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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Jul 1952, p. 1

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Vol. 16 No) 24 OnONO,ONT.. HU îM--tel Fire At Caesarea Claima Life 0f Proprietor's Wife, Fire gutted the Kenesha House at Caes]a're aly Sunday 1orin nd -a whieli the preoprieter's wife Mrs. Tieyflrran lest lherifeTt was aounced fromn Torenito Montday thtteinspeer would proceed -iectly tetohe resert v1ilage on tIhe -ýhore of Lake cuigog te begin thec AUhLthat lie will find on hlis ar- ria sthe founidaitinoCf flic10- yerod bulding which centin7ýIs bckndtimbers and fisedir- work. Hlere andff ther-e la the ruins arecharedbits aind pieýces of loth- Inmite evidence of thedepat hur.ry in whcithe preprieter and twel"tve guiesfs left the bumildiing e the Lre xas fimst detected aýt about thîc o'cock on Sndy omniing. Mrs. Haran died when) she r- thteedflcbuilding ,at the heigIit ýet the fire. SethIough-it shIe 1 m,-It havý-e a chance of ighting hem waJy thrýougli the smoke and flaimes tei heupstatirs living-room wher-e'a atrouý,g'box containing recerds, meoney adkeepsikes vwas kept. 11a flic con-. cuioand before nayone ceuld stop lie., she entLýeed the bui1lding. Hlem body ws remoed Frem Ithe ,till nurnin g Structure wlien1 the top forof the buiding coIapsed. There ws Imuc-I specuLation ia o Caesýare a aogfred1ndaih Oor f Mr. and AMrs. H'arron ,and wliwhom th Ue aged couple were eeype)pularî, about the cýausýe of the l're wsknown t hvestrtdon flic, verandali and once the fiamies gflthir star't thleir progress was nea- -eerte by the fact that the veran- dLilal and the front cf the Hotel1 had ben reshly vpainted. Tinside ocf in teteoe front cf fthe structure wsa sehnmass ocf Liames. Aitheugli it mas inetcofre jsgosi-p had îit that Mrs. Ha~put two ~amwhatintxicaed enDeutl fthe bhote-1 on Snýturday iniglit. They il inet apparenitly Leave at onice b)ut ieedaround the vemandali cF the( htlfor somne tire. rf was thoght -posýsible that one cf them miglit have letalighited ciigarette in the ches- Bowmafiville 'furns Do wni Beer iquior ?roposal The citizenls cfBowmoanville on Wc,_duesday,, July lti vofcd on thit 1quest-îi o f estnblishinig withjin flicý tow\Ia aLqo Store and a Bec' Refail Soe This proposai was votcd euit by flic voters cf flic corporation. Sixty p 1er cet cf fIe total v,,ote waIs aceded te crry licpoua aad ithoglithe majemify Jiavoured flic establisuimeut cf aliquLor nnd beci stoie a[dionefrea-chlife acs saryl' per-centage. Thie cwcrs 1Re- tail strelcked ajppro)xima-tely iv per i cetin cryigand for lich sale cf hiquor, se2ven per ce(nt Thefoiiu is a summary cf Cfi he votiag: Brcer's Reftail Stfore, Yes 1513 No 1220 i 0f Pr.sperity Poverfy isnit te be co-mparced v',41 teeth acrigto Dr. S. L. llolney, denitaIl publ; i eali uhoiy "Dnriilg fdic depression ycas m peop)le cudeasily bave been peIlu"", aded lfIat lack uof îpiymen sd- genemal low icm levels resuifed lu poor denita-l coniticons ameng chilîdreni," writes ,Dr,. fioncy. "Per- laps it, lad somle bearia' g on fle icpr-I blcmn, hut ias 1aneffecýtivý,(1e aemy cf geod denital licaîli pcverty isn'ýt te be cepred w\Itihprespcity Dm. Hoa1ey, wloie ladirecter cf f'ice dental divisioni, Welluud aad Dis- tric (OtamiPlHaifuli Unit, cj6eauitl believ-e if rencuiable te blamne den-l tal ilîs on cicmtnetliaLf fÔrced People te live oul a plain), ixonîv dieýt. fiepoints te the coniditinc E'skim-io's tueefliand these cf Inianiis wbo live ina flic nortli bcyond rendcof civilizaftion's soft swect foeds, aseV- idence c)f the benefits cf plain diet. ý',UI ýI ýUI5-year-old son, David, lu hkis aris. Acali was put in to Port Pe-rr aIt Ms Prischard hand previously ,ade onefor fire equipmenit and in a the 'jumiýp after lier husbandaw- uICIrt timie, considering that Port Per- enied and rýipped the screen S from11 ris a volunteer brigade and thiat if' thewiow je bout niae rmiles hetWreen the vil- Mrs. Hlelen Skenie, Toronto, dlis- laethe puinper truck arrived aad covered the fire-ina the early ho)urs of1 aonthree Iines of hose wvere laid. the morning. She said that she and a < Hdthe hiotel not heen so close to f rienýDMarjoery Barton, witli whom -telake (a mnatter of thirty or forty'she shareCd a roem at the hotel, had yad)it would net have been pos- been eut late visitinigfreds They! iieto put as much water into the returned an v ent to bed an fter! bldn.However it was too late a coupl of ho0smiss Bro wk 71he fire had too mucli of' a start. ened Îlier fiend. She \vas sure sýhe -U he earof he uiiing s aid t th ere was a fi re in the Atterarohuidn r 1liouse, Ms.Skene ran m downstairs wo quite large hoýuses which were and foýuid 'the hole verandali on usdas annexes to the hotel. It Is fire. Shle ranm back upstaýirs an-d gave heethat Mr. Harran îis living %vithithe alarmn. Everybody ,,ot to h hi~ daghter building and had Mrs. Harran flot Thle Kenosh-a Hotel was famous decided to) go back lan, there would ila thle district for its duck dinners: have been no ljoss of !ife. X s. Hrran had a reputation as a Last person to leave the. buldingi fefffok and years -ago sportsmen wa Annie Ralph, 59, of Tor-onto.- ýand1 people wiýth discrjiminlating pal- ShI'e refused to jump uintil helpers atswould corne for- miles to eat one placed a ladder against the, side of ofx her wý,ild duck danmers. The hotel the -building. There were pienty of aiiretained its reputation aýnd Ifia dders arounid, she told spectaýtors3 w îslnt 1unuisual on a week-end to "ter, and she "0 noreason Why eeCars Oshawa, Peterboro she sh-rould hurt herself iuuniping. 1 ad Torû oto. Mr . Hrrani's maiden ýnam]e was Matilda (Tilley) Sýwain. She and hier Mrs.Sall Mcridg, 17 Mjorhusband built up a prosperous littie Street, Toronto, is la St Piae'sbusns nte4 er aeh Hoptltoday with a fractured le- ilttehtl received4I when shte jum-ped te saf e- -tiy efdeda edo the, second fIoo r. She ws Tfnrwasashed ro ,teA. oneiç of four who nade the twe-nty L. McDermott funeral chaipel, Port foot- leap. One man, Griffith'bPrich, Pe-rry Monday at tw\cioioclock, Inter- alsîo f Toronto, jumàpe-d with his mient waý,s ,,t Nestleton CemeterY. Newtonvile Girlis Walk Away, With F2irst Playoff G-ame, Piaydowns luiflic Clnrkce-Dýnling-1 ton-, Girls lemgue commenccd for Ore,- ti ad Nwovii nMondcay eve- nin"g afthe local parýuk. In this fîr e eut cf f ive series Orone dIropped flic fir-st gamne by a1 score cf 20 te 10. Ncwtomville has this year a veryp yoag terntcf girls mwifh seme uil in public sditool. -Yet tlrey Ield comn- ý'-'--' mandtcf flid iie pei gamie stead-. Jy ncreasing their lead over fIe1 local niine. Their tcamï spiitý, and specd wosee-main factor ila fhisi firist playïoff vicfory. If would aippeai' duit in ycars te cone flua istea-m coul" bc ficeuole te beaf. U Joan Cooper pitched flic firaf fewv innings fer Oreno te be- relieved by Joyce Teraan. Enid Tennaft earrned flic oniy home rua for Orono -while Joules 'for Nwoviewas fiche i bat for 't17e eveingt, with twèomers., The late Arthur Thomaus Allen of the vlaeof Oroio \who ihad 1ený pa tsse(,d iway in Oshawa Generai H-os-pitail June l6th, 19,52 atfter a ver>y serieus e)perationi age (;8 years.i Arthur was boru la- Enter1prilsei about five miiles north of Orono, Soni of the late Willijiam d Mary Allen. Hie wais ùnited linu mar1riageJue, 195 ,uMagret Moffatt. M1e xan a steam siiovel for somne years h1(lp- iiig butild the C.N.È. . throughOro pickering, Ee Milis, Gueiph, Ham- ;lton anid MWater-down. Iia 114 lie bougILi aThreshing Macinie anad Silo FillUer and trehe ' or the ftarmers ;a good a yar.fle fand the lte C. J, Thorton raui- a saw mil-i at the South end Cf the villag-e. iLater hie boughit ont Mr. Thorton iald mn it hlimself until hl- sold eut the'1 macinery Ëte-Mr. Roy Thoiipson of Lsad Arthuir wais the firstma tebuy and oper4,,e a Trucking btqsi- n1ess inaiaro 11-u111 ç>lo n a 3. Fie wsstili in tfiebusinesslat 'tne lim n bàis death. -The funeral was held from bhis life residence oni junae 18th, 1952, witÉh ev John Kitcei ctii c the service. One ofr his fouritehmnRock of Ages, Wais suniig b.y M.W.Mit1chell wýitli Mr, Neil Stew\art att -he piano1. The niy beautiful floral tributesý paid respect and love from faill- frjýinds and lneighbours in-wIlhthc departeod was held, The Woïeý Christian Teiper- ance Union on Tuesday atmon July l5th field their mieeting and pic- flic te entertain the littie WieRb bonlers and thleir m11others a.t the O0rôno Mlemiorial Park. The president, Mrs. 14. Walsh epen- ed f lie mieeting with the hy, On warld Christian Soldiers, an!d prayer'I T!he miinutes of t'he last mneetinigi were read and approved ith a short businless period f'ollow'ing a.fter which il joined in a siaý,g senig. The guests sea eroth after-. ]oneen was NIrs, John Kicen wh Ao gave a very initeresting, and educa- tional talk oni the chidren of Chinia, conernngtheir hoeshealth and habits. She e had many thiags te show)\ inciuding soinievery finle se-wilg donle'by the chuîidrenl wlie, weetauglif this art at theMiso Orph'anaýge. Il/ra. H. Rowe, gave a goed tl explaing the work of the W.Ç.T.U wihthe icchildren, STo Repair Mill Dam 0 4400 Chick Plecasants Released lei Twin Counti-es TIc distribution cf ring nleck .,peasnt ayold chicks toe aenasuif- abefr li dequate surviva i s, 11owV nearing comipliein Tes cliclisar reaired by sportsmnaa's or- gaýin i z afiLaos , con, servat ion clubs and ia sonie ca ts, ,s tîrougli Township auspices, te tlIc point whcifre tlcy can be l ibemafied witli reasenable A total cf 25,000 chicks willI have be-en delivercd by July lSfl,àla avensl capaible cf supporting picsatso n permianent 'basisý, 4,400 cf whicl acre rclased lunLae front Towm- S lips il, ulimand Nortiumbcrland Ths iîda are produced nt flic 1Uodiington Bird 1'arm tanBrighton The -meeting closcd wti\fiz- Township. pal Benedie Later a bounfeous pîcale lunch was enjoyed by AIL. rdm * HT. i dse lini!ng iWin uver Lamborne The Oreoo asebaill squadila mast The palîbearers were Mess. W. Pak witb Camtbomne camne ip with Roîpli, Wmn. Arrnsfronig, Percy- Lunri, a îast m.inute victory in a 12 te, 10 Percýy Patten, ArchIle Luan, Herr*ysoe Mece.Itermienit was made .iu Or- caio Cemlefery. i amoruÈisa team wmhicli Oreno sl-hould have beaten casily but fomid~ Hie luves etemoumas nishéoss, bi i raher dii'ficult aftiÉmes te keep wife Margar te tueo as aMmbisobd ns ndge. Or«oolackd ed lzip nnd de- side~~~~~~ metcwlctm n 'ie emiaMWi cul w hid ley receaitly have Hauroid 11/., A. EmneUst and W""- Vawçce been shewing and aise tle apptitude aise two daugliters, LiHlinathleenof base muing. Jýoues, Wesýt andi (Mýrs. Harold Hcoey), Valeta Mer- ons i'aeupemne ufi grt(1\r1S. Mitea Green) cfOm 01e Oone tnlouidn l nendeav-our fol wo ister Mms. John MýffYatt, Ëi-i ur (ajnbrne scores. terprise, 1Vfls. Uorioin 1-oldctr, Vslt- aw~ten gmandichldr-ea and fwo greafgrudhudrn A decisiü o o passlng a, player te homie plate on what wa-s describedi as n blockc brought forth cousidemai comme11cnt and( discusý,sion causing He suys tIe records sýhow that,- Eskci- deluy lai play at li firaf f ich mtos h'ave lesa tanone Pcv Cent hil sevenfh. -,This decisionll ied flic score foofli dcny. for, Camiibomne at feu ail, a lich last cf the seveafl D. \West drove a "This dental decay pmoblcmn is berner with eune on base givîng fic, more devastafiag than is genierally local lads a two ruai lead lanflic final- boelieved," lie stafes. If la becoming ýscore cf flic game. The disputed worse wifh ecdiycnm c fpm pcly block was a fake throw te third bY! Negleef cf if is c.oYstly and an un- flic pitecer in ftie box but nieyer c om- treafcidedcTct becomes wvorse. as plleted. As yet we. havelicard no cen- time passes. crete intierpretution cf thf Il py. Staples--Forrester Nuptial Baýskets c Wiitc Cr-arnations-, dcl- cf pink >ro)ses. several tciegmam1-s cf phiimsî,ý,, and daisie,,s formed tic set- c2ongratulations were rend zaffer flic fing lu Orono United Clurcl i lstitoasts wcMe given. Saturdaiy affemnioon, Juiy 12, 1952, Fertravelling thc bride mloncd a wlien jeanne Isohel Forreser, vhil, linen suite witîi navyaces- daugliter cf Mis. Roy Alexander les and corsage cf daisies. Foirreer and flic late Mr. Forester Tic happy couple leff, by met-or for us united iu murriage w7ith Donald tîcir wedding trip te Gaýspe aind flic Heny Staple, son of Mm. and Mlrs.. Maritimnes aud on their reitumuwill cmmile H. StaleO rono0.010 reside iiTi oto The Reverend John Kitcheni per- Ouf cf Tou guests were Mm. and iformcd tflicireony. Mmrs. WV. E. C.1 Mrs. Glen Wiggins, Mm. and Ms 'Workmnan pmesided at fle ic oran adCaec Wiggins cf Bmamipton; Mm.. acomanedMiss Rufid MCciad rc Fam-um, Mm. and Mr. Crdo whlo sang "il i Wak Beside You"1HuLblcy, Dr. and Mrs, ate . Givn in miariage b- y lirbote anu Mrs. James Pickard, Roy C. Fre ter, lbide rare a Mmj.anid IMrs. R. Mlake, Miss Ethe gown cf blual Mousseline de soie1 Bouck-I, Mm. C. D., Bcuck, Mrs- Amy with, flea'criuig 1eeýkilue and tedMcllad, )Misses Paf iovwe train. A biaIisla -ce trimmed cap) held! Shirly Evans, Catharine wain, hem finger-tIpveil, Sic carrid a luth cCelanGwen iWray, Melba bouquet cf witC baby Orchnida and PolDey, M r B'udka, v Mle stephanofis. Bsi Stocka of Toronto; Mmr.n-d The brdi attendants weon Mrs: Rosa Strike, MN. and M"s. Alan MiFsses IMary Bucklhýim, GwcnWmy, Strike, Mm., nudîs. Kyle Squarte, Mlba Pelley sudd'Mlu. John Ferrester m asd Mra. Robert Evans mid Tîcir idontical gowna cfoidC ldeBwin I.14r. sud Mma. ergandy over pik faffeta wcreddc- John Peou"ndiW. Jamies Peünfea, sigacd wth fitfed bodices and shawi Mm. obcrtPnou , asd tirs. collars. Ticy ore bmnidedcid or-; Roy Peafound, Mm., and lis. ?MacCrac' gandy sud'atriuged pearîs bcad-;Bruwn cf Torouto; Mfe sud Mrs. dreSes and(1 carmicd bouquets of pink B ereA ouek, Iroquois, Mlr. sud daisis. j r Fred Forrester and dauglifer Mm.rMcCmne !Browu ripcrformed fie j Drofy, rs. AdrwForrester c)f dAtiesof best man. The usher wee Hamilten; Miss Muriel Staples, Port Mm. Alan Strike, Dr. Sol. Emulkar and 1Hope; Miss Josephine Snft onMill Mmr. John Frrester. brook; D)r. sud Ms Sol. Erikam, Tic receptinwas Ield on f1tBhe moeMamyiand. Fmom Oahnwta: baffl"Broadlawn's,% home cf MmM i Xss AudChy Bîilngs MISS SMieyý and Mvrs. M. fi-. Simples. Te receive Porter, Mm. and Mrs. J. A. P-cnfouuad, tIc guests fIe bride's 1metlir wore! Miss Mary Pcnfouud, HMm. JaCk >e- an affemnon dress orcfcoa and 1 found, MiS Margaret FIinftftir. w,ýhite p-rinfed paper taffefa, --coalaud tMrs. Sim Pcnfouiid, Mm, and accessoies . aa orsage cf pink labrcncPeufcuind, lMiss June Daw- roses. The gro's utfer Y ho as-1 son. Prom. Newcaste: Mms. Man slsfed chose whinte and green sicerlStapletn, Mm and Mrs, Trvacy wtwh if e accessoies and a cýorsage Eml-bley. Clarlike Tewnship Cani met on Juy8th in the Council hmbr Oroo wtliReee J H.Lowery re sidng.Furherte theivetgio cf, the Lake View Ce'metery ývCompan1y which was rqetdby the tute cf thaý,t ceimay, ceuncil reported ,ýte Me _ssrs A. Wade and ý4 ednp that the Cmtei Act vwould net aillow a munlLiicipality te bah I1men'eaS te a Cemetery Ce. Affer con]siderabl&I disýcussioin un ys ;and meians for the cemectery te acquire more lind, 1 was finntlly dejcided to requcst legal advice. iMr. C. T. Miller on behaif cf the Ormoo olice Truistees requestcd counil t e onstrueýt eue iele fvi-ZJ Inge streets witli an atsphaîlt and ci stope pepurat n ad 0;cOI mrpi remaIiIîing streets. OýJe miile cf the new proceasing w s tinsnted a $1200 _but bcing superioir te the el j11g Ppccss will Stanid for- a pcrioid cf four or rive yeairswfhu major te-. pi.Over a 'peviod of time this uewI cn1stvuc o Iliould Prove er Sui. pelr u ore econeLmical!. Offciai confirmation. %was re cciveýd staing dta teDepairtnment cf Lands mi Fetswill udrtkto Aitnicmrae service at the correct the( damiage due te flcod lu! Orono 'United Churcli on Suaday, 1tlie mil dam ri ond lewancc, without July 20th there will be a deaion ayces"t"tM tWsip cf emoial- wndos wichhav Councîl decLarcd Auigust the fourth this week been placed latinne twe i1, )52 "Cîvic Hol-)iday"' as a legal bl- -iagýs ,cf the Churcvh. These window,,s'da' Y ila iceonhp are te be dedicnted te the wmmry1 cf Mr% and Mirs.JhnRickaby, MvI. la agr2eement wAth the ~slfo and Mrs. James G. Tami)blyn, Mm J. >i-()omithie Trustees cf tlie Police Vii- J. MeIllr, Mr. J. J. Cornish, Bobb)y lage cf Orono, By-iu -No. 1216 mws and George Rowc and Mm. anri Mms. given first, second and third mtn WalwtcrCobwlcdick. ad finally passcd therebycsaih. The soloisýt for this service will be' in- a rate te bAleied on th e meble Miss arartAliai.! Iperty cf the police Village cf CO- It is expected that the windows e c f eight miilis on the dollar for For tIcmiain body cf the cliumch -lW ill ýthc year 1952. bu phia~d in poum~on befqre ute su' at ~ ~S wJcitni hywila1 b e Byý-w No. 12,17, a by-lavw te raineý( dicted Weunevstun ta c tethe ncea r ates ila the Townsihîp four windows lu this section cf the i f Clake for- the year 1952 'n ie edifice thrce have been taken un1d Lirst and second reading and fahle4l are now laithe process cf being until August 'e-ul"aIlmeetig'c miade Counicil. Voucliers la tbe amiounit cf ConsiderLable gý ork over the iast $7230.00 approximiatcly, were autheor- fewv weekslins beeu dene onflce ized for Paymueaf chutch property and is adding geat- !y te the eut sde appeance. îNew top soil lias -been added te) the law,ýnsJ with new seedlbcing planted in an cssw!%ph were purke off Slie high- endeavour te have gras&s. ise an way at Cobourg recenrtly. Botli cars vegeahedge lias been planted a eebay a1 gd onthe Ieftsade long the easteriy boitem of the pme- but passengers escaped. with a, shak~- mise. smnal entainfig aIýIs ha"ve ing Up. b)een erectcd aud ,ïuirpLi lus drinazgel- stalled,. Work wiil commnence lu the Looking at the flag citj,k hi near future witli the arrivail cf an haid been wh-Iittled fromn a sinail tree expert fromic rofhe copan te1 1mb, Constable Homrer Seule cf Co- propely apply rcefing se as te e 1r-boumrg police department mecalled corn e ilaking wich now exitsceeing a dlup truck ia Cobourg sev- o- etmalheurs beforýe fthe accident ,witki Clearance PFIgStick Le tle sameflag stick.The resultantý teus j investigation breuglif about the ao- To rafic onvctin1 eatnear Orvoe on Monduy evenîng To ra c (Olviciol J c0 f JosephliHart cf Strat- _____ Fr-d, >v' vwas w)ilg -bna bridge. 'l'le broken stick cif a clarancel construction job near Orono. Clinrg- fiag from) a truck found at fme seene ed wvith iea.viag theç scenle o>f' I ann-- was ail!fliat polic-e had fer Ia' due af- ienf, liewu fined $1 50,00 man ter a, dumiptruck, sideswviped twe ,vo us. osts c. or Leur onlis Health Unit Emphasiz,7es Early Investigation 0)f Eye 'Defect Thc greaf mprtncof early ia- 1treatmcait until hlielennes scîcol agýe, ve(stigation an'd correction cf o y de- Alî cases cf-l squitslio 5(ul-d be utI- Feeýts lun chidren waýs emupla!sized vesf -ignted as saccu as tutc'Iilug-cf th!a by Dr% Johni S. Cra-wford at a ecent cyai usctdad u ne metnof flic staff cfflicherf ramn fnecessary by1flicage umberand-DrbumHeili Unit. Dr. cf 18 onls - Craword incpilamogs on Tihe var-ieuLsmclos ftetig tIc staff cff the HsialfrSick, Cîide, oone ndflcFaculty 1v,1sio clf coolchlîdren wer m cf Miedicine efoflich eUi iver siîty cf vec tfi efn.D.Caf Tornfo Auophhalpieistis a ad lis cleauahave recentl crn i lecialiat la ail Conditions I"fe(:,Lialednsreycgh iio f20U vision. Affer -gra.,duaýtionl inedi,,clue scol chiîdren iaTr nfosd ma, sp)ecial training is taken ln.nil phaIses as od f flicdeta1îls cf vnnteýst- c f vision testiug aadfefmnwi-ig cluiugsugicl oertiea.healtii U'nit sta'ffnurses dýo rd)u-ine Dr. Cawfor emphsized that intests ou selicol chulidren atvt chuldea Oaa', 1wear gîn -sses at î hc wfif18prnsetdtahv m flis. fanchuld's ,vision iis S t'le 1f-om.any hsocf eyc strain :ix Cusý fIa li lahcled y gasss le wllsliowing doubtf!l tests. AUi hlý~ w11eur thcm.L Any sigu cf aI o" visual de- fouad ou test te ho.vtn signa c ýf de- fcct should be invesfigatcd bcfor~e fcievilsionarc e -porfed teciflic 'lie IÏge cf 18 inetlis.pans n tr fmiyphynliax'or The imlportane cf early treatmnt, It îla od'inteest te,,-,nowt1 flt ver of squint was aIse stvessed, Opht1te,- 1, 110 vision tests,a uv,ýeý oe melogists advîse that a childwflvi tu schoi dlifldrenby H1 Ia'ft ýi squint sliould nof be left Wifh ut 1 ff tnff s N N N N s N N N N N N N N s s s s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -i s N N "c N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N - N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N ~ 1 ( ORONO

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