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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Jun 1952, p. 7

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Pep flo Are Funny Dy MAUDEÎ NORMAN Linda poshed back bbe pile of papers she was correctiog as the' large figuire of Mrs. Trumbail bore down upon !ber. "Miss Clîs"Mr s. ,Trumbal's voice'matcbed ber form. 'I trust I have 1been misinformed, lu fact 1 said so mosýt empbaticaiiy., 'Oh,' non,' 1 said, 'I an pstv Miss Col-. lins wouild niot do sncb a tbing,' but I came to hocar-N oo deny. it "An 0wat did Drt'Maete1l you?" "Thiat y 11had(iven ttý' part of Miss, Am:ericaý, inithe Chita festival, 10 afoagr" "Rosa is iont afoige" Linda looked dirctl mbtheae of the' angry womn."Rr parents arec naturalized and osýi a àsboru Éin Ibis tw. "She is stfili a lreger ion, culld youÉ give sn1cb an importanit pat 1ia peýrson 11;e thiat!" fWelIwas lhoping she wouid hegýieIttpat . Alter ail, wi cont? Rer fathler served overseas. -le was a major","Lber Voîce ipy ingihat settled thie malter, Roasbrotheri was killed on loJimai" Lindaý ans wered softly. "Co wer-e plenty, of other men," r-etorted rs.Trmbal."I arn Soirry 10 be Sc, inSis(eteî, Miss Col-- lins, but: Dorotlby Mae bias ber, harî set on b1iugfiss Amnerica4. Thiis litIle for-eign lciîdl will ney-er appa¶~aIeilas she x viii," "i a sorry," Linda answered firmiy, "but 1 arn,ý afraid Rosa kýeepsIhe part. Shie ba,-s the sougs learned and sings itbem 'beanti-- fuîiy." "Indeedi Then ail I eau, say, Miss Collins, is that- you have nI beard the last of Ibis malter. Linda laid ber head on tht' desk. She knlew how muitch influence Mrs, Trumb lhad anýd holw abe usedl il 'lel gain bler own ens Shewn- dered wbî sewodsa Icte *She rised ber býead, -1,aI b-er u as- the cl4or Éopenecd. -6' S*.- i sppose yon hbave 1haat(j ,ilar un1fit t10 teacb our dear Ifle chui- Mark Ciemleos smlied. "I anI-- So uii to10be picpl ups you have a pecrfcîi:y gond reas;on for giv-iug twe part to Ibis the tepledge [0 thaefagyouca see she mileaus vcyword of it. saiving bler pnne 1 hm a -ýlï- be auwei-e, I dcided sncb failti wolbae aioey is me- ica" e Alie wees aoutwbt waýstsupposedÉ_ 10 bppen Tharesîof tebah ber nervus aud1wrrîed, lied cutietesongs addn- e's north cbî11ldrenweegeeooi apladd.Bi t illda fa'It atns- uess in-,tha aýir.Wh' tehut came folr th' ina cn, mrc ,omint orî10ibe resI tof h' ans înlg would uo coma,1'a iîeiïd. "Thlis is ont u bbcmi ogra," b -an but i iatcd to sya~e wnrs wiie bbey are c]liauiug ht' 1 icr.Ido in eliêx in pntaed i' a ciL dborn ini is country nofarets viiocam hae 10 eekthe freedom i'ýVe take for grauîd, an wbo cave asoni 10 deeo Iat fadm aisaî etilemen, itîle RosaCampusu Tht' curîai e 0show Rosa il, hrall."Do You tiuk Mr. Tmin nom Modfem .Etiquettle By Ronberta tLee Q. What is the correct wvay ta) wear a seniior class ring? A,.[There is un estabiished ni' butmntï" be F inigs are w0rt on the tird in1ger of thheeitf an& auid they are or-rctlyworu s thaýt lite iniitiais are upside dow Q'ow shoi adiking glass and a coffee. cup be hieid? A , Adruk1gglass is heid a. t àtIle bioxvthe ceuter tLetween the tbumhiil and first two flugers, The bauldle o-f th c ýup is grasped by the' îltumb anid first two fingers, the third and f ot flugers haut ti- wVard the p alm.l Q. Af 1er a death in a family, should the cails of sympathy be returtied? A. Schcails ar n ýot rtrnd sin1ce the faiiyv is in m1ouruing aud is nIio niiakiug sociai visîts. Q.What are the duties of the bniâgrum'sparents before the wedding? A. Nohiolg çspecial, outside of pay,ýn iug a ca on 'ihe bride's parents, afer tht'engge lnias beau annoLiuced, and 1 bnyhebu r)ride as; nîce wddngprsatas possibie.i jit' ice,0, for. the imanll's fm 10 niber anldlber f tmoy -z gath!erin1g sometiml,,e hfore tue Q. Is il roertaname a boýy Johin Jones IL, rather than John Jonies, Jr.? A. The "junlior" is tht' oniy pro-. per suffix if a boy is namied for bis faîbecr. "Second" mieans nephýew or cousin, and neyer refers Ici tht' Q. I have just been invited for, a weekend visit. Would it be proper for me ta bring a gift ta my hostess? A. Yesý, Iis wouild be a very oice gesture on y %our part. The gift need unI be výaabe, but sbouId show cara iii selection. And, of coursqe, tisdoes fot excuise 'yo froîn ritin that"bradan- buitter"latter as soon a posibl after yonu reuru ihoie. Q. When atîachingon' card týa a wýedding gifî, is il necassary ta write the bride's namel on thie envaloe? A.l o, t stot ecasayg! - tbuhil is qile ail rn igt iot' wisbes 1 o so Q. Li what mannar sol frienids be inviled to a chisîenting? A. lly tlaho or iinformlai note. Q. Is it1 proper ta take a pre- sent la a "f arewell party" for a friand who is leaving fo)r the Armny? Aif vyo are a very close bfrid nI that mian and ara able 10 give bim a gift ynu knlow ha ca use', such a gift is al nigt. ut ftbis is not expactad of yont. Q.How much of the hand should be dippad imb the finîger bowl? A. Ooly the fingertip,. ont' baud aI a lime. Tll FÂRM FRONT "ýA Systemn of forced veniion can, maike 'many stables lieitier- foriieoc and betteýrplcs1 wor," aysJ.A. Daîrymleai mal uIIisbandi(ry e-xpert eof the Kemp tv-ilie agriclturischool. Ventiltion ic.h 30 feet by 90ý feet dairy bart Ithe scbooi al-. ways puseîîed a inter probemï, as Ihe ônventlionl woodý-en' c!him- niey yse did ýan ustsatr joo!, F remov ing iofouilmoisIIrl. Wiba1easýt 25 osad1 to -;Icl ves illic the blding, the wa-lls and ceýiling were frequently weýt -and drppng Dapnsmade tbie stabille Lubaklby orcaVeS, cauised ithe paint to peel and1 ibe wood 10 torot. ws iotalled c. hela o 149 T drw Cofft moiýsI ar,ian eic- ric fan wa, ýs laced n111, es enld of [lie itable i anlnuse A ducto ,-t 11i is c 1rried froni0 the thpt le. n ddtiona!l ouin àea 1 f. c ilig b')st ade1 aii aid aih oeedt1 ilwdrw iug off airrIl bl t1 thei ho:or idciliug urtg Ibev armer 1 lidctsmae builtso thait the trshai cgn ia1 tchs ro tht ciiu andis dîrected aui Dampes wee islleud ou sthe iir itak cstse coodenad-- jted to eathr coditin. t vv * pr stabe odurs r u ndwrk - inS odtonr mroea h *0c longas ht'fanis operated con-. tiuuously. To chckilY efegcive-. nosstht'fan was sbit offaIt imes. Witbi uillan hour, the'Ws a0d ceiîingwudbcoewtad Th-us, in stables weedmns is a probleml-, Dîyîî'feels tha>1t inlvestigatiniofï a)fortced ven-ttila- tion sstm ould b' nîhbie nI snb sybemsis ccontaint'd in hausîFan entiltionforDar This can bc obtaiged from tht' OntanAgiuluriCoilge, Go- elpbl, tfl Kemc vile griculItural Sehoni. KeînpvilIe; rftht'Staîs'-. tisaud PbiaiîtBacOn-. tarin-, arte ofnI griculjtuire, C a Udi npooltrmn probabl runs m mny tosad(4 o- lars aunaly.Itarsa u dub from a iack of apcaiof I'o rapiiy ed aîaeboilds up until il rpresnîs serons oýss ina Careess eedîg ispossibly tht' grea'ýtesl cause o'f f( ed wsa an doua way itd avolid, i ýô 10 05e faed ppr s of proper -size and1( type, sas LTMMacln1tyre ofî tht' ExprîrielaiFannNappani, N.S. Olten fed bppers aacn sed wbIicb ar--e 100 smal--particolanly for groiug stock, lu order Ici avoid frequent feediug thAre is a tad 'L'c vefi teehoppe'rs, wibth'rsuit rthat tt' irds -L.ioflan MblIont" as much as a quarer 10 a bail oftht' feed. Witb ed aI five cenC1ts a pouodl( tibis esns a r oss to po-. dulcer aold in tht' finudaliaalysis 10 tht' ponltry indostry as a VAWho If tht' asimated 70 illion domes-- tic fowli on C anadn farrs ceachi àate aquarter-of-a-pound (1o f feed! in ils lifetime,ý tht' feed loss would rmn 10 8,75Q tons. A to1-. day's ensI of'feed Ibis isîacon-. sideralble oera 0bs ïoItht' indus-- tirY. * * Mncb of this 1C,,Ss eau hpa aoid-. ed by uiniig loppers of proper size aod designeýd so that teyneed nIî haerhed. They shoud ha pMac-. ed so that teyare levai witb tht' bird's backs. Watcb cre lle tht' lemperature in tht'brooder bouseadvîses F. j. Higginisooi, Acî:ing (7it omii-. mîssioner, Alberta Depariment o"ff Agriculture-(, Chicks- art' senisitive, b sddnchanges in tamperatuire. For day old chick1s the -thermo-. mater shonld bc hjung about ,vvo inches f rom the Clor aI tht' edge, of tht' cauopy, and sbonld register about 95 degrees. Aboya orbeo tIbis range ecauseov-erbeatin1g or Inn eommpon, eau resuit i n lon troubla, piii u p, M ddieser is>tturban"ices-. A seýt-hack aIIbis stage is serions, and resuitsin poor growbhaMdpoor feAtering. Tht' temper ýla ti re oîay hb Iw- erud aout f dgreCes echweek til alilicial hatisunlge raquired.tA lemperaue nf about 70 degrees is desiraýble in- a bmcood-. cr bouse, While a thejrmomel) ter is,sailnes areq urements h bs niatn are thlt'icks thLtof'1se'ves. Ia lune is right. If they hude'tgthr ore heat is nencessay; if they arenspread on--1t alovertht'floor it'suual a Humle oowari. Baychick's reqîîir entlto inist as mcas diauiug brs u tht'aupolt of ,ventilaition) will de-- penld tupon thet'emaoft' year ;4,d(jtht' age nI thtlcics.Aton tionous so qpply nI fres ar 'u ha provided atIl iýl lmesPu ecane-- fnl, boweverý1, not 1t xpstt cbicks 10 a'idirect draft. Ifyod, cillPiug adn tai~myrcsllt. COIOKERY HINIT M,'laca.roni Chimrneys for lie--I f " ou :dio't ivnt ht'juice fr-om yourni netfrulit pie to non omer C ihe 'd-e onio ynur ovencî floor, Iry giviug yoorn pie a fewmcaoîiVimiy bwihtht' fruit juices can hoil. Break ucooked acarnnli iutn i/ inch-loýng pia'ces anld stickta opn)1igli hitha-r anîd yon bct\weU1ntht' lattice wýork- of yooir top crost (or stick them 'lthrnugb yonpl plain Crost) beforie you Ipltynnr pie in i the os an.1 Lot> of aITimne For vifyplan orseed lost. througbie pntgter ae probatly1a dozen that perish Thareîs noting ,0beginied by getting in a itbr. rue, certain grass sad Lpa, nrsery stock, and sncb oyrsof cool( <atîecan hardiy !be, put in tOnsooni. But viîh the great majornjtyVof the flowers anrd vgtalswe gro'w in Canad ther is1o trbeI rush. geerl, wiIi b ue iiand early Jul ndole hoetlingý,s whiich are plaýnled ia week! or two later Ihan cthe frtwill catch up. 0f course,' with most vegetabiesex-- penienced igar-deners advise plant-- iog not once but several limres and at about a fortnighî or tbree-week intervals. This brings them along,, i01 succession, spreading the bar-.1 vcsîing or good-eating season over wesiustcad of days. To extenid tba,ýit season stili fuirtier ilis ,Also eadrisabie 10 use at least onie earIy aind ,one laIe imaturilg vrayof Spread (Dut Excptwbee he umeris on planrtiog beanis, beets, caý,rrols,, lattuce anid sncb vgeabls nd somne of the qikgoiganunalr flowers 100, rigbt (fli te0 miid-July with gond chiancesý of gtiga crop of bloomi. In aie% ecin of the' country weefrtfot do nol usually arrive untiil October, and summers' are cool anid tmoisI, onuecat i-lso paterysrn type vegebles, like lettuce, pea-s and spinacb aougin late11uï),or early August wît far cnances nf success, For New Homýýes Scores of tbousaniids of Cana- dians will bave just nîioved mbt oew homes. Usually the' ground is in pretly rougb or raw condition. About al nue cani expect the first year in permanient work 15 10 gel tbings lev;elled ont for the lawn aniýd a 1-ayon ade on tpager, Even unidr ibehsj conditins, bowever, one does not ne ýed 'cgo witbot aIIille th' ross, pneiris, etc,w w'ouid lýýike te very first yea, W cai't have reaLIlbedgas. Buý,t]üil amazog hatone cd itha- weeksý. The hes pln is îte gel 'in earlywatvr useystoIck and perennoial fin uiers re aviIabIe and financialy possible, Then- in be- lween these WC ctan uise al sorts of annuals wI]ich wýiIl soon look .ts if tihey-hd;way ýs bee ltre. Theýre are b)ig, bushy anuais like cosms, ahlascanascastor Il ; aîd spdrpatornlameiutai sun- floIwerîsor hhi Iýus fFicani mar-- ignids tald gintarkspur -thal ca be uised inth plaice of fowerin1g Prasand property Exds20:15, Lulve 16:1-12 M,,emior-y se1tion: Thou sai flot steal, Enodus 20:15. The rigbit ,f peronsto ol perso-nal property -i s rýco)gnizced throughout Scripture. 0Cf cus this doesn'tder Commutnisýts for theydo flot akoldethe Divine authority of the2 Scripturesayay But it mIust 1be radmitted tIhat ivi our so-Called Chiritinlands much of our hmae1o God's wod s m1ore h evc hnpractice. A-t a WsigoD . aet Teaicher Association etng hr wIas a disculssion of tbe character education expeimwent bengcarried on ïin the sýchooIs there,. :Afather fC rm oe of the govrnmt ofice soeagainst the plant thuis: "Wha'¶ they need to do is btc ach the children comn-man honesty. 1 brîng hom01e peucils fromi the ofc o the cildreýn 10 take 10choo,î dmn'tcare, becausethepencis dont cost Ime anythiuIg, but my ',-bo-y no sooner lays a pencil on the desk MntClsomeone steals i. Just jet the schools teach common bonesty, and 'This mani s typical of 1mul1titudeýs., SteaIIlng from thfe governmeuiet i f m anly. The largvae thefts from Canladian m11ilitaryetais mIen1ts is; a recenît traIgic xapl of present-day sadrs The disclosure ouf the cooperationÀ of gamrblers and po)iticians shockecd the Amierican people,. Deput1y at- tornecy general -Nelson Sftlerof New JerseyMme it unmakbly clea îhrughreferences to aictual casýes thatl ch ormý-s of ga-mling as bînigo are supported fo-r the puýr- Pose ,of softenling ithe pulic, Heý cied a ceenWone cunty wbere jury 1refuised 10 onlvict a "oke -when the evideýnce ivaýsovrel- ing. In rpyto a quiestion abot the verdict, a wmnjurior ex- pressed the opinion that whiat ti mnan was doiug %was liîtle different from her own practice of binigo wbenever the cpportuity arose. Public opinion lias airady bceen i.~difîcut. tïould semthat tbe, c Iurhe iglt begin by mlakip , oi ganibliug, 110v, trlueare the woýrds 0of JsuLs, ,JHe that is, faithfui in tbjatwic is ieast is, faibifl aISisoin uh and becthat is uujust in theleast is un1jusi aIso iu uc shubr.We can also mIlake tem'. porLry bedges'or screens of thecse- T h cnatfere ae quik-grwing clîrnbhing plan2ts, scarlet runne bean, mrniglgorieclicmbing nasurti suswet peas, hops and scb for coverîng trellis or fece. And as fOr solid beds, edgîng aai hatnot we bave aI least a htin, dred Iannial flowers from wich là3 TEST VOUR INTELLIGENCE Score 1if)Points foi-ecbcorrect auswe r in ftbe firs't six qeto faA usag is a: 2.The largest nIth le Great LksisLae --Super-ior --Erice -Huron -Ontarin 3The Partbeois iýin: -Euglnd --A 1albania -pa 11 Grec 4, l'le autor o th-avebr Tal[es Was: -Shakespeare -Lord [Byr on Ciler -ote A Baeekeris: -a!n arcb suppforer -a-iguidce book -iaboat --au oie dish ô. Tie CndinProvince ha;ving tie !Iar1gest lanld aras: -7 f 01tarij -BitsColunl'bia -QLUebec -anob .1--c L1td eo aefur islands oýr islanýjd grouips ad pposîte thim, -ixdl), Ille counitrie.s lici! owi thin. Match bm crig1 poin)ý ts ineacbî correctanwr ()zanizibar ()Azores D)Aleutians, Toa orpoints. A s of sopenio)r; 9-\0, ery suiperior. -ranl1c c )f 0-20 is poon; 30-60e,avrg;0-0 Doule--lede-Giofls hatnt know whthr hey'r-e cominglc or going belong- in the same cclegory as plinkeehas and littie men with suga,-r-loaf his. 1<s a relieýf ta know that the weird- looking ainimaýl &;ove is (are) really !wo qiraffles enjoying the Sun.l ai the Lon.donl Zoo.

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