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Orono Weekly Times, 22 May 1952, p. 6

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Dea r Aune Hirsit is wt heay bart that I read yýour col- umn about 'ue'and bow she bates )hrparents beaue siedisc-overed the lbd to ge't 1marr-ied, Thait lbasbenone of amy fears unee pasi seakyeas My twov aubesare are like thiree are very popu- las, and loved 1 bave broughti of mind and body'. Tb1ey go to i'lfcbrrgular-ly, Tbeywot eveni tell a litile white Vie C- wbrn h igl bceGnvnet "f dread, anld livie inea, that siome d-ay t1bey mighit findouabt their Da;ddy and me, "Shaîl I gathecr tbe togthe aýn4 (ýthellbem yseif? Oruat n sewbat bappeus? Iibave .often wvaied tô wrie taý you, bui nieyer bad the nre Now, ireadiing abou)Lt11ov'Suie'-feels ampks me sick au Over, WXORRIED MOTHERY Be Stft 1 sbiare with ,ycou -tie tumu-îli *m t aikns you in thus ourof '~Your fisi conceru., 'Iarnsue *1l the cefet sucb a revelatio *,i1 itbaveipon youir girls. * YOutb eau bebrutal î i li *judgmient. Inspîred by thiehigb * daswhic.b you1 havé inculctd -fthey omy J.e so sbocecdta ty -çQtotd turilnamast vo'u, 4722 -î girl wvitb theslip shie wants! Twa. %sti obinç plain tpetcwî li t'atternl 472-2: Gils' Sizes 6, 8 1%. 12. , 4Sbe 10 lipq Il§ayards ~5iieh; y, ards 4,ic eyelei 44~~nté~e-7~yard35il. Thspatteiev easy to us1,e, silek ta(- se-w. " ,cl.teiedfor fit. Hfas coin- puete illustrated instructiçns. Se(nd THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (35c) inî coinýs (Staulps, cannot beý plail SZENA EADDPESS, ITLNUMBER. Seid order 'to Box 1, 3-18îbý treNecw Toronto, UOnt. LANNi action? t could not cevein ýibtn Ce thewegh Of you guilty knuww- * ed e, o it wold plaî_ceuo *biryounllg bearts gie;tîc 'l do ntlee teyae atr * enougb to control. * The possibilîty that later o * thy my laru f i, Iconisider * wo ay baLve kn1own il have * ep our scet 1l, Wby * ftbey shioluld, by, that iuile 1 tihe girls wîîî bhave j.lrnedmore * bot umn ean'e, and wL ilLd *caiy toward the sins of 0 l 2 otes, tulai L u sl uln.tbl)e * bow imaual a* a sO& a wneflmte oyur Cbil- *dron. Yonhave solvedaparnt's, * den' cofidnceand idevelopth le *Finle findhp whc xiS *amloni you ail * comifort 3yourself with thatm *knrowledge.Lav the future tu *tegods. * TO "JEANNIE": \:hy not 4 mar his fine yoýung mtian, in-d Impan tu adopi a baby àii0about a year?, * 'rere sof course, 1no gularantl Stee as tolu eanlcesLry of a"'id- *opted chii(ld. But bow many o liusknw uc ab)out ilour *eigbt gragragrnpens *v We bve seen plentyà ofmores * wer aopted cbildrten could nut *be worse thlan the iýttle rascals *boru Of toidleîprns * Talk tol youir prnt an is) *about the idea.From wbaýt youl *tell i;eof botb fmiie, tink * tey ould aprve nnsIbi Don't ive in daLy fear that a mistake you made lonig ago may icorne to light. Keep yu secret until the dlay it must beaco- ledged. . Anne Hirsi u-der - stands, and will sfeh youir couragýe. Write ber at B3ox 1, 123 EihenhSt., New Toronto, Ont. "And SO toled.,'otewot Peps te clbrt diar-ist; àand ncCo dout wibthe 'endiug of bis AS labour b e sîted tbe action tS t1c word b ly snulggly tuickrnlg hîmsclf Of n is paio, cnpedb bug i0lb red damask, trimd ithiI did diwe1 ll onthe day hat vas past1 and !i morrow 10 be. ladyAnkbsenaun, ad amanii cet ed hrested upon apa1ir of fiey cavd elolngated ber!adice lionsjand ha ornat;e dapn o f finey wvenlinlen spreadovera plaHllasseNu soft dow'ny 1pill'o o bevr; thelady refrredto leepon a bad nck-rst of wood! Gold and wiàe waitecour sebme of Naipoleonl's pebn bedroom. w ,itilî ,_ning of lo satand bd-cverof green. V'isitors tu beIda HmeExi bition ini Olympia in Londonýtis eamr feet reprodujctionsý of thee ad cother histoie bds ad bedre Lms. Io finid hbi wa about in theark I bed an elborte reaionof ras and viet rviig etin1g For Iblis splendolir is arch afppe ibrlyspikird wth arlin rosés ;anid genevs iA FI-InryComîagers versio)n 0f Jolnab.fand 'the wbale, Jonab__-was il appears", that'In paed p suld down "Ca' Oi u utout that .cn- askýed tble waI. you are uinin to tak," n~werd Joab, "if' you vours ipît, eitbîrof u wofld be: TEA & COFF EE U S EFU L ,Too Car Trip Crib rersea t iof yo u arinto a saLeÏ and com]fortable :playground fo botmsrong resileýnt ae f2lfrold li-o aw esiycaîried packageýtý"( maesanlolCeîs ofcamt other pink-, Wet l l ipes lastic- coyeed at e a 1ciýf u a *ib * *o s s p ddjýý,"P Il11vde frin i pejica nd canelýil sgarcone! syrpas same con- s ad to be patularly s01 u pings, and pa0 ncake.ig1 Oi Tinyruclfr rtors( on cuii of c c clitoag p aceadbu t1ýw cu f 5.o iidr storge spcew 2î-* sqt fSe forspaan run by a1/9 hp.bîaly r Cil) by 1i lu., w igb'a80ibs Mar' Cketfousinsrnfnc ai nten li ace nes ga getis Impl atacedtoslcoirewib mgI reaches th fe clip and auîo'aiael taig up 45n , o f wire sîse - % Jfiy Set)or ïBabylt-rue 4, Ç40,Wci ibi s inexpensive st! Easy patternmiid cag p, jackt oe iece ea t1cb! ol ÏoddI!-Wakn in from a àrisk "round" of golf lutte iý,p up with ber daddy as she dld cli day. Lnda wasi- just old when she launched her golfing career, Note the spikes on her golf shoes. HËRONICLES Anotlber iweek Of lovely weatbier gone by-th kind of weterIat maks hecountry 1m-ore ibeauitifli "Iverl y a-atfcituhtbe need2 'Afor t a goo'd sain is eoin uteei denlt. Exep or trees amisbub grwîis at a standstilL.We haie Fine cesser brought us four dcdouýr regullar famlily b'y one, Thtis to sa-y Bob is awa.y on aý construction job north o! bee- bactL! tu le jobhlike-aspowe,-r road thjatis ýi ll te poess Of1b- an Ib ckto ise Darby and Joaný1l stage onceagain.An4 ten itis joan took ai day off lasi: Fridaýy to attend beXVI Ofier' Ell lu Guelpi. This 0Ocws Ro "hs bcm an event ;!ich Jcwdelegateslia to missýl, luact attend(anlce asex- eceeddcoimiodathon at iieOAC s0 ihat th le ovelo lbad10be bore nt at otelsin tedi ( iy. Mýos.t XVI. ebr ilha bligilligbis o11t('e venitfro re ports b!y ltheic inBac fl 'My first imresion was a a l-iz- atiocn of theinterl(est, tIse lo Yau!ty iandibtsh e yngih of the l. hî Onitario How coid onetbink %vi11ing ,-,to leave their homes ai struck îhthi ntlien rs o!fb aypolm htwr preseuted an0 dic( selForin- stance svo-ecwere eally rtr estd wenMr tohesof it;e PulcReltions rachof tse Canaian anko! omrc.oi 1lined the wav il-.whýich eceare and t reasurers sbuld anldieth-e buisiniess a!! airs of! the Brancb ecn- trusted 10 ibheir care. A mime.o- gra-ýphed copy 'o! bis ifraiead- dress %ill be avabe to WI. sec r'etay-reuer troigo t 1tht province. Tbc e sof theforenoon uas taemp -ith group ,discussion!s of offcers' workund probiesfoi- !iwed by a paniel discusiion 01te afteroon, atuwhih the group leaders suariWed tIPir flnings,ý anid disussed mecrits, and disaid- v-antages of othe practices tha ba been sussed. :One contentions question created ai good deal of intepst"Shuldtbec District Ani- njual be used ;(as age t-gthero anniel sriesandfor beaing guest speýakers?" 'The miajority 1ruled that Éthe District Annu)ai shouild be: aI- mosientrelya bsiiness mieetinig. So tbaî's thtat, ladis--no more aný- niveSsarjies or pekesatyor District Anîl Lreadto Bac etnsi am agreud tague seaer-s smtesprov'ided a stimuitluisfbit that bainlg gusipae rs o! o- tenl freetly "1creaied iazy Imeml- bers. To prevent this Local taent sbouid bc deveioped to the limit, for oeeasodie suirest \"ay, to mi-aîntaýinintrs aogthe memucn- bers vas tw keep tbem busy> Re- "te reidntPr-ovilrde theinspir- ation and th secetar the 7perrs- piation."' A picaýsing highlight of the aï- îternoon was1,15 an address on "Leadetlr- ~Yip" y Ms thlCamn Fa~e aa ziebuitrnow Iote 0 h staff ofthPrvx< somewayit whib she cnbe eid,"sai MissChpa.Tht l eaders but m1ost of tbem 1-ocai fundin every loal Brnch.Therec sibu e n prson Who cn make up a Ipae; or as convenriforibant- quets or programmiies. Or in imusic, quifing, or speak<ing- almnost every person in every Institute has somne special talent. Sometimes, it is ob- vious but there are times whIen ît býas týo be tlýiscoLvered d develop- ed." MJiss hpmnthouighitone g o dwyordiscoverînig de fact a o p 1iemoeopr tunity for discussion at 1W1 meet ïings.-, tnot olybrug t tideas buitVas goo)d tann frti ing o yurfet" h seae made othr pungetrmrk-p poritisfor' edri fe ledeshpws often only the Lre- sutof dong hejob nearesit cý you~ leaer shuld et er felow,>- mee1p)rslu ,onibe1pm as;fie Lbet- tertyapes of leader is also a good folower; she likesand is iteresed îiii epe and she is neyer af aid MissCbapan entinedthat, Ruiral service by the V ictorlin Or- der of Nuses was theresuit oF gr-ood ladrsiinLincoîn Copunty Lt was a splendid and inspiring addessI ws ot uprsdto hcar vo omiin( beind clme say on,ý e t teohr- ssChapmnan is goisn't shLe?" Yewhat she -says i,ýs 50%orth- oïicind heis always so ecasy to lis<en to," Li.,mîgbtat be r ysen- timents too. SIIGHT CHA*;ýNGE Dsteailt'h(', warning sigus in tr, smioking rîo, apassenger ,aboüard tihe NewAsedm h fancied imiiself as 'a, bridlge player, b)ecam13e invoîved ini a gamle wt strngrs Afew ous ater he c.ame o Luiondek where his wifie greeted im i;byreakgThs tee gentlemn youweeplaying witb looked like very clever bainds at card1s," "They certainly were," he answered rueflly. "Tbey struck up an acquaintance by tellig rmy fortneNowtbe'recounting iL" ISSU E 21 - 1952 rustyCiVncby~DINNER R.OLLS Linda kee eight Mo

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