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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Jun 1952, p. 2

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_ÉDear Anne Hirst: evebe arida year, and Imbrdwt y lisbanld. We Weit tgte i41 through schlooi. 1\70W do' Ào",e ilmuor 1 ot. work, and I1 oVe my job .. .Re- centyayoung ~uni à iî 1 man cae to -oc.tere-ad .......... 1 cani't geýt bi Hjà Eisinie and hMs no girl He basnt mae a pass 9't m1e, l'ut I'm iinervouls, anI ca ý,n- ntsleep, for tinlking ofûim I îknow my usband lovem daryThi., wonLd (cusbhliim, H-e ,s hadoeadpopuilar; VI'm at- tractive, ad e do have good "1've always bladî good times- anlmy own w-ay. ïLately, I want this -manl nea:r me.Don'ttelll me togiVe up rny job101-I' nt "Can yon nlziy elns Please ty YOU W4NT ' that tn ase lolca i ere is fle desto -give ir to yoP Bôdice-backwaps t) froucit, a smiarf featire andia eas- to-f'it deta'il Sirý-reil bodiîce, grace- derly plafeil fared skairt Fabric 3üggestiùns: solid Wcolororpiel 4,16, 18, 20. 'S ize17 tke C yards 35-irich fabric,- This lpafîcrn easy to use,, simî- pie to sew, istsetd ff--it. Ras copceilhlustrafed isaintructins Seuii THIRTY-FIVE CENTS 3c>in cins sfapscannot ýbe acrepteil)for this paffero. Print lanySIZE, NAME, ADDR.ESS. STYL~E NTJMBE.R. Senïd order te Box i. U3Egh. telith ,St., Neuw Tor-osto), 0nt. CROSS WORD PUZZLE 4-aROS 2 aaul* c.Msei inS 5 ie a 14. Agrl estie l. JI)o arJ d P 1 n 1 1 _,t nt 1l 64 Irlttic R3 laspitt 2 DofIc PLAYING AT MARRIAGE1j * In't it time you grew u:p? * You are 110 'a girl an1 more * Yoni are a wif e, 'a0id oa *man.1 who ijs Dvtdf0yu e * Loyalfy's tbe 'frst euie * mnt in arriage. Wnigto, *be ,vith aniother man is 'lot be- *ing loyali, and this onec, you dol * not even kn'Ilow. Wbait you feel *is phyvsical attrac ionnl that * can belenlierfd lbykeepýing * J yo reuseto leave youLr * ob, thlen conine yoiir conver- *sationis strictly t buines.But * ) do' e deceiveild. Exposinig * one's self f0temptIIlation is înot *safe foriaspoledgirl vlio bas * This is probaly only .x tposs- *inig infiattoationi. But ask y *c sefthese qulestîons- * Howv mullcb does your marr-iag-e > me1ian to vyon? H ave yon noi * thougbit if not in eclThis is * yonr first temIptationI,Iexer * anil hope. eae o ou * rucet it. * ouir hsan îma lot be as u-,xitin t(o youas lhe was, but *lhe colil be (thrillinigagii * aysad u eert -yonrcars Y as' it occurreil to y ou that * marriage is, not pr1 irn arcily lufir one's own 'baIppIines 11I * ncanls liv Iig for somebýloly rIse, 11 tring to please biim, bing îi *inig L)oimake aliy sacrifice to keepj- * him contnteil So aryou ' *havenl't badi f0 make anyv, Ibave S Supp 1)os e your bs 1)anil d tol i * ou tonIight th1at lhe 1bilfallenl 'f fr anloter girl . Dr on SHALL THEY MARRY Det.a r Anne i r stl For. ine mpnoilt'ls I've bceen goinlgrguay xitil a finle mani. Iarndeepy i loe Ir oninceil bie lovs me be lives nabanli neyer gOes wih nyneelse. Aidl be shiows iîow b le feels in other ayý1S, ton. "lie is 44, lIll'm 20 Fririls teil mne he is too olil for nlie, -.1 cani't agrer. l've gonle witb bo,0y S 1-y age, but I neye"r did get long with tbemii. 1e ani l Ibave nieyer bail a fuiss yet. Hle says I'mi eas ,toget -aIlong wf ,and wonld,1 l'Il iturn otf0 be is.) dWhato yu tinik?- - fteman bas not proposeil, *v1 why tie rush to -decide?-Un-aless, *if yoniIteIIcÎto refuse h1irn, youl ~ wnttostp aing lbii , now. [lHis generalities are ail very fiat- '~teringu, but I Iit nay be tat yoni *i\ bave bcornec a habit, and a con- * ilm vnnthbtwitbhin _\ As f ynir ages (as i ve sýaid * Oofteni) a gondj marrciage dle- *pendslargl onabits anil telni- * ~ ~ i peaetYuare Obviottsly *matuire for your -years, Ibemay be *ynnnig for bis. it is smarlqt to re1- * mmbe, bwevrthat wenyou -iarc in your pr-iime be will be * siingdwanld înot (cnjoy- Ifyou, a married woman, are at- trac-ted by anocther man, keep out of is wa-y. Be wise-avoid temp- taion. Amne Hirst wii.i tell you how, if you write her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenith St., New Toronto, Ont. 10 ih sau ., 23 A pp aae 9.pari. of iti . 38. Pse- Ewas, 2.Saib>rd 39. PRe'niÉcagnii1i 23. Single rthtng 0, Pu vse 24. UrgeQ 4. SmIaIýL bl 0-,,Oe lni Daviti s42.Vex ý 26 Kfnd fct LI)t 1 &. AIanr im 27 DStrucion of fru i ÎJooperîy 4 I Sug r C,,m Unique.111on1g alfil te old imept- inghio-uses and cuchsof Msa cbusietts is the First Parish Mteet- iinghous, ,Côon11y cidthe "Olil Ship)," a Hnga The Old Ship is thie oldest cburchbuildngin New Engoans; thc o)ldest w\ooden ione andl the. oldest in continuali use inthe Unitedl tats. rchitectùnra1ây it stands alone, the one example of this piiie yew ich bben restored to its otginal condi- tien.. ,. The Old! Sbip, thie sýcond jmeet- inghonse buAî by the First Paish in Hinghm, stand on the siope of the CH above Main Street. Reasonis for the naine wndseem to) be sufficienly obin !t was bnilt y b",îhp carpenters, aind the heavy kneues amnd othier cuirveil imibers of theý roof certaiilýy suog- gestthe frame of an oMdWooden 'shift Trees wrefelçld near lby, by memibers of thie parisbl, -and in addition sonme of the timbers o the firsýt little buiildin'g wr si in thene one. T1he originl Strctue ws buit in 17,30 the extension for tCe west gallery was made, andin 1 l75u has o cppstem d "04sone.If îvas at thl, lime that telemak ably hligh pulpit nd tie first box, pews were bjilt, in place of theL crude wooden benicbes used for die first 75 y0arS. We suppose it =aS for use on11thiis pulpit tha.t thde ri velvet pulpi-cucion nd were btindfrom t he Ne Brick" rne-etilngbýouse (he"Cocký- erel") in Bosýin, in exbng or six, cords of wodding the harid winter of 1779... The first Eînglib ist to Hinig- nain, as far as is knwn as Cp tain John Smnith. AfteUr tkn part in dhe Jamestownsetteent, nbe hiadreuni to Enigland; anid in 16)14-six y'ears before the set- tiemlent ofPyotbb was Cho- sen by aco an of London mer- chants fo bead an expedition to New rEngland. Raigland witbi bis shiips cnr Mnea sad and tlie Maine coast. bie followed the shore southward with eight meni)n a a iàllboat and entereil Cohiasset harbor.-From "Chiur- ches eof 014 New Egad"by George Francîs Marlowe. Waggling Bees Dr.Karl onFrisch,prfsr ,à" the University of Mu4çb (Iiin emaysaid: "Becs, talk, V:sb srneI as well as hear," 'l'le pr-ofessor pauised f0 let this shinkin. Thon Vhe enlarged on the subject."Heusdo nmt peak, of couýrse," lie sid."heywaggle, Thoeyhave dIifferenit waggles for diffrentthins. Tey ave tiwo basic tOpics ofrovrsto.One is food.We a bec locates niectar, byý a.certain n rumber of vaggics per minute, t tells the home folks exactly how fart-bey wýilIl bave to travel l, also w,ýaggies i0 the direc- tion of the nectar." T he professor then talked about fisb. "Tblcy mi food in the lair" e saiîd. "Thcy can hear, too. Once wve put a student in an aquarium tank and played a violîn. 11e didni't becar it, but the fisb iid. There ià one species of Aisbthe knrrbfahni, that lmsttaiks. 'T'le ieIt makes a soft growýl. it', a signal. Thelic femiale knuirrbabln hears it a-nd cornes to hIim. Then hie sosgo n. Legendary Bird ai bird around wbhich a numiber of legenls hv been wovcn. Th ancien1ts elevdif suckcd goafs at, night; afterwairds, thie goats dried up andiosutheir sîght. Tenarwbal is clld'sesuna rom" because Yf the long spira andtPcred tusktbat grwsfrM iA upper jaw. This is someimes as long as ten-,fet, t purpose býas tbetsk is ofen fash1ion-eil into a biarpoon useil in the bnlnting of Ibees aimiiais. Tble pyia conformatrion of a Ca-If n(ooe makýes italm1oît ips sible for im rf0 rat off fthe grouind witbout knccling edown. Soke n the bedroom rdidn't exatlyappalto me at any timýe bit afteraiyo have to sacrifice a fw rejdiesif you want a tr slyutic old-world setting. The crek aIs stili there-different o'Wneriship hasn't changed it at ail. Everfloing streams r a r e 1 y I. chnge uLess the hand of mati divert theircourse I wa c h pakngwater gurgling over th(-< stconey creek--led and I thoughit . o)f Tetnyson 's "Brook"-"Men may corne and men may go, but I go oî _ foreverý." And so, apparently, doesz the Twelve Mile Crcek. Sink Saves Steps-This kitcheni sink, Jocated in the middle of the room, wIIscve many steps for the housewife, soy its sponsors. Cei-îtrcl location of the sink leaves more room for other kitchen oppliances, and provides ci centrally Iocated work-table. On dis- play at a plumbinq convention, it bas already been tested in actual homne use. HRONICLIES al heard lltha t fin!the. weSt tpee as snow Snow . tbe endl of May . 1 impossible. It awas 70 ilegrees arounil beres Then i ooelouf of theý door. Scattercil snlowflakes wr drifting by. A'ýt thce dige of our gravelleil drive, wbere green grass ll d rhcck. thiere was definlifely a thin banki ~of snw T is isridiculous," tbou -ghIlf,>a s I stre 1 ouf f0 gefr thle car. Aid fthen themytr was xp ir. The rdeof snow on he mond asfiu-ffy wiîte don roli the dandelions. The faiig fDaks wereMme down, driveu l'y a stiit wesf wind. sUcn from ith bouseon(aine would have liceveil ifwasn't snow. I bave neersen nybig like if before. 1 ý-clIrdartncr"'s 'attention Lf0 if- if cas alma bis flrst expenience %itb this ypeof "no".Iarn quife sure 'ýit af ould bavestartîcil andl decciveil anynnle wosaw if as w àawvi, .Th(edandlion ciop bias ben e xtra baythlis year, or lien-_ bap amosbeicconiditionis nýai someth,',iing f0 do wifhi the way the ligbf down sfayrd aound. it is stil âmee on thedVe but not as notieabr a ifwas at first. !n cone way if bas hemn quit a nusance. As sure astIstarf workinig witbl grmn paint thAn ilgets np andl before I kvnow if mly green pain is 5 lrcctted cWhdandelion luif. i arn ieaving the la'1niroat uni! ail the down bas drifei aay. Well, the rown arr ONt f0pas- turc. Sncb bawcling you neyer bcierd.We baeasirlaflipiere of gond pasture at the bark of the bosuse awbcibPartncr tbouaghf Wouild sulif olurbossie's very iicely unt il thleir "fret were uiseil f0ouflisiilecon- ditions. Buit the cowýs tbouigbt ofberwisr, This wasn'f their pas- turc firlilîot tmis pokcy liEfe pîrce of grotnniliSo every fimec f bey sa Parfner cross the y ar d they starfeil f0 bawl. ffer fwo days of if 'Parfuer Was somfewbaý]t annoyed. "Weibe said to flhc cow-s, "i' you ilon'1 know goopas'- ture wben you see if, gef np in the backl:fieldlan sfay tee"So, he opn ite back gate ai e fbem go. Nw te cows are hap- py-bnft Othi e ne eifer pta is wïtfiftem. Last ysrnthis lheifer was mmig wifb henyonng cWAtt bogralze on iffereint past une Afew wesago, affer Cain,'er oinsfraîf, Dora was prossioei f0 the c qmpa3ny of the c Ows. Bu_'ti Dora doesn,'t wvatf0 be wit b the nIdcows-she Uwats f0be wifoc-h y'Onngsters ailbhave fun. So slbe roamns alonig Lth fence ail by ber.- self ail gazes lon-ging Over Lo - wards heoj e rm asture a a" wls lustily 'f0 ber ol ico-ts.Bt fbey're nf orrin. Trystili biave pleuty.fc- pay.Sopoon,1 loniely, Dora bawls anil bawls, and becr bwiggoes uinheedeil, So mire n ffrieils, you ba'ýve easain- pie of bovine psycboog. We01, Patn riad 1 aveus cor'ne hme ffen maing a Cross- Country tour of .V'insPection. We ca't wvat"cb orwn Crops growx this yewyadeaicewe baven'tany, no weè bave to .get tlnt tn se w;hat tble rest o)f the farmlers aedig Wre tr avell1 îedItHe Ihighway 'ls ail )y ways i0i tbree tLowni lips. O_)n one oa w came across a yonng-ý rinlg-nl(c1ck c ock pheasanl't aild two pltas ta-meias colid be- probabiy rie on a farin, Wr 'sspin-g crops thlat were good ail some that were inot. Crops oni ý lo-1ying lanrd wLre ellow tbrogb ecesive oisture. Hay crops were nlot ton promising; wbcat fair f0(,a verage. But of course, with thle cntry so green eve ryfbii n g lookeil beautiful. Wr bo J)tb like to get arounilthe counitry ini thiswy.WTe like to wajtcb titechantlges that different owý&nersbiipfbasmade Icto various afr.lis. \Wr pa-ssei lite 1hom1e-faniý of a yvonnlg fellow wblo is very mucb binthe nciws 1these days aIl we noticril a group o cfyon people Iooýking Oor Ibis cattie. We sawv the nid farmblonsr where we lived for oesummiiier Mien w first camec to Onitario. Tt lbas been rernlodelleil; sinice thlen anld ail the olil frees iii the orchard baive betrn cleared aay.To lus the bouse andl its snrroundcliings ooei vrbare. But now tle place iïs less, woodeil the new onespr-obablýy won'f finilssiakcs in ýthieir biedrooms as wr did occasionally. r Uuýly nstalled in your own, home or cottage, a complete Sewage Disposoi System for rural district% No. ru.nnsg water reqqs.ired Moderote, CoSI. udti! erni-S. Write or cçill fur fre t,ýoWer nd 'Il Ig pn Toornail S DICINt-e emedy. acco SaOe fo eqit4es cos nti cttuse $1.00m drsssiorseta Pouttia d ho i ORCHARDN -9S- 1We SEDCIv tbl-f an a S 1di -Yo1 or 0 q de e te.e. $000v SSE25 -15 i7 0e 0DOù6#/ tflf7 WV Raised light and tender with new fast DRY Ye*sflI *Scald ½ 2c. mi!iký, ½c. granu- lated sgr 12tspS.sait anald %/ c. shorteriing; cool to lukewarmu. Mefanwhile, measure irnto a laige bowl î½ ,C. lkewarm liwater, 1ts( granulated suigar; stir until sugar î-, dissolveil. Sprinkle with i 1en- velope Fleischmann's Fast RisFang Dry Yeasi. Let stand 10 minu-ItS, THEN Stur we.11 Add cooled milk m-ixturýe and stir ini 2 mwell-beaten eggs and i tsp. vaillia. Stir in 2 c, once-sifted breaid flour; beat unti sooth. Work in 21/4c. (about)onesfe bread fouy r. ned on lightl- flouired board untfl smnooth -and elastic. Place in greased bowl 'and grease top o7f douigh. Cover and set in a warsu place, free fromn draughit, Let rise until doubled in bulk. Punich down doughi and rol out into a rectangle, 12'tik loosen dough; roll aigain to 1/2" th-ickniess. Cut intc, strips 7" long and 1/2'"I wide. Fold strips in hiaîf, twvist, dieu pinch ends together. Arrange, DOUGHNUT TWISTS well apart, on ligh-tty-flouired -ookie sheets; greýase tops. Cover and let tise untildobd in bnlk. Carefully litft, a few at a tiino sbreigthat has bren hecatrd to 365e -- bot enough f0 brown a cube of day.old brr-ad in GO seconds, Wbicn undcer-sides are brownted, turni and cook second sidcî,. Care.- f ully lift from fat and drain on absorbenýlt paper. Coat with a- miix- ture of frit suigtvar ad cinmon or bïusbi bot oubntswitb the following syrulp: Heat;strrn u nfii l te sugar dissolves, 1 C. granu- iated sutgar, ¼c. butter or maril- garine and ¼ c. water; simmnet- sains., then stUr in 1 tsp. vnla -keep bo(t ov er býoiling, wafer if syruip becomnes too sýugar, stir mn a little boiling ivater and, lheat f0 boiling point. Yîed - 3ý dozen Note: .Dngh may, be cut with an, doughrsuits Ond the hle" s s' Wei Elrewheeon This Page

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