We are acuantd it a nme of pope, howotiid ln o;oe ithmnki of breakig tIremlasi Ofnth contr mnder wost crnnsacsthlan they(ý would of lieapîingoff t'luire to of ire cla'iinlg they are abidHoc' tbeyv a-ppear tobaveu no,,qualm-'s hoot smok ccin igartts hih iryS' Canadafrom ire Uited taaes Ato mt Ca iassa:ce awrc. t'e ettes i Canadais 1prowperous irigh tire peuple e ;'qfiCanada.ç Pnrcbaa -iad smoing ile ca cigareteisconsidleed bymar(lie as adýiin cigarette. ionevr, by oigtbey ar11ý îelekigte ato fai liesserdegee t'ïistruc , s>1rose who 'ouamcirasgan1d1tnbue oiirltpe fsMged god s.le inludn ope F5irwntha hr allealbsns Hotes ln Kis Head-Jerry Bynlum, 5, bas two botes in, his head, but he isn't complaining. The botes were drilled in bis skull ta give s;upport for c specially dlesigned bow wbicb is helping ta correct Jerry's CUrvature of theý spine. The unUsuat treaitment, being given at Fort Worth, 1Hospital, causes Jerry no pain.ý Celancline Even before the eepers announc- c1d ibat ýSprinlg'waS here to st-ay, before tbe"f day iiies tirrust u-p thleir prophe-îtir fleurs-dec-lis of firseaf- age, the fresb leaves of the ceLan- dijnere SPread to catch thle sn Wherethe celandine loucnhd, in fcteillu-sion ,OF sprîng' debclatedi the season woi the snow wbile the peepers lwere Stijlldeep in-, iber- Tbe celandine is a perverse and popp fari t is also couisin of the bloodroot. ike YAIlisfamily, Ats fowers bear pollen but 1noC honey3, lure tie bees for- tbeir own,1 purposesmad. send<il Iem way sbot-rtioed.The flowýer oithte celanldine is technically a opp)Iy, yelo nd fonr-petaled0, but ýsmali and undistin-gulished, sacl ot a seconid look. Ltcornes inMa aDnd keeps on comning aIlsmer The plant's distinîction is in thec yelwjuice rwhicb nýozes from ,any bro4-ken stem orleaf, as a sjiilar b ue doscelfuomaul te poppy fam- ily Tire celandine juice is bitter 0srdÎ astrin1gent, was sed ,by tie aIdbeirlitsM ndstillhbas ao lac i niedicinle. t wil flameli a ten1 der skin. Lt oncelwas ued o r- mo-*ve warts. It was erloye-ýd in featLog jaucndieamong other maladies, and as a purgative; in l'arge docss it is p)oisloous. Its na eicns front tireGre for salo , ad it. is sometimles caldswa1lowwýort. B'y lnatuire it is a bieinnial, and it winlters vitù a laýrge rosette of lower leaveýs pe- sistentily gr-een, even ani tie ,snOw alid ire, Late winlter, and t br- geonJs witb n1ew uleaves, as t'hougli Ur,'ginlg spring -to biurry , Two hiing, distiniguýisb t-thîs ý;early vigor,an at beauLtifutl am.Wat more ccold oner ask nin erly Apil?1, cloitec. or fon ýS a t u d a y i g ! i , 1 b y t r a d 1 i t i o n , i s ',1nig-,irt. lBýu ft 'etrad1iýtion doesn't ~go verytanback. Py18Q50 only four percenit of L ldn'buses nue1or twpulai a(t buse. 'Tire fls udrutp-bath'-buseý," was ut in1828,but i lwas o t pon-r uilr, cli iefy casetie aer i~e d'-. riti'r life i ludr niteeti diske s 11 , but [ldtocor bath1 ayar i,anf5aseirsac les ih n ]nýca io ntir.Ht was flr lbeie v i erum e as more etravug~nt 1 PI4euse o wat0erý, for sie îvahd he illabotl on e e a b ti Il.1ýý i dind of ath wo ld they, takelione. T 'nFaitude towilid ar waisn andc, L i anr;ng, iicirwr pIor.Tbae a bath avth'h to iitire n nnbeofg dv atseed of uncieaniiuess. (t hd1ntlaysbe lie that and ltire ain resan oas fo instanc, weremr ath-con-ex abut3,00a rs agelo, the wel-to-! dloties havngbtbroms i the ciron bue,Ill! nd mrvtie pore classiýes freaenn public bat. Romnstie de o thmiand tire fciratcetryeA.D.the doai bath ad beome aflirl etabl- cd abitoiu .ýrc1ce taen bfore t One ofa ire etrmann x amle f niae oan bathi. can 1gbe seenat Chntworth illin Gslouces1trahie.celckr n 'nichexctie avin, kwe ca dc wtrbathmfor an luxry thatsur- roundego a Roma an in a picbath. sid stof a opecou wber gm. and alftera, t-arbah Most evecryb-ody knows-I hop- hiow, good carrot pudding is. Baut did yoý)U ee ,r trymaking grated ca,-rrot S aninrdin for a cake? If niot, yur going to irýe pleasant- iy srprised we you try this. CARROT CAKE l5 cups sugar 1 Vacupa water 154 cups grated carrots i cup raisins 5cup shortening i teaspoon cinnamon I teaspoonnume 1 egg 2 cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon creamc of tarta.- 1 teaspoon sait 1 c-up chopped nuts i ComDnbine suïgar, >trgrated carrot, ,raisiný.s, sortenîn'lgina n anâld nntmelg. Boil 5 mnts Cuol for 2 to 3 hours. 2.Beat egg ni iir.Sintû cooledmitr .Siftogetlier tbe foqur, soda, cream orf tartan and s-ait. Adfstr- inig ultil wel inded. 4,Blnd 2cup Of the cbopped nusinto 'thebatter. 5.Pour intio a greased loaf pn (10 by 5 by ý3 iches) anld bake inl F)aot4.5 minu-Ltes. 6. cool anld frost withMash mallo Frosing. prinl eain'- ing cbopped nu31ts over the top. MARSHMALLOW FRPOSTING 2 tablespoon butter Il cup miik 2" teaspoon almuirid fiavoring 6 tbiepoos rarshmapilow crean' sllgalr (about) 1, Hat btterandmilk together. Add alrnound flavoring and ir-h raowcream., 2,.Bat t1sgar gradnially,bet ing mntil tbîick nocughj to spre-ad. MOLASSES $PONGE CAKE 4 eggs 54 cip coid coffee- 1 teaspoon vanilla /cup sugar 1/3 CLIP MOlasses 154 cuips sifted cak--e flour 1 '/2 teaspoons baling powder / teaspoon sait 1/4 teaspoon crean', of tartan i. -Separate eggs. Add coýffee an vanilla to yolk and beaý-t until thiick and 1;lit. 2. Beat bin sugîar admlse grada, y 3. ;if t togetheur 3 tite filour, bakig poderand sait. Fold îito egg mixture ïlin thirds. 4. Bea-t eg bte ntllih and foamy . Add ream o f tartar and ,lconitinucie beatng until wbites arealos îsif but notý dry1. Foid into sponge batter. Pur into a 10- inchi ungreased tube pn.Cnt gentlY trogrbatter wthspatulla or knife 2 or3tme toreovean air pockets. Bake in a preM'-heaýted slow ven(3325,0!F.); fo'r abou 5. Rmovefromovenanld invent unti col. henreml-ove firompani and ,frnost with Coffee Frosting1 made wtbcoIfctlionierýs' sgar. COFFEE FROSTING 2tabiespoions lwaFrrnfcoffee 2 cups -sifted cnetoes suigar 1. teaspoon vanilia, i. Add cuffee 10 ti1resiftedcou fectiorer-s' Sl ugar, baig sn frosting' is of good pedigcn .ssec.(tsoidiertertn) S-ihed8 Lgton Painting Four-year-od Paul Davidson was propery impresed wben pointer John Forzaglia, tbree- year-oitd entrrant in an art exhibio, explained why bis watrecolor, "A Choo-Choo Wiith a House and Two Suns' bas two suns. The reason: two mnake the and bouse bighter. on11tbe site of the RmnCity of Uriconliinm), and at ath. IlThere- mains atWrxetr ive uls -a gond idea how the ifretcameso thbat)firs ,were hIieatedl. The baths were each ut on shor, suare illrssothiat hr wa ýs asaebnabthe two üdnoors, A fine-,whh was, continualy lred, fllled1 this spJace witlameand beatu lieved in bathing 'can1)1b)e jd from lthe fc act îth1a -,a t onie time tbere ,were nlo leýss bn80pbi b1athis ïin Rome, Ais today-, tbere eeete seplarate batirs for nmen and women,ý or, wben on0îly one public bath was avilable, diffcjeent lhourseof îthe day wrealiotted tu each sex, Dnrîg tur cours of the flfeentb cenltulry, owvrrmi j"btinig beam ashioniej1!. Tire1b)a th - bossbecam lae s wblere danic- ing gambling and drinkig wonld go on unrestnictdyly D4y, andl teewere ve stnies of batthinlg Ini -&der to root çonrthte abuses of mixed batbing, aIl blatinîg was condemned by the Cburch as Ps- mfnzl. Its agitation nlotolyput an, end to tb-e scanidalousc orgies of batthi-bouises, butLit, k-,i 1e d the people'ssse of personalbygiene ntil thiey regardetd cle-andlness itselfï as sinUL. Add atdditionjal coffee if ncecssary, 2. Stir in vanýîilla Speadon cooled cake1ý. SP-ICED CHOCOLATE CAKE.ý icup mnasbied potatoes 4 eg-gs 2 1-ounce s;quares chocolate 2 cups sifted cake flour 1 teaspeoonsoda 15/ teaspoons cre.-am of tartar !/2 teaspoon sýaît iteazspoon cinnamnon 7, easpoon cloývesý Yteaspoo,-n nutmeg 3/4 cup chopped nuts t cuip chopped dates ¼cp sour cr eam l.Cea ibttler and sugar to- gethecr until ligbit. 2Add mse ottebeatiîîg 3. ,UBat eggs n-irtil ligb.t. Add to creamed m1,iiixture graduaLlly-. -4.MItchiocolate and atmr into creamed îmixture, 5. Sif t dry îingrediýents togetber. 6. Mix ltints an'd dates %with a little of th-t f lotir. Add fouýr ai- ternýatejy v iwib otir crcam to creamled m1ixture, inmiing well. A-dd nults and' dateýs. 7,.7Pour inito a rectanigular bakzing pan (13 bvY 972 by ,2îincheîs), and bake in at slow oven (300 F. about 154 bou1rs. 8. cool anid fotwitbCram Cbeese Frostîn.g. CREAMCHEESE FROSTING i 3-ounce package creamr. cheese 2 ounces chocolate 3 cups sifted confectioners' sugar (about) 2 to 3 tabiespoons creami Vs teaspooni saIt 1 teaspoon vanilla 1. Soften cream cheIlese. 2. MeIt chocolate and addý, to tbie cheese. 3. Add sugar, a, sait and vanilla. Beat untilsrot and of spreading cnitny FEATHER CAKE 2 cups sifted flour 154 cups sugar 3 teaspoons baking po-wder 3/4 teaspoon sait " V cup shortening 1 cuprMill- ¾teaspoon ,lemnonfaoin Y4~ teaspoon vanilla 4 egg, yolks (or 2 wbioie eggs) 1. Sif t catke, flour, suga,ýr, bakîng powder and saItgt herinto Pa mi,ýing bowl. Add shortin jg. 2. Combine milk wvitl: emon and vanilla flavorings, Pour ',.cnp- of the liqnid into the dry ingredients and sbortening. Beat for 2 miue (medium speed of e1ectrir ixr) scraping down the aides of-ten.ý 3, Add remaining liquid anid tegg 4, Pour cake batter it twn 8- inch greased ake pnBaei prereaed odrat ovi('500 F.) for 125 to 30 inutescý 5. Cooï lundfrost %ii l ywite frosting. Top wt srdddcco- nnt, if 1Ue,Àrc(! PLUFFY VWHITE PROSTING 3 egg wie 34 cup Suga'r 6tabi;espoons ight corn syrup 5teaspoon creamoftra 5teaspoon Sait 1 tesonvanilfla 1. Combinie egg wiesgr light crusyrup, ccamof trar and sit in tire top oF adul holiu. Plae pn oe oîlng ate and bet iture withroay eae unlil m:1ixtue stands iupcks 2. Remcnove f rom watn, ad vanulla ar- cntnuebetig util To Tune feoerial rdowso n friend's houso, andwnder he, turn it on again anrsumte his Ie ,-didn't likecomecas p parnty e ad developed a vtery finey tned ommrcia sesebe- ause he couidOeUljust when an advertisemntcas abonut togn. and he could teLntothe Second whe(it ws de ito stop. In-,thlis way he was ble to Dprovide imn- self winoncoimmerCjcia io and a good deas of no doubt valuable exeriseites john11)Allar n Ma5y in "The CrsinSineMonitor"- At frt hs mse ie, Then,> discoveriing a uprirttitude that was foaiïtg aoud oose atÈthe time, I1 dote i. t ee et me that there as somecthing vaguely iunie tia aou his metbods- Iiiasn's just atsome- body else wý,as paying gn oney to pr-ovýideus -with programa isthat we ,vere rece-iving free(hall the- tiiime WeC veentvýen aigat- tention).PBut ibotbmy fiendaind I aiýýreiespe nada s sncbI are orele dpndn pon ad-. vertising -for eour pay cecs.It seemed tn me that we weoe alost moalubligated to listen to "the commiiercials. Maybe we oght ee to trthe volume up and fetchý in the nighbors read tbe ads in te paper," qmy frïinl eake ndfedn i ystem., "They can regd the ones they anIjt to read and skip) the oines tbey ant toSkip. The AdS have to be gond to cath teîïr attention., Aso tbey aomt alasprovie 7a vaîniable cservice orthe reoaders; thiere are dozens ofads tey wn to red1 objeet to beiong forced toc listen Jto muILch ;of this rdostuf. A4n urtermore, sone of it is not nmerely tufit is aso nnes Wvidbis%heejuipec d ulkea sbot from a catapuit and just managd tocEIt off a commî-ercial at the-,flrst baîf word, thius pre.- serving inýtact bis alateur s3tatus, I arn afrad Iwas very younig at thie timie. and i dîd flot-%htogefler agrceewthin A rnonth later I hiad ny own radio and I was al lot oldr. ow I w vas jumpyinlg up and down MyPtiming was not am gond as bis, buit I got jusýt as muuch exericise. I tbiougbit': Sweet are the lISeýs of avrtsmet uitter its abuss. By this ime anlother ýpointhad occurred to imýe, oub)tleýssit had oc ;rda lot icarlier toevroy elseIt ws ths, W dolot see above te wel Ptenof iplomnacy" in this newlpaer the wvords, "Presented B3y ite Mouse- trap Cheese Corporation." And bfwythrough our leading edi- tonal, thuindering perbaps about the stat of the VWet moral and mat- ena)i defenses, we do not suddenly corne across.tbe advice, "Fat Tirub- ber, tire Candy Bar with Ugbi'l" Nor, at tbe end of tbese columiins do) you flnd some merry little jingle lire "Thre Derby Fiat is' here to stay. aiKnh tf you wsb o lad the )cway, Wer a Derby, Corne What May-' W'e write our columns and ou' new~toiesandouedtrasan we put hemtoeterth best w27 we know, and te reaer gets bhl What ;'s more, becan ah0sitow and stay sat lt seemns t to -be adveryý fair aragmet Ian ra;theur afr-aîd thaýtAmricn rdio 1bas gond, rather ton far alonig its oýwn choseni, road to trn bfck no iiBt as 2ýn Englihma fomway back in th3 wbeUther th fese folkpodrgte bright futurie iof EnLIish radiad teýlevision mIIighIt notcnidra deveopmnt f comerialradio tbycold Nworkit àI'don'tkno Buit certinyi3 on telev-isionamets ing withont spnsorship seems s. AtIthe same imesoMjecmpn miht rkta long-- ist'Ilicc ývîtch- or remiote contol so thiat -my frienld (an'd everyoe wîtht Saine peudc)couild tuirn the -volume ýdown from h iis esychair -withouit 1baIving, 0 to 1 iumpritoeit, Tres sncb athIing as over- exer:cise, you knýjow, This column wvas brought to you throughn the courftesy of Mrs, Joy May, who made thé hot chocolate 1and also did thie washing, Up. And How She's Humcn-No in- vader fromt Mars is Jcnet Wint- ers wbo's biding her bec*uty under an aqua-tung aippar-tus. that enables hber ta stay under water for about 45 minutes ai this pool. Looks like a good way ta avoid va,-cationing wolves. The Beehive Look - With a boom in oit and mton pr-oe~idîrng big budgýoets for new borneIis, apartmlents aind offlice bidns ee zuela- is wtesn newv trends in architecture. The first iuits of a evlametin Cc;ocas ,dispîcys a beehive brick cdes:gjn whkch nreates analural ir fiow and gves protection frorn tl he sun. Ecich stujd,o arîmn ons tire, fui) widil- of the bulding. FÀBLE TÂLKS eJax-m Atx&rews