Rin(g Lrnrwo oGnce n -pon a lime, okd u Iseat î lle sheefor ecpuor aI leasl lightening, the Curse of Wiloeven' il was had a -poem wiiich juil eat l ied ILhisallolbeti s.pace lu- the, paperýSo, -when he irîlt ayen 10 take a day off lu oi cry te bell a few golf bails, or -)cybe high oues- lhe wovuldshove- saidpoethedon 10 Ibe linotye' PRI.ý,NTED BY REQUESI." This wonked outI..forte fiast fthree or for linyles but when: hmeIdthil gophhe gol a note fmn % se anpAgg Editr syîng "Nexi lime lei, 01e neqUesîs be a litîle WC-Il, blev îor Do, wth the paît fowtigbî or so m Mbay ren cit Ihan lwo requss that epit somie reinbiscen.ce'S we pubisheti a couple of years ago, ofe fn-ou DmpeyFipofight. .Andti wbile ,we, woufld't say that, two requ1estîs represen1ts a complele-. Iy uanliousdesine am-on]g Our liiayparagraphi, hiere il is. fW!o i10reat, nspîte -)f ail 1dscrîct abidarce ofi he rule, th4ne's mouobt Ihat the average fanu lkes saIife of mayhem anti bouta show ,A tneny1 bcm slimmer-end slimmer. Ther are- a, i vew xceptionsý, of tours, bu,'.yoga- sycerage 1mo1demi figister acîs as llrotgh b'is hf hitceeSt was lu' the size '-f bis týÈ âid.oýw littIt wxork lha, tuusl1 d20 luio0der 1!o gelIt5tcul-sud. if yoi tvetra xlcnn r anaeng mdm iht iste-n ta ISSUE 20 - 1952 il. Thy Md tnet anybod 0 lu. iect fai, pep orY- enthuISýsist mb a flgbtwhichcame)ftf juil a ittie ove a uaren-cenuryago, wbicb was ougt wthoî rference t10 the rles aid o by the Mar-. qus f Queensb1ery-or by any- bodlyaise, for that mal.ter, In th* bricI limiïîtilasteti there wasspro.. bably mr olig oessvagery, Ihan everoccunrti, befre or sinc&. Bttfor alI thýat nboywho îaw the~ ~ ~~~i ralbtenoeQhn flan. ison Dempse_ýy anti aLuis Ange] Firpo wlhrmebr amwei ba.t a cookia:, log fter rýcollecrtions of morepoietsusceif x. hibiionsof te "anlyant'hav hope, 10 ry ati re-Cal juil a utile of what appeneti giant0f ma -ihed 216 or theeaoul. utfew of 4the 82 thousanti pneîeî rmebein what Jckhatidoue 10 bbc ven* bîgger Jess WiIlard-.gave the lsig Argenîiîîîsn eveti a ofa chance, Oua of'those fçw ,vas NOT John Harrison Dempsey. EFven today Jack wý,ill tell you, "H-ow wroîsg I wa aot Ithal puy. 1 thought ha was utigbutas big boob I coulti flaftten w!)cthefinit*punch," How'awrng heasî, indeetil A't te oîgDepsey h-,ieptiat Firo, ime a ickd lfIwbîcb onds aflen the igîhaistarteti. too'k il wiîbhoul eîeu biing, at frda pile-driveýr ngtct Denip- seysaw. AgaýinjacCleft crashet homeý, sud dow flppetiFiroTor bi fee éMai, eye-S baigu nage. Agalin ha swunig Ihatight, anti Dempse eeei akwr. u Deserved Kiss-Patty Berg plants a kîssi on the putter she used ta set a, new world records for women golfers in the $3,O0oen She shot a 30-31-64 for tue first i 8-hol,,e round of the tourney, scoring ten birdies and two bogies. Firpo le!'t imiiseilf vwideopen sud the champion's hnook floonet i hlm for tbe second lim-e. Up galu aI tbe count of two, the Wild Buill vass Îmmedislely topplet for slaee count. ThIere was no sucb- thing as th chmingoîug back 10 a neu_'tral cre-or tnv other corýner--on over Firp. drahng lm C li te resn aainevey lmethle Solhl Amvia'sknecame off the c an- vas. Sve lms u h t int rund Luis wntfloorwarti. Ascha too thee ftler the sevenlh topp'Lîug, you culdoee that lhe was ail lu -ipot 1a lhing lefI butthat fglu Spirit. Demipse-Y, wldith r)age,nuht ifor', Ihe kilI. ThnJac tmst hav tonht Ieesky feuilu. home onithei'Cncomng '-Dem)pîey's jawsendng he campin fying troughtIle nopes, ighbi 11:ofte ring Ooto the preistblFrientily back. Ofiialy empisey -w;ss al inside the norpes ;1n1less Ihanle s;econds, ActuaIly ilwas nearen weybut tbIat'i wb-al the milail sai. I Ihrehati ben ay righ oar ju'stice Lui£ AnIgel Frowouiu have bteencnwndchampion thenc ani'hee.Buit there wxasî 100much action 10botherviflfling Iig hie igt njustice. 'F c'ham,,pion was so groggy off' anti tryN)ing 10 meaSune hl-m, kepl punh.'omeow o othenJack, managei 10 b n on1111thc bell sýinalleJtIi ha enJDi0fthe rounad, Round, One-altough il seemeti as lhoub ley hati brecn battling for aI eatten, -bis htbea ared-tookchangel wenl Luis for a count of two. Dowu -wet Luisfor 2a counI;t of foutr. Downi went Luis for a count of T'EN. "The winnah-atnd STILLý the champion of thewol" Yes, il waî untubitaly u tnfair su.rd utlerly brutal andti torou"ghly dîeplorable, ta-ken aIlla 11, lu s.-Pite of thiat, quite a battie, wîthi asý m-uch action in the 3 inutiies 57 seconds il lasteti as you'rt al 10 sea lu a yean of box-fighling thesetisays. How)Can J? Q.How can lI rmove il andi grease stains from leather? A. Dabthe Spots ih piitDo amnsia-c. Allow ýtiî 1 rea aio foýr a shrt imje; thlen wash wthl dea waer.Ifnecesîary repeat th procis.Howeenbe cnflnl1 injure lthe coloGni oflte leathe-r; il would be wllto exetmntouanl unseen portion of ti th leîersnt. Q. How c;an J. patch smnall niail holes and cracks in~ white paster Walls? A. These imA l boletsud crack eau be fIleti by pa ii u)odinany baking sodea. -it is a gooti ides 1 f111-.- Up ?a(il)tese h oles sudcrack ini thismaenbfr aitgth Q. Hlow can I revive wilted celory? A. W'illed cley au ,be n evti surd mteCrispy by pacnglu colti addeti. Q.HOW Can 1 paint z uarrow lime successfully -,hen decorating paiuted furnituse?, A. Draw two paralleïlîi-ues wt sý pencil the propen isanc part. Then use a smaîl bnush saud f111lu - with paint. I a d2,sîmaill atls 10 t'hé e ue toel-p confluIeaint bt its proper hJiis, Q. Whst can J. do if -he salad dressing curtiles? A. Add-s litle neenwieo egg, aidtîthetdre-ssîug wiUl becomej" as sm.looth as cvlvt. hsi x Q. How canti1 remiove stains ou metal ashi trsys? A. A 11111e denatuned sîicobiol ,ili remove these staîns. LOGY, LISTLESS, OUT 0F LOVE WITH LIFE? Wou!i't yeu lilse t6 junip out of bed feeling ïne? Not op ta par? ...youmytst'rfoian upe ssei UIf youa1.11ýe nst'"iedyu fondma ntdge:drei-asma'bi up yor stomacbh.ý ,ail, the fu n ud sparkie goeont ofi life. That'e wlten yooneJ Carter'sý Littho Liver Pille. These ilS vegetaiele fbring you qikrle r contiaton aohlp omlthfos Why slay sunk?,Get CrersLitiLver Pille. Always have theni on bsnd. Quis' 350 fronans' druggist.> CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINO suimME1t-FAL! peak maret pnces de- pen nos'ur prig hicksç. Promp)t sb}peoton ullte.staledanS day olS. fori oîeei r ied ay nids and stared. rder10 avanc. fray rÏatcbery. l120 J)hi, N_.Hmitn IT la as simple as bi.Wben a bird bas gîven you twelvs diozen egas, she bas mat about palS ber ep 13e y ec a~1inldozen abs bas zgienyauaL.,profit. Nn matter how wel à for ber,- 81he c1ant give you mor e 0thonV, ha ýa ben red ln tber, nosrie enor five ozen marei T»a18sthe bard ca !,I sour pocket and ilhat1 :1what'uge t qtwedles> 0,ver, j'O0 pdigreed ROP okrl r useS ii n or matjinas Iis erStre hik.braite bckcpos ldrpl TWVEDDLE CIliC AT' IESLTD. NEW 10lOW P»RICES In eifect. ]immediale delivers'. Most breeds. Order from ad with- de-' posit. Clrks-non-sexef-per 100, $11-90 -puilets, $17 90 2,week, $26.90-3 week, $31.90-4 week, $36.90. Cockerais $5.00 un. GALT CHIf'SERtES Gait Ontario BUSINESS ll'PIT'UNITIES SEIZYICE STATION on liîghway 17, 30 miles west of Pembroke. Modemrn est rnomns and, lunch counter 2-room cottage. No limitations ta the -possbiities 0f Ibis site. Contact Box 198, Deep River, Ont. DVBINI) AND) CLEANIN(O lIA V¶iyou anythinsneissdyelngor ni ean. Ing91 Write ln us for Information We giad te answer your questions, De- parîmeni 1-1.Parker's Ove Worke LimiteS. 7911 onge St.. Toironto. DEALERS VWANTED FOR Power Chain Saws, Box 92, 123 Eigbteentb Street, ew oronto, Ont. USE HY-MIN LIQUD FERTILZER U3se y-Min liqad ri l1iert,, start your lo(bacco anS toatr3ioes Ecelet lds on vegetable crops aide Sesdaith HyMln. New 10w price 812.00forI alon dram. Ask yoar local deaier r WiteRy-rau Company' of Canada LimiteS Crnai Ontario FREE CORFLARUP SEiSWO4 REQIUEST OILS, GREASES, TIRES ElcrciAppiliances, Eefrigerators, Fasi Freezers. Mut Coolers and Feed Grinders ilbyso lachioery. Deniers wanted. Write: War-cn Grease and 011 LimiteS. Toronoa RAJILET DAVIDSON M6iT?ýOReYCLES Parts anS Service. C.O ï- orders f illed promptiy A large aso omn f recon- ditinned motorcycies atireasonabie prices. BRlT E. KENNEDY & SON 419 College Street, Teronto BUGGY TIRES 1" Rubber Buggy Tires. ltev Rubbsr. 80 cents per font. 01,j tires repiaced, $2.00 snob. Walsh & Baker. Edmund Street. Carleton Place. O)ntaria. Phone 158W. BROAD breasted bronze tarkey pouits. Aprit, May,. June bth Governmeni ap)proved. 1000%o dean. SýpruceroeTurkes' F'arm, R S,. Dannvilie,Lotaria. USE HY.MIN LIQUJU FERTILIZER Best, for African iltssy Joan Cape-, land ni Copelai,o 'Viet Hoes.oza. cao- 65c ask your ynur loc-al denier or Wjrite Hs'-Trous Compans' ni Caada ôCraaI. O)ntario. VREE, CIRCULAR ON 090W TO 0110W BETTER AFRICA,'N VIOLETS, TIRES Bami!lton's Largesjt'lire Store Sirice 1932. tlsed Tires, $7.O0 and une. Rsýtreaded Tires. 600 x 16, $14.00.. Othe izes prced ac- cordlingls' Vulcarniýn nSrtrainmer- vice. Ail work guatranteed Alilorders C.O .,$2 0required vW10- eorder. We> pay charges one way. Peinsiula Tirsn Corpor- tioýn. 95 Ring Strýeet Weýsl, Hamilton. ER. ARMEI! I s'u'r r ubiýjedwith Rats sen 1100 fr tigd, provenr anS Satisfaction, or moniey rfne. 111 Box 8023,Btte eSStatinl o n 4. KITCI4EN SINKS popular t6 x 20 sig 1 snk, aieo leSsee type douible ow and d ýobedrlbor silnks tand -a one-piece combination Ison- dIry Iras' and inkmirith ksllding drainhoara; baîhroomse. Catalogue with InsIallation diagrams ecessed baîblube $60.00. Ses or write S4. V. JOHNSON PLUMISING S UP P L IES, Mail Order- Division. STIRITSVILLE. ONTARIO. CtRERS(ColIN SALVE For-- surs relie Yonr Druggisl seilleCRESS, AT LAS wehave em"oc PuS upps nale anS fenileemali l cobe'. de stock. -MissHowsl. xrlg.Onal MAE eal ndfahondSssfasTa Genejrcous package nimos nS comiels dIrections anIsý' $1,00 ostpaid. J, P. Dnug- ARTICýLES YFOlIO SALE repaîr, LLcydbrýook 1547 Toronl. GOOD ADYICEI Every sufforer of Rheu- Matik Pcill Or Nevritis shouîd iry Dixons Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335. Elgin Ottawa $1,25 Express Prepid SLEEP1 bie ea ew boro aydepne fui anS sound. Take ama2zlng o-ai orna'Kensoan Tablete", Rs 11 for liberal suppiy-also 10 lalet fr 15.0 Impnia Indsînls, 'O, ox,01. WART FM CORN FIX F.0".HALPSON TOO tO1, ONTARIO -FFIINEX- te belo alleviate pai. dis 8500l'stpald la Mitsn wrappes'. POST'S -CHEMICAtS 8',WREN ST. 9EAST IOIWNTü * A$TI4MA v Ysufer if there is something tat ll bep o undreids of thousands of st. have been- sold on a money back ga-,, 'oteSaeasy ta use. After your ,m. tons ave been dtiagnsed as Astbma, so oei,,tay1, selËtatry Asth'nanefrn, Ask yý Our Duga POTSECZEMA SALVE nd eelg kin troublles pnst01 rsin rlngorm pimpes nd thiete s, foot. wlfl respnd esdly n te staînlese odoýrIese çintmeotL. regardiesE -f bois stuïbbru or bnpeiess theysoneo PRIVE 82.50 PER .JAR POST'S REMEDIES sent l'os1 Fr-e c itereipi of Prie@ 59Queec 'Si rf7 rn-- f -Lngan. Toronto OPPORTUNITIES FOB MEN AND WOMRiN BE A HAIRDRESSER lOIN CANADA'S LEAIIINO SCUIDOL Great Opportunlty Leero Hairdressing Pleasant dlgnîfied profession, gond wages. Thousands of succeseful Marvel grsdusten America's Grestesi System [Ilustra.ted Catalogue Free Write or Cali HÂRVEL HAIRDRESSINII SCHOOLD 358 Bînor St W.. Toronto - Branches: J 44 Ring St., EHamilton 72 Rideau St.. Ottawa NWSECRET. Tobacco Habit Sop8 Free Information Betanger. Plamondon, Alberta, EASY TO QUIT SMOKING tUse Tobacca Eliminator., a scientific treat. ment, quiokis' stops craving for tohacce, rids the system nf nicotine C. 'King Phar- aciLimited. P.'O Box 673. London, Ointario, Piy inohby ear, Quuckiy. Easy short- Cntlysystem. Gives trIckss pointers, for pIanlo correct bass main secret ln play- tng by ear. House 0f Wallace. Dept AZ. 1178 Phillips Place, Motreal. START a home bus.iness 1 anars lie, Make extra mones'. Eprec nt es- enlia. Literature free.ESTIN PR CILISAGENOT, 1i01fSCecils Rd.,a your truepersonaiity and aiiyBn copy 0f handwricing and 01.00 1i-Lidre4, Schneider, 1228 Stasden veu, le. land 12, Ohmo SONGWRITERS: Dnn't- be mlsled. Gel guidance and facts about snngwrlttnig. froin experienced snogwriter. Informaýtion cao 'save Famateurs bhundreda nf dollars. Rendi $1.00 to: P.O. Box 22, Norîh EnC Station. Wîlkes Barre.,eoyvna RRl IOlRffi, OOw. main rage i sraW berr',ward. Rge bernes trmenou 'ed.Redder, sweatrer and ebardier, Plant anoick sm ya.PelmoPakPrn niaI Garden. Wýeston.Onaro Vetosanýd j iformatioeýn s)entDs Vche Cprmsy LC.. eltre aetAttor. eye.27RniStetOtw. tentSoloitrs. Esfsbllshed 1880,8MO Bas' Street, Toono 4oklpîcf lninrjMâ. tiononieus TEACHERFS WNE WÂNTED Qualld)ed rtsan ee for Senior Rn Picpl.Hro Rohool. TwshpScolArea fMan Sîartlng the 1951-53 4termn. Satan 32,0.0 State aailcain, ïame of last inspector. A WV. Rmbto URON CU6Y- TUE I$AY ý1TOWN. SU) UBLIC SCHOOL AEA, ZurIch, Ontri, l oiernga saiary 'nr $1000 b teacheýr who ilmte fil1 the dJulles as principal and part-time roanualtrins -eer nf> a Ibree-roomed econ i iithe Villge i rich, September, 1952. Apvli- cans t isate qualifications, religioùn, ex. rerience,an naine and address,0f pre- vînûus inspectLor, H W. Brokeoshîre, Secretary-Treasurer, Zurich, Ontario. WAIÇTED MEN, Womsn. Wan ted. Soit Speciai QuaI- Ils' Transparent Founlain lPen Glai PlateSl point sealefi, $3.95 each, in beau. lîf4 Git ox Sampis0$1.00, ithout. oblIatin. atisacton)r Ymoney back, PROESSONA'S PEN, 711-A S0sLýh Pot- CrusCriî,iea TWO menh,, watt ern$102 $8'0ü00yay aeseerecnonee sars'. Car a se.Soudb beta slart meitty i iing p jhone number ïta D. Mcloty. Itot om 1101 9 Iicmn I.WToot

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