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Orono Weekly Times, 29 May 1952, p. 2

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Thtfyweight figbtý over hi Tokyo t,'î:hicot'her day ilu w h ic Y7oshiï hiaibrough Jpanil &i st orld tille by otonigDad1o Jaioseems te bave ee a rather umnex'cit-Ing botibat is for thIose w'ho lIke a m ite of m-ayhem and -a ktw kno0cdowns mxUwitb Iheir To old-timers ilreclldanother 1lwih championbip bout, fougbt just abLout 29 year s ago, lu the-Polo GrudNewv York, in wbicb an- othler darkï-sk innied fighter from theý Soulth one of the participanýts. Thiat was the figbt bte PpnýIïco'Villa, za black-eyed 'id i iter out, of the Philip- nînighity" 'Jîimmy WiIde. And wbltI asalucky uchta 6pceled dIoom f or the \Wonider-ful weeý We- lhm-a, chanices arethbe wol aebeen beaten anywayýt. Butbs efeat, jusî Ihe sanme, was snbat1inmg as ho bring ,ar 0 the eyes of men who admire cour- age-as The auL-thor of "Figbts Ne ,er10 le Frote puts ir. For 0ndr abla -ze oc ariDcia lgbting, k ws aparntfrom the ârmment theý two stood togethe(-r te lsten -.tin the ~ ~ ~ ~~ïýij r'fresisrcinsta oth- ing shr fanircecudbrinig Wildehrough 1on 'top. t was fthe hoe, or cotage, ü cOmpIefe Sewage DispcoaI ystem fIor raldiabrimtsNo runnilng woerrqiired Mederale Ltbudgaî brmg. Wrî, or <aIl fer free foîde, atd cli inorntiri. winning was . fve years or 0ac on thefistic trail. Wben Jimmly crossed tIhe At- lantic t10 banýg bis world's fywefiht tille in tIhe balance againisi a wr foimanî, Ier wrevry few 'fItc foillowers woblivdbelreally could 'tcome bckneirertbeIess, i0aecl¶e _lIg ,was -ibe record 'Df, bis eplitslat !bis admirers cesedaforlorn fhopfe. They fig- nred t'la', for virtualîy ithe first lime in Ibis lng and brilliant career he -was m!eetng a boxer of îbis own poun.,dage, Hee would flot be, as was bis custoi, concedingfroni five ho fifteen pnounds ho bis adversary and on that a ýccount be migbt comne ont lon top and retain bis cham- FodlugIis delusion, the Wilde of thie more ex-pert, thiat Wilde 's last appearan-ce prior iho cm-iil-g ovrsaw him lknocke'douluL- don iby ftchfe hevier Pete Hermn,, Sîncethat ccasosoe toyeas befoe, Jmmy ad mnot drawu o a glove in11 areal !rinU g conest. HeE Washhity-neyears old and thel Settîed father of afaily bod A ginS 1 Wilde's(1 ele paSî,th glmrofbsprowess andl Ibb rufshy eniin of a once uncannly rirg sîî Villa hrought up Ire- enosforces. The Fîlipîno a anl advantage of ten years in the niatter of age; he offered a wild a)d irrnsistible ambition and WIII ho win, tireless youth, a, sharp punilch, f.ine timing and iudgment of distance and perfect physical codtoTrained to a razor edge, bisbod olpriedof evecrv vestige oýf fat an,'hsusal rouind Orien- tal] eauesshrend 0gaunt ïinesý by urmitn work on the road anid r;te gmnasum littIe Panlcho lokdite victor Ailover as hle squa;-redof aginrst tesolîd Added ho Villa's splendiý2id physical coniditîionw->as telemernnt of luck. if' ever > ichncefavored aà,ring gladi- ahj-or jIl was on tesîdec f "PaIncho thie Pnco"iin bis bid for a WorIdý'a chapioishp.Thi asSertion sbould ntbe ont ueda; pyigthat Villais victory was lukyiut for- tiune undouibtedly favore d hb and î oce in the major sphere is a bard gme, a hard-hittggae but we bellieve that one player, whose body-checking, was S the terrer cf oppesing forwards when he was at the peak cf bis rugged career, meves into well-earned retirement with a keen appreciation cf the sporting spirit of -eld- Uirne ice-enemies who migbt bave crashed hlm ,when be had flot muceh lef t with iwhiïch te combat tbemn, but didn't.. -No one ever played the gamne harder than did John Sherratt (Black Jack) Stewart, at the peak cf bis career witb Detreit Red WVings, or wben be first jeined forces with Chicage Hawks. Bl ack jack Stewart, 185 pounds'of bt-awn, muscle and courage, wýIa S raed onýe of the moît punîshing body-checkers in the -National Hîockey League. He hitwith ahatteriog force. He and Jimmy 1iýOrlando, in the bey-day of both, formed a defense for Detroit R 1ed Wiogs which kept maoy an opposing forward awake 7i.scunrting the teeth he might flot 'have afler the next Stewart was stilîl a great hockey player whcn be was traided, to Chiicago Bl-ack Hawks. But the crashing, hard-hitting tyvpe of gamne he played finally hounced' haîk on hlm, as if retri- buïtion hlad set ïin. A dîsc sl!ipped in hîs back, forced him to quit. £lth tyically grim spirit, he fought this off, took daily hours of exercise even wbile fiat on his hack lu bcd. He came hack 10 playý, apparently recovered. Then he rau lto even greater mis- ftunei at the begininig of the 1951-52 season. He crashed loto a îammaef eilI ackwaý,rdos, struck his head heavily, and sustained Even a;-fter tbat, jack Stewart came back again, But quickly it was apparent that ail Stewart bad left was the ligbt cf battle that blazed frem bhis dark eyes, andi the grim set of bis meutb, Th-ai was enougb te render many eppenents cautions, as tbey recalled is bedy-.cbeeking prowess, but it sean became evident that Stewvart couldn't it a beody-cbeck, that be was depending Ofi skili and experience te fou eoppesing players. And ere this observer saw what he hDeletzes to be one of ,lhe finiest sportin3g getures made in hockey action, For years Stew'artha been a- star, a player who asked no quarter, gave ýnone. Hle -was a hoc)key playe's hockey player. But when in the losing chiapters of bis career, when he might easily haveheen koedover, perhaptis badfly hurt; if crashed by an incoming taceother -playecrs seemned careful 10 avoid hlm. It wasn't th-rouIgh caution, aIt thistme At least,.that's what we are sporting- mýi dd nouigh to believ&ý It wvas ouit ofseer respect for a e)nce-greajt player who in bis býey-d!ay wouild hiave mowd dwn hIe îinvadersýý. Brîefly puit, te-by iusýt didn't wyaut t10 hurt jack Stew'art. Th1ey hiad týoo mchegardfor 'bis courage, for Ibis great re-cord as a hardI-bIîting, game andl accomrplishieOdc defenive star, 00w n' 1ot quite able to defend hîmocîef. -So this observer believes Stewart carries into bis rettrement a rec[llection that sperting spirit runis bigh among tbe -players cf the L'eague. Yo'u r emetundsugton for this celumn wilt be welcome d hy Elmer Fergusoýn, c/ocler House, 431 Yon ge St., Toronto., Cav~tDISTILLERS ïTE hastened the doom of the gamne litIle Welshmnau. just as thie bell was soundîng 10 end the second round, Villa swung a vicious overbiand right for Wildes jaw. Jimmrty heard the gong and- in- stînctively dropped bis hands. At the instant, he turned bris head bo- ward bIs corner, Villa's fist, des- cending with terrific speed, caught the Welshman squarely on the chin and, dropped hlm like a shot. He was knocked out then and there ho ail intents and purposes, and by aà blow wbich lauded after the bell! had. sdu,,nded. Nevertheleas, il w-as puey nntentional on Villa's part and Pahsy HIaley, the referee, ýouldî flot (disquialify -the Filiino lbecauise be 1culd not stop fa swinýg already started on ils way as the bell was rung. Wilde's seconds ushed to the centre of he ring and, lftig up the lîttle chiamrpion, bore bini ho bis corner, Where hhey restoired thi with iCe packs and other beroî treatmenî. But thereaftr islpde'sq goose was cooked. Fromi the second round on te the finsh in the seventb be 2stood up iunder as frigtfl a bcatifig as any ring gladiator ee endutred. But hle faced Ià like the gamecock be was, aways, trying, neeribaýcking u(p, îaking the fiercest sort oDf punishmrent witàhout R wbimer.Thepitcher had goei the-We oncre,)0oflen. T4Ie "years Ibtth ocu1st adetn"wr be was wela its bs-adthr were many w htoughh alndsil tnkhapouind for 'pound,(, 'lie a abutlthe fiesi: piece of gfgting -cas neyer greater than he was, that junle night, in defeat. igher ()Education Clyde, Lovellette, the big Al Amnerican bsetalplayer at h University of Kasa, sys 45 or 50 colleges made offrs"10him wehe bwvas stïilian Idaahigiý scbool ldTbeoffers ranged-up 10 a$0,0, a new ca and'-a bouise." KanSss oyletesasIid not offranyweremear somuc assom ohrsehioo;s, butie îl glad be wVent therec The story ias been that tealtitude of the Miount Oread camps (aout900 eetabove -sea levei)>"vas good forIbiçs asthMa BecIba as it may he offes an inter-esting lis of scboolswich sogî ienol lincludîng: Injdiaina, Purdite, Notre -Dame, cKentck , eoia db iJt , Georiacech 1 ,1 Nraskai, New York Uniersîy Gei,îoge as î,Wlia n lc iast"a southero Califoerna, steesseeofVader, ricetion, Tule a, ïNew MeicoStateouiWo-t ing, ichign icia Sae TIisrecruoitingpressre, t ta ils. Wh rightofofgheeducastion Thoecds chwbo sage tat buFim wo'trtrg wairtey-edan!r "Kîywas coal back Angoraj until he tried 10 catch hhe canary.,' sn Wrigbîsaids Now be's gra dually turning Wite." She said the cal knoçked ovel the bird cage and a couple oh flwrpots about two W'ýeekýs agis and the aclatr frighendthie cal so, mutcb h bid iclunder a chair for horThe ýcanary was unnperturbed NIEW and USEF-,'4ULToo Desert Island Samaritan- Here's a "must" fior world t'ravel- lers. Compact, pocket size gadget încorporates an afccur!atele rule, two colour pe-cil,mgifigglass, era'ser, depth '-"gge,-ei c)aber anddeaabesait-derer This handy wikemaue 7 in., weighs 0.8 oz. Whisker Helper Toucb of the finger hpirelckases ready-made lather whîchi is said to "wilt mnost stubborn wies from small-sýîie tube. S 4thae per unit, Tbree-Brush Rus-h Trianguilar floo)r pl !he Mbsth counter-rotatilig brulshes for s'peedjy operation and polishtng lo:tto cor- ners. Featury; in siple pshbutton arrangemrent brulshes cao be býiai)g- cdqikyor fi asadde'd. Designed for hiomi-e craftsm)en, neîw cobiaio ool b1as Si- ix ager'ý b,5ýitsad îhrceehslpacked itî a ý cherry Nwood case. ,Bits are pfolishjed Hanle of rd Tnieplastic. One-Wbeel 1Tracter 01ne whelgrden tractor features stream-ilined hoo'd wbîch issadt pr-evenit taî grass or vweeds becom-j ing eitwîined1 ngu nehaim Run 'b-y 27a.p. oobs"aua grip" bhalùles with fin]ger pcn trols. Midgeî Microffimer compact, portable mlicrofilmîn11g camera is imagazine oaded 10 allow inexperierced opratrs o ake pictures wtotloadljin.g or tra- ing film. Cartridlge obol , 0 t, 16 mj..Žlmeog ocp ,0 letter sÀze1.d1cufmenits. Air-Powered Screwdriver Feahurînýg pushibuttoncotr er mittinjg instanýt reve.ïrse actioni 1cnew air-owe-edscrewdriverisdsge os- quiegtt be nos-v hwsen fi . '$1CQ0 Drgtzre% onl'yl or sedicîn Toron#ç 1 Toes und Feet fiere s l iat, tainkss a atiseptir nil ihalu ai do more 10 help oinupgt nd nf yorr ouble ISsaaythingyo'vc evcr uscd. Tht actios of MOONES EMERAýLC, OL l 80 PowerFUlly pectrating É t h i teichinig te quicitly &toppc-d; and 'ua P short tome yoo are rld ni that th0ersom, fiern tortore, The seýma is tmie nf Sarbtr'a ith, Sait Rieturo, Eczcema antiC ,nsny other rriiatiog unightly akntrcuhîcs. You cai obîsin MooNE'S EMERALD 0Oit Iu te original hottle at any mlodem dug tore, Il ia safE 8 tc-antI lailo;re lu any of these ai!- mentu is rare indee,. Nail îürlieves pain instentiy antI removea iogrown potin ! ei a few applieaiior'. $i 80. WART FIXI Guaranlard remev cd CliSalfe frï children. 7 5c CORN FIX Rem ,î roosan a in 100 minl- uts Girnterdmdyif 75e. At pour druait nrsenostai Dy- 1 ORCRARD CRESCCNI TORONTO 1I& ONTARIO CLASSIFIED AUVERTISINO Vert SPORTS COLUMI, TH E FO h gg pooethipeem nyone tt mauitLy, Ta iraonl egpro- drion.i, ha iasginiïg to)roI berowner rel one f hedsth a 1ve high egg, prod un ieritanceý. VWheither sha laya 150 egge or 200 eggs >lie wilt take the saie housing, labour and fed coats. High egg production ability is therefore more Important 10 the aeverage ega producer than ail other factors combord. Tweddla chicks have lots of R.O.P. breeding back o! them. Reduced priera for May and Joue.Aise started chicica, older puilets, caponis. turkey poulti,. TWEDDLIG CHICUK HATCHERIES LT]). Fergus Ontario 110W Bray hî a-tihrse sensationel 1prices -foýr Junai - pompicit shipment. Startedpletsipeschiabread- I wck Havybreda 2,i90: 4 weelr John11.N.,1aitn BUSINESS OPPORTUCNîTÊrES HOUSZ Furnishingsa ad ifwaeBus)- nse InWestern Ontarlo town Gond clean stockr-Modern, iGond iLoca- tion-Well Established. Pir>ture sent on reqorat. Appty te: H. C. MacLeaýn. "te.t Estate & Business Broker, W!nLgham, Ontario, - VFIN<0 ANID CI.EANIO HAVE you enything neede dysing or dean- lngÏz Wi1ete 1 te forInformation We reglad ln enewer trour Questions. Ds- pairtant B Pre 's ve Wnrlts LIited. 7e1 Yonas St.Trno USE NY-MIN L9QUlD FERTILIZER tise Hy- Min liouid fer'tiier l start your tebacco:and tomaînes.- Excellant yleids on vegetable craps aide dressad with Ey-Min. New low pnie $12.0$ for 5, gallon druro. Asic youi local dealer or Write Hfy-Trous Company of Canoada Limited, Cornwall, Ontario REBE CIRCUI.AR OF USES ON REQVEST IIAILET DAVIIJSON 0lITOitCTCLES Parts and Servica C0.13 ordere filietI PrompjtlY A large assortroant of recon- ditioned motorcyrles et reasonabie prices. B$ERT E. KENNEDY & SON 419 Cailege Street. Torsnto USE NY-MIN LIQUID FERTILIZER Beat for AfrIcan Violets says Joan Coite- land of Copeland's Violet Hcoseý 8 oz. con 65ie asIc your your local dealer or Write Ry-Trous Company of Canada. Cornwall, TreE CiRCULAIt ON DOWT TO 0810W BETTER AFRICAN VIOLETS. TIRES Harollton'a Largear Tire Store Storce 1933. Useet Tires, 07.00 and op. ttetreaded Tires. 600 x 16. 114.00. Other sires. priced ar- rnrdingiy Vulraniziog and ratreading ser- vice. Att woric goaraoteed. Ail orders 0.0.]) $2 0 irdwith ordar. We pay charges une way. Peninsula Tire Corpor- ation 95 ing tret est. Hamlitn. White prclî6enml ,rI15x42 right or le!t had drinhordthe always ]potUiolarI1 x 20 inglei,,k: alzn iedge ty3pa doublac bowl an doule dý raIioard siiks kand e o ne-pleracombinat o an- dry traqy i ïdgni itl llhr rasoad hrrthnom ~t5. Ctaloga wýth nsalato Sorth.Wit S. V. JeoHNO LIM S U P L I ES. al Ode iiN on, 0motcntod ld.rie oardiysin orerue to rova t A-0 na. ug Bridk Aprratand Store BIock1-busieýst sec- "lo, odo.Onar -Foree enante. b $1.00. -)10.00 ill handîr, Would considerami -Ontntfrro as part pay- mnlt. ucr cin imaka you $20.000 jf you al lcky ,aj,.rur Iis unusual harain~Adres:ownetr, P.O, Box 82, GM yuTonI Windshleie and Lug- gageStieera.P SCanaa. ngland, BermdaCub. Hllan. lralodetc,, 28c ech, OX 21. CLBORtNI, ONT. GOIN CAMINQTeks along a WIL-O- FLEX metîeas, Laya On two poies, Ligh. Drabe. prigy.Wondrrfut sleep- ngWrItsa John atmn Portland, Ont. A TRIAL - Every sufferer of Rheumoic Pains or Neurluls abouîd Iry Dxon's ReMedy, MUNRO'5 DRUG STORE 335Fi< ,în Ottawo- $1,5 Eprss repic CIISS ALLUSaVE- Now ilset. t- and so'nd d. Tals oajs0eLng no-hat. #8rm0og 'RKers9m. Tletsl Rsh 1,0 for iherl suplAlS hMA10taet fo 0amas.manlela ue.oter TaLs, sip- tonEMhaeXeer to& heli llval pela. dis- tresa antI o oateon ssctte wt monthiy rlo POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANI1581the rormeol of dry , zmsrashes and weeplng sicin troublesPnsts Stsers Salve wil)liait disappoînt yen, Itohing. ecallng, burnlng e rga. cc, rlngworln. pimptles and ethletes foot, will respood readily te the stainilese drts oitlment. regardlese of how stubiborD ( or hopeles they seen, PRICE $2.80 PER JIAS POST'S, REMEDIES Sent Prii Free -n eceltit of Pries $89 Querit St E il nerofLoga. 1'nronto BACItACISE? WIl-O-FILEX campers mat- treshas no-sag, mindviduel apring ac- tion that gives miarveous support andI relief to tired, veak r strained harle. John Eastmian, oan, Ontario. 7BON'YSUCK1LES. pink spres. lte, g(ooseberry, red or laurel willows, Gin- ùalla Maple, dozen '03.00. Caragana 18-2", 0.50,12-18",. $2.50 Per 100. Cramner Nurseries, White Fox, Sakatebe- wan, OPPflRTIINITIIIS FOB SIEN ANDS WOSIEN BE A HAIRDRESSER -OIN CANADA'S LEADING SCU410LJ Great Oportunity Learit Hairdressing Mlasant digniiled profession, gond wagea. Tnsands of auccessful Marvel xroduatue ltrnerleale Greatest Systen Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Cal] MARVEL HAIEDRESSING SCHOGLB 158 Binor St. W_, Toronto Branches. 44 Ring St., Hamilton 72 RdeuSt,,Ottawa .NEMW SECREtT. Tobacco Habit Stoppe-I. Free Belanger. Plimndon, Alberta. EASY TO CUIT SMOKING Isea Tobarco Eliminator. a stientifle treat- ment. ntutclly stors craving for tob)ace, ride the systemn of nicotine C. King Phar- macal Limited. P,.'Box 673, oo. Ontarin., START a home business ln sitrstios Make extra rooney. Experiencenont es- sentiai. Literatuire rE ASTERN SFIO- CIALTIES AGEN,,CY. 1206 St. Cecile R. Three-Rivers, DOLLARS DAILY, at home, ln'sitars time, addressing,, mailing, for established national enterprise. Experience unneesn- sary, Art now. Write: Schmidt Etr Prises, Dept. 100, Iilineola. New Yýor1ç. YO7tLIFETIME OPPORTUNIqTY. To trýj fo 500 Iward Frac. and Laartt tbe FeetLs. Ah0-Mt and Acta of aIl Corpýorea Disesea Siicosa.Ordar free offer today. FACT dCREATORS, iMCS6 EltRotoad Ext., MARE OR)1fENTAL RUOS orsfin your ,owV1n oe,exeene Murùopean rug nmakera and teachýera in- s1,tret yen, tirely by mai n 2 1,esons. enthusiastie response being shown, to thîs coursec by ei n wmn at rgnedgroup, who aai ernnit, sicili for proft or as a-hobby, bas prompt- ed us lu offer the coursbymal Ai m1atertas tob ecasr "ui'Id ss -plied 1et il10 ct. Write oai pitn name and address ctearly, for freeifr maineriental Itug Sehoo o!I) nsýtruc- tion, 182G -Strathallan Blvdi., Torlonto, 12, PATENTa$ At0eFMI uevery invenr--L2lst o! Bn ventions and full Inforrmatioî sntfrj Irhe Ramsay Con_.RegisteredPeei lts neye. 273 Bank Street. Oîswsa FMTHRST)NHAUGO] & nmpnypa- Bey Street.Trnn oke ifIfra tion on rennueat. TEACIIERS WANTED WANTED Qualifie(! Protestant Teaceréi for Senior, R oom <Principal), . ro Scheel. Township School Area of Mayo. Starting the 1952-58 terre. Salary 1210 Stete quattitetations. experience. and namo of' lest tosper,,tor. A. W, Ramabottom Seeretary -easurer, Hermon. Ontarin, WANTED TWO men Who waot te saro $5000 te $8000 yearly. Sales expertence nt noces- aary. Car anesset. Sho-nld- ha able tc startIimmedtately, Reply giving phorit nuniber to: D. Mclntyre. Itooro 1101, 85 ltîehmond lSt, W_,Toronoo LOGYLISTLESS, OUT 0F LOVE WVITH LIFE? limswakeup your iver bile . . lump ont of bed rrn,ôg Liàfe _,ont wort.hli1ving? It mey Le the liver! Wis e facti If your liVer bile ijo't flinfg free-ly your food nmay not iget,. gas, blnaIs up yottr atoma,ých 1. . yau feelco- utipated and ail the fu nd st eprjee gro ou vf ife. Thitt'o hn~nedmlgentie Carter,_s LatiLi Jver i . nuses Carters, helP stimu-late your libVr bile tG11 once agair It Se Pouring out et s rate ofup tû o npe, day in oudigestive tract, Ths hould, &-oyu rigbit up, mette ynu feel that happy d-ay's axe ers ag'an.So don'istysuk Y e Carters ittcle Laveri- lla lwsUvays have h on ena ~inIySOcfrom any lr.agg;sï ISSUE 22 - 1952, Royal Sport-Cheered on by the crewd, 18-year-old Crown Prince Akihito cf Japain takes a hurdile in fine style in one cf ithe many dlifficuit jumps I-e made at a Tokyo equestrion meet. He is seen in many public places and lias entered a co-educational school tIo continue his fermaI education.

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