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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Jul 1952, p. 6

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-, la~; -.- o1lumnýs iwhch hae!, peýrhiap5s kflad 'th m'ssons deat wth sa dts Canuada njoîed if t G fdta a n16,iand Pes-haps you weïe surprised when, e-arlier in this series we rernark-ed that on Canadi*an sol ri pre-Confedetration days, there had been foughit two r three- worl hevyweghtcham-pionship fighits. But, records prove it. They arecflot tie exact records that have prevailed the Iast fifty or sixty years but stili records. And here c the story. Flaminig Be" oganl, a p"ituresque figure, who as 'aCvi War Spy, gambler aud sil magnate, climed the heavyweight fistie tîti, ,juet about 1867, ad ouighit Blob1)Donneïlly For it at Fort EuprieOnaro. Morrissey hiad foughit ;ohniiC. Hea,"The enî,-ica BLoy" for the orld title a ;t Long Point, in, Canada, john J. wyrfougt Jim Elliot at the samne Long Point linthe 70's in another figit for the heavyweighî title both claimed, So even MAth ths sketchy background, you can be sure Ota somie boxinig existed in Cnad beforeC on1federation. Gol)f vwas introduced to Canada in the M s Y offcers of Ahps from the Old Country, who played in- Montreal and Queb-c onî 3-hole courses, and in 1873, six ymars aft rCusîfderatioci, a group of the orginal playersmet in Montrea, and created the Montreal GofCi iub), since se-named RoyalMnrel There are no records to prove it, but undouibtedly there was harness racing, for that sport dates back in Amnerica ta 1770, and the great Flora Temple was history vo-len Confederatiotn took- place. Of course Canada had great wintes- sports ps-ograms, a'wayý ba;ckr bey-ond, and through Confederation. There werc skating racs ihithe winter, dating as far back as 1859, when offcers of the Montreal Garrison saced to Quebecz-a tdsun. The Irst covered sink buiît in Canada, accordfing to such re- cords as are avaiable was buiin the Ancient Capital, hilly Quebec cityin tecmidle 1850's. fMontreal follWed diatorily in1859, and imi te -ame y5ýr organizeAd te TMontreal Skating Club. TIn 1862, tere was buil in Mlonts-al, in what is now the hear. of the Canadinmetropolis the Victoria rink, where gala fancy dress Hls and carivls were he&. Tàs ink holds hockey history, too, foýr here the fisst -Stant-ley Cupi gamies of aIl tintes wýere played, in thie dowdy n1ineties. And thecre was fotblwetherEnls Rub or soccefr, me couln't say. But tce Montraltal Club was f'orm-ed i 1868, a year bftr Conifedlertion. Thiere wvas toboggan-inlg, tooG, and snow-shoing, with the Montrel Snowý,shoe Chlb formed in, 1840. And there would benmany padding contests then, certainly not the great regattas of today, J-iut the csno as then a inuseu fos-m of conveyance, and tests of speed wold bc- a niatuiral o'utcom.e. Se yaung Canada, in 1867, had plenty of sport, plenty of fun, spo-irt in its truest amateur sense, moýstly, and young Canada lîved a psetty good life without radiots, automobiles, bicycles, and a lot of the thingsý which are regarded as essentiatl in these mocre ili- pre-ssure limes. It must have been aý good life then, with no0 threat of A-bombs or H-bomnbs, no Cornmrunists, and none of a lot of ,hns we could very wýell do without. YVous comments and suggçestion-s for this columan wllI be welcemad bElmr s rC on, oq oColvert Housije, 3 g t, 2ITconto. C [vert 141DISTILLERS IÎE AMHEKsTBUtRG, ONTARIOI Uae,-d A Hatchet Te Christen Ship A three-pounld bokofi ce .froml a Greenland glaier cas used re- gcentfly iný place of thletrdtoa boGGieof chiamipagne Go0 christený aue Kisa Dan, a new shipArfort Lemark lý- Greenlandr-outwe she as lnnchd Mtthe Auborg Snedy is alaythnigo new methods of Iaunching Ips, eîpe,,ýcially IL in tIse United Stattes wbere cthse practice Cf chdrstetsing thces with camage ied cont dur- ng fthe yeas of prohlibition and fiajs neyer c:ompletely ret-rnied. At, ehe -flanching of 0a new steamler for Friatrade, forinsanethe vownerssclsitelned ber by Lbreaking a 3 l jr.of iecemover lthe Iw Adanlother vessel' wentl ildown flie Slips for ithe fisst lime nlkter.a woman hiai rnam-ed àitwitii m bOfle of wtrfron the iv ier PDvls t the Lauinch âSSUE 29 - 1952 1CROSSI PUZÎ ha rOSS riZ. Cla s 1 . TPiýpre n t 20. Wstar sppie a cage of sonig-Iirdls at s 1-Mach like to exorcise "shiipdeis"b letting 'off splttering e sesI- fore GIse ,esse1 pt1lges mGothe water. A freightler cri g mo - lasses w"as 'lauuiched s ess ago kit acotaiiner of nmoLasses, sudfl ano1rther shîp wtha otle o-f coco- Busmlk. Whe nae star Gnetue Lem- reýnce namlied be.r 3M-tÉstr-ai cruiiser in 193-4, tSuhmtn se swung tus boute of champagne agaiimt the boSt'sbows, utità gîanced off. She tsied again IlthJ"î mobre vigous-, asud thE'-ibbon b'roke(,. JDeGes-ined Mnot Go foigo thec pe- mioney SAe seized tIse boGGIe by t Ise nck suad dashed it against ts bos.Bu he glass poe bu- ate. So sh-e bolrrowed Iatcet sud was succesl A womfan in Niaitaold a court she hought she was entitled o - dvo c IsceOn Go ccasions1 -brhulsbandsad trie Goblou 1ber lip with e(xplosives. î, .Evenr,(coen tt.) 25. Boom E . S. SI)app in g 10. Condition beetîs ZL i Rw 3 9.IL1';siv n a lent 4L. Hld e a es- 16slenduer sien Il. Loýng for 41ý.Macln 2, late 2. pas-trBornIe .That thlg 2pu 1MM Amcy 4"M n the eceo 4.Witn 2.FlueS 471. Cord'eS fiabti cs, impiement 21. Hindu lwon- 50. Sal1ama-,ndCecr 5. Cystaline en'egos-ente52. Rives- <Sp.> precpitaion 1. Bond pal'innt 55. Plural ndn 6.Conce-nig 13 Eistle 57. An M.D.(a. flCLASSIFIEO ADVERTISIF O,. If thng kepupthewathyv leagute bsbî oestablish aal - GÎime record tis season. Not for hJome tl'us, perfct gameis, bigges;t attendfanices orni, hig ike that, but for teu mberof lmagers it Aeseason $srdly More stands at fouir of the. Brain B oy S -uho have been h1-anded Jtheir walk- ing tickets-a percenltage, if we baven't forgotten how Go fgure suc-h things, of .50.No wonder that Stomsich " tr"as Ghiey calJI Ghem îýin FIIlatbushl, are 1an1Occupa- tionil dîssse wt aealpilots. Brlaves was fthe first to feel thre axe-sybeTommy saw that w hiad picked those samne Braves to win tise Natioinal League pennant andws glad Go go - beinig re- placed) by Chiarlie Gsimrm, wboý c doesn't sceem tobe doing mh bet- tes- thnhis predecessos. wýith tise ask of mskungsoehn on't of ntigsa takinig Go his St. LouisBs-owns as tbough Ghley we-eodi-tiime bal-players inl- steýad of modes- pamlpered athîcetes, and th le players; 1naturalI'y, I>reented it. So Thec Rajah bard tu wal t-1ise plank, Masty NMinbeing the man Go sit in for bisic -was s brmeak for Marqty, sî.thougl j-ust what kind of, a breaik we coildn)'t S ay. ofa ouleof years lback, dis cov- thlat m1iraocles a-e ielgtig Stot SeveO'Nilldrew ;-the sho-rt straw in thbis cs;csu(ldGise besýt yoneCaui say for, Steve's pîliht S that he is ton wellstacked tohave many exposed nerve-ends. And now v RedRofe. Just twro ýyeaLrsago the bseal a 'Bie Red as the1"mnager f tire yess-." That was the season when Ise De'- troit Tigers ledl for m-iost of thec w, onl')'y to lose to thle Yanlkees b'y a mnargin of tissee gme.Tigers fiihdfifthlastyear. They've neyes- ryet fushdin the clar but if the-y don't do gos in 1952 it willbecsoîtlor triumph fo rFsed- dlie Hutch1insoli, slcÏCted aý-js Redj Rolfe's rpaemnprobaly vby cuittig cards o'r daignmsont of a Isat ms hiu al tealSms especiall whe th mn wopiit np Gie dqh eyer Seem to realize ht with e.ittieamis ilu-.sàleague Isey canj't aIl \win penau Wat w are watig or no-w is to se, somne oýîfl these Front OfficeGeis- wbein neyîed of analbifis-e tIe- selves instead of tise umanager. Wme onfly wish wethioughi-,t we could live otatlog; for tmat will be the Ous-pesona l lutesest in, ýfihis prutty mu11chl ;imited to seeing them- os-i zpltter, mabe wiG'Is salittie tasý-tas- sauce on the side, ùor iookîng atpictures of oeo'laig s flnny beauty ot-io f the depths, and ,«thakinilg FHeav-,eni thatwe hbave no u rge to Cernnlate hem Wihis byïno masto be consideed as saknock at flshing as a woinderful sport- for Ghem asi Mokesi; sud a ruesn article by the struIck us aS conitainînig so snticb good seuse thet we are just going to, borrow it. fiyou'5ve alseadyra à wll twilIstndperuýsal a Ms-. Trbu for !lte ssist, here itmoli of For ýwhot Enerul id OuHas bDole for M"Writes horda Lady "ThelEczeme is rmy bSOu s le ntirely gene," senes Mss. R. S. R, Klsime, boida. '"i oteJdio netcke one cthosni dollars fer wbst EnIemalt i Oth,-esdone for imc. WOiI neer Se wllhonl it andi wifl chtcrfally s-eoiniend il le tOyonc suffeing wlt Eree. MOGNE'S EMBTRAL]) 011.. us$ Ses tce goq, If e bautii condition iroube e, don't or vIle orrcy eny 1longer-luit Iet aisme» bôit;e et MOONE'5 EMERALD OIL end ro-,. fo itr-eihIiw godqiii, , Or alce brepy& fishllo l-ed ,Go spoii befor, .os- du-rlinmgtransport hÎomle mu t g Gto tIse touadsorpudsa- nuially This, of course, i-ýs sees- waste-is a legal offenice, to haJ str-ictly 'ccuateYt tIses-e is no great trick im carryling fsheven lu tIse Iottest weahe, ce, pilty of it, is theC ausweur. Thseew portable ice 1boxes are jus) the hing, but if yon h1aven't got n (I haveu'tY a btter oxis ideal. Puit ailyerof sawdust On t b'ottom of the box, te s-se ice, thien fishi, more ice, more saw- dlust, More ice, aniothlei layes- of fish,> thnice, sawdu)st. Rpeatis unotil thie bo-x is fl.DolVt skimp o -n theC ice, Top off with sads îîd for s, lid use a chunik Of old cas-- pet, somethîing I~ fouind exceed- inigly goodi for tIse pus-pose, IfJn cas-pet, henuse-,some belavy can- vas or several layes-s of new-,spspersi7 osIsey cas-dboard. Even on 1tIse most swVejteri;g lday thiîs will cars-y yous- fish for seve-al hours, lonig e-nouigh Go get from, ssy, the Par-yv Soulîd ares to Tioronto, . e c- fuI Go place the fis-h box somei- whes-e that the meltinig ice won't sloshl oves- tse sest of, your lug- gage, ailhough W5' surprisingho littic it does melt on an average trip.t* 1* If you'-Ce (on1abvacation ,donil't Save tIse fsh you cateb 0on the early days to bsing hme Days in an ice box dont -make 'es iwo-rth s damn. Just keep thioseyo get tIse day beforce reG'îs-ing home. If' iCe sualbe ws-apthe s in seves-al l ayes-s iof etnewsrippe sud gel- ice at tIse a1ries1fopPos-- tunity. * * * Clean fish before îgiving -em o neighbors. Sus-e, itr's nice Go b e big-heas-ted, but if the fish an uncooked in thec garcbageý can youý've1 done a great disses-vice to, conjse- vation, The fishting pesueis tough euouigh without thoughitless waste addiog to th stritan Eat wbat you c'atbch os- on>t keep , HULL-BU.LTTR LRFO CA,ýA DA Nwbugfitted o0tin Prince'ýs Dock, Hutli, is a Qew trawlier, 152/s2 feet long, which wi I jlfor lifWax, N.S. on1 Ju11 Il u4b aiee ton crew.v 1Thse vesse soi bifli at &b hp yard for Ntis-taSePo(tiucts' im ited, snd wili be ne rf Gs Large- types of ships conuiectei with tIsile Canadisu fishing fleet. Upsided own ta Prevent Peeking Inron 'Sil Àa -ixrLesIN IsanD at 1-RN G.X Itms e Anti clue eV0.In ute. Gamateei ieme'I e.-A 2 o- 7 RCARD CRSCEr T ORN18 OiAR LOGY, LISTLESS, OUI 0F LOVE jump eut of Led ràainle te LMe net ertflIiing'? It may Se the;ilverl 1teV act! If yonr liver bile îs net floçing =y od nsay ne11t igesIt,. Srie, te ens-y . rc i ynfepIs- s8týr'up tfe Salhe filus snY013e go' hielp stâislate y l'on Ses-bile tSi once ïaei tIsk oezsing otEraerate ofup titwo pints a da), mnteyens-igestive Araet. fTjj, elionid fixYryn SS*up, nake yen feel thjat happy dasu~here 5$ain, Sý cdqn't stey uk, set CMes-te- ttle Lsves-1'ilis. Always havaett~m .i SenS. OnIy 3Me feiny drnggïïgt. AGENTS WA NTED1ý SALEMAN 0l", 3T'WnTEDaib" comtslouhai, Box 14,RiIheei polr hey, vTweddle fast matuiring chicks aral 'In lashweeks from the caenarwhn t erestohosigtime. pullets.Oatalogue opergus-L Otro Dou' e ihet laes this faîli and wlnter Cngive rmtdlver y on lo, hic K.Asorkcy poult, Started cicýsh an trks'ed erpllt. rllrcies, Ouate torkeys thîs uya slst eAv hen o tms Asetrteatroysathie thre udfor eeks nidAteneacNature- TWEDDLE R AETIRES LD Fergus ( o -n M0 oari, EQiPPED,,, abns. WC,0 uer~ ~~~W"ý wek isoxDsrc.an3d lishine S slver rea StoCam p. M oe tv l e Onedtre , n i.fet-a irrs "SIC" - Writ or 0e Atiorpthi Drogles. 57 Daufrtb Aeo, VeNao VOLur RE I, TIRES . Electrlcl Aplance, »Ce)r ert miles. Freezers il Cooier and eed Ginder ,.bhbe r ahi ey. eaSe7-w, te0 i UWAEINGýND HENG CLEALOGO it. Vi yu ytung oe0or d dysthene o en ang? WorürRe te usth oIfomatonbW dýare gl d t ancrl ontoue tlns. De- batbro. inî Hamîsiltns itgestaietore Sînce 113$.jJor 110 z 16.$4.ï.Ote izg rie pC- l"ist e , sApl worll<l ro tiAl r rd C.O.D $2 40 reui vod wtth erdents e ad cha vIrgs ue ay. enisule ir corper-, stlen. 5 Ring treel et a mtrile. 011 cnsomtioni, rsieres4compression, £oree Detail1e.Price ertub $11 A9T2MOIen SLES Wascanr a Htl, Regia. askVre, o lo.SiLj WIIHL hars,àna-i wakes, olin .nd 10dustale. re LîerJ ur(,a rherI cehione 7.5dlivere, taerdReisLmied Oewa(oare dplIasn wit aanoued Ptes pein eti walî , j et h e w y l'u" w utt basins an'OP tcilets, p rctese sytms an ecti arhtrrnemeSellers" "bi, p cO ta nd. i r se te ani il a ks , iefr ia tor ani lcricrages acompi'ltsue et frnaesair ondeioilln-ts an rstol" deliver te l'eut nersetril- treetev B. Desa. WHY sý-uBer If ýüc4 thr2eeoehn 'bac slî belu yoo Hondreis et tousand'et setsl ha e beq ola o Io nel' acîitguas- antlesc. S as'evs.Afo letp y owe It tel'Oreft rJshaern Dixon'sb Remnedy for RiseumftiG P0oins, Nouritis. MUNRO'S' DRUG STORE 335 EginOnw ' .125 Exprcess PýeepaÀd P S' EZEASALV AIlEt tueturent t dy ecree ree salve iIul ouitisapeullu. Itcblng.scli ,burnïing eczsma, acLne, rlngworm. pimples asud athietee foot, el respenti really tewthe staînlesetiorlese &loîment.regrdîMs t 1w etubbaro er hopelees he sen POS'SREMEDIES Sent Posi E ln osRýrppIeofprie 611Qesn S It ('uiner of Loges. NORTOAGES TRI1ET ORTGAGE C-OMPANWY We hav good tirta iisc n mrtgaaes onl city ant uronigprpryfor sale te: s-. . Det, 279 TngeStreet, MIEN AND WOME7S BE A HAIRL>RESSER »OIN UANAIIA'S LEASINO ICHIIOL Great Oppertunia Leste Halrtiressins, Pleasant ldîgnîlleti profeesion, goti seages. Thousa,.dnf Pe uceofl Mrvel greduaes Anr ca' reateet Sysîem tiutatt ataqlogue ie e Write or t7eli MÂBTýIEL BAIIGDRE-SSIN'G 5CBjOOI. U5 a inot St W., Tom-ente dq fïinp St. Hessýlten 72 Rden81 <Ise $18,0 ANEVEN-ING Tria i4Sales et omnazng PateetetiAuto- muatie RefrIîgerotos- Defrosterec-an pay l'0o theat Hourets 0ot prospects cern- missiou. Bus'h naisse, addrcse, for GUAR- ANTEED PIIOFIT OF'EER. D-Frost-O- M'atieCou. Dent. 40. Neware Ot PATENTS eentonsant 1HuIntformation seultf tee. I'be ftansay (o. Iegleleret Peteni Aller- neye 2RenS 5j-eel Osmsws ientSOhcîtrs. Estebliheti 1810. 860 Boy SretPorno ekleî t lofes-mua PUPPIES CAIE TerierPuppies. $25 anti $35 talphl Bosto'n, MeClures Mille, Troro, Nova-Seta fEACIHES WANTFE<î1 GAT itcrural. sight grads. Mini,- 'mmsalatýY $2.200 for qualideti teacher. REPLY , sating namne et inspecter or ricpladtelephone number, teOG.D« Baley Se.-rea.,R.R. 6, Galte MERLI: Pulic Echool Section No. I8, TilbullryHast, Kent County, requîtes tahrfor 1-ron rural echool le the halet et I Glenwoti. Enrolment 27, grades J te 8Doties 'te commence Sep- tereher 2 112 JAPPL-Y statina experieuce. ounaliuicatious and sals - epeted te Nelson Armstrong, R t ,Me.u OnitPhono Merlin 47-3. SOUTE Haldianti rea reiles Pr- tesantt~.'b.-for W îcklow Villagse Beholon o.2 iahwaY. Etate salary andOuaillatlnste Mme, D C. Hoeelein Sec-etryTresurrRit. 5, Cobourg. Ki ezie: -wanted. experienced teacher te t acheght grades; duties te stan ESep'. let; atteuidance apurexlmaccly 24. Apply to Anthony Woruholtz. Whitestone. Ont. WANED WANTEID:Mostache Cups, Coin Glass, old US. Ceins, Playlng Carde post Carde, Curies, Sterling, Bisque. Anythlng. AXEL HOLM, Dealer, 2572 E. Vermout, Les Angeles 7, California.

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