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Orono Weekly Times, 29 May 1952, p. 7

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- ~-JiU[ A Ancient Delicacy It will cornie as a sýurprise to mrany t, ca- a htmarshmallows as a food. are- as old as the Pyra- 'jhle marshlad of ancient Egypt favredthegrOwvth of the alfhaea or m-allow, apln ver,7 similar to o-ur peetdyhocllyhock, %which grew f0 a 'hight of five orsxfetf. Ifs delicte cpinik 1b-l(oos and palJe Sdowny laves brituieedthe swamlp lands along the Nule Valley as far as the eye couid see. Long bcere Cleopafra's time, the ancienti Egyýp- tians discovered that fhe roots of the mallow plant, when drîed and pulverized,~ could be made int o a choice delicacy, and so the niarsh- mallow beICantiie a favorite confec- tion of thieeal civilized world. The evolutioni of t he marshmal- Iow to modemn tines is ailied close- ]y wifh the suigar jinduistry. Sugar supposedly hîad ifsbgnns in India where it was used essentially iin edicine as a comnponent of puis. These puis,, calied "dragees," were eomposed of some mystic potion and sugar, with' gumn arabic added to prevent the sugar froni crystai- izing. As time moved on, the use of sugar spread f0 regionis where gum arabic was not available. Vani- ous ths and gums were sub-, stifuted. One of these was a sticky sort of imass thaf could be ex- tracted withi hot water from tue groiuid roots of the mallow plant. This nmateriai, wheu combined wt sugar adwc1ll beaten, formied a stable foam, with pieasing faste. Thus the marshmallow industry began. Long Story-Although Ram Math was born in 19410, as eyidertced by the 26 - foot - long Sanskirt birth -certificate- abovýe, he re-, rently etired from Ford Motor Co., after 23 years of service. Nýath cleared things up by ex- plaining the East inclicn year of î1940 correspondends to the English yeor 1884, Testing Fabrica eioped anl apparafuthl "a t fesex ton fabric Lmay ho thaiinaote Usully the, ar1thof afari is ated by deteriniiing thd1f1C ence in cenergy (heat) eqired f maintain a body at Con- lstnte- perafure in cldair when ncdiv ered andl wheu coveed wîfh w test snaferials, Dr. Hilbert'sapatu applieq the pinciple, bult in addition the fabIrirs are sbjecîted to a ind at ilow e erue A mcta) "arm" cl -ofheýd a sev off i,thetstfabric is lowoI1arrd- nt home freezer î-iniwhich afa, coae kdhe îecessariy wind. Thiis cmii Rtin o f iud andîrold tempera tures, whlich cari be regulated as desiedprovdesa beternuanis of eiaing te warm,'th of afabrir woe or cold wether ha is 3ossible when the usuial tests are naàde in sf iii coid air. -jean Richepin,. k They make, surveys regarding nearly every-thling these days; and wh'en soldiers in the United States Arvmyv e queried about their fa- voýritedsseti was found that Banana uýCreamr Pie fopped themi ail. Weil, if goes pretfy well wifh Most Canian3ýr appefites fou, espe- ciailiy when1 it's made front the foloin riipe. BAAACREAM PIE /cup sugar 5 fbeposflour 3/4 teaspoon sait 2 cups mlilk 2 egg yolks, slightly beaten 1 fabiespoon butter 3/2 feaspoon vanilia extract 3 rime bananas 1 baked, nine-inch pie sheli (1) Combine(, sugar, flour and sait in top of double boiierr Add îniik siowly, mixinýýg fhoroughiy. Cook over rapidiy boiling water until well thiickened, stirring consfantly., (2> Cook feu minutes longer, sfirring occasiona1ly. (3) Stir simaîl amounlt of the hot' mixtuire into egpg yoiks;, then pour back 111,t oPrmiing ihot mixýture wile b, btingvirosy Cook one mninulte !longerý (4) Remove from heat and add butter a-nd vanilia. Cool. 11 (5) Peel, and suice bananas--info pie sheil and cover îmmediafely wîth filling. Top Wifh meringue or sweetened whipped cream. Yield: One nine-inch pie. E-xcepting for gond old rhuharb if vill be a while yet before our own fresh fruits are-widely avail- able. Hlowever.,xwith the "boughten" sort some prefty fempting, des~- serf;s can b.e tprepared without f00 m.-uch bother, For instance, these PINAPPLE LIME TARTS 1 No. 21/1 car. siiced pineapple 1 package fiime-flavored gelatîn 3/4 clip heavy creamn 6 individual pastry sheils, baked and, cooled (1> Draîin pïineapple, reservirig (2) Acdd enough w vafer tf0pine- appe srupto i make one a nd one- fort up iquýidj, Heat, and dis- so1 gelatini in th-is mrixture, then (3) Wip cea tiii stiff and fold ,into gltn (4) Fuifrt -rshelîs. Chili, Just before serving, top each pastry with a pineapple su3ýce and garnish wif h a m'1arasch(iuo ch lerry. Yield: Six servings. LIME AND GRAPEFRUIT BAVARIAN I No. 2 can grapefruit segmients 1 package iime-fiavored gelafin / cup sugar 12/ cups (one tali can) evanuorated milk, chilled icy cold 'cup coarsely chopped pecans ()Draîlin jice froi-i grapefruit segmlent"s. Thee soul beoiie 2and on-orhcups< If not, add iwafier f0, make thiat amnount, lHeat if0 hou- ing 'point., (2) Comb1ineglai itch sua.Pour. îot grape2fru1it Juiceý over elatin-sugarmcre n S-Iir fenlcy of lnobeaten eg5g whif . The whiip chliled inil, very stff1 and fold ligly vbut trloughily intothe (4) Place a, grapefruit segment. into thle boftom of' eachi of eight sebtglasses, P'ile Býavarian on topan garnish teach ser'cving with (5) Cili at eastfwýo hurJust 1)efore evig oatpeasin mo- deaf Ven ý(?)75 degrees 7F.) mtil crisp, aotfive nutes1f, anàd sprin- kie -)ver thie top of ec serving. GRAPEFRUIT CUSTARD WITH MERtNGUZ Su:mairîe HuFeLlr-Deadlly poison for submarines con be deliver- ed by this 36-ton P5M"Malin"seaplane, newest anti-submarine weopon f0 be foed Cnte 4At!antic Fleet Air Force. The Marlin is said f0 carry the m-ost ov"uI toctical radarof any aircroft, and coni be armed with depth) charges, torpedoes, rtockets, and mines. cup sugar and sait. Add a littie scalded milke. Returu to remainder of mnilk, while stirring, and cook, stirring, tilI mixture boils,. (3) Beat egg yoik slighfly, Add a littie of the thickened milk and returu f0 milk. Cook, stirring con- stantly, over hot water or a very low flame fuI mixture thickens,. (4) Cool, add exfract andl van- illa and pour ovei- grapefruit. ýW) Beat egg whites tijl foamiy. Add remaiuing fourfh-cuLp sugar graduaiiy anid 1beaf fuIlstiff.Spea meringue over costard and bake iin a slow oven (325 degrees F.) fif- teen minutes, ChilI hefore serviug. Yheld: Five servings. CITRUS JELLY 2 erivelopes gelatin V'cup c oid water 1¼V4cups boiling* water 34 cup sugar V8s teaspoon saIt 2 fablespoons -lemon juÎce 12/3 upas fresh, carined or frozen orangle juice Y4~ teaspooni orangý-e or lemon extract, optionial 1 No. 27, cari pahhle (1) Softcii get(iini0 coil water, Add hoiiing wafer, sugar andl sait, Stir until gelatin and sugar are dissoived. Cool. (2) Stir in lenion juice, citrus juice and exfract, if used. Arrange pieces of fruit in, bottom of moud, add just enough gelatin f0o cover andl let stand fillI gelain ýIý ,±imsf firrm Add rest of cooleýd gelaýtin and chili. Yield1,: Six f0 ighi-ft servings. motorist cao learo and appy with profit. Here are the ways you cari save on gasoline corisumption: Iu starting your car, get info high quickly. Racing your motor in flrst or' second eaf s np gas. In city traffic, utiliing this practice rau result in a 'substantial savîng on fuel his. Avoid fast getaways. Leave themn f0 thie movies. thev eaf up gas. -rse the brake wvhiie holding your car ini une on ahi. Using the clutch as a hilI-holder flot only w,.asfes gas, but wears out the clutch as well. 11 Drive at a stead y, moderate speedý At 50 miles per hour you. get 20 f0 30 per cent. more mile- age thian you do at 60. If'ssafer, f00, Keep your eye ou the inst 1rument panel. Any radici deviatiori from normal should be re(portecd f0 your service station deaier, Three f0seencuibic en ie ers of gasoltinr uisedevryt you step on1thoraccelerator o gas ouf of tho bc- a sud stop. Have your carureor dusq for a lban îmIx and a 1Iow idl,, richer mixture, more gas ,vi0r>ith air, will give you f'aster acii tioin and more see, but you-pee for if ini fuel costs, Spa'rk pu sbouirld bce dean and th.e sakgapf> carefully spaced in arccranA wifh specifications. Have your da tributor cieanedand the points a., id justed meficuiously. Wind piays an important part i fuel saving. A luggage rack ontoý,q of the car sets up wind rssae and so -do wide open windows. Drivers in the economy run drïiv,ýj slowly when buckinghewid and make it up on fhe dowrigradt4j or wben they have tailwinds. OA upgrades the experts leave th.I mofors in high gear unt il the sptv,4 drops f0 about 25 miles per hour, Fi your gas, tank frequeiitly, Air in the tank mixes wîth, the gs ieaving moisture whichi is hard onL the motor, Neyer oeroa he ep- gine. Avoid surging your wthoftl3, Choose the right ouighsT'of wrong weîght cao çause a.loss cf1- as much as seven-enth)s of aml per gallon, Crisscrossyortie adkec the exact tirepesue ejurd be rihanged evey3Gr,000 mls Taking these stepa wil paIy û« in increased performnance and pow- 5U TELLS THE WORLD- "y 'Canada' e, id you think of -parkling ciear air;: of swift-runnriin iaers; of.undnce farms an, orc!hardIs It seem2s only na!trai, theî,. th;there sod 1"niseill k taste te se many of th5e good :hing. from this favoeured land." The above illustration and text are from an advert isem-"enît nowv being published byThe House of Seagram throughout, the wrdi LattiinAmerica, Asia, Europe, and Africa, This is one of o series of )tcvertiscieits f'eaturïing ÇCariadian scenes and Canad(-ian food speciaities, They are dsgndto mnake Canadla better knd(wni throughout the worl(;d, nd t help- our balance of trade. by assisting ou- GoverrnmentCs efforts to a'ttracr touristS to thiis great land, The House Of Seagraml feels tlhat the horizon o'f industry does not terminate ar the bound(ary of its plants; là has 2 broader horizon, a farther view idedicated to the developmnent of Canadas stature in every land of the globe. Che 3'4ouse of ~eu~ ram eJaxw~ A~xdt,'ews. How You Can Save On CaZs ConsumptL7L'ýion How would you like tri get a third more gasoline mileage ouf of your car? You cari do if if you mernorize a few simple ules and carry thera ouf whiie dmi;ving,. You will save onie gallon out of every thmee you are using now. Proof t tl î!s can be doreis show n inidie fne cum o which this year was heldbewe Los Angeles andj Sunu aleiin April. Eprbuit not pro)fessional, drivers tak-e stockr passeugecr cars -exactly thle smcar, yoiu may select ùoiff theshiowroom ,floor-anid get a miimum (iaoi-33 1per!-ce-nt. more' gasohune mileage tanis achieved by teflcvragemorit There are no special gradIgets or gimmicks. Bult there arectick!s in thle tradle, which the average , 4ei,

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