A 4SiLy5rC i Ab uensPark powýers-that-be Ave spoken There îsn'tgong to ILe any barness-horse rainonder the artiticial lighits-not qt Thore- icliff e R'aceway aniyway. And while We. personally, consider tbiis 'a meAatter for regret, we sup)pose ev,%ery son-ve statesmian-is enititled 'ilberao for thiýs refu.1sai to, 0K nigbitra iis aaiOf couirse, the desire of the auýtIthorities slot te encourage the vile hbit cf bettng en herses, wbich bringq up a couple of questions wbidh long bave puzzled us. let us try toexplabin. SuppoI)sinlg thlat.right this min- î4at vc sbloid( take a nýotïin to fiave baif a day Off from Our ar- dDuu lab ors1 slip over to HamiL- ton a-nd ytc spfr a fe v in- \es bat wounld be t'bc resuilt? We ,vould Jose b-aif a day's pa,.y iad -jud(giiig of the futuire by the)i past - aythngup e 16 n ages.But a4il this would(, be sty-ictly lega, ,and 4oset under the afpprov7al of Church ;Md soaneWeli anyway, State. But if we were to pick Up the phaneîl and place aý $1 bet an- Kingarvie, at tcen? We'dbave our haof day's emolumen;t;hIe t% waste would be less dban a minute; andjc our bosswud be one soitary buck. RBUT-we would I.be Commit - liog a very graveoffence, tat éf aing and abeting the crime ow maling a book. (WVe bad almnost forgotten that, sure lact year's crime Probe, basd-booking bas biencs ean wiped t jei--.Ontario, but Jet ut pass). Neow, te add tb aurbeidret cornies tis matter of time-of-day, À5 osa- as we can figure eunt i s qInite aIl igtfox, us tego t ANSWE1RS.TO INTELLIOBNCE TEST rcig 4--Africa. 5-Logan. 6- Ottawa, 7-(A> Nighit Wateh; (B> Pi"1y; (C) Mualsin e.Sibtne Ch1apel; (D) ITast Suýpec, IThorncliffe and1mak a "bet on a troýtter or pacer se liong as wc do- se in thýe broad dayligbit. Probably e-ven je thenar-row dayiighhif yo'u ýomr igbt down ho it But sol we ry and do se onice Mr, Bob Sauynders twomson bis hydre juice -aw, figure il euit feryoref It's tee deep for os r tofaîhom and much hoo bot 10 even i ry. Anyway, nigbht racing or no0 night gest, "Those boisîses thecre bave been, a gcaveyard for thle best on Ibis course. If yo cau't carry tbemn in this wind, better play safe," Or fie might rema.rk,, "There's a big brook ou tbe left. if you make any mitake, faor the right side." A bi horuamut's the climax of aniy cdysseason, tbough nahu7rally oiy a sm)-ail has)dful, out o" the coury's caad iy Pool, gets a cac to pceorm i in ose. Mean- wVhiie, thec caddies arc ouI on tbc racinig, the Tho(ru3clffe flksare goiug ,ahead witb thleir 42-day Sm mler lMeleting sta i-oaïudy july 5. Wbicb wllbegeod lsew for tbouisands of Ontarie folks w-ho haveC discovered, in bcpast two sesnthat ateniding bý.arness heorse rcig-ereduphimodern Style and wibot hÉ eÉlengthy de- lays at the shartý which uiseýd te miac the sport-is a vry pleasant woay of speeding an afteurnoon, whc.- thier yoo wager or nt Wc kwnow ne womýa-that is. if any, mac can know the woman lie mrriîed-whe didn't take longý Ici becomie an -ontbusia?st, Two years ago, wbcnn we suggested a trip te scecHe troûthers and pl acers, she caeoniyunerprotest. Halfway thro11b t'neafterso3-h-on ishesad r"We.ll , lve bad more funr, aeýd secs mo)re of wbiiat wVas actually going ou,1>than xc ali eqrs 've"bcecs geieg to watch the ThorYougbb)reds." Whicb, ,cssiderîng the fact that shle was thien about a dolaasd fert'y cents 1bsc, was igh praisze of ThorlncIiffe, ti pass along tbe tvord thitlsmtbn new bas becs added -someiuý1ig tha.t wil please the wbo do ;iQt cî etaway rinlime te, lake a chancean thflicDaily Double.c Up Ibere ty'rec going te nacieQinlawic en thtif yen cai ick the herses, thiat rue On-.e-Two iie the final race>, a rothugh ef' cessarily in Ibalt IRE Caivett SP-ORTS COLUIN n tee timnes, ,when Dmno a ak h greisît spofis programje oint cf f rit , Ie enti e ysar le Canadia, ycu mýihtbe ilne t thisnk bock, and wondsr jusI whot sýpo!rt here wcs 10 in. t he f<oîkze85 ysors ca.Ir, 0h11c succeeding articles, lwe'IIoryt ieyt kih idea, Perap yn fgue here wasn't mueh sport at alil wh-en Canada wabs a new-born infant in 1867. Certainily there wvas ne autornobile -aces, ne bicycle races, ne organized b-asebal, ne hockey no football m8 we know it now. But don't worry tee mucb about the fclJks of .1867, Sport there, wYas. Sport there almost always bas been. Net, cf course, in the Drganized form of today, nert ini the great mnass participation, or dhe tremendous following. But sport there wvas, indeed, 85 years tgo, and quite a good deal of it, tee. Thiere vias foot-racing, tracký sports, harness racing, horse racing, laicrosse, curling, gof, cricket, skating, sn-.ow-sboein.g, and, believe it or net there was even world Th1ere wa's !horse racing, buit, of course, with no p Jari-mutuel bettfing. mrc' oldest cotitnuiia1vyrun hlorse race, mýost colorful of its kind ïinthiese Dmiins as then three-y ears üld. That, is the Queen)'s -Plate, ra-ce-d at the Toronito Woodbine track lasi May 24. a) race th-at in igbit years' timre will be 100 years old. The eariy records of thlis colorfuil classic are lost in antiquîty. But, for the puirpose iït's enouigb to state as an established fact that ihere was organlized horse racinig in Canada, long. before Confederation., For the QuI(ee's Plate, which had its beginininïgs ni the reign o1f1Kin1g Williamn IV' was old whenC deaon was new. it bas enidured thirouigh the reign- of seven Brîtishi sovereigris, kings and queens, fo its founldation, in 1836, and isno 116 years old. The cQuebclec Kýing's- Plate was first ruii at Tbree Riîvers 31 years beforeConeeain in 1836, staged by Britîshj soldiers. so the catheiir skimipy isýtory cf the race relates, and rue probablj on an in-formi trac1k laid ont tbrough the grassy fields in thtle Britisb f-ashiion. Since then, itwa raced at Quebec, Ste 1-1* acinth.e, Sler.- brnooke, before bccoinig a permanent Montreal rýaciing fituire. There was lacrosse, of course, and if we wece puîtting these sports in their consecutiveorder cf birth we would put lacrosse,' because everybody knews there was- lacrosse back through the centuries un £anada, But we tinkii it mligbt be more initeresting te tocu:bLpon those sprswbichpehasypu didn'ýt know existed wben thie iprovin3ces join3ed Utp.Cric-ket, for instance, anin (-cntasid honorale s port. Cricket in Canaa dtes far 'back. The frs't international criclçet miatch in American h listory wýas piayed lbetweýen Canad arand the United states at Montreal jei 18415 A B ritish professional team was guiaraniteed $13750, te came te? Canada in 1859, another visit was made in 1868. Cricket is still play ed beneath the eims of many ýa coillege campuis in Canaida today. Bat back in the day2 cf Cenfederation, and býefore. it was ce of the principal sports, TIse second ef tItis series wiII oppeer .nexi week. Your ceommenftscnd suggeetions f4or tIti columrn wîl be wloe by Elmner Ferpusan, c/O Calvert House, 431 YOnfge SSe, Trconto. CaISv LLFR LýM EL AMESBR,ONTARJO order, yeoobave a chance 10 pick Up Put bni.Somel of the rus.- nigtracks bav Iis Quineila, but we believe tis is 'the first time we barniess-borse bugs are favored witb sucb a gldn(beb, beb) op-_ portunity I "Goiersbe indte your cadd!ies" Migh)t be ,the tem of anlarticle by John iR. Tinis un Tise New York Timues, in wbicb be points ouit tbait there is a c-eai sbortage of bag- toters thirea)teing-a shortage tbiat presents a ceai danger te thle fut- ure of the wback-and-walk pasý- time. Eigbity-five per cent of golf's modemn stars, Mc. Tunis points out, started as caddies, Gene Sajraizen, owili be playing istbirtieïh consecutive Open, wvas a caddy at Rye, NY., aIthe age of eigb ,o Kirkwood, --ry Oliveýr, Lloyd Manrum Sam Snead, johniny Revolt, thej Turnesas and Deny 3Shute, were, al otice cdie.So was1tbatgreup of Texans hoseem lrlecntly te bave domlinated golf: Byrn Ne]- aud Ben Hogan.ký is a lot more IbanlugllLgïjng a 11beavy bag o)f cilubs Theý caddy is aný arnateur imeteorologist -and pco. Ibgislt, a ilfnetbOYity on is ewn- louirseý, witb a knj-owledige os' the cuýles of Iega. He Bi-istbe Play.- ercts belper, rooter and coach, bhis bodgurdndprotecte, from theýb- crow, bi toobestcritic al best frienid * 51 The question miost asked by- a champion golf ce o.f bis caddy vis the distance te the legreen. The ,-boy must be able to 1caîl i accurtely a t any, spý7,cfot on tbecoul-rse. He must knf il locajl hazards, lhow wind ajffects-- diïfferent shots aong the Course, wbhat lies bebind the. greens, .which eues are tougher than others, Ibose green that hold the, pitcb aîîd Ibe ones thiat don't. Actuaily big-imeu golf is a tight- lipped aýffiair and the ood caddy seldom vounteirsiformnation. If in)vited ltûýo, bowever, heln.-lay sug- golf courses al ovlCffer hecointrye and1(1 usî now there is smwa of a ,crisitinoi n tbem. Two hegtelled ost of emjploying ose -jeIhee tmeshecas frequely earn ore one~clseberJ esterN.Y. Bck je1913w1, Francis Ouimet, a fome addy, defeated Ray and Vardon, th rBn- tishers, over bis homie-course at the Colxîtry Club, B3rookline, Mass., be did more Ithan sei golf te the American nation. B3: this time caddy fees wr 25 cents a rOund('! witb za Possible 10 cent thp. After Ouimet- caddies were tr(rate-d cas buman beings, rot as cobeap labor, Today thiere 'are almost 300,000 caddies ie America, aged 8 e z16. Tbhey annually cars $'10,000,000, e-- clusive of tips.- Prices for cadd(ies toiday range, from $1,50 te $3-ý50 for 18 hoies. Some states hd"vce a mnmmcaddy fec of $,5aron for experienced, and $1 a round for inexperjiecidboy'. Mestîkids in a dJay on theu golf course hp to make $6, by crriugtw bg on twe ;Grounds, plus tips. lu fapct, if tIhey don'î earn froni $40 $50 a iweek, they are likeiy te quit There are othler jobs eilsewbc,!ýýre wbjichl pay better. Se, modemr golf clubs. airefacinig the problemnet On-ly of wvbat many platyerscosd e-r ecsiecests in caddy eebuit One reason fÎor Biansgolfing dcjein rs ecent ycrs bas been- the age of theic caddies.The Bri- tish caddfy was a prefessionl-a porter, ias.it wr-h edmas- ýjred te earu the g ~n cn L-ast, the Ame-rican boy wvas lear- ing golf wbIie -caddIying, andws greomving hmefte step ijute the higber amateur or porofessiosial ranks of golfers, as se many of tbcm have donc. The traininig eo f th caddies has becs euio-e important reasen foc Amierica's golf ing suc- cess alilavec tIe wrd Many fol.- lowers af the gaine believe thiat wben the caddy disappears in thiis' country ee uprmayis golf wil soon vanisb aIse. Golitauthorities bere bave»e the handwriting on thie wall, and arc takin-g steps te impr-ove the, situation. * * * At present many golf clubhs make speciai efforts te interest bos;n caddying. The caddy master vijSiIc schools each spring and talks ho initcested gcoups. He ùexplains how the club crons a spjorts programmne witb volî1cybalil ,0soft'balPl, herse shees, pîing pong and otheý-r game4s dtriug Siack boucs.Mondays the clu-b, die clubhouse and the pool asý wcll as the cCourse its;elf, re given to file beys. Ulsually die "r"1 gives fren lessonis PJohnny Rvolta. gmeerally cornsidered one of the biesi teachiers in theuiess ,ivS, weekly golf jnstruction te bis ad dies at the Evanston Goflf Clb. TEST YOUR INTELLIGENCE Score 10 in ts for eaichi correct anýswer in the irst simqesýtions:ý i. The oceanlne itne ak n -1940 -1918 -912 .-1928 2. The novel M'oby Dick w-,as written byl: -Defe -molett -Wide -Meiifle 3ý Whant sporti s eatured -at thePreaknýiess: -ho 0Ckey -os racing -curling -boxinig 4 The anýcien1t city of Cartihagewa n --Siciiy -emn Arc Gu -1 MontMcKilsley i the ighest outi h'Nor.thAnecawhil -Ramier -LoaHbar Wlo 6.Whcho tb' followiýng cities contains fthe Canadianý mint: -Vancouver Montreal -t taa -rot 7.Litd elware. fou1r fanious artists and opposite tbem sosIe f O their m'ore faimous works. Matci thm, coring 10 points for each orrecl (D) Leoiaflo (da \inci Total yow- poinbs. A score of0 sspre;90-100, very supenior. -Murais in Sistine Cha,-pel --Nighit Waîch --LasI Supper 0 20 is poor; 30-6'0. avraige,; /0 1 CLASSIFIED ABVERTISI G Oral Artist-Earl Bailly, 46, of, Lunenberg, N. S, is a succes.sful artist, even thouqh his arms have been paralyzed sýince c.hild- hood. Holding the brush in, his teeth, BailIy, above, pujts the finishing touches on a canvas of a-Nova Scotian landscape, one of thi-ee wvhich have been purchased by a greeting cardi comapcny. DON'T Umis& ouion th1 e Ubettereggprc. Prmp elivery on dyold an,-i tarteiî hik, alfrom Cadin Apr>,oved, puloui eanil 1eks ;aed wlýth Ilts of R.OP. reedlng bacle cýf tbem. Also tukypeults, BedBratdBronze, White Holland, 13,lt6ville Wie Neb- raglean X Bread Brasted Bronize. Re- deed ponces. 'Catalogu, Breller chiiclis, olderi pullets, startedtukes TOP NOTOR ICTIICK S ALE-S Guelpb Otn in breller chiklaekus about our epiafat matur"inp, lilht coourecï New Hani"pa, specially ilow prices in large ord"e, iatees oùey w'ek In t- ycar. TWED,]DLE CIC HATCHERIES LTD. P'orgue nai dethave roue laýying pý en empy thi yr.We ba1ve chek bteh1ng every 0ehieka wlth lottscf R.. redn acI oftem We bave over 4000) R.O.P, pedigreed'] eerl in <i- redig ens tuk o ider pullete, %peulal breller ebcetuîkey poulieCaalgu >-WEDDLE CHICK HIATCHERLIES LTD, s erueOntario CABINS EQUIPrPD housekeeping cabine. $36.00 per wýeek. NipissIng District. Grand -1sblng. Silver Dawn Camp, Monetille. CLINICS "SICK~--"Write or eee Naturepathie Dector - Ontarie Ll1censed, Healtb Jlesteration Seilse No Operation- Drugles. U71 Dniertb Avenue. Nature- patii iS HaItS'Iinie, Toronto. DEALERS WANTED 0ILSGR!AsES, TIRES Palcs an varlehe , ElceioMetore, Freezers, MlSColrsan eed.Grîndere. ïHobbvsbop àMachinery, De. eswanted. Wrlt,: Warco Gruose and 011 Llmited. Teronto. DIING AND> CLEANINtI IAVE yen,)uanythîng rneede dYsing or dean- il-guWrite te om for information. W. are glad te anwrgor questions. De- partmenl H. Parkýer'so ye Wcnrkm Limlted. 791 Venge St.. Trno 1"ARMS -ýFR SALE 4$ CRE, lrgehous, alsobungalow. G0 are. daty fa . 35acre,. 4 î bhoUee bairn. 60 ars 30 acres fruit, lots 0f(sie. 0 are, odem brick bunjga- îow. 31 acres boeii.ccd n bara. 100 acres, goed huesand barn, 240 ares, dairy far,,, A;pcly Lï, M. Allison. New. castîs, 0Otarie LEVEL $ ETIN IED FA Central Abra 3.0.sneterme. Ilînese ferces al. . alli, lmibey, "0!RE,ïn't e ias many freeb iciAlleô tur1keyýs for,'heChsma rets tuie laie hathig tîsyeaî wIlll net be as lwzavy as last yecr.% Tweddlo June and. July fcoulis will bit the Chinimas marlett ment at ihe rgtürie, VWben yen raies l'weddle Broa Breasýted Br onze, yen spn!egs monie3 for feed. enly 4 lbs. are consum11ed for sachrotin" cf grain, lb, polterechmau 1tyin22 te 25 ees Also bavýe BEroad iBrecasted Wh-ite Holland. NersaBe1teville WiSlte. Nebrask.a X Broc .reated Br'onze7 Nn-exd liecs ortos. aye or sateWrite lor, spedial pr'ices ontwo weekold Broad Breasted tomns. Prompilt lv rTurkey guide. TWEDýïDLE. CEICE StATCHERIES LTD. ï,BESS CORN SALV-F'en sure reijef, Tour Druggl.t selle CRUES, TIRES limlesLargesi Tire Store Sînce 1933. Used -Tires, $7,00 and up. ltetreaded Trires, 600c, 16. $14,00. Other sizes, prlced a-c- codnî.Vulcanizing and retreading Eer- v ice. AMl work guarantesd. Ail orders C 00 $5 O eqefr'.d wll' eder. We cay charges one wcýy. Penînsula Tire Corpor- ete,55 King Street Wees.t. amilton. SAVE $$$ PLUMBING SUPPLIES ItITCHEN SINIIS - BATHILOOSI SETS PORCELAIN enamiel steel acld reeleting sinks, three-pleýce batbrom sels. white or coloured - chromie lIttings. Laundry tubs *shower cabineýts - pressure.water syste5ns MIi burner - sep)tie and ci1 tanks, air ûonitiocîng fruaci1,es. fHe1pfu Iinstallation diagr1,m le fres catalogue.. Speclal lets tu 1akge nts fie mosti pract'cal and money..savieg wayv tebuy, AIlsbipments Iclivend leurnearet raiway station, STRETVILEONTARIIO 2 PAIR P iLLW CASES $3.50 ing Srie le 5.Tria A JOHN SERE Pick U aler. Automatie WieTic Engins Sontd. Excellent, REISORT BUSINESSI S1ix betliez;elesminiature golf course, fiehipnd. dan gaines. etc. 1PnIced rAi for ouick sale, Ap',pîr Sieves Bowling Aller. Pott Stanler,. CAIRN Terrier Puneles. $25' ced $5 Ralc'h Boton MeClunes Mlle, Truro. r1nem mber ýi-a garden jii)France, 30 walled-in i t w'as like ea prison; the fr1ii t(tees so tighitly- espaliered as to look aS if they', were in tor- ture. By dirceof thle (AmPerican) owners, no posïes could ýbe plucked 5¶ISIJ 27 - 195f' F01i. SALE MEXICDA-N Feather picture Port r1d, Hand Decorateýd. r, atBirdfetr, Cam eron Hotel. î-',tewavy ote" MexicoL Brownmsvills, Vexas. SHTLNDpnies for sae-I1eVblacký gelding, 43 in. 51gb 6, year oý1ld; Ê browcr gelding. 44 le. 51gb., 3 yeare_ olsI. 1 spotted coltrsi 1 ys.r old: %,01 broken and umet with b 1jîdren. T, C,. Shean and Sons. Mitchell, Ont. 1947 CHEVROLET BUS, 48 passengere,. 1.952 Lîcenso. Excellent Cendition. AD.- pir: .Anderson Taxi, lPembroke. Ontario. 110W te Suy' a IJSED CAR ! Dent boy oe befere You 'read Booke centalinng comiplets information 1 Senti enly $1,00 to, M. Xiflnsky. 485 E. Lincoln Avenue. Mi, Ve-rnon. New' York, U.S. A. RIEDI VAL setisfy yours.elf - every sufferer ,of Pbcomptwic Peurs or Neuriis should try Dîxer,'z Remnedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin .Otawa $1 .25 Express Prspoid TOBACCO ELIMINATOR A sclentif le remedy fer Cigarette .3.de- tien. For frees boklet. wrIte Kinga Pharmacal Corp. Ltd.. (Alberta). Boit 678. London, Ont. SASTHMA WHI uifer If there ls somsthleg tbat wII SelD ycl' Hundrede cf thousammdscf sets have been sola con amener bacS uai aniste. Se easy ite use. After your qsrm- tees bave bsec lagmed as Asibma. ,,yen owe It te yourself te tr AsthmaùnefrIss. AsS yurDruiglet. O)ne worian telle anether. Taise supeïler 'EEMINEIX' te belp allevlte paIi. 11s- tisse0 and rnervous tensionas6at&wt ,55.100Pesteald Ina plain wm-apee. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISB 15e torment of dry ezema nrashes anld veeiirLskie trouobles,. Pai'eezema Sales Wil! 00t1 ýD011a1oinYenQ. ftebing. soaJLlng, bonomir soeme., acoe. rIngýworrm, cIm.Deans cd atblete's foot, wîl) respond rea-dily te the stainles odoriese olînieot. regardîsse cftSuiv stubboru ez bopelees tier seen.. PRIVE $2.5c« PER JARS POST'S REMEDIES Sent Port F~r-e 'SP Recelpi cf Frics F,80 Que Si gr <'orne f LAgan, MOISIGAGES DANFORTH and Woodbics District, Toc- ento, $4.500. tiret morigage. plus 6%, for 5 ysars on a solid brick bungalow wilh cemeýni drive and brick garage. Hot alir heaties with S piece baibrom. Wbll sali for $800. Please write te. Mr. B. Dent. Tri-Dent Mocîgage Company, 2279, Yoenge Street. Ron 6, Teroite, 'TRI-DENT MORTGAGE COMPAN'1Y Firet and second meýrtgaigse iner wýanted for, good hemes lun Teronto acdgrru- Ing subUrbs. Good dsont. Tas addreeeyourltterste: MIL. H. DNT, 222 VOGESTEETr ,wOO , TOR- ONTO. MEN AND WOMEN ,PE' A HAIRDRESSER JîeNY-N ADA'S LEAIJNG SCHOGi Greai OPDcortunity Learte Piapant dîgniOsO profesion", 5000 Wages. Th,ýesands cf succeasful Marvel graduates mecasGre'ateet systema fllustrated Catalogue Free Write or Cali MATLIAIRDRESSING 5C1300LS 858 BIner St. W., Toiento Branches! 44 Kîng-,Si.,, lml 72 Rda t. tw $18-00 AN EVENING FOR Tour Spare Tiio. .st 3 grfe Trial Sales of aa ing Ptented àuto- matie Refigerator 0s)f nesters can par yen that. Hundredecf Set horprospects com- mission. Rush riame, addrees, for A- ANTEED ' PUOFIT OFFER.D-'s-- Matie Cerp, Depi. 40, Newmarkst, Ont. PATENTS &N OFFER ioteeer Icvetor-f.iet or In. ventiens anýd fu Informaion sentI res. IVhs RamEar Co.,* ftsgIstered Patent Aller- nesys, M73 Bn4 Street, Otteiva.- lentSoitr. Establislsed 1890$. 51 Say Street, Rreo loklet nciiinorma,- tien ira reguesI. T1EACRERS WANTEII WHITETONE.Ont., .S. No 1, Me. îtezi; antedl, experiene(-cl teacSer tu teuclh cig1it grades. duties te staitSe, let: atteedanco e rxmîl 4 el tej Anthony Warnboltz. WbIteetene,Ot