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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Jun 1952, p. 5

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'--~ --~ -~ 'l'le MVidlandi Regiient Goes to Ca p Petawawa l9th to 26 Juty. Men are wantefl, with or without previous Service, tjuin the Unit. Corneto the Armouries 23rd of/June at 8:00 p.rn. to get full particulars. ACTIVE SERVICE RATES 0F PAY Have a week"s h-olîdays and serve your/country Mrs. w eek Bobea: Mn. ted o'. Mrs. Gueý Mcai and h ,Mr. a ~Laen Cayk How 4Much MWill1 Y1OUR Dollar B Today, thanks to inflation, our dollrwill cents worth of goods by comnparisoi' with t dollars worth it would buy in 1939, TVhe buying po4er of the dollar haS gone do cause rices have been forced }fp. Prîes ha' forced Up t'hrou~gh inflation because the arn rnýoneyý in circulation has exceeded the voli goods and services available Le consumers. The two main sources of iiifIation aiÉe highi mnent taxation ,and wage rates which are ne; ed to mnan-houk, production. Unl@ss pr-oductijon and wae are helld in 1 and unless at jthe sanie time non-defencej ment expenditu.4es a r e held in check, our d bound to lose mo're buying power. Puiblshedl as a Public Ser-vice by TSTEEL COMPAÀNY 0F CANAD Plants at HAMILTON -'BRANTFORD -SWANSEA ORONC> WKEKLY TIM1ES THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1952 N ui) Porer s visiing thîsMr. nnd Mr]s. Richard Walsh of da-y with proceed gý,oin1g for- the irý- * Nil ortr r vsitng L '~~N ~v~Niaýgara FaliJs, New York and M.provýemeuts 'Io the ?ark. w hhe mothet-, Mrs, Oliver, an md Mrs. Roy Beaittie aud rat of Menls' Baseb ail and Gils' softballt Ygeon. Toronto were Sundïay, guests of Mrs. Ill be thlepoga for the after Vern)on anesadl r aod Den etrdte oadWlhand Miss F. Coblile- noon witili ostrahaet 'er he eekendwit Mr an BomniiiLL"e MemO~l. lospna O. 1 i.Wealth" Bingo in the 'eveuing1ý. AAnumberof the bad :temberýs1 The Orono Park Board met on The Boýard passed a miotion ton- sts wiÎth Mr. anid Mrs. C, S. tore dowýn thie old bunid staad at the MoJnday dliscussnig plans F'or pair the Park tables anid to erect Fu overý the weken ere _Mr. 01-ono0Fair grouulds on1 Tuesdaly eV-the Orono MernorilPr o , e us fr.R. J. MI1ooney OfMssy;enulg vith a vieW te electLing a aý ew currnt year. A sum -ýof $75.00wa set aside tc- .md Mrs. MAanson Mooney an'd stand ou mthfe eaýst sidje of ,-e track Thli sponsoriag of th-e Field Day imprve)te bat-stops on the -ba," Simpsoi ef _NI. ýý,1dfor July lst wus1 discussed ie(sulting iamoatd; this work to be aui-pervisel! Kýeith 'Moouey of Yoik Milis; ±Vliss~ae iine,~ }ot,~Penit iinthe organizution pr)iomo(t iug this lby thewOs'uo Athietie Asýsocîiationi nd Mrs. Arniold Mooney ai-d Lie \ee-end wmî 4Ii . ud iri-s. W. SofOsaa Mr.. and Mrs. A-Gavle îooniey anid family of Aja; rs. "11aud Mrs. Il. MacCýullurn a an eftie ih:iue(pli, : j J K ND TH ndfmly of TNoiga ral;Yr eî LaaTrno h frs. Teixy McLean oif Toronto; week-end Nwith MnJ. anid Mis. W jF St un o 1WithAbbatt and /osteîllo ýind -Mrs. 'Harry Clarke, DcLeamun F i St In,10 2 audHaryTr. of Prescott; (e.adMs .KthnadOa IelFamily S ýow "REFTURN 0F Tlàf TXN Marioriec of Troto ttenided a picnic wIith formler fiends ie, Marguerite and Linda aliso from CInaml ou ýSaturdaly at -th-e bOoeON Y& TUESDAY - JUNE 231 24l in the pry Mr, Donald Mc- ~Rv u r.HlirHgln iretrned to PýescotL with thelCieek. j FruyV'en es Mr.s. Basniett, Miss ElIsie Baset Mrs. Gra1y and Miss Evely-il Gra,** * visited ait Mrs. Dek'sous ou Sturday and àttenlde-dthe soe for M->iss Alice Basnlett. Rev ad Mrs. H, J. -Veals and daughter, Katherjine, of Toronto,11. Were ,>uests of llev-. and Mrs. Xt chiu over the week-end. Rveals preached ini the Uited Church. à Mirs. Ken R>obliý, Ms Jack Sin-1 clair and boys, Bneo visited Mns.. J. J. Mellor and dMrS. S. B8.1 Rutherford, ou ,Tuesduy. Alrs. Wm. Bowie of Toionto visit- ed last week-end with Ms Ed. Dean....... Mn. anld Mrs. Reg. Sutton of Eeig t81 11 Grimsby Beach visited with M1iss starring ROBERT TAYLO'R $1.13 Children 50c. Berýthn Cain dver the week-end. DEBORAH KERR MATINEE TUESDAY AT 2 Mr. anid mrs. GeorIge "Henderson C -- 5.Childrei 50c. -buy 52 attended thie graduation exercises a the f uil the Osliawu 'General louspital on! Thursday, June l2-;th, wheni their,________________ _________ igrand daughter, M7ýiss Betty Lunni,i of Bwavilgraduated. ~~. Mr. and Mrs. Charle-s B. TyrreU II1IU1I.ýVIfC )Wfl be- - are attendinig a Druggist's Conven-I +(lf4ba tf11h ve beew;.yý tion this week at Big-wiuInni Musko- During tChe- hours of your bereave- ou-nt ofl Miss Iva Lintoni, Toronto is visit-metoran is odo vryhn in c'JUir J9U Vp ~.l'Ufa l5içl4i~f S.flA.J .une of 2l' t relat- balance,t governi- Lollar is / ýA, LIMITED - GANANOQUE - MONTREAL Hayhoe annonce price dedine -Salmon, ~ reg-. 39c. tin Astr ofee- fresh grounid Cr-,eti Ie befoe 9c. alb...------ NW - --- - 3C. The ilewest andinost popular ce Flowerdale Tea - finest Orang-e Pekoe ket - Suigan coated Corui Fla] Regulur 61c............NOW,! 1b. 55C. Flôiwerdale 1 Tea- Bugs 7 2 bags Treat "White Ready Savinig of 12e............-----pg. 73c. Pot atoes,..... SAVE Take a.dvantage of these SaÎg. Peaches, 'Arrow Bra~nd' B;urn's 15 oz. tin HIam with Beans . 39e,ý Burn's15 oz. lin Beef Dinner ..... 42c. Complete meal sealed in a tin Burn's "Old Fashioned" 15 oz. Chuckwagon Dim- ner,.... ....... 49c. 1lb. 31c ereal on the muar- akes. 1 [t'O lieut and eut tin 22C. 20 ozs. 22c- Tr~y our Meats yoôu'li agree their tops Bi.isket, buneless, . lb. 52c. P'eumul-eed Cottage Rolis... lb. 59C. Pork Ch1-ops, lean 11)l. 65C. Choice Lean flarburg 55c. Boue luin lb. average Picnic Shouders,.. lb. 59t. j Cornish 3Marketerîai ing tliis -week, with lier brother, Mr. and Mrs. Mer-edith Lin1ton. A miseellaneous shower waýs held foür Mýiss Basn-etË t thVe homne ofj Mr-S. James Dickson whe aib out fift fi'ends gatheFoed- to knoiwieir- coming marriage. The excutive of the Orono Skating Club of wýhich thec bride-to-be is a most helpful memiber presenited hér Mr. auid Mrs. Ed Grahm, 1MarieneI and Terry visited with friends lui !Treuto on 11Sundny. Mr. anid Mrs. Wm'. Irwin lIeft on Tuüesday for ai weeks vacation iu iotherl Ontario. Mr.nd Mns. Wm. mli of Westonl an-d Miss Audrey Billings of Oshawa spent the w-eekenid with Mr. nnd Mrs. 'Carl Billings. Mr. and Mrs. V7. F. Neilson of Kingston visited wt Mr. and TMrs. Ed Neilson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm., Riddell attended the dedication servýices of the new United Cliuneh at Kedron on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rlph Thiom-psou anmd ,family, Toronto visited frieuds and relatives here dnn the wee-end. Miss Mary Jewell, Bowiranville and Mrs. HRITY Bailey spent the(ý week-end mith -Miss-)M4ion Rcay Toronto., Mr. and Mrs;. Paul Sniodgrns,ýs and son of Rochester are visitingl with relatives this w-eek. Mrs. R. A. Forrester vstdin: Toronto and Haimilton over the weeI'k-' euid. ýl The Oronéo Baumd wenit to O)siuwa' ou Monday niglit anid played lini theý Rotary Parade. The Orono Basebal14 Club defeated Garden 1Hl1 on Tuesduy niglit by aI one-sided score of 18 tlo 1. UNITED CIRCH o OCron' Pastoral g Charge Reyerend 7:o o ~ ~ Ev ,W.Miistn toSTiJNDA, JUýE22 o orr ORONO-ervic at 1:00. Grn KRY nuîveSary SPericeson fl a 3:00 oand 7:30 eo SPcarheRv.Wl den. RARTLEY"1L BARLW FIJNERAL DIRECTOR Phone 18 r 7 Orono, Ont. Phone 18 r 2 'nA R ST RON G'S Sun Dresses in sIlk slubs, MWash ._Skirts .ilu .ilowered, kriiskay, nylon, ohiamibray and poplin, kriskàya> and pique. prints. Prîced at $3.95 $90 Priced at $4.95 and $6.5. 'Washi Dresses in ginghamt, Summ'ýer shoes ia 'white san- glazed popflin, chamibray and dais, p)urnps, oxfords, different prnt. Prieed at $5.50 to $15.95 styles in canva. White shoes Sweâer Dresses, sdeeveless p)r iced ut $4.50and $6.95 Can- dress 'tucked front, p)eterý pan va at $2.95 àt$5.95. collar i-athieredI skirt in tur- quoise jand pink chamnbray with ShlortIsi corduroy and cottoni matching sweater bholero $11.95 Pricoed,- $2.25 and $3.75. 1h' esCS in sheers, nylons, J ey-s lu i different styles frs4organidys, p)rinlted sillk coors.Pr-ici $1.95 - $2.7.5 jerev and crepe. $8.95 215 S mInler yard g4oods in tissue /3tit ut noeo w ginhami, dttd oile, eyelet icelsicolor blac,,k, tur- p)iq te, nylon , merricord ging ke70C S850 99 ueesand 1 prit riced froïn suN3-4.Pic, $.0 a va;'id 50r. to $2.25. Ci .re' c0ti~t7ing Ç9tton sîUns with Widej em- v o lsi.P~e8 32 br('flery Vfi-l]) size , 4 136 M~' u s~rpdJev- an1.1 8. Priced ut . $3.25 sze.At $.50 -$2.25 5-r- -Y FsrutYandVe g etae s Celery - Lettuce New Fotato4(es - IBa na na-s Tornatoes Aylcabagen tPineapple" Shredded Wheat, 2 pkg-s le,1c Aylmier Ketchup, hlott!e 22C. Parkay Margarine, lb. ... 34c. Robinhood Cake Plour, light or dark, package ...... 30c. Sugar, 10 lbs. ........... 98c. We have a ful i e of Fajucy çc N s s s 4 s 4. 4~ j ~y Y ~ ~ IL 7 * i "v»Mw-- A 9

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