ORO0NO, C '. HUJRSDAY, JUNE5th, I 952 4,isoeiption $1.50 per Yeas' Mrs. John Kitchen Speaker At Afternoon Auxliaryi Arroin teresting meeýtinigof the'SuhDramBsb l Afternioon iAuxiliaryo)f the Womiens Sol uhm Bsbi ,Missionnary Society \a held inte ýuholroom of lie United Church oLegencedl .Junje 3r.d with Vhe presýident, Mms C. Wooud lu. chrge. ay2 ,A report was made by MVrs. W.. , OooaNeasl Syett that used clothing is comiing nartebor Hilel a in nowv and wýill be packed aind ~lp Camboine ý,t Pei icans 1ed tu Toronto fLor overseasorn May 29 the niear future. !Kendal it Orono Each of the four groups of the Welcome A CGamborne ,Auxiliary were reminded of the crib Ne-%icas at BaiGaienoro ýquilV promised lu the Mission Band Pl J 3tBale4r fo hi project of- pro-Viding for1 Kendal ait Camborne babies. A beautif-ul water color pre- !-I-nil!a ýsented tb the women of lhe church l a l WaI Baie or .by frieiids in Jipan, througli the Nwat tPelicans lçiidness of Miss Luella iRorke, was j une 5 ,,on display and will b. duly framed. Welcome at, Kendal .adhung. Mrs. V. Robinson read a aion 'GrdnHi very enightening article on Coin-:,GadnHl irnxnisim and esacl individuals share in Peiasa )rono £embting it. Il was suggested liat Bailicboro at Newcastle the July meeting b. comibined with Jlne 10 .the W.A. meeting, plans for which Garden Hill at Pelicans "willbe mde Iter.Orono at Camborne ,willbe mde lter.Newcastle at Kendal Mrýs. Robert Ailin, leader of Bailieboro at Welcome group four, conduted a very help-lue1 uiwripservice, taking as lier Pe licanls at Welcome ~teme th. story of the Ten Virgins. Oooa Biibr lThe brightly burning lamp whih endal at GIarden Hill1 ;Y)ight b. nam-ed payer, faii and ue1 ~uv, rime an brnngso con- Newýcastle at Camborne satlty, may be Inken as a ymi-bol'lune 17 ,Tf .perparedness for 1h. future. 1 Kendai at Peicýans Durinig Vhe wýorshiip ser-vice Mrs. Weicomýe atLNewcastle , A. Drmmndsng a ino0st aýppro- Camborne ait Bailiebor:o 1priate solo, "Love -Devine". Garden lu]i at br-,ono Mrs. Joýhn Kitchen was the speak- Jlne 19) er forVie afternioon and told lnany Open Date interestinig thinga &s bout Tie woiklue2 she dii in Cinau, as superintendantsOon a K n 21 4.f hospitals. Tie large number of 1aonne2 al ecm aikand ijuried ,peýople coing Votu 'nhe iGar-denci)Hl1atNense cl'ilc e re a real Challenge toti aieboaIelas henespirits of lie- nur-ses incargilue 926 w ,overe often withoutay doctor's Welcomie at Garden Ilî ,ussis f Ai-. . itchen also dis-Keadal taI Baihi[ebor-o * ]aý,q9-ed v ery, beiutUifw],pdle- eicnatlnhoe wùcrk dunebthle Cinj,'eewomlen.Juy Newcstl atOronlo ion Oie AnuinaIies 3 MilesC amore t endl In Lake Frofil Ort dope! Biebeooaî, arden -1ý' -' if ilu Oue cf the most pronounced ironj ore anomi-;esila Vils section cf Vie province is said to b. under Lake Onhario Vree miles directly out ï-om Port ITlope, aucording ho Vie North- ern Miïmer. T7his in1formation appeared iii an aricle ini a recent ediîion iu wlmicim the driiiag by the Jonies and Laiin ,iSteel Corporation inHopej ,Township is featured. Pehicans at Neweastle July 8 Kendal at Welcoefle Gar-den 1Hill at Cam-lbomnle Or»ono' at Peicanis Neweastle at Baiieboro, July 10 Peicans at Garden HÎ111 Camborne at Orono Kendal aI Newcastle Welconme aI Bailieboro iCOX-- D£Aï At a ceremony iin Orono United Church, Lois Yvonîie Dean, daughter of -Ar. anid Mrs. Hlesper Dean, was united in miarriage to Wiliaum Gerald Cox, son of Mr. and Mlrs. Iennieth Cox of Bowmianviile. 1ev. J. Kitchen Mothers And Friends Enjoy1 Musical Evening By Childrein A mnuical eveaing of' great interest was hehd aI Vie home of Mrs. M. H. Staphes, R.-M.T., on TI-iurýsday, M,ýay 29, when lie memibers of ier Piano lass gave- their. Spriag Recital. The. pmoegr-moened with lie Nat- fatier, choýse a gw of net and Trio, AJn Beatl, Doreen and Joan AP- Chatilly lace. Tlie skimt Vwas Of ldreadl. double net over laffela, wvith a lace panel down Vite front. The jacket Miss Ann BesI, who was chai- nuas of Chanrtilly lace wlh stand-up mnan for lie eveaing, in a very neat ,collar and long lily-point sled'ies, Her1 speech, teco e Vi other's and full iength veil of tulle illusion was f rieads who were guests. The pro- cauglit ho a headdress cf seed pearîs gramn continued with the. playing of and rhinestones, and she carried a Piano, Solos, Trios, and Duets, eaeci white prayer book with streamers miember lakiag part ini a very hiappy and red roses. Maureen McKenna Wvay. as- maid cf liGnor was in mauve with Asot u neetn tro V. nosegay of yellow roses and'inauve A hi. oft, Ha ne wi secial men sweet peas. Shirley Flinoff and tli of n e higrea menrks IMargaret Siin wore pale greenTi. hao, Ti. esî' with nosegnys of pink carnations and TeOai,"h y-1-o roes. Their dresses woere givea by Miss Doreen Alldread, fol- fashioned alike ln net over taffetalowved by sonie questionis ancI rb wvith matching boheros. Their serif discussion. picture hats and ittens were cf The evening ciosed with everyone matching net. Donald Cox was best joining heartily in siniging "God man, and ushers were Junior West Save lie Queen,, accompanied nt the and Jack Wylie. Ross Taylor sanigpiano, by John Tamnblyn. Refresh- "Tii. Lord's Prayer" and "Because.» I monts were served and a social Uinie AthVe reception tie bride's nothier enjoyed. receiv-ed in navy niylon sheer %vithh white accessorie_ýs, and corsage of Durinig th evening- John and Rtoss wýhite gardeias.-The grioom,'s nmother Tamiblyn presented Mrs. Staples received in niavy t-affela witi miauve with a basket of beauliful flowers, accessories and corsage of orchids. 1hvich xas very mucli appreciahed. For tr-avelling lhe bride chose a for-__1_ gel-mie-noV bMue suit witi ay c csoisand corsage of pinli sweet- I~I<Da Ben leI hennI roses and lily of the Dvalley. iiwii For Ufter a tnpili3tirougi Vi.E astern cooif CakeTi States, hhey wil make terhomne i ha , '-" 1Clark Yw . Leskard W. eleconi, Výo hlismer ii9mel tje reum oJrs5. lDavid Bellof Tor- Mrs. Jamles Camleron yisited lier parents iii Torconto on Tiursday wnd Fiday of ast wek Vi«sitors last Friday noon with Mr. and Mrlis. Leroy H1amnilton were Bey. A. E.- EusVace , Pembroke and 11ev. G. E. Huff, Cobdan io ,,cweere- Vumrning t10 heïr respective homes afler attending Vie Bay of Quinte Conference at Linidsny. They abs o called -n several Oronio friends, The Thomipson. famihy cf TorontVo were aI themr Lesiard summner home over the week-end. Council To- Meet At Kendal Re Street Lightir lý ISABELLASTRINGER Tergla iein fC On My 1thafte a rie clay, Junie 3rd with ail mnembers ness of .soarcely a wek's duration snt there passed away in Bwavle Ail expiring insurance poli Hlospital, IsabellaStngr beloved were renewed and the prei wife-f Wellesley Striniger of Oronto, w-ere authorized for payment as in hier 71st year. Mlrs. Striniger %vas as the following policy stipuint the former Isabella Ramisbottomn, af- are channged. the clause stating si fectionately knownvi as Bella, second powing- and grading for 1_ý't4n I daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. cary truck be deleted, and dra~g Robert -Ramsbottlom c f Hermion. amiotmt of $200.0 b. deletedl On April 20th, 1904, she married added to tools. Wellesley ýStii-iger and for ~m Co}cerning Fred Winnýs reqt. yea'rs they resided on a farmi near to brush and widen road, the Rý Herxmon and, for a short time they an Road Superintendant were lived at Bancroft. In the early spring thorize to findi.out whether or of 1921, Mr. String-er purchased a the fariners sWtuated along hs f_ rî- in Clarke township in the Orono wvould be agreeable lu takoe d _.,trict, nmoving there in the mnonth fences and put thèei up agaito 'f ApriL. Here the famiily have since cilitate road widenîng. ïi sided. Mr. Wmi. Arnistrong spokçe tec Mrs. Stringer endeared herself to cil requesting- that an agreen ahi who knew lier kindly, symipath- with the. Durhami Central Agricul etîc and sincere devotion to lier homie ai Society b. drawn up to boan Te lier churcli and lier cormmunity. ship property in order te lengi iýss Ellen Ramisbottom and Miss the rlace track. Council1 granted' G-eorgina Ed-wards were the Inurses request on provision that theJ in attendance. b. Ioanied for an indefinite period tili needed for niunîuncipai puIrp< Left to mourni lier loss is lier sr The celrk was requested to ask roighus-band, on)ie son, Westril Waddeli to di-aw up lie neces, String-er of Orono. Three risters, agreement. KikadLake; (ar)Mrs'Bron ly Strýiniget., Torontoý; (Eh abe-tl) ,Mr.s. Jamies Csemn acot Chree- brothers, A. W. Ramisbltomý and Wm. W., asbto both ofl liermoi and A. C. Bandy, Newton- iville. Une sister, (Dora) A!Mrs. Norrisý E. J.egti Bron n C. J. loifn, EniJ.lBeonam County Faj", Co-peralivteD-1,111rono eusted aýpproaci btii.he bounldary<of N higwaylacon juaiý(tol wihh Spiite ethuiam ad ii.wii V1jDod& swas laid tb reut, July291 2 Iprset ommîtr Wbàsure be a fenlure of lie a nant daugater, Mary Eizabeth,meto gh Fiel is e0 vth Air. Ander iield Vils Friday, June 6 at lie Orono Mv MeoalPark. Ti;s day i,ýs sosr- ServiceS wr cnu tedb her lie Deparîen ed by 'the Newcastle Lions Clu forptastorý, 1ev. L Tu_ e of Newýcastie, on tru hle ar, pul-ý')ic school chlîdren of Chirke! tie Unjite'd Church instraIli wy Ulimil anda Mon.sFuliecai 7 -apel a wan sn culvQertý Il I t à e x p ev i h l e n t 8 p . m .,r f ia y h u nh n d ' t y IV~~~~~ isepce it erfv u-jHro ntdChurci, 2 p.m, May eriaterdant b. dred children xwill be ina allendaiice i 201h, assisted by 11ev. Pau, of Fort plele lie const Vuis day Vo couipele in Vie various'!Stewart. Injtermjent ywajs iade at proaci. events of Vh i eet, Cup and trophies Hermon. i.Ra u are aad which sharpen the co-TeRa petilion evidenced lu former yns--ensfrcaditnc ncued hried lu spev, by local records being broken. AIrs. Chanies Mollard, Kirkland cýeeding 500 Lake; MIrs. Duri Rodgers, Virg-inin- spra'Ying along Every public schooh of Vie O town,; Mr. and Mrs.' Ted Bronson. anees slip wîll b.e presented in tbis an- Drayton; Mr. B. Stringer, Miss Joan Cuclrsl nua meton riay lue h. Stringer; Airs. Basil Robinson, Miss Cetai Agricul --------- 0.-Georgina Edwards, Miss Lura Ed. rated $200 foi %vards, Mi'ss Vaherie Tyler, al f ga SAMJE--OS~FLD Toronlo, Mn. Elm-o Striager, Bramp-j Counicîl receiv SAMUEL -ROSNFELD ton;Mr and Mrs. Milton Edwards, ders froni tlic Bownavile M. nd Mrs. Andr1iew G1 o. for thie con PonAv.Mr. . ndA MrsRaymnond BvR-re i vall and Harris Ini addition, at tie request of a' -'-uîy 151 PortV Hope paper, tic editor of the 1 Wecoilme at peicans Visiting wiVh Mr. and Mrs. Clame Standards of white Frenchi lilacs,I llcnhhemn Miner investigaled Vie2 pos- Biibroa rn Martin on Sunday were Vthe latter',-tc n sadaus omdte sie depti cf 4r. in h. township. I Garden Hi llah Kendal1 brother M. Milton Conisb, Wife background at Vihe Primmiose Club v is rephy ronds as follows: "I asked Camiborne ah Newcastle lan-d boys of Uxbr;idge. for lie marriage cf Margot Clair(, the Departiment of Mines huw deep îully 17TeLsarW.Awihh nk daughiler of Mr. and Mrs. Josephi thb- edpet sreat Porft HopTandPelicans at Kendal ahI for lie splendid athendance ah Rosenfeld, ho Mr. Ed-%ard Hamry ~h epet stma. 00f e ey Newcastle at Webcome thinocr n oileeigIs auel, son of!'Mr. and Mrs. Harry whl be deepen under Lake Ontario BthieiruaI amomn n ceryand scial verof thnnsM.Samul ab bmhn en and prugressiveby shabbuw tota Oronado pcalvt fthnsM Snul RbiAraa en tovl4 If lhe magnetic nmlis a Gre 11 o alliuho su generously gave cf erg ln Rabbi Norman Shap iro per-b __________________________gneti their musical talent. fonned thie candle-lîglit ceremny. ircn ore) thley wvill be in tie Pre- luing paragraphs: On Wednesdny, lune 111h at 2 The. bride chose ani original gown Cambrian rocks underbying tie sedi-l "Tii. options of Jes & 'Laugh- ,,ti xotloeeigc f champagne sianunug. The. slim, me;r i cores odasing hiefindig neLesicard W.A. willl be- îeîd utthefîtejacket had a acroll designx cul- &Sme information in tic1 news- neil uvescfastil fmantch.ureh. Ail ladies cf tie comniunity lined yvith Valeniciennes lace1, thel paper's story is eentnined in 1h. foI!- (Contlnued page 5) are cordially invited ho attend. enrou aiso decrating th. hipline of 1h. full circular akirt, which awept The. men cf our community Were ixiho a graceful train. Her finiger-tipl oi ut li force on S,-alurday afternoon veil was caugit to a cap of uatelilig Î Klendaz BlMmn&kets d%.roâ%nu là. _--and buît thie forme for thiekitchen lace, andi e.carried a-, cascade fE cement fouxidation. If dry weatier Eucharist Ellies, fily or tth VealleY1ý prevails for the. next few week-ends and French lilace. Given in marri age1 Fwrst C ae O f Sepa %pn good progress on the bulding iay 1by ler father, she was atteiided by bbc ou1ed for. The i. enwho Were cil Mrs. Benjamrin Levy, Ynatrun cf secnd CJ shhand Salurday werej Messrs Roy bonor, weaning a bouffant- drescf TJhe scn defent of the ourent IKendals ceulut. Jolies' trouble started Tiioxpson, Ivan Balil, Art Rolibins,livory niet uver laffeta, with pleated1 reaszn was handed tu QronQ base- in lte e eM93t1t iiei he Madetwu Clame Martin, Harry Berry, Erm 1bodice and appbkmued sequin flowers bail club by lhe Kendal squad. Tuie fielding errors wlmleh possibly threw Nicholson and Boss Tennanl. and earrying a cascade of mauvel dofeat iwasimos3t decisîve La a secore hlmoffhils stride. xR. 0Wclac ancame Vrses of 7 lu 0. tic Orenu mound wth three on, bases, The Sunday aflemnooni service and Grilnband lvoryroseysy. .Hale Tii. gamne 'wýas oue on the, part &f coeout and one rua walked in b uc aaeo i rn og rebu a rosaL Orono whicii pmcved tial n pitcher Jonles. R. WesV, walked une in,ad an of VtheIO.O.F. was very wveIh ah- Afte thie receptiomi Mm. and Mme. eaxumol wln a gaine without Vie pup- error by Mercer on a fh.y euinhed a eaded, accumipanied by Vie Oonio Sanmel left by mnotor for Virginia. port cf ]his winie heamT. George Jones 1third cou n atue final framec. Baud in full strengtV. Memibers cf on Orono's mcund pitched an imipres- Orono's only bid fer a score came G rono Heatier Rebekai Loldge sive gamne for -six iinnings and al- ni e fourth but Vie i-c hal nuas con- formred n guoard of hono-i ccm thougi allowing only five hile ad lollcd by Kendal ,vihM. QtanVnilh panlýing our iminisher 11e. Jh we wish ho publicly express OUr' seie intemspired waiks lad seven doing thie urling. Kendal played a Kitchen, a splendid serm-on was de-; thiks; uas cross tie plate. Duing , ils ime steadier type cf bal wihh fewem et'- 1ivered by 11ev. McLeani of Toronito. jMn. NrmnBaimstow .----1_.0 on ie mond iecredited 'usl osVa rn.C mtn,MC.Vocýal duels by Mmm, George Carson Mn. Raymi-oad Cbapnaa..--...... 2.0 iih eleven strike-outs. Gomniisi, R. West and C. Hutton w"'ere '!Id(Mml. CGales Prust cf qToroalto Mms. Mae Elwvood (n..e Carscaddea) Kendal la Vhe first scored Qon e l i ony rneibers cf lie local were very iniuch enjoyed. r.R.Fnik a Spy. 000 on. nun on two fieldinig errons wfi hVamn ioV Vo lhave errors counVed Vsl igwhhM. nrst-s.m. Ger i 1e Pord.. .... 50 00 no hite or walks beiag,, offemedl. Also againisV thie.ý Kendlal have addedesGenovnlewk-dWeeroed fom malpos 180 latu iaig s is i le ecnd smeae boo V hm ea VlsMr. and Mms. G. Marsh i and Geoffrey Jonies meired thie side himself wth yea ,oever a numlliber, of ie e-adMs.CadehicTont.503 hhree strike outs. The second talhyguar emb1ens are stIfli la uniformi.anAis h le,' 5)0 for. Keaidal ramne witi lwo hils anld,ïV is aow apparenit tial Kendal lias T jhe following new contributions Pelosyakolde .-273 one ex-nom at thida iitheIbird fmm. e o be defenhed by Omonlo ciViierIhave been reeiýved for tle Leskamd Two moDre wvere addcd iii tie fiflih o 1this yeam or last. I Gurci Buildinig Fund, and for whidh Total neceipîs ho date ......$39734 M. and Mrs.Wifd Woods, and lie amtounit of M4rs. Hugli Staplelon ail of Newýýton- for paymeut vle Mn\'. and Mrs. Sid Halow%ell Ia accordance ad M n. Hecor M ilîson of Orono;, C .v d o n M~r. Mason Whyte, Norgate, Mani- ceivdfri aob. liglits la Kenda Tii. benrers weore six nephews, Chaa-es Rainsbotlom, Gabetti Rams- bothoni, Bruce Ramsbothom, Morris Ramsbotem, Stuart Burgess and IMac Burgess. Eveàig Auiiiiary Meeting, niays ofavaccor i,! acbcterof iton nmentioned pproacçh toli -ilso replcVe lstructiçl bridges. $5850. v, sl;allatioi ai froin inshruched lth.e lerk Vo i holders within th. amea a meeting Vo determinE nu thi. rates for street to be acceph.d. Meeting lie Orange Hall, Kemd. llth ah 8:00 pa. n~le regular meeting of the Evexi- 1 Mvar'y inn Armstrong avoU îng Aaixiliary was held Thurzday with a phano sole; and Joêan B evening, May 15, in the Sunday fav'oured us is th a vocal soloý. Scho>l room, wlth the president, I The topic for' the eyening Eileen Billings presiding. t"Family living te-day for a b to-.morrow.". Hilda TfanibPyn led Kay Chaspusan and lier group had group dîseussion, and everyio'x charge of the. program. Beth Sher-.1joyed and benefitted froixi it. win cenducled the devotiwnal, assis- A s>cial hour broutght te ac Orono Turf Club To HÀx'uoM Harness Racing June 280 F~or those fans in the iýocalIity and' event of its kind in Orono, frýnm at distance who enjoy the sport Proceeds from the races are t of haýrness racinig there is 30jy0U5 s ed in offsetting the costs mnct ew.Ainieet of this kind is rnow fi mroeet V h plne onake its first appearancen omleio on the n iproved lrack at thetrc.Titakonomein grond, ron, n at be onje o the mostousndg Exhiitin seeday f Ullaslern On1tario. urdayLi, lune 28th.1 The. races are heing spon-isore-d by In1vitations hv bee-n senit the Orono Turf Club who re mkigTu'*f C11b0to)rmerLeslie F ant ail-out, effort to, promiote mLis 11011. Enri RwFled Or1pen scieieme with nvewVaadlini oofficIais of the C~da miieets Irzter la the seasoýn. AIl!c La-ting -AssociaktiO o 2cate ai es o harness homses are being en- gr-and opennig of smi coraged tVo com-pete in this fist Ooo I y VW . 193 ------------ 1 IR Nn ig j