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Orono Weekly Times, 22 May 1952, p. 8

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LiCE - BU WMAN VILLE )AY - SATURDAY -- ÏMAY 23 -24 9 RIlT SONOS! 8 NOT STARS! "'e ylý RILYflANIRs L. MONDAY TU1ESDAY --MAY ý26 -27 T1E ttraction Ship Fight Film! vs. ROCKY GRAZIA'NO LSDAY - MAY 28 -2 w ELrDES2T Frh,- Sat. MVay 23-24 "Ille, Big Treès" With KirkDoga 20. iMR 1E LV ED ER E 9:00. RINGS THE BEL-L" IURSDAY -- MAY 26-27-28-29 He BARLOW Il DIRECTOR no, Ont. Phone 18 r 2 KIRBY Mrs.K. MWhyt",, l athe ad arie tying ver wi hMr ad Ernne Gt'reen lor a irew weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tennant, MIt. and Mrýs. _1LVIry Tennant an)d Va]- erie, Mlr Land Mrïs. Roy Tennant and famil, _Mr. and Ms Keith Tena- ant and Caroline spent Sunday ev- ening with M4r. and Mrs. Arthur jTennant. Mr Iad rs. Earl Duvai Herb and Gery ttended the funerai of Mvr. Dvl' rthri-aMr. Glover at Fruîithind on Satuirday. We extend' our- sympathy to themi and to7Mrs. Glove who eturned w,ýith them for a shiort visit. Our sym'pathy is also o'xtended to Mr. aad Mrs. larry Berry and fanm- iiy at the loss of Mr. Berr-y's brother in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Prust and daughter of Toronto were at their cottage for the week-end. The attendance was dow;ýn slightly at Church on Sunday and we trust it won't drop too iow during the su- mer rnonths. S PECI A L PABLUMI large size 36s per box....... (mixed cereal or- oatmneal) Pabluml, (smiall ze) -> c per box 2c (mixed ce.real, atmeal, barIeýy orrce Z.B.T Baby Po ýÏder 32c-60e Johuison and J ýhson Baby Powder .. cand (),l Baby Cream 1ý, jar, 60c, Baby 0OÙ .... e ànd $1.15 Baby Seales for Rent Tested Nursery scal's, accurate and dependable. Rentais ,at 15c weekly DEE--T ,E IMOTH KIÉLER Certain death to moths ýeoegs and 'M NAr. Erni Spry ... 1.00 2.00) 50.00 5.00 10.001 2.001 1.001 2.00 'g ' A'OOD AN APPETITE OUNCE SIZE-UP TO 28 DAYS' SUPPLY 1(3 ou>*ý bottie for.................... $3.75 Pho r/o-Leeithin Nerve Food& Tonic 16 oz. $1.25 C4ýe'sNerve Food .... .....79e and $1.98 Certif ied Beef Iron and Wine, 16 ounces ,, 79c. relatives arvae,-ï1 i h tnfr*.\ 9 Aottenty friends and reoties-proof Garmient B)ON$~.1c, Rxi gathered at the home of Mr. and, and aiso.......... ...... 98 Rxl Beef, Iron and W~ Mrs. Fee on Saturday evening for a 'Social evenling and dancing. Duriùg :he:v:i:: r.a:: :::iCare Grant Phone F68 r 1 T r is D u t were presented with a lovely lace l r cl' r g S o eloh i hour thirtnt Wedding Anniversary thîs month L and a humorous preseintation addressi_________________ was read by Betty Anin Spry. Later1 in the evening Mr. and Mrs, Roy, that should be attfnde-d to. Our labo, Spry -were showý,ered with many uise-, to date has been ail voluntary by h er, Orono. fui "Paper. Gift S', for their first ie of oir commiiuty.W auiîy M. n r. rdeThmsn Weddiing Aýïnnversary. The evening e )etsMe ex'pense inhi rsect came to a close withi refr-eshmi-ents as wýe progress. Ail donations will ho ort Horpe, spent Wednesday after-ý and miore jnein.- 'greatYl7 appreciateýd anid acknow- itooni and eveninig with _Ml.. and Mrs. andmoe dncng ledged . biter ists wïii1 be published. E. R. Bryson. edu at rour onMonaye rb nvegand Building Finance Omite, Mrs. Annie Pattersoni, Mi. and ea h ohemi oî iatend. Th per Leroy Hamilton, Treasurer. Mlrs. Wm. Wannan and Ross visited we hoe th moileiswil attIld.TheýSunlday withi Mr. ýand Mrs. Laverne receipts appe ar to be ail in 'n9w for On Wednesday evening, May 141Ptesn theý Cub tea held smometm gcn the W.A. had aqitn in the Sun - thei i to ta mon a rahd $0 &jdy school rofom wt fifteen lde Mrs. Stanley Chapmran, Mrs. Wmjj whih s gatfyig.present. Cochrane, Mrls. Wmi. Wannan and The W.A. are holding a VarietY Coc ntl the Clhurch on Friday, May 8th and a ýigoodprga of lo- cl ad spccial etraaethas been planned. Refreshiments wili 'be centis for adulIts and 2,5 cents for sch licile. We hlope eeyn j l- -vi lan to ttend. LESKARD The response for funds to budà the1 mach lineeded churich kitcheii has been-i vy encouraging. Thie Finance Con- mittee is pilased lto reýport Èthe fol- lowing donaitionis to date, wt'r t h afl- miiber morepomsd Box Socil, DMarchl 7thI Procesr o mal prn -Messrs E &, M. Sk1elding Dr. A. F. MKai M rs. C'has. Cmbi Mrs. BEailB. Duval Mrs»,,. G. W. ---wke......... Mrs. E. R. R'ainey........... Mrs. E. Ruddeli........ Mrs. 0. Sîndercock........----- Mirs. Hlerb Scott......... Mrs. Roy Scott........... Mrs. Mary Spry........... Mr-S. Ern Syers.......... Mýlr. Wm, Bairstowe.... Mr. Stan Bail.............----- Mr. Fred Berry.......... Mr. Harry Berry..........---- Mr. Colin Brown -----.-- Mrn Wm-. Corish..... Mr. Harry Davey..... Mr. Ermians Dalpins........----- Mr. Alex Gallimore........ Mr. Frank Hamilton......... Mr. Leroy Hamilton.... Mr. Angus K. Loucks. Mr. nPerc Lunn...... !iMr. Clarte Martin..... Mr. Era Nicholson..... Mr. Floyd Niclholson...... Mr. G. B. Moore._....-- Orono Wee-kly Timie.......- Mr. Chas. R. Prust ...... Mr. 0. W. Rolph............ JMr. Chas. B. Tyrreli..........-5.00 Cash Receipts.... ... ......373 And the folliowing Xerchandise, Leskard W. A., Stove........ 40.00 Orono Friend, Cemfent .....3000 Mr. and Mrs. J. Camreron, Sink andý Board. With the above amount in ou I treasury we feei that W;e have4! reached about haîf of ojur objective.j In addition to the new kIitchen there1 are u nnimber of minor ehiureli repaîrs A~ Mr and Mrs. Wm. Cochranevitd Tue-sday vening th Mr. and Mrs. i Jim Bail, Oronto Mrs. Annie Patterson spent Thurs day at~onwt r. .V op 66.00 1600 50 2.00 POE9]OIN 20.00 1.00 te Orono Electric Phone 30 r 16 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOUSE~ WIRING Free Fstinates ' APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Rdepa ail makies of Electilcal Equipment and Appliaane as 'Utoem, Water Reater& Ra'liù, Stoves. Irong. et- Such DEAD STOCKI Dead and Crippled Farm j Animas rem^oved promptly for saiitary disposai. Telephonie Collet Cohourg 1266I Toronto EM 3-236 Gordon' Young Liraited Vine, 16 ounce ..... $1.25 )re Jackman Flowers Mrs. Wmn. Reid quilted fo)r thi3 IODE at the homne of Mrs. Jamnes Wannian The sympathy of the eommunity is extended to Mr. and MNrs. Ja-mes, Lowery on the leath of their infant son, .Mrs. Neta Patterson is spending a few days ,vith Mrs. W-m Mofa, f Orono Use il1e classified colum. ATSON'S GARAGE 311-ETEO0R 'MERCURY ai-d LINCOLN CARS MERCURY TRUJCKS, White Rose Gas and Oil Sales and Service Good Used Cars B.F. Goodrich T'lires Greasing anidWahn Phone 42 r Il 2 for 29c CriscO, i. pound package.....35c. Red Cherries, Good Taste, pitted 15 ounce tins, 2 for........... 39C. 'pl Saladla Tea, yellow label, 1/2 lb.U pkg. 49e. Peanut Butter in 12 ounce glass mug 35C. Habitant Pea Soup, large 28 oz. tin 16c. I~I Store open al day illtil loff0 p.m, Saturday, May 24tb. Closed ail day Meonday,. May 26th. ORÉONO 5c.TO $1l.OO STORE YOLTR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE 19C. slips, ladies' cre1pe hiaif lace trimi skirýt, sizes Small, medEIium andlarge ......... ..$9 Gloves, ladlies' rayon mesh, xVhlit- onljy, siZes 6/ to812 pair selling for .............49e9f Brýassiere.s , ldes' satin (gotic), sizes 30 to 40 $1.7 Straw t, ladies, woven chip, assorted styles. alid colors, eâch selling for........9 C Pullover, Mi1sse ao sotshrs assorte clrsizes ï to 14, e-achl selling for........ 98e. Paper Plates, 4'for ................e. Paper Towels, -50 Han-Dee Towels.....35c. Snack Sacks for sandwiches, etc, 27 b àg pkg. 13C. Wooden Spoons',andl Forks made of r e white birc'h, 24 for.............1e New white G.E. Bulbs, 60 watt, 25ç .; 100 watt 28c ~Siadow Wave, ýaves and neutral 1zes in one ap- plication. Cüm lJete kit ...........$2.85 Gprocery rFatures Special K-raft riiacle Whip 16 oz.ý 49c. Keta Salmon, largelb. tin.....43e, Carnation Milké, tali tins, 2 for...31t. Special -- Kraft Cheese, Velveeta, V/2 lb. package for......29C. ; 1 Aâ

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