Sýea Lnug OftenMiud Fislet uis take the (Indwrdi- Iewr, weather-lee combinîations.ý These are misused by the iniiitiat- cd, ofiener, perhaps, thian any ofhler senfning termis. We sýp( nk of a vessel b)eatinig "f0 xior running "ton lo'ar," nd that is correct. LBut we d(o înot speak of <~ "indard(or0j ewad) ide"of auything, 'ete id"ad"c gide" are thie correct terms Thei distinction i, thiat "windward" and mosfaiwas necedd bythepre- position 't0) wilei, wea ýthe cr" ëand "iee" nef er f0oanibeobjeets. Thus, , uwewlkover"f0t idwrd (dircion) fo ,reach th "wetbe rail" i(tangible objeet), etc. The forward-afit, for-affe(r corn- binations may b simiinly .dscrib- cd. "Frar"ad "af t" refer f0 directions (thoûugb the preposition "f0" ,is ineyer uLsed with them) whîle "fore" and "fen efen fn tangible objects, You ai forward or af t (directions) ft ea ch the fore penk, affen pakfon-cmîast, fergi afien dleck, etc._(ail of tbem iitan-gible objects), Teeis no such inig as an "nft dc"(so, freqtuentiy scen in print tHeedy) as an]y reai sailon cao testify,. "Af t" and "fe"nun truc f0 fonm in ail inistances; bult whien we go forwand we cco1nter a f ew d1iffîculties. Thiis is b-eçau-se "fore" is indistinguishable, pbioneticaily, from "fouir" Suppose thie captain on a smaii asegnliinen orders the "fore" Jifeboats lowened annd flnds the mate owrig il four1 To avoid such confusion, "fore". usualiy gives way fo "owr"in, the plural c.. fore haitch, but fonwand hatcheýs ) , , .Thiere are instances weuif does So in thle singuilan, aiso (e.g., forwvand locker instead of fore iocken) ant wecan- only dd that just whv1aËtthese in- stanices are is -a m'afftbatr x per-ience nionle cani.teacb. If mstbe udest ]dtat the nauitical fOuýguecis largely idIiom1afie, and tht iya 1f ew exrsis anc subjeet f0 ries ,,of iusage suicb asme have ttemted bove. Evenltuaily -we iearn f0o use seafanriug terrms cor- rectiy simpiy because thley sound rigbtý: and we ecap offerý1 no better s;olu1tion f0 the problemn. Tbene is no textb of foilow but, as an. aid tf0 beginner am! Vetenran alike, we do ighily recommend _1"Two Yearý,s Before the Mzstis a trea- suire lbouse of paut1iÏcaitFrmspopr iy expnessedL. Cioseiy allied f0 "jforwardI" and "aft," are "abetad" anîd 'astcrn." The latter: term--s are u-sed -wien re- ferrîug tf0 directionis beyondthe rconfinles of a veessei. A s'ailor goes fo;rrnd;buit ibi sh-ip goes aed Or bhe looks aft (for somle articon1 deck, say) bttbei looks asteru he bjis gaz7e goes byodthe con-flueès of bis ship. t1Hai"ad "heýave"' (offen mlisl-. uised) are feasilyvexpIdained' You haudl-on)a une Iby 'baud; youhev ou ifby ivhien.Thus, we you iead1the "bauiing part" ofa tacie (or aui une, for that atr to a winich, capstau,ý or wiiiass, you b1-eave on ifthen1ueaffer; anid thaf is frue L etiler tbe m1acfinet il question bc owror ad pr ated. "H4oist" eesf omtigcm parafiv.eiy beavy ithat ii,db a tack1c, as a-aisail 1boa, slnlodofcrgetc. Aninc, n howeer, s neer oisfedl, even by baud. lt la"bove iUp-" (b-, machin- ery) o pckdu" r"eihd (by al'Y menu's)- Freini D Wvater Diction" by eryGah in "Ou anid Off Sudus"ei by William H1. Taylor. High Tc Eye-Fin)ding the wheat on hi'ýfaither*s farm is as high as a litlie boy's eye, five-year- old Dole Stwr ffers tangible r-vidence to bock the govern- retspr-ed'cicins that westerni whet pospctsare "excellent" It won't býe long-. now before the red anid ht crrantis are ripe .-lhogfor tha!t matter, it seemsyou dn't se may bu1sliies of thc hit vrieYty tese dayI-s. And hreare sm eie h make ood us1ý, of thIose sanIie de- 1lici-us-even thnî-ighaht ohr sorne-cuÉirrantsi C U;7RRAN ,T P IE Rolil(out (-nch picsiieI;, reerving somle Of pastry for- 1Lattice topj Wash and;tcii 3 cup.s currants, ruhslightIy\in laýrg2e bow'l, Mix well 112 tblsp~qick-cooking tapi- .Stir intlo curranits until al berrnes are( coaýted. Pour11ilItO pie shl. Top- withi a latttice ofpary Býake in hoi't oven (425') 10 min- utes; reduice heat to 3 ' an-ud bake 30 m1iiius lonigr\ or tinitiil set in' cenître. pinig,Sevsix PINK CURJRANT SPONQE soýften 2enlvelopes gelatin in 1 c. cold wvater; dissolve in] 1 c-. boit- ing wter;ad 3 c sga; tir until sugar isdisso1ved1; anld 2c. lemon juiice 3 c. cold -water; chili unitil Éthick anid sruy;bautil stiff 6 eeggî-white SI Gradually add gelatin; mixture to egg whites, beainig constantiy. Mixture stiffens asyo beat. Puit ithrough sýieve, cL,4anider or food miii 1 c.,ase stemmed cur- ranits. Aod initoeiai-ggwîemix- ture unitil fthorougiy blendeld. Pouir inito 2-qpuart mold whbich ba-s been lriinsed with id ae Cii untl firmil (abouit 4 'houirs>,Sev withCurantsauce (see recipe), SWEDISH PANCAKES Sif t togethler in large bowi t1 c, four i bls, suar,'/2tsp. sait. Beat just eouh o blenldyok and w4-IitCs 33eýggs; stir ilnto eggs, 3 c. milik; add liqulid ingredlients gradua1iIy to dr1Y inlgredienIts, stir- ring to 1i1À,-, i Let sýtand two hours. This letýs battertice so thlat the càkesý -wý11 hold thecir shape on1 the -,gr4d[le. H1eat pancakýe griddle unifl drop of wa1ter iii dance on ithe surface; brusb with butter. -Bet the baý.tter again; spoon 2 tablespoons for each cake ontoj griddile, Browiu on both zsides. Spread with Curtýanit Sauce; no11 up and, sprinkie with) powd-cered sugar. Makes about 241 esr-ie pancakes. CURRANT SAUCE Býring to boil ý/2 c, wýater;- add c, sugar; simmen 5 mlinutes to make sytup; add 2 c washeýd, stemmed cuirranits; simmer until bernies 'heat through. Malke a paste of 2 tblsp. corni- starch andiiCi c, cold water, ddsmnaii amiounts of hot cur- nanlt imixture to cornstarcb paste. Then stýir intO mixture in pan. Cok, stirningiutil thick andi clear, about ten minuites_ 1 ie FROZEN CURRANT JAM Put th,;ýýrough i ii ien1ough cur rants to mnake 3,,4 c. pre(s some sihl ne-ieculrrants). Mensure inito bwl6C. SugaIr; put iii saucepai 1box powdered ipectin, Brin)g to' boil 0over medium heat stirrng costanly. Bil bard one Remove from eat; meaty ,ddLsgar and pree.Stir luntil ugrdissolves and ixtu-,Ére be- gins 1-to ticken1, abouit 5 minutLes. (ercnid of stirring pecriod the mixture Ibegins to10form s1maliicurds as i thcken.) asie mm Io be sure il sugar cyti aedisap- peard-i flt, eepstirr1iing Pouir inito frozeni containers. C-over-, let stanld in cool place until jeliied abou!_,1t 24 houir, seai air tight and fr1_eeze. 'fks312 piIts. bringlfo boiu nd',[e, oerd 10 f0 15 Iimntesc ranthog cheese cioth; chiili; dip jul* ice int freeze. Use in ji'ly or for-ýi CU JRRýANT PUN',CH juifce, 3c.-ppl jice,1qt(Inge serve 0-v rice(. M1akes 4, cvn CURRANT COO L E R Heat to ~Srulp: c2fc.tr, c c, sugar;1 t1 in2 (7,curFrant1 2j-ice, ui'ic.lm5 uce6tbs frznorange cosceta;12 tp CURRANT 1CE Cmie1 f c , uga, 2 c. water, c.Uhtcrlo syru%1ip, stptat aout5mntsMol Fr1eeze par tialiy; spoon 1i1nt cbilled bo I andbea1twel (ut flot ttïil melted, or herbert wii be spi]iinery). firmi.Sevs6 CUÎRRANT U.PSIDE-DOWNr CAKE Meit in 9-inichs'quiar-ebkn pani '4 c. butter: add !1 csuan Mix. andsed q cý!over bottom of panl. Put ini~ c uratBa unitilthc an e ncood3 eggyols.Add gauiy1c suga~; sîr i '/ c. urrat jice or water. Sift tgte ,sfe cake flour, 1 isp, bakingpodn'/ tsp. sait. Fold inIto eggyok mxtre B'eat stiff 3 egg wbites. oi into batten. Purover cn nanits. Bakýe in! odeateove (3W0) 55inutes eress 8 to 10. Retiring Taoo a Emlployers are gninig tohav fore the US. InduistrniaiMdia Associtionvarnecd thie other dy He oited ouït a eoevr lonig 10% of Cthe poplation of the tJnite d States wiiôo b over 65 and thlat the normai agi Of netirement aj, have f0 b'Ie raised f0 70 or even 75. The Canadlian popuilation .du. f0 immiigionadohrraos is' sigbtiy yotinge(r thian thIatof the United 5States. , Bthrto the proportionl of people over- 65 is grnwinig teadily., To put ail th.-psecitizens ocuf f0D pasture, f0 compel them to retire just because tbey hadrhd a certain birthday, would be bsrd It'wouid bec ruiel -and 1inhma b- cause. mnny of tbem ou i pefer to: go o okna es at time, anld tbeywoud e lhappier and live'lon-ger if they wer-e ai- iowed f0 o oso. Mrco e; no n- tion, flot even nu)le as nich as Cal- nadla coulld afford cithenr finianiciallv or phiysicaiiy tf0 havsuch blrge proportion of ts mýIlature populla- tion d ing ot1ing, ý_There -wo-(uid not 'be cnough y ounýger people lef t f0 produtce-,le zgondsý, seviesad fond th tl ioin wouid need. Mf-dem icivilization has addied yearýs of healtth and srnghto the enids of ou ives.Modem iný- dusýtry is, gnïing f0 have f0 tor!cngî- nize thýat fact.-Fromn The Fi*nan- cial Post. "It's our new door mat. It savos you, the trouble of wlplig your slioes." Police Siren - For the bene-Fit of the New York Police - wom-en's, Endowmient Association the big city's lady gendarmes recently staged thfeir third rn'nual ent'ertainme-nt and dance. Police--woman Mary Zaharko vividl;y demnonstrates the transition from blue uni- form to frilîs. At Ieff, she's seen as she dresses when on regular duty . At ngt she is seen in- her fetching stage costume. ReigiOis CrOwrns Stolen-Firom behind ihe ornte bronz,-e d' in right photo, tworeigau crowns, stodded wfiIh jewels Joý'natted by parishlioniers and worth about $OQ00, were stclen frori the Regina Pacis Votive Shrine in Brooklyn. Arwsoswh;e-e thesy sawed hole in prutective dooreA lMgr . A'gei Cifl i, pusior of the shrine, afxsthe crownsto ( c a ponting of fthe Virgin Mary and Infant Jesur, a week before Ilhe robbery, The Crowns, minus Lj -----------