_____ I. ORONO WEE 5,396 -Arres Purchased By Ganarask~a Authorities Since 1947 - -~.- O (CfltilUCdfil ~ pae HThe most acqiie a.eneo ultY - IeVeffective h iswdotok\-ti regard to welfare of -heian O land. Bad laid Luse cau best be cured 1o lit krc slow. ~At prýesent mainy o-wners llM4SlTI luso4 s i te Authority whilestlfi Coac Lies t o1oo sese f uity th "Metractinig ome vlefrom ithe tetnn St ,land, eiter hroiigh \wod or pasture. ÇExpropriatio powers xist hi th lihae eer been used. The long es-I W tablishd ights of privat'ie rI i ,sfiip -are respected, even to the PENICILLIN ndetrin t of theý community ut large.ian The mnciaite hose STREPTOMYC1'il N ~ wc s 1eA(L~F ioni resul[ted ;ii he formation of the SRPOY th ri y r th T w n h P;of Ca a 1 C f E oGanatraska Rivere Conservation Au- Pon t po Clarke, Hio e and Mnvers, aud the1 Tovwu of Port Hope, alillu Durham f OCounity; and the Tôwýship of Hamilîton f it~ ORONO [-----J9 5 .m n Northumberlaiid Co unity. AI' of f 1 5 - Arr.......1-:--am-- 8:00 p.m. daily [1 Istake in th(e reforesttýinprogram j FrCccdss now OR ii of the Authority, and iu the miainiten- VeAi OIRONO -~ Leave.10:10..- :5p.,diy ance of the gradiially cdevel.opig VSu-if qjoain al NEWCSTL - Ar :5 a.. - 8:50 p.m. daily Gaaak oetâsi emnet (Add to ilriuiking- water) S10 Upotectie loasrv atiou alsset. 1 50 tablets...........1 F riday an s tIRTeport on Ganarska F oe;t Is of i RfO's for ------ - -- - - - 1 Lv :45atd Sn y OlyJune 13, 1952: 321,000 trees \ere Newcas---- p.m. otiY P0o1, Lv. ....8:20 p.].[ plante(] ou 477 acres tis spring V-xain olito ------ ---- 8:00 p.m . . -r-----........... 8:5 pm..L.d p rhse snc nep1n ounces --------- --- ------ $10 fl irb..........:05p.m iby...... ..830 p.m. [J1947, 2268 Sacres; 14,13,79 ars l16one............30 UEuterprise......81--m-r-........:5--. 199 6 ars 95,25acres; 32one.........$50 Potpo------:5p.. Nwatl.....8:50 p.m. [J1951, 275 ars 1952, 400 acres (not 3 mcs------ - ---- 8 . 1 5 lý i ii cNw cpse t ed---T o t al5 5 3 9 6 a c r es Connections tfewc ticEfst ad West [JùPe(() otl536prS oroaacasan-[ Total ::OlazPili(ý12501 acre; to. Plume 68 r Ty1 0 2.l227,00 týrees. Coaches n 0,2209 acres; areatl lntio,50 ~~~~~~ ~~acres; area to be planted, 686) acres.!, __________________ Ganaraska Foresýt, 536 cres; Dur- St. Sarjouirs Anglican Church heuý-ld ham Fores7t, 13ý99acreos Total Forest a succssUl tr erySocia'lou area - 6795 acres. Wednesday., eveniig, July 2 And it also afet huad fOrono Tinshop "Thedie aus now 1,)been -castý" An mricn maýnufaCtburer was planning' ao o'naln nCanada. 1He ~oni eedvariousltos and found wha s meda lkeysite. 11Ie talked to E, local nk man-1ager, got facts abu-hc1mnt and its facilities. Secme ime t,ýer te G pay rote ta the bAnker edie a nwbencast. It is our a dt S. Your acu r adr ad S SWfl ias op ch ci,. îuhleti 0 show how abrnch bank servesnoýt 0onl'y its ondpstr 2ndothr cstoersbut how;%, by asoibg buiess dvmnit benefitis "C'i s a l rti semnt as 0on an tuletrs -pcsncder b T H FBAîýNKSSEVî YOùLiR CO1 î FMaUN i Ty othier Canaimdians in transplort at ion, cheicals, foods, and other indus- tries who depend dirctly and1 M- directly ou pulp and paper, thne larg- est purc.haser of goods and s ervicesl iu the land. Hlence 'the wvelfa-ýre of Canada:as _a ,vhole îdepends ou kýeep-! inig our lfoiests grecen anmaagi the properly to enisurte crops' of od aperpetuity. "The pulp and paper bindusry an-j nulyspenýdsv as;t sum onm fores fire prevention. Roads are bulî for! re(ady awccess to all jparts of the limts;~itwoksof tLowerIs withý mýain[taineýd; and constant reercîsý undrtaento devise new a11 n ore- effec-tivýe Irnethods of ottUg, co- trollingand suppressing fire.« "On behialf of the miillioI n men, womeui and cýhildreu w¶io directly dle- pend on1 pulp and paper opeiatiOns, I earnestly ask Canadhis to exercise, care and help us elimrinate this waste' of national wealth" WC carry afufli line of Fixtures,ý Pmpet c. RE. LOGAN Phfon4e 18-10 I NighPtgown1s,Lais Rayon, Asst. Styles and iColor1s Sizes smnall, mned, large and (),. Each $1.9S tBriefs, Ladies' Rayon. Sizes Small med. or large IPrîced at 3 pair for,................10 Brassieres, Ladlies white (Gothie) Breathing wai.st, adjustl)e back closing. Sizes 30O to 40.. $1.75 Diapers. Infants' Eaelh. ý........ 35C flannelette. Sizes 27" x 21' Pkg. of 12 for . ,....... $3.98S Pants, B'aby Rubber.Sp l Reg. -39C f Or., 25C ilas, en' stawpin frntFedor-a shape 49a Socks, Nylon striped aikie, Asst- oos Elastic top. Sizes 8'2 to 1O¾ Pr*'ce per Pair.......5c Socks, Ch.ildren's Allonim for long wear. Aif colors. Sizes fi and QYrice per pair........ 59e Paper TableCoes hie Size 54x96i.ea 19e D24 cents tns. Sp, C!osedFishNoegian Sar- s inri pure Oi O.The fin- Oron Crean ery Butter -lb.5 8 c Sugar fi ranuated 1001l. ag or...........$9. 42 Camp l'sPork and Beans i omatsauce -15 oz, tin 2 for. . 9 Deestic Soteiglb. pk.2 7 elvo Cooaesyrip f or maîk- iwn'u hooîi e Chocolat' mialted milk- etc.ý 18ozStn............2,5 c Maiz C rNiet (whole kerýnelcorn') 14, oz- Priced per tin............19z ashing, Soda, ýsoiftens hard vater, Pkg...10 ghti, Frac Amria, 5 z tins 2for 3le L au~ Il 1 eII's Drug Store Jackwnan Flowers MOJND)AY- TUESDAYÂ-JULY 78 YOIhaivell't got lhe gt t point your fin- -~ ger a guyansa:0 Go etkiîlIed! WEDESDY -THUL Il0 YI i .- w 3, 1952 r' 4 RSDAY --JULY 9-10 WVICASH "nd CAME S ENTER YOUR P.W TURES IN OUR Inte resting Sn_ýapshot Contest Our st 'ore is off ering the f 'ollowing prizes:.- lst prize - Asco Camera ani Flash Gun. 2nd prize -Kodak Camera adaptable for flash 3rd prize- One 8x10 eniargenient of your f avo 'ýËte picture, hand coloured in oils com lete, in a mount. TIIEN.-. The, prize-wiiming snapshot or en- largement from our store.' will be entered in Mer- cury PhoA Service Interesting Snapshot Contest to compe for $500,00in-Cash Prizes. Buy Y7 r Films Here ... Leave Them Ilere For ýu ~Fast Service ' Don' orget, you c~anw in both a CameraauaCshrieb t e11' ug ouir films with us, nothing to buy. SailaIlyur pictures and negatives this siimmrer 1 Do't for- get yýou cau ma!.e as mauy entries as you like, Ask us for a book of coutest ries. Contest closes september lSth, 1952.