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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Jun 1952, p. 6

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0This may no'f, be a seasonale time ta discuss ski-ing, that sport whàcb bas grown inpopularity in thLse Domriniîons by te proverbial leaps 'and bounds. But t tmîght beas good a time as ayf îce aa dian ski-er, destined for eveni more Lame tharî,he b as, already acquired, wbo started he ca-reer on the long biades wben lie was .nnly eight yvears old. WVe'ýrle aiways intrigued hy those sfories1 of ath1cetes wvho have dv tedteir lives fa perfecting technique in their favorite sport, and a young mian namned Ernie MV(cCulloclh, native of the itlfe Quebc -t- of Three Rivers, undoubtedfly comnes in that category. Here, we believe, is one of the really great Cana-dian athietes ci oýur time, and eve-n tbough warm suns are shining on the grass a nd the trees a re in ea, we feel wie should devate a columtrn fa sinigiýng is prai1ses. 'Cuftlocb c1iimaxed a brilliant ,caree_(r last initer whe1n lhe capfur, ed 1esi-inig "Grand Slam, neye\r acmpi bedbfore by7 Canadclïiia, American or European foý,r thlat tiatr, 'lisphnmna feat began when hie capure 3th Nati onal Giant Slalom iat Alfa, Ut ah, followed with a s ýmasinrg victory in t hoe Aspen Nrt American cbampîonsblips. H!e wenlf on from cthef captuire top) honore in the National Dwhl hmin shiips at Whîite Fs Montana, and bi- final triumph wýas ini the HarmnCup _ü tiSn Valley. Wben you consider hie was compefin-g against Élhe very best in No rtb America, and a f ield tbaï, included a sprinkling ef formi-er E"uropeanl champions, you 'get a quick v»ision a f bis greafness, 'WbenMcuoc began, bis ski-ing carxeer- at the ripe age Of eigbit years;, he s1ztarted practice juimping on a hb bebind bAis home, and Dy the end of bis first seasùn, ,vas jlpn 40 feet. B _,y 1)th e ihe ws1.3, lhe bdilr(o11,ady cap)tur-ed schoolb'-oy um ing mets lin Montrald, Toronito, Qulebec City anid COttawa.ïj .Uto lg, Jean y oun"gstur abeay ad made 'a iname for himlself bý t'le T4ieeRive Ski Clubi with a recor-d ump of 114 feýet. At '(!is stage of thle gamle, MlcCuIIll c begansiïllm anddowîî- ih 'wôvrký. At Ji l--ho entered thie dwLirace in thtileeccity Thecre's no such ting as si-inig cautiously witb Eri-e. It's go- gýo-go from s1trtc f0 in1b Hsrecord of 56 seconds down tho preipioussioesof oun Badyin Sun -111(v, is stili a challnge for otherI- tars. One oungracer woIom le hegruielling grind ýina it fle (overi,a mý, linute rearked:"I dont seC 110W ayoycold possiby Ve .jcgonle faster ithan I did today ý,witb ouf broakýing !bis" neck" Eridi't breaýk bis neckl but was a fli four secondls b etter tnthe aspirant f0 bis title. In 1949 Ernie rode fa international g1o2ry on s--pecially-designed, sýelf-constrîicted skiis. He beat the entire Frencb teami, consisfing of HÏenri reiller, George Panisset and Coutet. McCullocb won the Hairrimian cup again this year -and if bie wins again, becomes the only skier in bistory fa take tbe award three times. Al this being so, we fhought we'd write a colunin about a great Canadian athîete wtho bas been overlooked. Yavr commente and îgetaîfol this calumn wiIJ be w,-elcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert, Houve, 431 YneSt., Toronto. Some Tales.About Jîm my> Du0 aran te.eea At an age when mraost n areî JimmI-.yDuat is stil a bundetf of dynaic energy. Four tiogs lacehhim a"arf foin noôse, agraveliy voice datmo- ors de En-iglish langtIagc, a uiqute struf, and innaf e good hmour. AfthMe top of bis professon, jimy is Sfilil an poaffected guy wvitb S'inple wvants, and hc knows mr than an3yone C-th eanigof"o- ing up dehe ard way." He carne a fabitjous sallary, but a good deas Qf if goe o 0caiy flet neyer yet denied a boan or gift f ayoeanid Once h1 cn fidied f,0 a friend:ý "I onlly wisb was ëa finanlcialtyhon ike Rock- Sbrinkin Violence His cxtraordinairy capacity f0 m-anigle EInglisb je part-naf uval, part-deveiopcd. Nowýadayshode- etrops promncation autorn-ýatically, . Son of an!- aia barber, he waIsi hotu, in the stîsof New York, nd nye- bda ea1duafo Audincesgetabig laughiouf of W bisoe, but hbconfesses that as a kid if uised f0 wor-ry lim. " ws shrinkling violence. Every lime 1 wetïdown tho e etQ'dhear: Lookt te bg-nsedkidl' And, wben anybody'd look 1y1way 14d "F oneak off AUi brough life, even wbv1eCn 1 arn- rnakingafr tiun-i on-,accolunt of my hbealu sit inie was I ever happy about ns lie wor e en frorn eghf at nig, $10 hvo's workin in k dive dta 'sSe ou fook your bat off, ssy." Then hoî ove int, wre ho played 'dock "'ntil J ws Firs Wold ar ho itb a dancer-baritone jackson, and led a mand inA varionis Clubs. I1 WhiO Was late-r f0 be ad ino tdeclub a"d aatin.Ho accom- ithe piano, but shec .jimniy dîdni'f like sali se. "W'ýhoever ? to , eyou could p 1 a y the jpao"tho g il si prdy imyreýtorfed: "Tbern i- sthe con- dlifione that pervai." Frequent Brawls force, nih clbs sprang up eyvery- wbereý, servinig the iquor behinjjd îocked doors. Becauise lho was falkcd infif Jimnystarted bIis own club. Thicee be me a soft- Sb'oe dancernamed Lau Cl-ayton, and short ly afterwards Amnerica took 'toifs3hearf a new ,amo enferfa;iners billed aýs CaoJack;- Son and Durante. The team rsprd-n so did the -lub. It Lwas a decade ocf loose MOney and rackmters. "To pro- ven.t gunplay Can the poie, records Gene Fowler in, "Scl)noz- * "Cayfn mde if a tubh thaf ail -umarksrnen had f0turnin tholir side arms on eneing the roorn." S uLt there were frequelntbrws anid peace-lin-Vrg Ji y wol isappeat f llnba fes CÊ , waifg f111 thlings had qicted down.i) Several tiimes in] hienoney m iak- ing career Jimmy was threacdjjj4 býy gantîgfers, buit LuCînyfon knlew th,undcrworld and saýw -that, the comiedian wýýas well profcftedj. DuringProhiitio g a n g s t e rs wercni' t he onlly peýople affer Ji- ny. CTe polce arresfd siel fr sehfling ïiq )rLibt sentenice wasq upeddwif b the wrigthat if --ver lhe wscauigbf serving ,aný- other ,-drinkl, ho wofld hajve f0 go Claytoni, jackson and Duranite epLif up wben Jirmy was offred a, p IsoalContract Hoyon nicarly fwenity year-s ago. Cilayfon, beaL is mna;ger and Jinmly becgan ihie ilm -1career. BuIt be m-ado a soties nf bad picturce whicb cdd nocthînIg tf0 enhanice bis carrer, so ho deided f0 roWtuufthe stage for a while. "What Elephant?" In 1935 hoe open-,ed in a Broad- way sh-ow whicb, was a smjash bit. JinimY rcaîsthaf before t1he firsi nlight was particuiarly wo-riedj about oRne iothaf ho had to delivr (Sn stage witb an enormous five eie- phant thaf ho was supposed f, Unveî!ed? Girls Iearn embroidery in a Moroccon schocol, but most 1Moroccan girls stay homec, tever Iearn to read or wriie. be stealing, a1 sberiff walked on qand sbofe: Whfîre 'you doing ýwith f h l lpat" Jmn ooked rounld in b)ewiiderment andc repýlied: At tiis Jlinidn'seem very funny f0 b im, and he-wanted toC cnti, but if proved f0 be one of te bgges laghsof the even- Talkýing of elephants, hoe was once embiairrased b y an unintenfion- ai laugh wb'iIn hle heard fwo fellows train passenigers disu1ssing Africaýý. «"I've seer,n somefantastjC tinÏgs in Africa." onie Iman eake."n cludfing an lo)pant s rvead The great beasýts smtmsta as imucb as fWo fhousand jmiles f0 die there."ý The astounded Duranjte tbtoughf about thiis ifrainfor- a viie, then he tappedcd the peaker on the knee. "If's tho tnpi," lho suggeýsfed. "that hIsthemlý." By 1943 Jiinmy was soshr of mioney thiafhie wenf back f0 ighf- club cngagermnts. Thiat ye-ar biis wife died and bie losFtal confidence takin' my sesa- s jmyWnt whenl along cornes a buch of flies8 and setties on mnose "I lets 'cm boiter - live, and ]et byve is my motter. "Den a be'e cornes aoglgt on my nose and. stings me. 'Dat does if,' I says. 'Dcre's always gotta be a smnarf aleck in cevcrowd.0, Now, jtlSt for that--E'VERY.. BODY OFF!" Or- how abouit this onec- How Right! "I singe for the Su4ltan-ofPaha and he says f0 me:*Jmmt show my appreciation, ' goa give you 500 ,wives,5 I turne him down flat. Hle sas to me: Jimmry, why do you refuse this mod0(est comýpensation?' 1 says tf0 hlm:j 'Your Highn.ess, ,who wat f0find a thousand sfockinigs hni'in dabahomerymril? Almost everyvone loves f0 hiear Jîmny Duranfe'B Stories, Bul't wheni he was a 'teýen age pianilo pla1yer knocking ouit dance tunes in dingy New York c2sfes;, he aiay houighe Deserved Rebuke The dCaims of 4,000 Fordstrikers for Unýenployviuent beneflitsarin out f of teir Christmaiýs -vildcaf walkouit 1have been itossed Oufb)y t he Unmpoyenit Insuraniilce omsso' InpJireý, .JsieAlfred Tbrugh their union, thJe strikers claimed fhey wer e ntifled f0 u- embomentinsuancef romn theda the strikce en-ded unitîlwr a full, resumed naryt-,o weeks lafer. Thie towe infeýrval was required f0 'g,,t enouvgIt of the, strike damage reaiedf0perit 'resum,-ption cof operaýt;ins, 'The samýe uniion ftried the sme ,sttunt in coliinecfion w,\itibthýe ecenit walkout of Ford offl1ice wvorkcis, Thiime, the unionîýpuf up the argument thaf production .workers wereni'tof on strike at ail butt were. kep)t off the job by the office emioyees' piktines, tl1erefore w-ere ctI-.tlvd f0 unemploymnent pay. >Apparenftly, fhe're iBot goin)g f0 gef away witb fIlis e ithIer. IThougb, fhey cîan stili aippeal, Otfawa UL71C bas ruled againsf fhemi,,An)d witb- good reason, No one knlows better thian thie auto union that bDy no strch 0ofa Iabor-leader's-ý imagination wvas if intended that the UnemipIoyment In- surance funid f0 be uised ta finance a strike. Ifs original and sole concept was rainy-day protection and ftlt's 'Le way if should continue. in himrself, If was a long fime be- fore Clayton could pursuadehi f0 go 1back f0 work. I"But w,,h--n the band plays," said J immy lafer. "you forget oveni your griefs for a mioment. You forget eveýrytbinig unti you corne off. Then when y ou corne off, you flop Hie nligbt-club a ýcf vas a big.suc- ces. o wodbckndagain, andl a ncw goneration diecovered thie lit tie man wîthi the i-asping voice. 'i borrowed dat note frorn Carus;o; lie wag glad f0 gef rid of îtf") p3ack ta Work Tienl le was signced up fora radio serie, Hie poularity bas been si, greaýt in recent yeare among actore aLnd audiences alike ithat when holieveninf ro hsitlfor a sevlous pe ,top rnkigenfer- tirslike BEob Hope, RedSe- tont, and theý late AI.Jolsontol ovr is r1adio shIoww ithout Iany ceuntil hoeovas fit a1gin.i "le was bcke f0 appear Bat the Paldimfwo 'years ago, but his o)ld fn-icnd iand par-tncér LniuClay- ton, dieed and thle enjgagemjenýt was posfponied. lyo' ct pe him an!nosýt as lmulch aýs îbisWi' but Jirnrnyi wenf back f0 work andý feit blis way gingerly inito Aeia feilevision studios. Loyal f0-hi friende, tho-is also loyal f0 b!is old jokos, but t'he youingsters hadut) hecard thorni before, ai( nd thie latsî few' monîbe bs is suicce-se as ann tertailor bais beenusupssd This, is thýe ndof oxpecrienlce ilo bas been r-elating on1 bis TV pro grammecs: 'J'inl, vi' on fthe park bnc -From The Financial Posf he'd be nothing more than al sec- ond-rate musîdlan. He teamed up for a short w1tile wvith a singing waif or cl Eddie Cantor, xvbo once lsaid tel0 him: "You"ll neyer get anyhee sun ordinary pîanist, Jimmily. You'7vec got f0 have. personiality. Wbly 1don' you talk to thle customeris-miakec reî-narks - wbiile you're alt the piano?", Sby Young Jimm1ly Durainte te- plied seriously: "I contiC1- ' o thlaf Eddie, I'd be afraid peopflewol laugh at me." How right he w'asI THRIFT GIFT An actress cam1-e Off Ille stage after a succesîful firsit nigbit, and was surprised Wben hIle nmanager handed lber a bunrchi of fb[owers and a packe-t of marigold seeds. 'The flowers are fromn a genle- mecn ini the stalis, and the seed-t-s from a Scotîman ïlil] Ile gahlery," was bis explanlationi. eryfIÉtchangSkint Gets Quick RePieâf Here tes a c lansalicspeaetiaiibag anliseplie Il Viai wiliibrine ,,yen aperdv relietfrees thIle ioch- g jým, oai f srEsviBzenis, itehing Tees anli ,.ct, Ras'lhea aidi 015cr 5kintroubles. Net1 911,ydlces NMOONES IMERALO 01L (rônoie rapili ali healybalint ilon pr ss An wouinds. bi boite andi simple ol'crs arc e qufrekiy reileveli. la 5kinaffecttrtlen~-i th ef BEzema is evickiy Steppcd; OIe eopilons dr ep ead scale off il, as vr fcw daya. The sac i, tfltd ef Bqber's lch, Sait Elieuni and 00cr k disorlire Y.oc"neSob-tus MON E -'S EMERAI.1,D»On allereer 1-inac soll. CLASSIF1ED ABVERTISINO BAIS! CBiCMS PULLETS-beavy hreeds, shiopers choice breed, 3 week $50 4 week $8090. Nlediums. 3 week $40 4 week $28890. For your own choire. a.ýs1t us. Also day Olds in mixed. pllet. Bray Hatchery. 120 John N. Ilamiltonj BUY Tweddle breeding, get 200 mg puilete at no extra cost. Be sure the chicks yo.u buy for June and .luly !ihrit high egg production qualities. It weeget1hat nake the Profits. Tweddle cbck lt ots ef ROI.1.'b reeding bock ofthm cost n more for June and July than rdinary chicks. -'-ver 4000 R uO.c erl used In our imating thisyea, as tarted cnlckre. starteci turkys ede ullete, capo, ) special roilr-hicts mtrkey TWDIB UIC ATCrEF -sLTD, FerguaOnlario FIUE il vrlishi nge aciGifwae Bsi ne-ss n sen Ontarlo town Good denstock-Mode uidn, od oa tin-e i Eahlislhed.Pitue ent on reuaApply tel: H. C. La, Real Estate & Business Broker, Wijngham. Ontàrbo. DVEINO AND> (LEAN ISO RAVE Yeu enything neede dyelng or dean- 'me1? Wriie t e sfor informaîiton. We re giad 1v answer your QUestIon. De. partrnent El. Parker'e BDye Woýrit LImIted. 791 Yonge St.,* Tnronto. FOR SALE TUR E PI'OULTS-We believe yon vili ake moýre mouey eut of turkeys ths l a nlJi ntio er than a ny other l vestock hat Yenuen 'grow, particularly eo. If yen ourchase the TweddIe etrain of genulue Broali Breasteli Bronze, These Bronze are baseli on short legs, extra large meaty thiahe, hcavy broali breasta, viserons, fast ewigbroali breast foundation. Tbey are fnlly malureci, two te three 'veeke sooýner than meest trey Try theni once sud en yl awaye 'vant thenibecause the 'vii akeyenmor maeyWe aIse NebasianBeleviie hit, Nbraskan R Brad reaseliBroze. eo exeIl, eexed bouls nli toms. Aiso satd ukys. two, threeandfour week elli. Irompt sh'ipmneni, free turkýey guide. TWIDL IHICII IATCIIERlIES LTr. CEES ClINSAL ,V_- For surereif Industriai Site mt utlds t û,, ,oSanît Ste. are. Oýntario, one 0f Ontarios, imeet thrilng cte._o'eîn f spproim-,ately Ton (10) cese ego t r,suisu way Fro0ntagýe. or lndoi rtHigh- wayFrolag, HdrosudIndýividulor City Wateravaiiahlef. Appily ta0Il. A. Jolii,o, UN.Ilorah. Sauli Ste. TIRES 1tarMittn Largeel Tire Store Sînce 1911. tls ires, 87.00 snu pRetreade i Tres, gO00 s 16, $14-0.Othier zePrlced a5_ cordegl. Vlcalzigasd retreadIne ser- vie A ork Ouaarnteed, AIl ordte 0.0.0 $2 $0 reaol,edwithaordjer. We psy charge eue wy. PennsulaVireCro- phlono 7-1822. 0.0.D. -ojjet, Glenliaqle Ttre Co- 11 Weston- Rd_.Tooto unt. KÎTCHN SINS 1- BTPIIOOM SETS pPRCELAIN onameI steci nîei!reeiýtiug aine. hre-pîcebathrloom ,sets;, white - ezhewer cabinets -pesue'vater syýstems - cil borner - sentie sud 011 tanks, air cenditioinei f -riaea HIpt, ngalatv dilagratue in freecatlgeSeiiesb packcagecidnuis t otl pra1 iCtîcal -sud mouey-saýving way te0oUy. Aitnl itue Write or vieil -S, V. JONSON PLUMBINO SUPP'ZLIES STREETSVILLE, ONTA1RTOý 2 PAIR PILLOW CASES $3.50 Wabaaeo hemetitcheli, size 42 x 18,.Re fonds, moud money order te: Rural Shopp- ing Service. Box 156, Terminail 'A Toronto. IRISHI SETTER, hunting stock, 7 ssntbs, fomales. $25.100. Redy for breeling, German Pointer Fomiale. $20.00. Heuder- so Ienuols, North- West Bridge, NewV Brunswick. you Il 1bave te, hurry if yen wýant this vaubl roporty, The, Shnor Famuily are cousýidorlueseverai oýfferiige, endlIinspeet- libm feý lrme effored Iin trade. TREMENDOUS INVESTMENT INCOME On1 eccount et serions operation, physicien ordo-rl'me to muve te Arizona. Rug Brick Apa),rtmïent sud Store Bleck-busiest sec- tion, Londion, Ontario. Fourtetu Tenants. Freont, encome, $8,000., may he ;icreesed to $1,0.000 -$20M105 pIjii hndIe, Wud conisider emiail Ontario tern as part psy-. if you are icya e0sclir, Ibisunsa People are 'talIcino about the good re- SUIt from lamking Dixon's Remiedy fnIr Rheumaic Pains and NecRi.s. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $1,25 Express Prepaid TBCOELIMNATOR A~~~~~~ sc5nii 7re yHorCgaeteAdi Fhamacl &r.Lýtd..tAîea) Bo 671. Lodon On tons nsAA,,;,, WIsfe l teel smtie hlwi belpyen Hunred et houanli etset quicly anid effectively.' Get fast-drying Minard' the nes-etrelief. qelck! "I<NG 0F PAIN- AIEDICAI. 00e wojnan telle another. Take superber "FEMIINEX" te0 belo alieviate Pain, die- tress and nervous tension associa led with o n i y P e r o d . 6 5 0 0 a s p a id lu n i a n w r a vp e e . POST'S CHE~CAL",s 889 QUEIEN ST. EAST OLONT0 POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment ni dry ýeeemna rasee a n d w e p in e k n t o b l s F e t oE z e n a SalVe wil ot dsapVpoinî yon. tchne. scain, brngecerema. acne. ringw,,,m, Piplels and athieto's foot, wiIl resDond roadiiy te the etainiesse odorlese -Abment. egardeee ef bow subborn or boroese they seen, PR19IEM2.50 PEU .JAR POST'S REMEDIES SI n- P at' e n R e elptof e rice £9 Quejrs St gFr rn ofniLoga. OPPOSiTUNITIES FOR MEN AND) WOMEN BE -A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANAI>A'S LEAIIING SCBOOL Great OPPortunitY Leamu Hairdressinge Pleasantdignified Profession, good wage. Thousande of successfui Marvel graduateg Americale Greateel Sysem Iiuetrated Catalogue Free Write or Ca]) UAEVEL HAIRDRESSING SCISOOLS 158 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King Si., Hlamilton 72 Rideau St.. Ottawa MARE ORIENTAL Ruas Yourseif, in your own home. experienced Europ)ean rug mnacere and teachers in- etruet yeu. entireiy by mailin 24 lessons Anyone can iearn the fine art ef rug-making through the,,,,simplified lessons; enthusiastie reeponebcb hwn t o t h is c o u r s e y n n c i w m e , a n li organlized groupe, who arei, anne i skili for ,rof! or as ahby a rmt ed us te ofr thecoure b maiv m a teria ls a n d o ecoü,s sr y v u qo u p - Piied at 10w cost. \Write odprioting name and address learlIy. for free infor- mation. Ori(entai Rug Stchool ef Instruc- tien. 182G litrathaljan Blvd.. Toronto, 12, Ont. LEARN poesoa Floristry or "Smaii Green)house anid-Nursery Business" by mail. A!noiy te: Walier F. Geissler, BEau- ville, Onitari, Canada. PATENTS AN 04 OFFER t0e very ineetor-Lilet ia- ventions eand fu Information sent Iree. TL'e itma o.. Registered patent Attor- nee. 22 1Rai, Street Ottawa lenat Solicitors. laiýishiet¶1890. 110 BeY Streelý. Ter-noto RanitietmtInforma. lon on reoquet LOG, ST LF.SS, OIIT *-F LOVE WITH LIFE ? Thon *w-ake up ynur livýer bile. ., ui p itoLed lrn Ug LOf'e pt orhivbnF? St may be the liveri !taat! If' your uver bile is netdtowtng freely yoUr fond may Dot digest b1oate urp yo-ur tomarh . . .you feegcon âtipated &and al the fn nd s .parilogoon of lite. Tbat's when you need m , getîe, Carters Little LÏver Pill. Yeu ses Carters he]p timuate Your, lijer bile tiRl once agb It ie Pouring eut et e rIesofUp te twopinte a dav ilto your -digestive tract. This ehould ix you, right np, malte you feel that happy daye a-re hors aqain, Se dOn't etaY souk, et Carters Little Lîver Pille. Aiways have them onhend. Only 3ie frome any drttgeist. ~' eO ~4.,ts~,eee tt. ~ >'~vw .~ .~ -. ISSUE 2,r - -From The Financial Post

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