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Orono Weekly Times, 22 May 1952, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMESL ~MARCHAN'T-Suddeffly at thei FORBIFSAOLEN Memorial Hospital, Bowmianville, o FR, AEF0ena Uie SALEc hv fr gAuthorized as Second Clase Mail. Poet Office Department, Ottawa., Thursday, MUay 15, 1952, F SREiedacUhedarrhdav James Marchant, aged 31 years, bie- Four tires,1 tubes. Kze 15--750. sale a large churh shed, ce týed Advertising Rates on Request. Subseription $1.50edhub of Margaret Ellen, Apply 79rlO,MT Carleennant, Oro- with steel roofin . To be sold b ten. .0 Nelson. Service was held at the Mor- -no, Ont. b)-p der. Tenders to ïe closed S4rday, EsaliisJaur, 97 Funeral Chapel, -Bovmanville, on May 3Ist, 1952. ýny tender e'ýt nec- SatudayMay 7th t 200 ocloc. NOICEessarily accepte . Tendeeste be Foun4ter. R A FrEstablihedJanury,193. RCFSastr ItrdaMetBway l7t t2 'le CemNOTIÇZ mailed to Mr. Jon Pattn, Kendal. Forestr uMihe. RC orrstr Iteniet owmnvlleCeetey. There is an appealfo gooe uedOntrio. - ~~~STRINGER-At the Memorial dencohn' vres lief. A Y, Bowmanville, on Sunday, -lbale wiIl be paced and ar dces will FISTMETINSCUTN 2 LadAseat.May 18, 1952, Isabella Stringer, he- lie accepted at he ome ý Mrs. J. BARN FO& SAE r eRST MEET IN SCOUTwith2.adjo Aroefiath-d HEDO HURSDAY For large quantities, mix four ls. loved wife of Wellesley Stri nger and yett adntItr k al at 362 ihajtigoe hd of lead arsenate with 100 gallons of dear mother of Weto, £owanvill.o ue A specIa1 emnp, is on warm 42.Bthmtl4f Ptn 71 'lhe first meeting of the Scouts was water and one pint of fish oil or Mrs.1 Stringer rested ait hle Morris clothing, as it il bj,ýwitür inXeKor- a-p called oin Thrrsday evening of last linseed ohl. For saal quantities mi uea hapel, Bowmanville, for'ea, Japan, 0enaý and Greece wee hntnwr or-nn teaspoons of lead arsenate With! service on Monday evenitig at 3ý:00 when the bale "ad.s there. F0R RENT ee hi e eepresent Flor aners-moeriunet ,ceive instructions in Scoutîng. For one gallon of water and one teaspoon 1' ok. Further service and inter- lo nermdn ýiàp nt the lat month three patrol leaders of fish ou or linseed ol. ment at Hermon United Cemnetery, NOTICE easy te use. See us for., complote and assistanits have been suyig Grounid control, however, is lim- Hastings, Tuesday afternoon.. Will those parents wvith-,hiIdreni floor finishing suggestîns. Phone for ~ ~ stdyn th6 oei h e mvmn tdbt stoteraoal raCOBEIK I t ears of ,age by Dec. 31, I 52, wishý- 3 r lilOronio or 2425fPort 1Hope fo n ei O rol ndin hursday last puet- tha than be ove reasnd the ahea OBght I Trnt n -ing to have their chile. n attend Coleman and Phil cýtric Ce.1Ad in ron an onThusda lat pt-tha ea becovredandtheheihturday,, May lth, 1952, 'Mary Georg- sechool in September .952, please heir studies into practice' when theylof trees that can be reached. The ina Cobbledick, beloved wife ofr he r-egîster, the nomesoftecldn gude tei articular patrol work. best-known means, of large-scale FaeWatrR.Cobedc1Rse 4 * M a heeilrn Mr. Whn. Buniting is ScotMse control k bhy the aerial application the H. Barlow Funeral Homie Oronoa, Mayy6 shoo81 Pasture land fçx ýfive head 6f yeun-.g of heoranzaionan kasised isetiids.for, service on Tuesday, May lteat between the hour1 of 3.30 pmand cattie, spring creêk and odfede byMm obGode. Meetings have made in sortie parts of the Province oni. r Oan.nd1- been held in the Forestry buildings With commercial flying firms who 23 m nemn rn eeey .0~ lnd we blieve it ks the intention tohave aircraft equipped with epraying WVOZNEY-A,%t Pontypeel, Ontarj,0 WANTED TO RENT carry on this practice. apaau utbe o hswr. on Tuesday, May 2th, 1952: MarytVNTS 1. The numnerical growth ofth or Fire ia any ferm will riot previde Wozniey, aged 63 years. Resting at Make a note to reserv rd e- Sl cntie ero t garlization ks expected frmn satisfactory control of the tent cat- the H. Barlow Funemal Home for ser-) ening, May 3th, for the W.A sýpon- mn rhue~atdt i 'ow practcaliy ready 1,erpillar and also constitutea a serieus vice at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, May 23. sored Concert ani Social Nwth re-1lclhihsottehr, f an pass on te scouting. threat to sumimer homes and, sur- Interment McCre's Cemnetery. freshmients at tÉe Leskard h,. bby. Contact Ray McCallri, phon~e roudin ti-,br.Adults 50c; c4ildren ie. under i46r16 Oronio. roundEîng tAmbNrE MASON-A,ýt Cobourg General Ho0s-ischool age freec. b-c NATRE N ALACEJENNIE WREN ptlo udy a Sh 92 We're agents fo'i"iiside Chicks. ' John Mason, aged 78 yeams. Service. SALE ItGI TERS Ask uis for prices and. particulars of The distubneofntr'abln was held from the H. Barlow Funi- breeds, crosses. Started chicks aise. ,te bythereuirniets f ur ivi-!For: about six consecutive years a eral Homie, Orono, Ontario, on Tues- ~,b h ~îeet fnf ii-nest box- had been put out for Jennie. aïMn h nesge a e-ie i-Iiidaedlvr or1fycik .zation, iaiters factors which exert ,re and each year she had arrived dy ay 2th, 1952 ut 2:00 p.m. 1- heudesine asreeie i- m eiat dlive Your Mây chic. rnatural control of ail forms of lii e, about the first week of May and ettermient Orono Cemnetery. lt12coesion baseMr CrdnBprowgnLamn R ,mn ~nifja, pan an ineet Trs as lpier housh' .Aanti em LOWERY-At Sick Children's Hos- ton te 1wnship, first farm sout f the ivarise te excessive developmient the box was hung out but Jennie i rl orot, on Wednesday, Ma, Bowmnville Canning Fatr FOR SALE oýf particular types c'f insect fe, 'aiedte crio time. The bobo- l4th;, 1952, infant son of Mr dVosIbypliantoat10P.i1 Shue-gso s stewh ofthe foris (tf eCt iep ir Y(o liînks and kingbirds, which usuallY Mrs. James Lowery, Orono, aged 5 on Friday, May 23, 10 milk cows and portable oven.. Ice box, 5ý lb. capa- of he erm ofînsct ue îiih r- come about the same thne were here, days. Interment Orono Cemfetery. calves, 18 head of stocker cattle et.Tlphn'I4 týsonds in its develupment te atrthese t.Tlehnc 9 -.b-p iateedt'ctra Is e thuede but ne Jeni. Could it be thaï poultry, feed and grain, tracter---nd ltrdfatr. t notfsordýome accident had befallen hier dur-i HERBERT FREDERICK BERtRY tacrmchey hybarai h-ost tree is the Popiar. This species ing the wvinter, or that she might M.Hret Feeik Bry valueabie macbinery aise furniture iO r n -of tree now formis a large propoimton have peceived a broken wing andageM58 yearserpassedtayin Toýron-Teres ashnaresrve Jak Rid af the freat oe n ea bn-wsual emketeln lgtte. The funeral was held on Wednes- auctioneer. 4antsuppy cffood material pro0- back. Anyway, she wasn't here and *_______________ vies conditions favourable -te apid a pair ef english sparrowvs had bult day aftemnoon at the Orono United Ideveopmient cf the insect population areti irbx Church, with Rev. John Kitchen. cf- ~~gi This inerease in population continues On.tmdy rin1 omoinficiating. The late Mr, Berry wvas a u____TT__ e carry a full -tintil th~e developreent of its natural ws eard; Jenniie Wren and her li brother cf Harry Berry of Opone. At 1,aiasies ctchsu andredces the-inthe age of ten hie came te CaniadaQ poaiesofcat Fohes t nd edceste-band had arrived and a fierce battle frem Engiand. He was a memiber of fine of - polaîo n ofem oealenalr na in progress bet-ween 'the wýrens Birockviîle Salem Lodge. A Masenic Q. pilla te ormal andthe sarros andwhata bitof Iservice was conducted at the grave-"'.J During the upsurge, the caterpi- feathered fighting fury Jennie turned sdInem twa mdei th UPl bing br' fednghabits include aimot ett e gî n gain the wrens -ev y peiescfbrod lavd teeattacked the sparmows until Mrs. ___ ýend shrub so that after the comple - arow rnde the miistake cf :flyýing tieon id the feeding period the foreat at Jennie who dodged and entered F f UÔL' i~aloa cmpetÇi d~oiaed te box. Once in the box entrance, Co ýYOy PA-Y It la expected Lhat in somie aea there Nvs ne dislodging. her. SheQ I L I , of ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 te retDsrc ecurne-faced lher adversaries with fher hr Avr-ood W.1. imeet ing Nwaa en-, oFOR TIS pr>Iidemiceof the insect will be iin the littie beak and kept the sparrewa eut'joyed on Wednesday night, M,,ay 14 Q ËQowný, swing, howev-er, thie large numi-'cf the box until they gave uLp the'-»in the Sun-day School roomn. The 0 Lui 4hiyno one ýas hurt... eC ber cf egg masses observed Iast lali battie. president, Mrs. N. Kennedy wasi Qbtt an 'yen pa j'fer this ne- Lj julIIV etc injdicate that once again miany As soon as the sparrows left, Jeu- the chair. The installation cf cf-' cien? ouca ifU are zarýeas >vill be a-fflicted. nie Wreni and hiem husband wetot ficers was the firat itemi on the pro- properly usaire. Guard a-[l Limtedconrelmnybe arredOutwrkcleaning eut the box. Hen fea-, grau, ifter opening the meeting I gis byproperty eownems wthi the use cf thiers and straws gathered arounidaCwith the singing of the Ode andO h! c 0nsr o insecticides, around the cottages, per -j bàmyard miighit be ail righit for aI Canada, with the Rev. D. T. L-an- 0_CALR maetdwýelings or by lar'ge scale sparrowv,'s nest but just net good, caster. conducting the inýstalltion R . L L GAIN iprayig fromi the air. Ienough to meet the immiiaculate- ceremýioiy. During the businiess parýt NF.PRE Phn1-0 . D..T. lhousekeeping l-ýrequirements cf a Wren cfï the imeetin- don)ations vere aýN.F-POTE For large quantities, mnix tw he at seen, Jenniie and hier hua- greed upon as- followa;$50 to th-e ORONO. Ont, j pounds cf 50(,,, wettable D.D.T. band w,,ere buay- carrying cean, bits Institute for the Biind, $5.00 te theI (avaiIable at hardware stores) with1 cf twi 1(andbarkj, into their house. Junior Homemakers' Club, and $'5.00 o c- n ra e 100 gallons cf water. For snill Juat becauae a person gees*Sou-thi te Misa Noble. The subjeet cf haking ________________, nuac ot quniisthree teaspoons of D.D.T.ý for the Winter is ne reason thlat j for the Bowmvran ville Bazaar 10t be Your-isrlc o-t te oe gallon cf water is the proper somneone else sheuld move into their held June th came up ýfor discussion' social heur was enjoyed. can be su bstanitially re- riita~.~ patmnt and it waa agmeed that ahmme duced by buying Divi- ______________________________________________________ rake a cake or tarts for this bazaam., Misa Allie Cooper, who is viiting dn aig Plce n iMrs. A. Low gave the current eventa.! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper', spent ed Pp g olcs C oînirg o R y l'ha r Suggestions foer the progmare for, Wednesday'and Thursday e'f last Quotations on request. the cereing year." was the roîl.1 week with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rob- The subject for the month was Home, inson. -Econonies and Health and Mrs. Roy eo Ha itn Mercer as -onvener intfrodutced Mm. 'Mr. and Mrs. Tom Falls imotoredh Dick Woudstma, one of the niew - withl Mr. and Mrs. Ive Little te Hea- hon e RNG1 corners te the commnunity to give aij ley Falls te visit their daughter and ORN IIG1 talk on) the dishes apecial te the, son Mýr. and Mrs. Harold Little INSURANCE Netherlands, bis native ciountry, Ino luil its branches hnd kindiy agreed te apenk for. Mrs. A pot luck supper has been ar - Fire, Burglary, Hospîtalizationt Boagmaaf'nnd bis sister-in-lawý\, Mr.mnedfrtenetWA eeting1 Automnobile, Life, Accident and Weudstra who felt thoy did net have j May 2Sth at 7:00 p.mi. when the iiew Sickness, Pinte lass, Liability, encugh commnand cf the Engliah Ian- j ebr1f h soiainwl be Lvsok Boiler, Wind. guage, only litvin- been jncanada1 w'elcomied. for a year.Mm.Woudtra asnostt interesting, and gave the recipe for, Mr. and Mra. Wilfred Roughley, Real Estate bean soupwhh consiaited cf bonDvdadDni n oaRuh $8,000. Orono residence, Main beana, men boe an vetbe.ieviie Mr.LTore ndMm Street uiptown, solid brick, six He adonbýiïd aveýc,ý1ewhichi is, and Mrs. Jamei(s 5warbrick, Sunday rooma andid modemn bath-room, He had n hasnativegetable in bard and soft water in house, ghr w loobisand ative E lan nme continiius hot wnter, ou fur- '-hcor wîloo ad cn h eaon aw Mr. and Mrs. Normnan Thertell and nace, hnrdwood floors, newde-- or cooked. Many cf the ladies to-)k ai Mr. and Mrs. N. Eugear and Bonniie1 corieons, spotles condition >rofessionaI flrectouy A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. IPHTSICZÀA4 and SURGEON sundàys nd aad#.mam.7e by appoiflttfeft mly PHONE 47r1 E. C. SYE, .M PHYSICIAN and SUR~GEON Main Street South Office Heurs: 2.00 to 4.00 pahn.: 8.30 to 8.00 p.fl.. Sondays and Holiday* bY Appointnient PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO S. H, WI-ÈZE L. M.D. ~PHYSICIAN AND SUIRGEON. Cor. King ani Mill Sts. NEWCASTLE Office Hours, 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.. 7.01 to 8.OOP-ný Sundays and Thursdays by Appointmnent OQly Phones LE GAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMAINVILLE, ONT. Phone*: Office 688 Hoe.353 >TE D JACKSONW Auctioheer and Valuator- Conducts Auctien sale. eof11RU mî and at rea»nable rata& commuinicate with hlm at pff Perry, Ontaric, or geo hlm Cler16 A. E. Morton, at Orouo, for dati. JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Fani i4 Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis aind dates Pboine 5r V 00,n LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Educational PoilieS Protection and Savings Plans fat Children and Adultà; Mortgag, la- surance'Plans. F. E.LYCETT ORONO, Ont. Phone 20 r 1b The RIJTTER GRANITB COMPANY. Dial 3216 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario imoniuments, Gravemarkers, Fnoeravinoe. ldefn STAFFORD BROS Mdonumenital Works Phone Whiitby 5,52 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS ANP MARKERS Let us erect a handsome, tig. nified monument over the p~t ing place of your loved 'ý118& It's fotexpensive. And sceànz you wniess comfort Mo'ILnumwrent's P. E. DELA-NTYf and SON., 106 KIENG ST. WýEST PHONE COBOURG, O-NT. 734M This firm erected th-e Oronoý Mem- orial Gates. One of the highest formus of Caa- adiani sentiment is our tradkij,paZ custom of erecting a Mou ent e graniîte, or marbie to our loved e:ýe Who left this life. k~I Office 2621, Res. 3441

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