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Orono Weekly Times, 22 May 1952, p. 1

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I Vol. 16 No. 16 Opening 0f Streets In Village Described By Mr. JE. Dent To try aind describe a plan for 'Orono witliout a sketch or miap is -raVler difficuit. However hs is only a. general idlea of an overail plan tînit could be worked out. Wc nieed morei. building lots and if possible w\e ý,sbhould 1ry andarng compact building lot sites. Let us conisider, then what land we have av-ailable' for thnt purpese. Thc village imits at present are ~bouinded at Vhe north by a line drawn ,along the cemetery fence and ex-' tended o meet VIe east and .vestý bouadarys. To the soutli thc limit is the fîfth concession rond. On Vhe west tIe imits are approximiatly six 4undred feet west of Main Street. O0n the east a ine drawn north and isoutli, along R. Moffat's fence would be Vie boundary. Witli these bounid- ,arys in mind we can consider wliatj land could be divýided ito building Ahonig Maia St. and west of Main :St. very little lai-n for building is a-1 railable, wth tIe exception of that part of Main St. fromi the top of Cob Hii o the nortJierm lïimits.1 Tliere is a street alhewance sîhownI --on tIc old H'aaning plan of Orono,ý runaing wvest fromi Main Street be- tween the Calai and Wmn. Robinson, proper ies. This street sliould b m.sarked ai-d property owners con- sulted as Vo the possibility of sub- 'ividinig along hils street witli aorth! and souith frontages otier streets ,could lic planacdila Vils section.i West of Mill St. iii the V formned -by Main and Mill streets thc hollow pre-! j2udes the possibility of suli-dividinigý 'Vo any extenit except he extremie inorth -end wlierc somne planning could lIe (done. But it is o the e-ast ofr ai andý ,Miil streets that lan-d is open and lends itseif Vo developmeiit, For a stance a strecet parallel o Main t 'couild lie openied about one hundre d ýand twenty feet west of VIe easterly boun.dary running from i le :iftli ý,oncession road Vto the gravel -ond- ,it J.,abys This an essenttial item for as yet -we have ne street ex- tending Vie fuil length of the village %itli tie exýception o ýf Main St.. when the liew higliwvay o K. tlirougi, tVIls street could act thet v Pictures Again Show.i In Aid 0f ChurckBuliIding Fuir' Modyevening, mioving pictures weeagain shown in the United ChucliSunaySchool in aid of the bilidinig fund. For several months nowv,,7an e venhig of pictures inter- spersed with musical numbers by local talent lias been very imucli en- joyed by a fairly good attendance. The pictures on Monday. night, in- cluded the Royal Tour taken by thel Globe and Mail and was most inter- esting and educational as were all pictures shown during the series. Te Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tyrreli fori sponsoring this pro jeet, the United C'hurch Building Commnittee are inost grateful also tco Mr. Hoar and Mr. Geo. Carson, who looked alter the finances so faithfully. To Rev. Mr. Kitchen whow ws chairmnan,to Paul Rutherford w'ho 'so often wvas in charge of the pro jector and to al others who helped in aniy way te moake ths venture suceh a success. Nmi Wm. Armistrong Show iPictures Wf Ioterest At W.1. 1The Wom-en's Inistitute held their May meeting on Friday afternoon, May 16 in the Council Chamiber. The President, M'Nrs. Foster Ferguson was in the chair. Higllights of'themet ing were the Installation of officers for- 1952-53 by MrLs. O. W. Roîpli ini a moiçst capable manner. A current evenit on "Russia" given by Miss ilelene Waddell and mvn pictures shown by Mrs. Wm. Armstrong. Manry of the pictures were taken ini and einound Oronio and many famoiliar faces were seen on thfe screeii and thoroughly enjoyed. The lastIpicturle shon ws of Florida î,taken by Mr.j anid Mrs. Armstirng latç, winter. IL ",1s benutLifti beyonid description, par>ticularilyý the Cypress Gardens.' A hearty vote of thanks wvas given Mrs.. Arm,-stronýg for her kinidness, in brinig- irg such an enijoyable programmne. The meeting wasincag of the Citizenshýip ami Education group.1 L The~ convenors, Mrs R. E. Log n d >RO NO ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1952 s ,%ibscription $1.50 per Year William S. Cobbledick Mlary Gleorgina Cobbledick I pr e ensB ig M d On May 7th 1952, there passed In failinig health for the lnst five, peacefully to rest at the Oishaw%,a years, Mrs. Mary Georgina Cobbîe- L c l E h b ti n 1.r u d G;eneral Hlospital after a short ifi- dick passed to rest at the bomne of, A t L c lE h b io G r u d ness, Williamn Stanley Cobbledick lu 'lier niiece, Mms.Wmi. Lan tz, on Sat-___ ius 75th year. urday, May 10, 1952. hP fil prvenent at heSeta The only son of Edmund Cobble- Ms.Cobbledick was bora laiDev- nIDOC01w rpilan TV Sreet mrvmet tth oa dick and Mary Jane Walsh, lie was onport, Devon, Englaud and came to ~ )~ , Exhibition Groun-ds wi aiçe their born on July lst, 1877 on the Co-bbl-- this counitry at t.he age of four years, i OSpiaiIzeu iîsses uIst Iow appearanice lit this yealrs fail fait% dick hiomýestd east of Orono, \-here with hier parents, -Mr. and Mrs. Richi- One that is noWXeaing the cor- hie farmned untLil jretiring lan Orono. ard Hili and three brothers, Alfred, Gillion Lynceh, 8, of Courtice won struction stage is that of a niew com tharteenl years ago. Ciales and Herbert, al of om- telev'isioni set in aL lucky draw two binied refreslimieat and ticket boot. H;s edu1catîi wa received at the prdeceaised hier. Except for the first' weeks ag-o and on Friday night hast~ This new building wilh take the place SixthLiUne and Atol schools, ai3d fL.our" years ail lier lift wýas spent la, it was going to bc set up for her tLo Of 'the od refr'eshmIlelt bootl hil lter lie wýas Sec.-Tfreasure r of thie and arouard Orono. sceelber first TV show,.lias for many years stood east of the Sixtli Linie Schooh Board for a numiber Mlary Georgina 11h11 was unitedin la nstead, Giliani was taken to Osli- drill shied. Also it -will eliminate the of years. nmarriage wi ' fi Walter Cobbledick, awa' General Hospital witli a brokea, necessity of the individual ticket On June 23rd 1908 ., li arried wh predeceased lier, in Marchi 1915. leg and head injuries aftier being1bootlis at the south entrance to thzý Lina Maud Powers cf Kirby and o- During their miarried life Vliey lived kniocked from liber bicycle by aca fair grounds. The former refreai-' gether they were devoted supportersi in laCarke Union on the farmn .ilow on lier way home from sehool at ment stand ,vîh as an open af- of thei Kirby United Chureli, Where' omned by Gordon Power and for Vwo noon hour. Tlie lîttle girl eaded up la fair and with no faciities lias noaw lie served on the Board as recording years at Antiocli on the Jamies Huai- the ditch on the opposite side of No. been tom dcown Vo imake way for th;a Secretary for miany years. On iuýov-, tel, farm., 2 Highway near lier home. Her advancemnent of the aew structure.. ing Vo Orono lie becamie a faitlfifù Mrs. Cobbledick was active wrecked bicycle was under the car In one end, at. thé entrance . Vo th& miember of tlie United Churcli there, throughout lier life la church work; wlien it came to a stop after bitting grounds, the new building wvihh lodge and at tlie timie of lis death was a she was a probatioaary member o)f a large tree. Driver of tlie car %vas booths for admission ticket sale. Tli& memiber of %the Session. the Bible Christian Churcli at the A. E. Barker of Carrying Place. reniader of the structure will bG- The funeral service was held on age of twelve and followed witli lier The gir's schoolmiate, patricia used for the serving of refres}ihmts May 10 fromi the United Cliurch witli Churcli into unions witli the MeVli- Austin, 9, was walking alongside of and will be roofed also enclosed, lis pastor Rer. J Kitchien paying fit- odist and the United Churcli. Mrs. lier comipanion when'the accident, wlen noV in use permanent shutters ting tribute Vo lis Christian life. Cobbhedick was a. Lîfe Memiber 'of the happened. will close off the serving couniters. He -was laid Vo rest i la Orono Cein- Womien's Missionary Society. "We were talking about somne- The building is Vo be painted white etery. Th'le palhbearers were 0, W. The deceased hll a keen appreci- tthing. 1 looked up and saw the car nnd wlll surely be -an asset to the-_ Roîpli, Wm.ý Riddell, Fred Truil, ation for music and poetry. Fancy comîng. 1 did't have time Vo warn'gr-ounds. Pec Coe, >ere Morton and ,ork was lier hobby tlirougliout ife Gilian Vo get off lier bike," Patricia' We leara that it lias been, suggest - Lyall Lowery. and mraay fine spechimens of ber said, "I ran as fast as I could Vo a ed recently that the fowl exhibit, He leaves Vo imourr lus passing liandiwork adora lier home aad the feace. Wia I looked again I saw building be mioved fromn its present. hiswie, nedauhtr, lays,(M.bomnes of lier friends and relatives. Gîlian lying on the ground on the location Vo be used as a dining hall. Lorne Thot)ipsoni) and one 0011 Those who were privileged Vo kno-% other side of the rond. I couldn't sec The suggestion that it bc e o reSV Eubcrt S. of Leam-iagton and fousr wl eyer forget lier unfailiag lier bike.' a central lo-cation under the elmi treu grandchildrea, Also one sister Flor- hospitality and 'kindaless. She mas Two other chldrea have been lit was presentcd by tlirse iaterested in ence oýf Orono, another sister, Bertie, ever ready Vo help those less fortu- by cars in pactically the samie spot the catering of mneals at the fair. Ap- <Mrs. Rev. C. Adamis) prcedcceased iate Vlan herself. The beautiful during the past fewmoanütlis. parcntly Vhe building can be openett himseea ens ao.Floral pieces surroundiag the casket1 up and screened in nmnking it suit- A pro fusion of beautiful f lower-s were a- tribute of love from-111 er 1al o dnn al Tihwvr attested Vo the esteem in which the friends. Stuoenit Assistant Apone bSl ora sdion hll.Ths, oererth deceased was held, amnoag them be- The funeral service attended by T riutaIwoeeaiaid no action lias been takei ng riue fom iry United friends and relatives from Toronto, grclua Office by thc Board of Directors ina any dir-. Chur-cil, Official Board of Orono Uln- ifyirtle, Osliawa, Port Hope, Orono cin ited Churcli, Orono Uni ted Churcli and vcnt a edfo h The appointmpent of J. W. Breacion Chi n ro h iliSlohBarlow Funcral Homie, May 1 3.* l,- as Sitdent Assistiant AgicuJtîral The race track, we understaad, l% Staff, Baptist Churcli Choir, Music, termient bing la the famij'ily plot, Represenitative in Duiirha County also unegon ome cýhanges whiche Connmittee of Baptst Chutrcli, 1Kins>-iono Cùetery. Rev. Jonyithe for the sumimer meontIs iais been ani- will iincreaýise the distance Vo a bial£ Men Club, Jr. and Sr. Gîce Clubs and waý-s ficofiiaen irise.111i-::noiuced by Col. the Hon. T. L. ICen- imile and do awa.y witli the sharp Barber Shoppers, ahi of Leaingitoa. bearers were Newton Cobb'ledick, nedyv, Onitario Minister of Agri-ýcnul- curves at the south end of the track, Amon)tg VIe 3fricada preseat frnm a Hry oe Ansonl Gilroy, Johnl turc, The liorse barils at the extreme distance Ir m. ara, Tafitha BrWml. Armstrong 111(1Pe'. AM. £ e n oes #re*Ti a fa'im- a ç,ith utli d of-flith u r>id bave nal. of London, Mr. and Mrs. R. 'C. Ros- Ln.Tivýerton la Bruce County and was ready beeiin oved Vo rua in a L bjorougli and aiyn Niagari- Falls, active 7a botli Junior Club aad Jun- shape witli those immdiaii(tely -south \lrKG.Adaams. Mr, and MsNl M l ir InV V i.-... llr %ork1i1.u f. . c. tMA. ti.. . 1-u mi-Q %_1- Adamis io Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. C("ecil. Walh, Mr. and MVrs. O, Beatty, port Hlope, Mvr. anj-d Mrs. C. Beatty and Mrs W. H. Beatty, Elizabeth- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Pcrcy Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrcnce- Beal, Mr. J. Mcevrand Miss P'earl Cobbledick The Orono Wolf Cub Pack hcld! thieir regullar meeting ln the base- ment of the United Churcli on Mvon- d ay evcnin, Ma vy 19tli. The mieeting opened with VIegrn howl alad then the Pack was inspiected. j las completed tliee years of is course at Onitaii Agricultural! Coi- lege and while at Colleýge lias been active la student actîvities. Miý; Lois Dean Hoinoured< With shnwer essitated since te track is Vo be ex- tendLed south laV ie township pro- pcrty. T! îs ,voik is expectcd Vo bê, copieted la the near future. IV la- aI e ieOpinion of mainy of the !bca horse mna that sncb a morve will en- courage a greater, number of racce heýrses Vto the fair aaard add te tI e ýn- fedrStreet tVo the lighiwa-y en-'M"" V C wlio. with thir W1-uu '-'The Cub leaders are lhappy &te an- l t.UjTnj it l IIVU 1 I UCU4l' yi "' trances. IV slioul be % sixýty foet s, ,~ tWfCTv. ilnounice that Viir wil be an ivsi usa vna fVsweMs ular castera Ontario Fu-il Pair. The Commýittcc scrved refreshmieats atIJStakreoainas lends îtself t(o tret I i li elyplc ast'Otthe, lose -F the meeting.An aî trfoVirmilgfewcus Lois Dean, bride-Vo-be>,vwas enter- schiedulied herse races Vo beLieC. £-ould lie - put Vlrough the vwbolce c o - ,onflfliOll nxt Monday, May 26tli at 7:00 p.m,-. Vic oamselacu îwra ohrVa hs ha v il te !ýength f Vhe illage wtotan ex- Bidn nsctbile i .C .The nmothers ef tic newclims are te àom cnMs.adyushoGa bfar tan frose sourcaies IV woulth pensive bridge. Ths is anirimmediate imnposed. heV. .T. .lel hirffy-wi oVoattend t -,s-gy ercat.the Abocnty-ofivMrs lds were p are-apard tiat-sdrae Sorcla ie f iiecessit'y. To mieet hs Street mi)y jon residential streets. Fronittages ;thbîrclAnnual fovntoApril 3th wnyfýegrs eepe-aerth ucrcsaeiltho- oýf our, sidle streets ceuid lie cxtendcd1, slieuld lie standardized. Drainage la the Albert Street United Churcli,. Akela picked oult the best two sent ard compfletely ook Lois by fering soinctimae la VIe future. sixers and mande the ecdi a captini surpris',e. __________________ these incliude, bcgnninig from thc probJemsishodbec-Iiminated. Plani -Osa-wa. The presideait, Ms C. Lee, ,souti, Dudhcess, Cobbledick, Victoria, ring foi wter aadi sewage sîould be opndfepora iiasotor a hall teami. These sixers Wcrc The Wa hivil e-lerray i gfswr -Vi e ýprinctsS, Palrk, Centr 1' aeteQici n e, aise Vhe un'- und-taketiai-id a prospectus dranpe,"o ae i ue"adaDouglas Sierwin and Erle Carleton. tooned rtl white and pinik strcan- hlirl a gayly dccorated basket !la namied streets at Dunicans, Maleys,lupt hynrn. After the teares werc origaized tiey cs Beautiful Spriag flow"ers comple- pinfk and white. After- Miss Dean. Myles, Hoocys and Hlalls., Other- inarched Vo Vie faim g-rounds whcre ted th-e fleiora angemrent. Lois Was had expressher hcatthVip,. streets coud he planecýd west cf tVhs Fia'aily a pubiicity progrnm s tar- Rer. S C, H. Akinson bouglit fedrsre ndprie t V hr ted by somne erganization wivth Orone greetinigs -and said, "Nothing is lost V eyT speat Vie rest of tic meeting presentcd 'Vith a iovely corsage and tic girls served a delicilus lunch. pe eritretcadprle ojt hr as a Goied Plae To Lire, as its int is donc for Vie Lor-d." W ee i playing hall. On miiarchinîg liack Vo _________________________________ space o~~~~~~~~~~nly a few compared Vto other ra-tcCucitI akwsdsisd rcry 5cr- slogan. iza~tiens, just a drop la the buceoD tr tH i h S o lB a d wTic rges n tntte aVeis lo an Lets mk Orono a smolke free, but ditops can bce as powcrful as Nia- Lclfes I iîus problem lan Vus day of bull- necat, quiet, restful and lovcly resi- gara Falîs. Go-d didat send a crowd i Lca1 ClOseîsS .oii dential village aaid plan to keep it Vo overcome tIc world, Hc sent one, dozers and eartlimovers. Drainage that way. People don't have o lire Hs oaly.beottea Son, At National Auchion u s s O fT a h nSt f louild be solrcd very easily. The la the sliadow of tIc factories they Mrs. O ,En gle wns la charge o -- qIuesti*on c f VIe Faim, grounds 1musýt womk la., Vie derotioaal witi the opie 4"God's lIe met and considered. Otier fact-1 a ce f tic Heart" He -uses oui' United States buycrs sliowed tîciri and then of VIe tendhers Vo VIhe. ors in Townr Planning aIso need r-eck-! Let our plan lie a residential Town erfIi garden . isR u oniecinte erywiigo On Tliusday cveaing,. May iSýti, Board miembers. onifing. Bilding reguhatiQas slould le and Orono as a Good Place To Lirýe. ghcea foretHis gae aMssR.duff*,h confi dela t ieay w l i fjtheic eml)ecr and wivcs qf tic Du- geitncl ecC.Tary, gtare nd acx- VI e otan mou iscaseiaht top a limCounity District HigI Scîcol Mr. ' Neill was suitably intrq.. hitsonW.CTU tmre nngilSsktiwa y iyngcgî o Bo'ard were VIe gucst of the eachers duced by Mi-. G. E.tifrackenbury of fN "1 ~ it wre ratfyig. rs.N. . aimns e Vi Naionl Hîstinof the sciools under tIc jurisdiction. Port Hope as anr old friend, a! fine H. Atkinsonr coaducted VIe memnorial Sale held at Oakville, Ontario on vron O n hcà A ir WYT th $ 000service for departcd nmembers aad May 19tli. The cattie will be kept la Wlh sudna large district, compris- scliolar and one of tiose promoters- seren iVite carnations with fera Canada by Vie mca wlo sold Vîiem iag the schools of Bowirnaille, -Mill- of education wlio lad donce mucl irk wer plcedin vae, ne or achuntl te ebaro i lited Thy aebrook, Newcastle, Orono und Port line ef constructive criticisni Vo bene-. member ioForr, Icd at te purhasèr' riskHope, it is felt tinttVo botî Board fit eduicatien la general. Priz Fo Lu ky L ste er ereplacd ii nrase on fo cahowuntiliemb argt ited. Tlsé iey remembers and staffs tIc tiers were, M ______________________ MrS. F. W. Amîbroe, speaker for Thecodore Devine, of Devinc's Vo n great exteait just a llst of naines ý r. Witlierspcoo, la a fcw well- For Vie week cof May 26t1 Vo Mýay nanme cfthe 'weekly paper la Oroo" +1,d "fternoon headed lier address, MutHp a-iTutoMs.afta re sol eon etr1cos excellenthmadvMss aNeill 30t1~ ~ "Niîoroo es eadwl e awrdby writing Vo th, hltin Ctzesl"She said Moua1HopeFana Taunon, ass. nd Vnt tley sandd eMom daily over radoai-hodNeCwsR.B. atj progmbea ng er nmes"rnoVn it-fenrcn c i epepaid Vie top price of $6500 to J. J. E, acquainted at some sort of social cre- -cpesdVetak faI 9~O lh eaur Ooo ndyorWeekly Times" f of Otaro drink alcîohic lererages cage llso,1nalofrtihig.IVe ladies cf Newcastle for tIc spleYn, k:üv i aer, I r en wV Ve ikngdlayVe ageeîglit months eld bull caîf Glenafton1 local weely ppr.te An from tIc trenu fo 5te 55 yngî ea. gre Booster. "Booster" is sircd by the -Miss Hilda Rice cf Bonwmaaville, did dianer thcy lad served. Weekly Times Arenlosure onaniy cf tefol- mill forion5 055Yer . T eve n ie -aada ak-Presideat cf the Local Fedeintion), F Iowjing produets wlll make you elig- iuadred nîlo dollars i raisedmnan soufn wc 9tpu h fVe Local Federationi, presided at I ollowing hs, tvwo sets of colour- Thesposorcobanquetogriraard'bltchcomedrven(tIcorrBoarrdo- jn ed pouicfaurese900were e siownes byre howo b PotoHpe Icf spogasors.0cfVie proga rcyibefor tic $100.00 prize, Crown j cadi eh ardailate revenue from foheBordStffur pro- MssHwmýnd cffrig $0000poeiz V alukyBrand Cern Syrup, Karo, Benso's -,-aces, Alberta, SaskettcIewnn, Ont- dm. emlers and Vleir wircs and tien Safmmes isJamn' listener ivle writes la giving tIe Corn Standh, Canada Corn Standh, aie and Manitoba from ialcoholic h-NtoalSleii aesa ad thc varlous Board members adpîctvres were ef Switzecrlaad' anr nanme cfthe weekly paper publishied Mazola Salad and Cookiag-011, Liait bererages. The tinal srisaleeo Bo- -llg Sccteners .asmo, ed 11l Fran ce; Mn. Hîll's of IVly an(k- m Oroo. 0 couse, a cacosur and Silver Gloss Lauadry StarcI. Mrs. Frnnrk Pilps cf sîawa pre-îsteins la Canada proridcd Vthe lest the Cliirman of thc Board and Pria-SrforonAo.BVtedcs - fremn one cf Vie sponsors, Canada 10These products are olitainrable at any sete(d tic urizes for Tempemance Inw o tomnsic I u t- cpl ftcvroselos opne i itrswtialme StrhImp-y rdcs h esfrcttere ic h iaso h aiu ;hos oommýtleth ne p act reswth -_ r ar Strc Cmpn, roucs sV oiky fyouy local grocery stores. -Essays in Snday sehoos. Teronbeakhe foo aadmoutîdiepeait o VIe fuJliamount. WiViouV suef cn- ' yr cealnetns inc-ý,,co luding S brak fc ootw nd wa oted îas in Mr. A. E. O'Neill of Oshawa wa-,s f Euriiope- wiihicbcdli cf Vîcai Ia clesure Vie prize %vil! le ea dollars Let's hope tInt a local or distant 1Helen Hancock cf Oroine. Mrs. H. Flrary. The60 nimais offe the guest speaker and chose a vcrylrisitedl last rummner.- an I etwil be ced vr osubscriber can cablinge Vhe prîze 1Walh pren'led -mra inv-itation Vto have, brongiht $54,337 for the îigîîy satis- app roprinte topie dealiag witl the1 Mr. Rya, Ciairmani of Vie Board, th o!%n ioe f$0.0frthe oA net . ývariîous aspects cf education anrd'tianked the teachers for n rery fine foelô'ing wcek.moneyofi$10000iforrIe onl lnves- ViesW.C.T.U. Convention at Oronc fnctory average of $905 endli. Thîs netatecoesi alblfr :u r33itesdthvlesftecIpi- i[î-ofr xe- Thllale ge o eataro-à ns ogfamh ent a 1conea ioalablfrin i 15vciptehe ViiTme Rv ad is let iacofan $e1p.o1u0t44 wil asegiv sîp loalitms f ieproduct cf VIe sponsor aloag witI 'Tieuresident loised VIe Conren-,cmae ihanaeaeo 10e4s-trcpesod Vie value s Vinod pra- evnincnter ta aeaot, n excof village and will furtler descrile Vie somie writiag paper, envelope, four tion witI a poen, VIe 'National An- n year ngo at thc National. Nù ieSs spea t somne time explaining VIe pro- mieeting ail tIc niemibers of tVie var.- contecsV. Bis question "WIat is Vhe cent stanip and VIe initiVative. Viera and Mizpah Beniediction. (Continued page 5) ilcms of tic Board toe teaclerslicus staffs. W olf Cub News 77 ý-l l'lu lie-

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