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Orono Weekly Times, 22 May 1952, p. 2

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c t, t,, t- t,. t, e- t, t, t, t- c. t,. t- et r- tt. t, A c r- <4 'c, t-St r-,. t, t, tr t, A t, t, - D As hisiswritten bbcOntarioi Iso rraig season bas been in pro- grcss iess thipan sfotighb. But aledaccording Iwi bIe grape- vine, Toronto, sal es tif îeadache powIless and other pain-relivers jas Morethan doubeel. For wieWC, have somet',imles doubed hcller orse maicing docs vgmymncbtowa-.rd împrovinigts bredoiltf Iorseflesh, We would be dIe fitsa esconte n ht ià 1 of the Ltimlosl value ini dcveloping a breed of the gamesl animals on earth. GItteos for punishmenl, undant- ed by defat bads bioody buitiun.- bowd; ruiedand baîber-ed bt éoning back for more-bhese are onrly a -f ew oti bbcphrases-ap'pli- cablJe to flic spocies of Genus ýHomio kntiwn as bbc Horse Player.inInfCt we soeie hink il munslhave bee s :cnfirmned hrs-pa e h peset had in missd when lie penned the immortal lnes- 1l2lly ïmc d o and blced awhie, And then llmisue and fighî again. WVhy do wýe say that the horse- player àis stgame? WMil hc knows that Ibere are ati esat 53 ways -in which a-4 horse cao !ose -arace-and these honest wayT, sund don'î incide such things as tue owner mlot wishng bbc horseles cop îli Me edds are bo ebcjocky hav- ing ai simalwager on smeother efced in thec race, or -any oif the dozens cif ther kiuds ofskldg gery thiat sOmeltimcls akeýs place gon à rc tmckbu fot, tif cours;e, and ffink goodness, on backs in titis bloved Otarioetf ours, sinice No do ihe 3 ay"'clde asHonatce Wadle 1rcalis bu The- Police Gzetsu li biugs as tbbc gralEtîeArcr' eiefor bloxviug i 149Piilco Ctsp aI historid Pimlîco race^ track. Amierica's premier rider proved he doesn'tf do 'al bhis sleeping in, bcd by mlis udiOginlg the finish tif the two and a haf ilie race. Hc pulled up sha-rply te irot ime past thé stands whiecjoy-ing a ýcomfortable lcad atop the odds-oni favorite, Blue Hilîs, He forgot there was another lap to go and Pilaster gailoped past bim to a lucky victory, Acaro's bonehead play at Pim- iÎco lwas Ifltwithaut pïrecedent. 1In the 19.46 Kcnluicky Derby, Jockey job ,Dean jcssop misjudged the fini ' andtookhold tof bis; mount, Hampen.sevntyyards froni the Pole, Il cost lm s, econd money in N 'tquie ses costly was tbc me?-n tilapise tif JoeL Notter on Colin 'Ine the1908triniinti f tbc Bel- montStaes.Nottea pullcd up at bbi won fur-long piole, saw bis mitkind booted Colin into acf- li;îîagain, in tume to wîn by a bead anid there2by keepintact Colin's un- eaesrecord. lb was a close shave for a horse wbich started 15 times dur1ing bis cancer .anld 15 times Ianded (lhome i fïont. Th5e chap who coined tbc phrase "ntigis- sure but death and taxe" mst have been, à horse plaei If ss, lhe imight have met a kzindred spirit -1î Lyle Simons, a well knowvn borseman who cain- paigned the, horse, Miltoin, ovýer trackïs îin flhcMiddlle Westafe years ago. Milton was aiog 1horse to figuire out, dule to ai chroîîic c-ase tif rbeumiatism whîýich piaguetd im i-off and on throu1ghýouî bis rac-. inlite12,ïmaking im a ýmost ucr tain bettinig tool, Many owners wouWl hve giveiimii up as a bad Proposition, hbut Si1(mnsbâded 'bis lim1e and aitdfor ihe propen a imd !the rnihtspot. H-e ,finially foond a ra ce he thoughî Mi [,1lton could win,. Theme wýas au n imdiate change in ls horse's tanigroutin-e. 'Therh- miatic o1ld fellow pioddled o bowards bcsaddlllingPad,!Clck pnder heav layers otif lankets WhV1ich wcre CLASSIFIED ADIERTISIN1 puC&Yt' SPORTS CoLumI ;eý,;*1Hockey has faded now int that past which envelopes sports events so rapid y, as seaisons overlap, wibh hockey intruding on football, basebali pushing its way in on hockey. The checring is a distant echo, àk, ýbbc cups have been won and lost, individual feats are entered in th.- records. There's an award for almost every individual performance in thse ma -jor hoc1key of today, a greal mrany loti in the lesser 1Cag1ues, w1hich îs th-e way ït should 1be. he atietes can rise above the evl adsojar to greatness bly their own skili and couirage a--nd s.pirit, it's oniy fair and jusI bIsat tbis s'hould be recognîzed in sone p-tanigible fsin Uoifortuoiateiy for ute player in thle NationiaJlHockey League, Uho did1 ail tils, th(IeeIs no awarld for- a _oorageous come- backý,1not 'even a ; special notation in the records, which are coldly liitlathematicjai su dont delve -loto the buman side. Yet, if any plaer esevedsomne recognition that would entitl&-hini to special nottio, pecalawadthat player who shouid -have been worthy in l 1t-arge a generus imeasume of such recognition wouid have ben inipg' SmulJamtes 'Sugar Jim" H-Jenry, gosIer tif lIse Býoton Brins, wbo urviverI the ,ýbulffeting oaf Fate, survived a1 fire ýthat scýarreud bis bauds and armali, and relurueýd 80 stardom, ilockey deyeloped S'orne great figures Ilth pas season, but ýe (douibt if atif thorilese is S comoipelliuug, so fraughit 9ith the ugged 1romaneti f sport as the ruotf Henîry 1to!ise Big Time.- T!lis is preHolywodthough"out tlle piecce. A highvoltage scrpt-riC uld pencilno mr rpigdramaiý. Jim- Henry first wonGr a spot in tIsema leagu- with New Vork fagrin 194ý1. But bis slay thee-was short, for a the end of bis first sssnheenidin tbe Armny t serve in World War 11, remneýd tere untltIe end oftirhe, ghin.Then be returned ta ocky iydbriefIy EWiRngers, afLer which bis sportspahy was a d'izzy zigý-zag lane thal s-ened to be leading ntbr.Twice he cam-e up leRangerG, alîerinaing with issinor lagechores. Then 10 ChicAin th1e Big Timne, Ihen denyback to thc i-iinors, fo-r trCee scaýsons. Thi in't offered as a hlistory oif Henry's hockey mnean,,derings. Wc e.erey paint il ln for Lackigrocund, to prove tIsaI, despile vicissitu,, real 1courage (doesn't Wýeaken. Thrlee years in tbe mr-11S wazs bad enou-gh,ý but the WorsI camie in tise summer of 1951. A flaýsh sfire suddely erimesbed Hen-ry at a sme resorî camp, he was b-adly burcned abouit tIse Whands and arm-s. That, you mighlt lbinik, would speli the end tif a careecr in hockey, whler:e Iands w'tIs speéd and certainty are, for goalers, amost aseseta as lighing refiexes. Bu Hnm idni't give up. 1H-e repDorted 10 bb Detroitcamip of ise ed', W ingïis, for Ibehad piayed Ihe reiosu season ,for Indiaapoui, aDtroit fan mteam. But 'lndîiaois almeady had a goo goier yoog all, so the chauces f, -or ry ith b oýulimîse ld adoremlainliog even ïinmin)or hlock1-ey okd m lut Boston Bruins tiftbb Nationial Leagulene a go(_aler. "'ley- lried 10 boy Hall, 'but, aanstisir owîs judgnscu(ýt, weme ta1lked mbntpuirchasinig Sugar J-, i enryv, fo4r s moderato sum. _111oclu1b startcd poorïly.Bso int nagai nils first t(eR. 11el]r' s job sýeemeid shialcy. Thon bbc tle tam .imiproved, but- ocam1 the end, sced 10 havîe littiechne1 make( the play-offs _Frthe Stanle-y Cup. Bttne(ar bbic endoftifbb race, B3ruins started 10(,noll. TheLy vwoin or lied aIl but tuo of bhe last 12. And the star, bbcleayn influience tht ackýgmounded bbc drive-that caredtem mb thle f1inals? Why ,n; îorieother tha. Sugar jim Hem,jwth !bis lire-scarred hands anis 1ýunshaken courage. Threre's no prize for comle-backs, for those who survive the bluidgeonýing of fate wiîhi heafi unbo)wed.1 If thiere was, Sugar Jim Henr-Y would be one of the candidates, YnUmcr en fnrzggsisor tMs coumn wM L E weýlCDmed by Ehneir rgo c/ o Ccivent HGUse, 431 YCfnge S'. lTotrCnto C tUvtt DISH i LE RS L IT AMMERSTBURG, ONTARIO ptrippedj from hIis back in the paiýd- dock tali. Thel re lbis shoulders-c wererubed iberîally wIthbt ai- cohlol andwichhael ,He aS tif blanketd B6-rokmakI c.a (-bough ýinfo Medl ý of Ihese stnge shIlenaislre-a fued 1 ter thrseseiouly snfitosg hei r diodain aLayng_, fohisntei its t6 a0 .Te over loede fart tbat m;o adspaadige o te ost ound a thecproverb- i bel ofr- eras li insos bd ced a auray 2 for bi Scattempted111killing," adayl open ilotmore than 80 15ii crsctif of chang Ie o s clo er sthe price soly rcded to a f ial 20 tht l otheuntil bookm arsook-e uptei2 tferward dGid they fin-d thl heystdto f alg oe nearly a race. Simonls, fïguînig every manl had bis price, icf nthling t 'o 7ucha ,e J ust tQ inlire an hionest ride bis ocea boy naed cbber, rode Wit kt s in hlis büoot caIiïng for $3.000 on IKiltonl's Dose. h 'was areunae chgr which sniapped away fro the taper that atron i ostrils giowinig crîmson aýs coals tof fire. Teewr none off the rhleumatic kinkýsWhc had iandled im îamlong thilis ranls" iinso mnyraces,. n h uipper turn hle finlly s ýýrgcd Ito ithe frotlshooling out from l ihe palk, aif propelled by a spring 80 take afouir lengýth -lead in as mainy strides. A 'collective moan wcnt up from the bookmaking ranks wlc Siml- tins looked on serenely from ii ls position near the finish line-, wt ing more than a quarter tif a mil- lion dllars icoasting homin- cto hi pocket. I'ifty yards from the judges' standthelie ld url as drivinig hard b ehind 'Milton, ýith noappren chanice 80 catch tha ehusive, flyýing figure. Anld righîih !en, with victory less than a adozenIc aps ahead, the horse stepped tin a sio00e, stumbtlcd badly andý crashed mbt the duist witb a brok.en le(g. No, there is nothing sure on a race rak The hazards are count- Vcs orseýs which loom as copper- riveîedl cinches oflen tumble in" de- feat Back in 1931 Equspoise, turf- dom's famous 'tChocolate Soldier," was hcld at odds oif 3 to 20 10 win th,, eapak Stakes at Havre de Grace. i"Chicago"m O'- Brien, who parlayedý'L show bets oni short priced avo itIto alil- lion dla AÇrubet 125.,000 on Equipoise just t(, pay isweek end exp o lses. Theni, wlen thcfi !Iist of battie had etticld tne grandstand counrted qupis -rrggin sxth, 13 lenigths ,behjind the wonngAnchlors Aegbb bilng off -thie track with a blind( qua.rter crack whýicI enpd ed! bis us-e- fulineas lfrtir bbc yar. t ws octif Lie greateot upsets in miodem lturf Despite poula blie, ilin can strike moreti l ïin tIe saephireSoniYears ag,"în- tlvý Grand Prix at SrtgVl antl.e ?at odds of I to 12 wa1s su ly whipped b-y the 10 80 Isho Royal Arch, whlich would îoaybe eqiaetto chieap claimuing 1pýlug inigover Citat:in. otaîste îmmllediately soughî revuein the Calif'ornia Stakes at thle sam-e couri'se Royal Arch Iiwas 20 foI as com- pared to thew p rohiib)i t iveu 1 tro 20 necc postedi againsýt Volanlte, .1 stbefreposl lime a ors ownersauntred1p to a bookmakýer and lsaid: "Iforced l ttravel to Cicago so I think ' Il Ici, you pay ithle pricet if my -raiJroad ticket. mJuot bet me $ S400 Onu oat, Thie famous plungper, Mikýe y oer also liked Vcite t(i tlune oif $4,01010Wln .tcolmaaivy paltry $2 \V00. jWe reu ipon R, ýoyval Arch, ewho icoudi'î read odds ;a nd didn't knoLw lbe ,Wasoucasd again won in- a cant, Yes, brethreni, take it fromaï an expert, your de-i-h-wo orse- player îs a chmin -well champion soniethiing-or--othemt. Marks 'Birthdoy - President Tru- man is shown on the eve of hi% 68th birthday. When asked by reporters, how lie felt, lie re- plied, "! feel 2S." SeeirigDoubl Can miakýe yotî svCe double, declares Dr. Nathaiejl litmn, Vutiver- sity of CiaopyilgoTuie eye fatigue hatresîtsin uole vision is part, of theboy' daily cycle of sleep anld saetsnsof high and low tmeaurs lap-, pears. Kleitmnan teted the ision of thirteen fmeîî anidfievon kept awake durînig a irty-houlLr period. Only tho)se h soe symiptoms of crowsýiness had diffi culty iseeing poei.Tedc line began shortly afte,idngt reached its peakbeen and 9 in the moring atr hîhth_ was spontalîcoosîcory vn though the sobjects wcr kep wide awake By 2 the)c t adei- tioon visin vas loi 1 ifjn as it LAd been aI t i esa t!tu experirnent. 'A i htrnyheiýpa- coont for ts ritveyhghrt oif automile aciens !ttin ;î1 Carlymrnghos SCENTE7D JBAIT Pau!l F. Gore f hecase lu stitutie o ecnlgy )Ibehi ismd irm ieu n otiî ade Yefoets $ uÎ3 es, cclitd ico 1erls. day id an o 1 John , Haniiton, ntac lio tapullet scccrl mei SExad 81190 perbundr-Iull ta 17.930 mie weei st2.90: weic 51.5, wealt J838.90 Co lchrels te5.90Up. Writ now, Gaît .Chionc sP Gait1,1n1 arIo ,er Ur sur tobo prve beodi,,sITonddpl chiea wîh los niR O.. bradîa bac rn Ot juat chies. ýPrieareOntdrfor May anS Jon. Asostrtd hîic.ler -USI ESSI', 't.. TI ....E SERVICEysTAINo lgwy1. Nowlimittis f0 the "poa iiliie nI, this FESOIONSALE A. arag n rie Saton ix Ina? Wri-, i to is for 7.! IInfoma i on tW vegament l artar' - yeWen-LIiteS.1r 581 T ongejSm$100Toron _1 ea.-s ithfoue aort adidn danc asure. Ades Onr o. Box 119 Sta, 'A ', Toronto. abl beutifulboxed set ese, 09.9 FTu.DaIca Only Ie.- inoaflOre ï7Oe'T Gesa tho Weaý ,i. tarcoosuiitLthe Magiex16Rose.0Waathaer Haroeter.Prie ei N. Bruc Street antimre25, sary ,resSOli wokSgALVnE-es. Alireref lise Ry$2 00 reqird faiix,. 1 art Wpyu chacces ane toatoas Excll eyCionr KingStdresWstiihHyMin. Cohpnte i Cnaa Lmiteel Corowa42 Pars anSa Sevice C.OmbinaorsfliteS romtly adtresv aaasltmnt 0f inon.d sets, 4d motorcycte I ateanslab t pioes $19 CollagRee St.Teent-1 Urwi.S. NY-MIN iQUID FERLTILIER1 cau 69e aSk youryour oaldenier ionw.t y-rousCniay fCaaaCrnwacl. Ontar1o BEI TTE V RCN ILES Haions Lrge Tr Sor ine198 tocheStire.,.0at p tteddTrs 600x 16 514.00 Other ise.prc t creos ay, PcntnulaTirecorpor- W-'s mportant-every sufferer of Rheu.- matkc Pains or Neuritîs ahould lhry Dixon's Remecy. , MUNRO'5 DRUG STORE 135 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid awa'y like magie, as you, eat. No dua a diet ecrt,$10.00.'W, Glass, P. B-1ox 1,4, Delair, New Jersey. Le ,EP hlicsa new born ba;b-de pa fui and sound. Taks amnazlng non-habit f...'p'ng "Kerso.m Tableta". Ruîsh $1.00 foer libaral, aopply-aiso 100, tablaIs for 01.00. Imperlal Industries. P O Box 901, 'icnnlpeg. Ons oxantelle another, Yaks superlop *EMýINEX" te hein aileviate nain, dis. tress -andi nervous tension assorlated wîti montiy psrlods. 8.0Poatpaid tln plain wrapoerý POSI'S CHEMICALS $89 QUJEE14 ST. EA6ST I'UI66NTO ASTHMA WHY suifer If there is something hat pili hein you? Stondreds of thousands of sets have been sold on a mnoe barle guar- antee. So easy to use, Aiter Your eympl- tons h-ave I-cen diagnosed as Asthîna. yOn owe Il te yourself te trs' Ashmsnfrln. AsIc your Druggist. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISOI the tornent 01 dry eeaems isses and.weepina elcîn troubles. Posi's e Wema Salve will nlot dise ppoînt S'oU. itchlng, scaling, burinssezea ane, rlngworm.. pîrples and athlets s foot. wli respond readlilv e hestinea donlese otent, ea rdi ihwetubI-oràtor- 1914,lesa thay enueen. BEOAT'S RDM EDIES Sen reaitee îrtnitR epiniPre Plesan dgntled. rofnein " MAE erueand Coeat ties aI born PoIale usiess. tifo, rnitonI'R Mn WoaWriteor "CaryLaoatr BARE AHA R DRES!,ýGSSER0L UHidaurres, Thousana n iliuccasful arcentifiluat Amerlca's r e atesi Syatem g rn 6lLatrad, Catalogue Fra Writtarioa. out 8 eloori Sýt>,ý, . oontýe>e 4 Kins rQibS., Mai un,' 78 Y e ridUeu t, DtMw ra frmtop. Belangr Piamoodon. Aiberta.. ANO tER yte nir;nicotine-,Ring Phar- Vntionsad l ' rm File a ilao I-yearqulit , Esyshr cut yst7 Gin Ste e, poitera fo ptayng lcortbs, main secret b eta9- inay Steat r ouas of Wattse. Dent AZ.e ti1n78 rPhitpsPl. Mnra, TEAC$ER00o oeint Vatoe,i etoatoe adr Leain eust1,t reern198Septmbar , 42 ookood12 Aenue.Yoro. PATrlES NTBD AN' O8FER b edry testor-tlt 0f 1,,, rue eRm 1ayC2-.5t3gtrer ai stn; ialti)ï neya.liflctatnkst retaw.A tanti Sollctor. estbiehd \V, t,11, -,ntre.eusat. meoiativ S adeWorldParicets ist F're, Rcles 19 Le lBrokty 12 ion Seior toni (Pic ip, teîe 'tioo, owsbI Sehol reao ay Startlg (ha 952-13t hi, Slary 1,0, Sign For TteBout-Sugar Raoy Robinsoni (left) keeps an eye on the proceeýdings as Jcey Macxim puts the pen to au confract for thleir June 21 tifle bout isl Necw Ycrk's Yainkee Stadium. Weltereîght cham.p Robinson w':lI be seeking Maxiîm's Iih-evyegtlurels M'e "... .1 i

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