jef uîm Iûzd machie-guuiugthe cat. -You're iflot alcat. Dahilia, youra eneyan'1I'm sbootinig you dead., -1Tbat's niot tbe kind of dumub l mean I mean dumblike , ,t,îe oukn0w w'A iit kinid of dm. M rs.Smntih wipecd berfiouredj hands onil ber apron. ý"iCs : nt stupd, dear, tjstden'ILertn your lauguage." "Wcishe sbould because I1,talk< to lber ail te ime," Mrs. Smlith bnt irover theaven Scruewiug up lier1face to study 2a ck."I've ta1ked land tlked to a certainlî ttie oyIkniow in y w langiuage, uand quite )ot ebdes' undmetnd.L" immy xvriggled. "Aw, sbucks, Mo 1. reaiiyudesanouiyI pretend U'n not îstening." 'IVej, do you understand ;wn A ynr good pants." "Yes apr." ,pe u si "Do -I have to "go to Sunday Scbool ail my 11fr?" "That, ndChurcb.Wb" 41Weil, shiuCks,ldraersa home ad play wvith- the fellas. "Wydo I bave lto go, ayxvay mont?" "To learl), Tmm To. istingulish1 eviufrom rigbt." "You Sure do tal i funny, os Mi'keýs D a Iks svIl. e telis uis stories abouit sodirs, d guns, and il kndsof tig. "Timothy,"sbe said in a sbocked voice, "ae' told you flot ta go in that os? "Oh, 1I(don't go :inJtheir bue Mlons. just sit on the steps and: listen to im talk ta some c, other- fela J ike and lme listen. W just Sit real stili so's thley'1 ll tinki weeno there, and we listn Cie emerytl,jn, "WhJaL doethey talk abourt,So? .Oh, about poly-ticks and 2'tri>kes and tin-gs. Anid they talkI how flisget killed 'Cause',he are tying tA do the ight thin-,gs and somne bad guiy cames long and says tbey got ta do [t u!swa moese, and toen tbee'a fibtan somebody gesilied," Tmmisn't thiere omehi you wýoudld rathier dothanl istený "Nope, I guess fa!It," Hîs other pusdta miO n rha wr~ slim h land trog bis ted shinling lbair. "btxol you like to do ma1Cst ofai? "Agee, Mom. YouknxI I adai tIhe moncy in ibe]( or I'd biuy that corner lot, and 1'd1 bujy 1i befeillas b asebi outfits, and lue'd havral teamls, tnoo." "Tbat lot costs a greac deas, son.o "! knov, But11Old NManJako' got lots ni money. It svonldn't hurt bim ijust ta iveiftot s Shie Cu', asuaeof semn sweet cake. "R[n ont and pua? Timmy. -v, Supper xtiil be ready in av hour." Sbe cwatcbed tue boy disappear throougbthe back ,ýdoor, Ssma...... 50intensec, so absorbent. Hersi- aloe ow, ta raisýe as s;he sw it Late rwentbeýy \were atngb said, .\"o, Mike'sDad salyser gaing ta blave nteca. "No, -v e're fot," rs Sit said fimly ad puit a deep lat ai thlick stex v heore im "Bt Mike' Da sas w 'ego îng to "W/ci, We'rnnt" herepated1 -vitb mhai.Tis my b temping atebutshe wsresponl- suile for Timot,i] and shieba a1 rigbt ita bink oùf [tbe fture, jos as moucb as MikUe's fathler bad. "Thle reason vwcI',refotig ta l bavýe another wr,"she -sai, " is beauise'e not going ta-n cour1lage anc. WatI eajn, Son, W/eh,,Timothl , I think you andudnhefeousare going ta be aieta choose hasebali sits."1 He looked atier puzzled, an psedta sore 0 i)s, ai slgarv, 3 qursoilclmonýade, or seveasix oune bttles pakaed iiiie estIndesSundace Rea l Treait for Sum mer Parte A BGscoop of vanill, cof- fee or nlint ice c"rein5 ovril, and aý brighit red cherry on tpwita' West indes Sundae, Isnet ihat the rperlFect tre'at for yow.r nex wam -weather 'porch pat? -We ike to serve oïd- iasindsofs molasses cook- le i t. IMy grandmiothier r-eallywonaefri MoassCookies (Yield: 6lto 7 dozen 3 / -inch cookies) flu,4teaspoons soda, 1 ta- blespoon salit,1 tablespoon cinnamn, I ablespoon gint- ger I easooncloves, I cup shotenng 1-/3cups sugar 2 usunsulphuredmoses 2tablespoonis vn r 2 eggS, Siitogether lirsi six iYi gredienhs, Meit shortening hi a suceanlarge enougli for mîx;ing ýýcookies. Sfir in Sugar,; m-1olasses and vinegar. cool. B'ea t in eggs. Add s8ifted f1outjr milk Chiili dlough>aboti30 -Three Divisions Mo9st plants fail into tbree main cIasýses-hry semi-hardy and tende-r. Th irst'group are nflo afraid a of tite-second can take a !it !Me but eby dm!'t Ikeit, de tblird ýxiii b1e îkilled if the mcrcury falis bcloxýv .32 degrees. je Toe first categary Camne Roxvtrs and vegetables tlat under n or nsai condiions wouid seed thescles.These ýare tbinigs like alyssns, osmo, )popies a n d s'cores f 'othrfowr.They are ail spciallýJy listed as-; hardy "n anyi goadCanaianseed catalogue and aresiialydescribd onthe secd packe. Amng vgetables xviiiA lettcespinchcarrtsparsnips lzi! the sýeconid graup thiere is a great varity oifnoxvers [tis at- this ts, hndanger ai serions frost bas passcd, tbat ,t- get the first a stafcdplanîts trans'planted outside-hnsrkeptnazini- niase. lu the ,aetabile une, beans, the first corn'i and potaýtocýs, 1the man pauti!ng .of heets, car- rats, tc,, will goin at this period, For the tender group-soil, as wcll as air, rmust, be warm before thygo outs;ide. 0f course xvitb sed nç hliwhicb xviii not be puIshIiulg itrougb t he surface ,for a few days 10ac can gamjble a lit- tic, bt as ea mie wththletender group th1cre iînotrng thbcgain- ed by ýrusbIing il',abead aFitis3e un- Iess spcia'i protection is pravidcd snicb a"s glass or papar caps.\AI- oug the very tender flocrs are cannasgil, dahlias anld any other er si ,fleshy teme p)lantl s Melonls and sqphusbc cae in] tuis grouip and so do cucumbhers, peppers andpumlkinis. Coro and xvar weabcr nd as a rile the main plailting a otb usualiygo in afer dnger<~,ffrostjis ae u plauy of moistue Some extra wae iu in v itltis hbusineéss it~~îý isimorat a ae as 1mu1cb so- wib b plnt or !,r-,aspos- s;ible so that tbe fýu-Ine mts are f lot gCoLdu ie sou and dampened doxvn wibwate. if tce Sunis btmit a gaod ta shade for a fexv hours uet<si, rnpatin th coo(:l -of Net Too Mudh Maypole m ake tbe nmîstake ambtios scle Tby lant ak hafar o aior pta or we onl a ew owswois d beamle a et ain i owearsd ( xvhrie just a men( s s ifed pacetisai tai W/e tCaeS ta ' enqaipme tu MmiuteS. Drop fromu table- spioon onto greased coi sheets. Bake 12 to 15 mlin.. IIes ini pre-heated moderatýely hiot ovein (2100 degrees F.). Ifyo like the rich fla'vor o)f mlolasses as much as w-e do in our home, youlil veicomle is recije, too. -Fruity Fudlge Bars (Yield: 2-1bars) ri dflour, / eapo soda, ,2tesonsai, 6 ta blespoons cco , 1/3 CuP teaspoon vanfila,2egs½ cup hoped nis,1/3 cuip raisins. Heal opven hi 350 deg,,rees F., (moerae),Sif t together rs four Ingredients. Meit short- ening in a saucepan large enough for niixing b2tter. Stir in -sugar, molaý-ses and vanilla. eat lin Ceggs. Add1 Îlour qixNture; mïix wevI.Stir ilu nuts and raisins. Spread bal1ler ini a well-greased, 4ljgt floured, 9 x 9 x 2-hnch va.Bake 35miue or un- CIi done, Tu u ot On 'wire rack ;0 cool. Cut inito '24 bars when cold. Top with pecans or almonds if desired. Prosperity, It's Wonderful! The north country'? Horrors, my goodness nol TeFinanciai Post hias been taking a look at job opportunIities for this year's crop of-univer;sity graduates. The opportunities are many; most of lhem cairry a swet salary tag and good popcs Butt seems mlos;t of the Young gentlemen want to, stay coeto the b'righliîghts,Th jobos in the north country? Wecli, reallyl Sýo we hiear from ',the mpoyrs side of the fne Jobts ili Labrador at, $100 to $*175 at week te start (mlost of thlemoe can be ,sa,-ved) are oig- egig Oneenigineer lbas specified tha)t Éthejob hliae pt wrCq) VIlI he :-,in Toonýto iindritriai stiburb where thec builings are niostly u-ew and weetbp gai-Ces'tlike dr-iving ilownrownl. Welil, dûolthebest you ,lCar7Iboys. FomThe Finianciai -Post. banidie. Usually a one ta etwo horsepoxver nmachineic sadsae Éliee helot is lcss cthaqn u are. Thi xvii uru mu11ch eaisier tanthe lage mtacors and iii a smlallgr dnteeis amgt lta uu i O. f course'.anlecucnhady x 1 ec t ta piow bayland bt xvbcr(,e ptibeit is besItctahîr tat job doule and kecepIlbe sinail tracto)r for thie cil t;iatrllg, alaxnctiupnp îng aud tIle otiler iobs it xiii do. and do well. F aï Nocr th Diary This daywas writtn at the Huldson's Bay Company Post by iampligbt in he wine, or hy tise ncve-eningdayýligIt Off the sus- mer mon10ltlts, orsosexvbýhce be- twýec tLictv- t\% sam ai it wa writteu n suox boseson tbexvn ter' tmail, lyiug in sciu-bg cmorted Op tbefiendiymr oa Prmu s stoeUme unas rittnuby the pale radiauc fa a eal- ilrmp in the -sno\w bouses aio arion Eski 1mas wthxvoî wsl, odlging for the gt Sonsle a ritnin aà t:inv ýooden cabin in the bofa a-ur- little Peterieuad chonr wbich was digîsifd 1:11ticnaei the fo"'le, whe e m Sidcrdow fae ai plankng xvitu te seret mails Oa i eacorcan ThIe diaIry a ritnfor sne tbing ta do; and a]lsoàIran ailnun- xilingneý,ss ta ahIoxv s lu mucb that was o tane 0assuand 50 exitn ta goenýttirely fus- rccorded... Cape Daors'ct Post stands au a shelving, rocky slope overlooking a littIecave. It standsin fart, on an iskid. For the cave bas a broad_ opeingta tbe sea, ta the E-t and narrox V rocky bar vhere the tdsrceu, ta de W/est. The Post li te cnvntional group ai build- ings tbat go ta make up a Hudson's Bay ComIpany ýPosýt. Tbe trding stor, and the fur loft abovec it, i's the main building. It carnecsabv thedo, in the la,ýrge lteiga a byýgone age, tie nscrip)tion) E1-SON'ýs BYcOmPANýY AIl these bildinigs xcre solid C-x- cept ithe cdxveling-hauIse. Cbeslcy and Hebe t plled thlis doxvn be- fore the ý at rrivecd, and inslle tur-e for uis ta live n in util xve buit a nexv anc As Ouereis nuetimber ufor an hundreds of iles the Nascopehad ta brig ail te planks, boards and wooden ,l ing e need etbui tihe nexv asie. Tbley mIade a dli- or-der-ly moIuntin an bc rocky shore above bigitide nmrs; aud tic cae, ares nd scscon- taininmg ierch-Iandise for -a wbocle year's tradinig made anIother,- The cxv anud the pasengrs "'lpd u founldations laid aIic upn,111i,hIts ta forma kcetnjtiecrew anud the as'nrspacke-d upthi i tools, and we saitd aur. good-bye ýs. Frous the shore w wtcbcd t hec anebor amne up and satcbed ber turf shwlyand tbin bead fortce straits. Hem siren J ,oke t "eecbors in the iimpid Nrtbrn tjIjjcss ai tbe Miduégbt Sun, and tcen ive were looking at am pt barbor. W/e bad a bouse ta hbil. We had trade goods ta unpack, and sort, and store.-Froins Hdo' a Trader," hy LordTxeduur By Rev. R. B Warren, B.A., B.D. God's Estimnate of Human Lif e Exodus 20:13; Matt, 5.21-26-. 1:6;LUke 9:51,-56, Memory Sele&ion: Thou shalot rders the conmmanldment, "1Thon" th ul xfu açCtetnl M kr-illi ni one hua b Ingby anqlther, whetbher directly or iudirctly, -But thle Nexv Testamnent rearches ont "W/hsoevr baethhis brothler isý a mrdeer, IJohn 3J:15. Jesuss Chrst augtltbt bcblg recauiciledi taarbrother bas prionity over sacrificinig ta G'od. Hloldinig grndlg- cs baIs ,a bad ýinfiluence iupon jns spinitually, jmentd aliadphsc- !V, Some peoie vii eyrbexveii uni by humle themsl'clvcs asud ask iorgivencssaiofsomeane the-y havexrogd And, ai course, noü anc caohave Gd sforgiveness uni- ti eforgives t$ose xvho bave trausg-re2.ssed 4agaijjst bim. Psycbalo- gists and psyqýchiatrists are proving- ta maniy tha te way af ife jhat jesus taught às tbe bcst for man, It xvas unkind ai tic Saaitns ta turu nsftic traditionai haspi- tality ai the -cast and refulse Jesus a night's iodging. But jjthe ,sp)iritj ai retaliation sa~nb ae n John xvassvreyrukd y sauner ai spiri t ye re, For fileSon i manis nat ceta des tray mnliebut ta(7sive b ' [ffticnti;[i1ons aicexol e ce2ived Jesuis Chirisi;tt bill*osa do-illars that are beînilg set buing updefeuses couléd be turned ta etrn the ýlo)t Oailt-,muti tudes wbo bye î1 cautatly on thel ver1-ge ai starvation. Gi ouse bime Russia tfaltic rs ae Butr the fact remiainis that ulii tu des in Canadî'a have neerill ieddtheýir bearts ta JsusChrist. WCe are ol oinaliy ,Ciristiani. If wAe were tastraihten ont the diffceences thiat ixist iala- ilies and snmiey andbv G-od's gace and lave begi notaVive aiter the pattern tbat Jesus Christ set, the world wuldsooi- be different. Communism iv !o hse-nsuch af, its apipeal in ùte face aiF such' real Chistianity. iln't always true in regard to ques- tions about, ,viit brucellosis, for the sanie asesdntawy piy. Thet iese av h samnelnamile Uand are causedbyf practicaliiy idenitical germs,ýý but. teehsmart y (icjutl about ends anld seidom b[Y swaioig h germIs wthconItamjinaýted feed orý water, Thlxc everse is tu of the cattie disease, ofý courïse", Bais maypossIbiy spadBpng' diseawse hough srie ic germs arecoeie r'sn nti ed a boaSu ice theýy haýv litti(e Cuchce Cf bueColm1in]g ;infcte d toghserv-icinig reacltr cowý. T1 hat br inIgs out anlother differ- case mostimpotantin the mIe fhielte catti'e di" ae s os seriouis blthe emat1-uIeA hoar can he easýiiy inifected aud as easily inj-, fect ai-tl thle sows be breeda later, wbile a cow xiii genl-ily act as a spreader for oIly a'few week hefore and after caiing. There isantedffrneta makes sie rcelsi ore it portatti0he mi.Sows regUlar- ly recover from the disease and hecome non-reactors and "ns~ spr:eaders within shýor'tti.Ts Sortof ting seldom happens lu i cows, and generaily takes mlonfths whe1i des occulr,. Both ifected1 buis nbarA s are mkey to Iremain, disea"Sed forlilfe. This recover angle brins another difference, for il makes in- dividual blood tests urelaii swn.A sow miiight be in1fectled and Cause a lot of trouble, but 'be recovered and riegative to a2biood_, tesAb diem e newa lun T isn t i Ckely fa "r in cOx s wen recu Cey taes so much longer. regard to protectiot. given b'y vapý- cntn.Calfblood vaccinlation gený- eraliy gives incrCjeased rsistani-ce tj cat- Or severalye-sIn wie va(ccinlation gives 1ltie poeto Ufter in ie imonthls. gardirg the danger, ofinetg humn einIgS, Bot 0 ypes o eîmis viiicause: unduflant felver' buitIlhe $iedis'ease is ýgener-a!iy r'ugize s more l cIy- todo- iL Agret mny eopie aire a- nulyinfected bý y hanIdling ra pork,an rreybfrhbe, heevarionus dfeec sg i eb dimeere, ton since boars ar so iportanÏt asspradesthjos thtareIun,ýtested or lhave ee "changed" =Arona comnuuity are, poor issfor a 1breederc ley% careuL boar slctoit igbt b. weii to foliow apoga'lre ou'tatPurueUniversity vwhich isý based on tefact fthactloug pg arc rtymc imn ohu meey consistsof peraientIy sepaatig the pigsfrom ther dam at aning time. Th~is doue bef ,ore ýthey ar eîhtweks oli. They are bod tcte a wan agtie, andIthos premies mde dan by' disinfrc- tion iand p)astureroaio, Frons ta4 iie on thy are kept sPrcIy spaedfrom al! othler wie This plan i iboth paciai def- fectve, inceit as beenuse t Iy nfctd ars If youCý're aiSing pi'gs, itliprb abyPay you to' do a, littie thîink. disease in cattie. JITI'ER ___________________ By Arthur Pointer - I I À I s,' N N N N N s- N N N N N N 'N N A N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N s 'N N N A s N s N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N 'N N A N N N N N N N s N s N '4 N N N N S N N N N s N N N A N N N N 't' A s N -s N s' N 'N N N N * s s s N s N N N t"- s- k N S N N A s. N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N.