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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Jun 1952, p. 4

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1~ WfiEEKLY mized as Second Class Mail, Poet office Department, Ottawa. Rates on Request. Subscription $1.50 Establishied January, 1937. Founùd-r. -R, A Forrester Publisher. IR C Forrester, "Had Jack _Minier devoted his ability, for original thought to makinîg opie new contraption of a mechaffijal kinid, hie could have had a atent on it and perhaps have maide hiimseif anothler Ford or Edison., ;ut his thinking w-as along a different làne and so he only invenlted bird sanictuary attachmient to a farm. He probably has had more rjoymenit out of his invention than -my mehancgnius of ,iiem I. Pexhaps, also, hie may have made some mioney to help finance hisý orservation programi, icdntltelling audienices how h )ebrgt ~wibeauty out of thie sky where others can nycuei oarn omr the earth3. As to duit, howýever, one \wonders whbether his acresý wild geese have flot cost him thousands of4 dollars of mnore halrd ash than hie ever made out of bis lectures anid books. "H1ad Jack Miner mnade millions, the Dominion of Ca'ýnada and the orl.d Lit large would still be his debtor, for he has pruven whaita- allent could neyer prove to the attenitive public, thiat wild ife o- ration is a good thing and patcbe Let it be granted tha t -hers before JackMirs time and drigthe geneýrationis that hav rownl sinice his ex-perimenits begani, have donle imUchn work in t,ýe an-e finie, yet it remnins true, in this ass in ev'ery or f dvne, qatone person stands for-th in the eyes of thie public as embiodying ie whole movement. Not Watt, buit a succession of învento)rs iiade le steam e cngine; not, Bell, but many eiectrical expri-int mde ie teleyhlone. Jack Miner, ini this sense, 'ha, given os theu Birdl TeEngagement is aniiounced of L SSIIED CO UI NS Jeanne Isohel, Ontly daugliter of Mr-S. _ _- -in1 Forrester and the late Mr. Roy FO.SL June chicks should be Hilîside -Alexander For-rea;ter of Orono to !Clcs eas ýfQaiy-a t Donald Henry Staples, only son of* Ladies CCM Bicycle in good Coni- Cik.BcuéfQai -a t Mr. and Mrs. Molville H. Staples of dition.- $20.00. APPly M rs.Jontcivsmé' yce.aodstr Orn. leýýcdngwl'tk paeForrester, Orono. ted. immediate shipmei4t. Ask us for Orno Te edin wlltae ____Iparticulr . A.Leamhan, R. R. 21 In Orono United Church on Saiturda, Orano. a-c July 2h 1952 at 3 Pan. . In connection :ith/KRirby's Churcb 1 _________________ ____________________Anniversary, on' Tuýsdayý, the 24th FOR SALEý DEATHS mecn t:~6pm hr 11 New Fleury-Bissell tandem Discs, At shwa neal sptalonbe a Strawberry, ,.oc'al Keep the 22 plates, $190., 26 plates, $2905. idi Atoshalday, uxenea16, OsP,"Arthurdate openi., / chandy ýontroI or for hydraulic type Thomias Allen, beloved husband of D~ainSa î hebrOs 10.Oao Mn Margaret îMoff. aed 68 yeara. thisyerin the ro' . l tey n'utre spr35.e xble, o-heal on5ruhb eriowas; heldat fis late residencetie$37.lxieHros,5 ft Orono, on Wod esday, Junie 18 at SnaJn .Te rn ad$69. Timiken bering/ Waýgons, $140. 2:301 p.m. linterièin Orono C eyKwl'b ree te.h e, onand 11p. Wo dsCo. Electric Equip-- _________ Ktchen wuill off cate.ient, -cu. f'Fr ',s 350; 20-cow instalationilkers $325. Torratrac IN N'ElMORIAM>[1SALE jý,ESTER Cra-wler Ta $2500. Phone Carl iDEAINVIn loving miiory of my The undersigned bas cve Todd, 15-2U Clarke c-p dor uLind, Edw\afd F./D)eanr, who strýuctions from vr.Lli Bydtn______ passed may June 13, 194j7. seli by Pul!ic A-Vition jon Vedniesday,ý" FOUND Hie haýd a icboery aýmile, ai pleasant June 2ý5th at 1.,ý p.m. t er resi- PrefouiýýC in Oron-o,,O'wner may way, I dence, Ken(dlier hou_.ehold furni- have samle $y proving7 property 1and A helpful $band for ail hoew tue Termos Cas . Nm, ere paying adve rtising expenses. Contact Hie was so kdnd, so gejierous and ,rue Jack Reid, Aittionjr. F. E. Ly .E.Ml o, wnsimlr' (n arthL1 hè nobly did ïhis best, (ce1ttCer.OfiE. Mls- nosîp e-c A life linkoel with nri on Lovingl-y mmbrdby bis wïifeH, 120,000 Chiildren-i Pack Books Nw is t eof, year to hiavel / ?your Electric, Water HIeater imataI-1 CASSIS 1HANKS-1 Mr. andý,-I-5 Mr.111,hilKoro)patwa wishi to expveSS îr i.appreciction for ncts of kindlnes owai during Mr Koropatwa's conftwnecnt in t14 Gen- oral HospjItL, oru-o. Emecialy thanking theC HeLUber /Rebekah Lodge and the -Newcaýtic lions Club. schooI gm'oduutes (OAN BE AN OFF'rICER m, men recently graduaited frôm -i School1 with junior -Maýtricu- nf or equivalent educationial lard, rmay becomne officers in the dian 'Armvn Active Force. Md you begin training at en as an Officer Cadet to a Second Lieutenant i Force. You -wil receive àutenant's pay while -in lien you are granted a you will then serve for 3, 4 or 5 years as you cr the Short Service Com- n. At the end of this j.To quit,1,f., you mutst be: - Single ~-Physically fit - Bctwe'en 18 and 25 years of age andI have a Junior Matricuilation or Equivalent Educa- tional Standard, Apply today to the Recruiting Office nearest your home. No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte.Sts., Ottawa, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bagot Street, Kingston, Ont. Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ont. No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Elizaibeth Street, London, Ont, Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Main Street West, North Bay, Ont. a- Army Recruiting Centre, James St. Armnoury, 200 James St. N., Hamiton, Ont. ,A2Q9W-0 Fu orce No w (Contiud fromi prge 1) pl. C(ontact lMrJohil Moffatt, Or01o ini Canada, and in Montreal, Toronto Phone 73 r îîI ,/a- and Winnipeg operatesS pecial Youth FRRENT Centres, wvhe-re trained staffs c-an' Floor Sanders, modern equipment, gîve younIg people practical, iym-fpath oa"s y Vo luse. Sce us J'or comrplete etic advice and help. At thie samne timie, ail local Empfloymient Offices floor finisbing suggestions. Phone 3 r il Orono or 2425 Port Hope, hiave been organized in such a wagy Golemian and Philp Electriic Co. Ltd, that they can give special attenition _________________ to youth placemnent. Any local office can provide ail the facts about spec- ific jobs and can appraise the young.,- person's qualifications in r-elation wto1IS OC witb empilloylers, ad, hn h1yun j fead nnd Crippled Faim aipplicant secures a job they . nay Animais remov ed promptly foll-ow-up to ensure the boy and bis for saniiary disposai.j emplo-yer are both satisfied. I Telephonie Collect *Many o! those who have the great- est difficulty in finding and iholdingi jobs are found to be persons who were eairly "drop-outs" frointachool. It is becomning increasinly difficultl for a young- person with 0111Y pri- ary school education t-o find a satis- factory- career job. More and m-ore employers arc demanding that inew empl-oyees have ait least several years of seconidary sehool, and for- many o! the skilled trades a knowledlge« of; hîgIh schiool mathcmatics andI science is considered essential. t bas been shown that there is a definite relationshîp between yenrs -of~ scWoolin,--and e ins.A -study of figures taken fromr the 1941. cen- sus has revenled tha-t, durinýg their 1 m nost producitive years, workers wvith five to eight yenrs? schooling earnied f an average of 42 per cent m-ore thanO those with onily onie to four years in f scbool. 111turni, those Nith fine t twelve yenrs' schooling earned 43 per cent more than the "five to e-ight" group, and the eaniniigs of those- with 13 or more years in school top- I n ped those with nine to twelve yearls by 50 per cent. Oronio Electrie Phone 30 r 16 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOLTSE WTRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs to ail makes of Electrical Equipment and Appliances queh aB "Itaors. Water Heters Insrane Your insurance costs cari be substanitially re- 1duced byT buying Divi- j dend Payijng Policies Qucotations on request. Leroy Jlamiltona Phone: ORONO 1 RING 16 INSURANCE In ail its branches Fire, Burglary, H-ospitalization Automoebile, Life, Accident and Sickness, Plate lass, Liabiiity, Livestock, Boiler, Wiad. Real Estate I have a number of applica- tions for muortg-age funds on choice properties. Amo1unts of $1,000 to $5.000 required on ex- cellent security and god lu- terest rates. Leroy Hamilton, BROKEIR FOR THISPA Luck-lily no one -,as hurt but caî you p)ay for this ac- cdnYou cin if you are proerlmered'. Guard a- gainst t'is cost meInure now. CALL SN.F. PORTER - ORONO. ont. Orono Tinshop W. carry a fuit uine of %lu bn R. E. LOGAN and Rot Water Hleating CALL UIJz FOR ESTIMATES RARR'Y E. LYCETT Phone 84 r 12 ORONO - ONT. Professional Directory A, F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 2,00 te 4.00 p.mi.; 6.30 te 8.60 p.mý. Sundays and WeâneEays by appointment 017 PHONE 47r1 - O¶ONO E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Maini Street South Office Hours: 2.00 tu 4.00; 6.30 to 8.00 part- Sundays and Holidays hy Appointment PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO S. H. WITZEL, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Cor. King and Mill Sts. NEWCASTLE Office HOU"s 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.. 7.00 to Sundnys and Thursdays'by Appointment Only Phones Office 2621 Res. 344 1 LEGAL Lawrence C. M-ason, B.A. Barrister -and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE. ONT. 01116e 688 Houme 553 TED JACKScýCN iAuctioneer and Valtuator Conducts Auction Sales of all i uIa. and .4 reasonable rate. Communicate with him at pS)ý Perry. Ontario, or se. hlm Clerk. ûo- E. Morton, at Orono, fer date. JACKREID Auctioneer andi Valuator Specialize in Farm and .Furniture Sales Consult'me for terme and dates Phone 5rlg19 LIFE 'INSURANCE Pension Plans; Edircational Policle.:, Protection and Savings Plans f.t Children and Adulte; Mortga'ge m-~ surance Plans. F. E. LY(ÇE Tr ORONO, Ont. ý Phone'20 r M* The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 1MaI 3216 - P.O. Rox 62'2 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkerzsý- STAFFORZD B Phionle MWitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby7 FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS ANP MARKERS Let us ereet a handsomre, ng n'flied monument over the rtýî ing place of your loved 'iËtk3 It's noQt expensi1ve. And âeo~i4 you dxnc[les-s caimfor-, Monuments: P. E. DELANTY andSO 106 KING ST. VWEST COBOURG, 0ONT. P7HONE 73M This firmi erected the Orolno Meax- oriai Gates. Onle of the highest forasof Can- adian sentiment is Ourtrdioa ceustom of erecting a Mnmeto granite or marbie to cour loyved on«s who lef t this lhf., Cobourg 1266 Toronto BM 3-3636 iGordon i %ýoung i -imiîted 1 ---------- ------------------------- 1 L - 1 .1

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