o Vol, 16 No. 17 O)RONO. ONT., THUR,ý The home of Mr. ai-d Mrs. Herbert J. Ogdeil, Oshawa, wns the setting for a charmoing reception tean on ~'Wednesdy, May l4th, the ocýcasionj ,)f their golden wadIding annivarsary. Guests from near and far ware ni-de welcoma by M'4r. and Mrs. Og- den and their asssitant hostasses. Mr. Harold Dean of Orono received -,the guesta at the docr, withthe able -Co-operation of Mr. John Ogden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ogden, and showad themn into thie living-room -where Mr. and Mrs. Ogden were re- -eaiviag, assisted by Mrs. E. Dean of 'Orono. Tha entire iower rooms ware aliva - withfreshi, gorgeous blossoms of manmy varieties, both gardan and hot- 7:1use -Tharews a huga basket of golden r7osas, gift of thair son, as was also Mrs, Ogden'ýs corsage. The gold was uiost effective aganst Mrs. Ogden's f.ciailla drasa which sha proudly annciunced she bad made h-erseif. Evarywbere were bouquets of snap, -,dragons, stocks, sweet pans, pansies, r-oses, tulips, lhues of the vallay and oather plants. ilozens of carda of con- gratulation formied a graceful arch-ý -way. The banid-iaýde wedding blîs of' -~ Sarnimportad from Itdia, graced the nrehway, imakng n arichanting tinkle as the guasts brashed past. -Jhe blla wera a gift of anphw Aftaer off ering their cong-ratula- tions te tha, happy couple, the guests twere usheraýd by Mrs. Georgre Web- LT.-COL. GERRY Major L. A. Gerry of Toronto, now a general staff officar at Wes- tara Ontario headquartars, London, whio has bean promnoted to the rank of lieuteant-colonel and appoiated assistant adjutant-genaral at head- quatrtars, Eastern Command ,Halifax Lt.-Col. Garry sarved in World War Il thr-ough Africa, I1taly, France Belguim anmd Hollaad with the Can- adian Tank Corp. Ha was bora at Oshawa just forty yenrs ago and spant a part of bis eairly life %with bis graadparents, the alte Mr. andj Mrs. Wm. Garry of Orono.1' Lt.-Col. Gerry made a hurried vis-i it with has fathar and Mrs. W. Amn- ber-son Gerry on bis way fr-oini Loii- doný to Halifax iast week. fLOWJ NUS~ -tar into tii-a inîng room ,wnare -ne auiuAa.j Là Ld e? waddilng cake was thé cntaof at- tracetion. Its thrce tiers ware hld a- Rev. Laàncasýter conducted -the Uni- joof by glass piers. Entirely dacor- ted Church e-einig service last Sunt- ,ated w-itb whiteannd goid floral iig day wýhile Rev. Kitchen took, the A- itwas topped bya tii vase covarednirsr service~ at Newýýtcnville. wtica aiil1 ontai-ing -i-mïniatui-eè Mr. and Mrs. John Morris1 spent a fresh flowers. The cake was dasignad faïw days recently at their ctaeon _and dLcorate:d by Mrs. Leonard hake Scugog. -Goldsmnith, while tha dalectibla ri Dr. Wilfredi W. Sharwin iaft on cake itsalf was baked by Mý'rs. Brucel Thursday moring by car for Raginat Iranton. ýto assist in thie coatrol cf Foot aInd. Moth lidiseasa, At the serving tabla, a lace cioth Mr. Carl Billings, Mr. M. H. Staplas hield silver tan service and gold adtiamasaRv onKt ciandies flankcsing te 1mCake.nailch en' raprasaatad the Orono United hras ba-bn dsiies/~ro ChnaChurch at the Annuai metings cf wevîra used, a gift of Miss Lana Tay-thBycfQieCofrn. ~~dor. ~Awards ware 'recently prstd Poaring tan wera Mrs. Elgin Taiy- Orono Students attending the Bow- 1c, Mrs, W. Sargent, M\,iss Le-a-a manville High Schooi. Alax. Brum- Taylor and Mrs. C. L. Browni. Ila' mond won higli bonours la Musict ýchairge of the cataring was Mrs Cory and Dramatics; June Nailson and DeGuarra and thi-aEast group cf Jane Glanvi-la w.on awvards for Vol- ' Cete Street United Cburcb. iy-Ball and Charles Armitsrong for Senior cnposi in Sports. More_ than 200 guasts igna1d thé Mr. T._Raid aýttanded ti-aUx guast bock la charge of NÎrs.' Albert lbridge Fair on Saturday, May 24th. West', Mrs. Bruce Brantoni, Miss A. luMs teani took first place against IBakam and Miss Katharine Robats six other top antries froma the-pro- M4any lovely g-ifts were happily e- vinca, niso second la the single horse cei ved. rondeciasa. Present Weatbt May Uphol The otd adage "H-igh-pnicad seadj -Wi tisa Spring - low-priced potatoesl ia tise Fal" riay tt materiahize ti- coming yaar. Ia fact ita is opinion cof tise Executive of tise Ont- jaria, Soila and Crop Improvemient As-, sciîation that. uniless weatiser coni-l ditiorns are exceptionahhy favour.able,1 potatoas rmay be aven scarcer iatise! zoming year than tbey bave becn fla tisa past twalve meiintha. In givinig tisir regsoas for this' opiniion the Execuýive said tise higis prices for tabla stock hava causad mnany growera to sail tiseir supplies of saad potatees for tiis use, ratox ,hsan plant ai-d take a chance on gat Ling hcw prîcea for their cropa this Fail. For axample, it la estimiated tise acreage cfeaaiy potatoas la Es- sex County wiil be _'3% lesa tisan iii 19,51, and lasa than balf tisa nor- mani million hag crop producad an- raally lai this arean n years gone by .1 Ati tise anmýe til-na, they pint OUI, thiat ast yearý'a acreage -la O1triro iwas ts lowest on record, sud otlier potato grcwýing ai-as nal Canada andý tise United States wvera lai about tise' sa i ne e c t e g o r y . - w r n Tise cause for tii liowrig o! pots.te ac-reage la sai' coo-nc Seyerai yaars of beIow-coat-of -pro-ý er Conditions- 'Id Potato Price. ,Mr. And Mrs. H. J. Ogden Celebrate 5Oth Anýniversary I duction prices for potatoes, caasedj With the nastiag and rearing ses- Sneun onn ~ '"" growars te shift te other crops. WitIi- son for miost seng birds wehl undar onte early Monda n rigl ro o o' H s M r îthase years cf ancertainty stili fresh way, tisa Ontario Department of thieves broke into Watson's G~arage, !la tisir miidd, thay are iseatant te Lands and Forests Wildlife Division and 'carried off cigarettes and an Jplant potatoas this year whan the warns against the mnalicioas killing'Electric Razor.ws ad relatlvely high weea cots ~as i-il Of, or interference witb, these birds. Etyli h uligSp c o s E h b to r u d as thr osswil rqurea igerMost birds balp te keep control cf tbroagh a rear window as bas been___ I<iiveb-aent. thian usual. 'Theisa L,ý+ i-sect popuations. Thay are kni-w-i-î one on previoas breakia nti-a Sînca lnst week the Exhibition horse showý and races ahoald be a~ exparieaces la the potato rmal-l't, îýsinsectivorous. BoysWhso don,'t bilin. Othar tiian cigarettes a bulig1anix ruisa rn aéudroera ýetr fti ar ahong with the uncertain agricultural understand tisa full value cf birds1 Razor notilng was taken. Investi-gri-dsa Ooohveudgoael atrcftifir situation are caasing thesa rwrea others wblo appareatiy do't gation revealed 'no chues as to theadasc cneso tiselantsappfaranc to ba very cautilons.ca, soinatimes use songbirds and 1dntty of the persons taking part movad this week to a centrai locatiork labringing out tisese ohrisftvru irsfrtcgtiatserbey Proparty to tise south bas been where it wihi. ha used as n dini-g halt facts, tiiepracýtice. Basidas beag unsportsmaa- e addad nraking the grounds practlc- by tisa ladies'cf tise Skating Club. AI- Exoes utie atey inf ragn g lika sncb a practice la ilegal and Conservatives Win Ontario ahly a fiftb as large againi and Nwith'se the foundatica for the -Xiaw ticket. groer fu-tserInonnti n O thosa concarncd araelabie te find e naso a bulldozer and- large aad refresisment booth bas been laid wich te base their inidividuiai judge- thamsèlvas in trouble w,,itis thé aut-Rdn«Bileto earth coavayar this new area bas and this sttructure wihl soon grow te m-ent on bow maay potatoas to -plant. oritias. PIacing a bell on pet cata at 1 been shrubbad and iavalhed.it compietion, At tise saine time they poiated ont th is tima of yaar la good protection that thare was stihi timle te Plant fo' ogbrsdi-a hi eta Six by-eiactions wara beld on Mon-1 The race track bhas bean axtended' Tuesdnay morniag was an xml potatoas and bave 'a crop matra.sesong ics rn ternsigday cf ti-la wak te f111 vacant setinto the naw lai-d n1 king it at leatcftenertbigssow laie Howevar, tbey addad that anyona ia the Domninion Govarrninant. Four oaa haîlf mile inla ingth. Aise it bas fair -round Ii-provnent plan wbo goas te tisa expense c)f plianting o oiin * l f the six seats wera obtained by bean widenad by soine four feet and wbaa aîear»ly twaaty rien witis trac-~ pottee ti-l yer boud pan Thc ses: "iseonra ncosad sea- tisa ProgressiveCos'1-evs ndtia idtis now mensures fifty-seventos rukpotiole diggars, saws gie i hst cf 'attention te the crop son thirougbout tisa year o i i w yts iea at.fa.Taws aof te tack0 a iammars made their -offensive durig tie gowin andhnrastig M. Walter Thompson whc at being ra-fencad witisne cedar posta on the wevrk tiiat is in eidance on seasn. tisad havesting sapn gratcr-y insectivorcus birds nd al yaar vacatad bis sea n i he Onitarlo nd raiiiags. Fuirtiser tlo track Î'-thi- grounda. th1 eesr okl rpra migrntery- non-gaine birds. No par-1 constituency, -on being nppointed provem-enta ils the application cf newi tie crop, makes It asseatiai tisat-snsahkl,'ut cpueijre ýLiheral leader for lhast yea1rs Pro- i top soil in some areas. Tt i xece tlaqia osbe bt1 oa aeý(rythinig possible ha done te secure orohrietk rmla a iviialli ellection was replnced ia the tfiiathtie track wihl be practically soma $30500.00 i-yu!l ha spent byti. a good yieid cf higis qnlity pota- gratory insactivcrous or -non-gaine Doinion bhouse by a Consarvaltive completad this weak wban a gae n- Board, local horerimm sn4 ther bird at aniy tima, and neo person shah nnhr ihe ti-r ao fwh ae ofts ufc.Lcl wbic Tis 'stte anyof time destroyanembr.Miorel tnterayrasted persoonste srfae.aocltiterstd prsss ipte veprve tees This tise kindcf cro take, inijure o Oshawa, lad in tise Ontario r-*ding hersai-i-ici- airn that Orono wiil have ment plan wýhiceli )ia assurancefo vvill, assure a mfai-kat for itsaif anrd1 moiest any eggs or ilests cf a migra- against John L. Lay, liheral candi-! oaa cf tisa hast tracks la tise Pro- 1 n bigger and'better fair -in 1952a-n& .pay tisa producr. tory bird.»ý date, and Roy Scott, C.C.F. candidate. vince and witb sunis an as-sat tisaejfollowîuig yeai-s. Control 0f Pereûnnal Classes Being lleId Fer Orn1ee tdI e c sl Wees n rai CpsCoahe Ad Upies In First Start 0f Bail Season The Port Hope Recreation Com- miittee wýill sponsor a basebail and, Muc can be done to control weeds.otalsho rcces and fl Cmmrca such as perennialsw thistie and pires on Junec 6 and 7 ini Port Hope. s The Oronio Basebali Club ret-urn~- Caniada thistie in grain crops \wbich! The abject oitheseoolisto aid Friie cnmcled homne on Tuesday ee cn f this have flot been seeded with clover orcohsofmorlaustdeeo week fromi Necastie with thre short; alala Wes uh sthose inen- eie th~g.tchiu~~ohr end of a 9 to 1,3 score. The gainîe tioned are readily and economnical1y etr'a!liu tchq-î_sTee evideniced mnany errors by both teani controlled with 2, 4-D applied at the wrl be an evening session PFrîday, ý rate of hiaif a pound ofacdprce June 6 at 8 pm in -the Town Hall, It is a forgone conclusion that the and saw fiv\pthr uifo b wi th a îo rsuesryr isn ort Hlope. Leadership xill be given use of commercial fertilizer on cul- mud from five to sevenl gallons oif water by the CommuntiLity Programmes tivated crops is economically sound. per acre.Branch of the Departmrent of Educa- Proof of this is that the thousands Thec first înning opened the gamie peracr. ton.of farmers who regularly us~e fertil- in a scoring furry for, hoth sies T(2ts ereriat o th si Ilu-ta hisscho! s oen o al toseid izer each year on their crops cannot batted 'ia five runs for theinselves, Tess wre un n te sx Ilusra- Thî seoolis pento il hos ~ be ail wrong. And if it is sound prac-, Orono on three huits, a single, dlouble- tion farms in the Northern erga terested in coach igormpliiig Ili tice to use commercial fertilizer on and triple, and twý-o waulksbruh Bay and ManitQulin Islanddistric t rtHope and !viclinity. Oro no ciiaedcoshw mulimore termnars h oepae of supervision la the season of 1950 coachfes and umnpires are cordially in-~ profitable would itý be to use it onNwatl eeiigfrom R. west1 anid 1951, to find the optimum ratevte*oatnd pasture land, because the pasture one hiit -and th!ree w.\aiks and also bp- of applying 2,4-D) on sow ithistie and Frfrhrifraintoe1 rpde ltne tesm ne-igfvue yfu iligerr Caad titi. iv ats fuy, le eested minght contactMr A. Johni- r ive cultivation, nor do pastures have bîoughl,;Ït in their five runers toti ester- formula Were used, liamel ston, Serear o the Port Hope Lo be harvested or storied and' the the score after thecopeefst 2, -1, 8, 16 and 24 oz. of acid Peracre. erninCmit 3Calst'ira over is much quickeýr thian in inii£ng. Spaigwas done when the grain Street, Port Hlope. the case of most other farmn crops in- was in third.( leaf. Sprayer pressure cludinig aven some cash crops. Sellers on the mounid for New- Waýs mintainedl at about fo)rty lbs. O castie heuld Orono scorelass li th to ipply seven g'allons of water to Defeat Infriizrtss npsursa ecn u tidfaii n the acr e. Top kill agdf rom 40 per rae.urilob slluferatioer ttion parstutes at econdthend thR.fra estand alowa cent with ighter applications to 100 ~fv lutainSainFrsi n ntefut.R et uln percen wih eaver pplcaion, I ouefio ig W a e the Northern Georgian Bay and for Oronjo, kept his opponaents teo one Wedper et prout ain wasonrliedtos Manitoulin Island district of' super- in the second and nonie in the thirdi. Weedsee proucton ws cntroledvision, the application of 1000 lb. ,per The fourth innring saw another rally 100 per cent wvith all treatments Last Friday aight our girls bahl acre annually of a complete fertilizer by Newcastle when three nien cross- though regrowth raaged fromr 23 per team mnet their okf rivais, Newcastle, iacroased the yield of grass 92 per ed the scoring plate haviing only two cen toove 10 pr cnt Th hih.in the first gamne of tIi-e season, cent. 333 lb. of 0-12-6 plus 100 lb. of bits but being aain favoured with a est regrowth occurrad on the heavi-, g er applications i-n most cases. Aver-1 After five comrplete inings the ammonium suiphate per acre an- coupfle of 1errors by Orono.- age grain yields were' reduced by 0.2 ý score was tîed at 2 ahi. Thiis part of nually increased grass- yield 50 per busel wthth 4oz rtean ~ the gamie was tight bail and quite cent. 1000 lb. of 2-12-6 per acre avery Ini the fifth Newcastle brought, a hushels prr with the 16 oz rate d99 pleasing to thie spectators. Orono pan three years plus 100 lb. of wuriateîs erOoo1at h on of acid application. Resuîts ~i notobei I- ithwe e-o oaho usq eyaas i'n- owho allowýed one hit and one walk, for test ~ ~ ~ ~ o thiae htfort i7 1 z.castle scored eight runs, a home run craased the yield of grass 45 per no runs scored. With Orono taking tef aindicpe are ous t e most satis with the bases loaded was the big Icnt. 1000) lb. of 0-12-6 every thiree the field, West allowed tvwao hits and factory, giv-ing com)piete seed coatrol,' f low of this inining. The gamne ende ersice suprthe osyihdt4 pe- en two waîks with three runs being 79pe eL1-o ilad2pe et with Newcastle haviag the long end and 600 lb. of sprhsht a scored before Cornish suibstituttd. pagr ctî tpklIed2 prcn of a tenl (o two score.I acre avary three years increased At this tîmne oaa ont iwas counted. The Orono Giri's softbail team yIed2 arcn.and Cornishûand bis tain ates re- j tired the side with no furthar acor- These tests ware purposely laidlopenied the-ir schedule of -play in the' eut ftee tet niaeig dlown on newý seedings to find if Orono Memiorial Fark on Monday ev- j thats the hevytanua tappiats of ciovers _,were economnically tolei-ant eing of this week. A. larg e e crowd oferilzr rdue te to an- of the rates of 2,4-D used. Tihe spectators saw, the local squïAd u-£cmleefrîie poue h rono in thaý sixth r-allied fram tw'o clover stand tvaas ,-tiiied aind coi-i-v Âh in the-a opening - ininigs only ito be gats nraefloe ytehits ,,and ltwo ,)Newcastlaereror-s ta pard e1h st-c tain .-thi-es scubd yNwat rm tieligbter anumai increases., Addition co~thraa mcaie at home cpLate brlag.- mler afteýr spray was appiiedl. Clovers - 1fourth on. I was sothIi-afî1tagueofntônha nrsd-gssyidngi-irtX creoan.Ne- waý-re found to have racovered by gamie in which tIhe girls have mladecoi hty uerposha e i-cas-tle when. at bat obtaiad oaa r.un Auguist of 1951 in the test applied liaua admission charge at the gate of rae iieyedbyams uarterI from oris'sthraa walks and hi*s 1950, 72 par cent, 79 per cent, 35 twventy-five ce1nts aadli somne what oftec1ky ldbtti nrae team's onle error, Cornish left the per cent, 13' per cent, and 21 per cenit over twenty-fîva dollars was su,-ws losouldbý headiin an in this inning vwithi one ont and o± check plot respacitively fromi 2, 4, scribad through this mantlîod. of potash. -Jonaes camne to the mnoundl. This- ,left.- 8, le) and 24 oz. treatmients; inidicat- bander- struck ont the next twvo bat- in ha t ih b dvsbl o Oronio obtained thair four mar11s There is always the problamn to con- ters retiring the side. spray niew grass and clover seedings, eal ntegm I- tteanme tend with, of thie peak yieid of grass badly infested wýith sOWv thiistle or time heid Newcastle doa Joan ocurring in June with iow produe- lar the first of thle sevanith on Caad histie wîth four ounces of Cooper started strong on tha localltion in July and August. This can be was held scorless making- the total 24D-- praferably an amine formula. inounid but~ weakened and ra e-i overconrie to a goodly extent by start- taîîy 13 týo 9. Tha amine formnula is slowar and lesa sadilathi-efifh by Marlane Can- in- tii- hay harvest early on -a rigorous aýcting_, though ns effect- treil, a south-prw hurler. Ifiald or two, thus alowiag tiie after-, eifpthn o rn a va tas was proved by large field E. Bonýathani substi tuted in tha m iyath to get a start befora tha forage I eifpthn o rn a trials rua ont grain _f iads at -Daytoneryîaig orNwat - iee plants have reachied tIi-ir paak of broughit into play cold ont of thîêi Manitowanin Mfildemi (o1- adsha appeared to becomie stronger grwt.ci eeaiyhavete hy ay - i and ieliXt tichne sof it- ville and Vernier in 1951, wiiich gav7e aý the gamae progressadl and nad con- ba storad as hay or silaga whiich ni-ny htrlgrthar stridbat i oý i-e istn nlmiost 10(j ercent control inaU r oe 101' atnbe used tnot only for winter feed hlr played gooditl for be thes easas, axcept at Manirowvaning wvher5e to vrOoosbtig but also to supiplemient pastures lna f n Jns a 'Brod jet' boom w Nas uIsed and drift, During the gamie Orono showed hOor sI'imp period. fouthpand ifeth ones, Orcno'e hïch is i-slot aasiy controlied wth vweaknass ;latheir fielding and hit- south apter, ashoug h eyoyf eae- his type of boom caused inýaccurate ting. Hlowever tire local tean lhas 3igtwIatessos lny ufas an ri m wniýith speed -on ti.i- ound. applicato ftsr~mterii any young phayars wvho have not Fîfteen bursariei worth_ $100 each' Errors plaguad prýacticaLlly ýveryo-ie sean too miucn alasytan lý_iext tarin l'be lalal- OSt-i this opener. Orono is earri~yng a n ber of the senior memibars are Dot dents la agriculture and home e'conl- large teain this yenr and mYany good la the garine this year. om11ics at the western Ontario Agri-- piayers i-re earoiled. Protect Migratory BirdsThe final score totalhad 16 for Newý- cul .Itural Schi5ol,- Ridgatowýn ad_______________ PrtctMgatr Drscastie and 4 for Oronio. Kei-nptvý,ille Agricutdturai Sehlool. J, > ---C. Steckiey, director of the Ridge-: recently thiat the bussa,,ries have beea. Dunîng Nesting Seasen Watso s Garage Broken to*wn school, and A.ý M. Bai-r, prinx- provided by theatisn _hrabe 11ntoEarIv Maonday cipal of the Kemptville shoe si Foundation.