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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Jul 1952, p. 7

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1IdLo, C'y ". H., WILKIN"!SON "if you aýref loing the affectio.n ,of the man you love, pretend ini- differenc, cofi denitly wrote one Helen laughd ity uTha abot ai~oan hohad been t-aed to ailanfor 10 years and Iivd i- now ;even more than the day of thecir wdig o about it whvlen you ryand try to mrake yourself interesting ta your hus- band, knowing ai lthe time that yo're playing a losing game be- cause grecy strecaks are showing in yous- hair and inevitable Hnes are appearin-g in your face? From he1ýr bedruoom wiodo(:w Helen -offld sec benleath theic trees that aslthe lake, And suddehnl-y she stif- fened! Roger was coming up tUe path, carryig a canoe paddl and lauging down at a sim girl by bis ide, TUe uneslbout Hele's muth- hardened. The girl, she knew, was 0a14yBurton. She was staing at tUelde %ith Uler folks. WMching the carefree progress of the couple coing up the) licpathi, hesaid aloud(: -flow can I1 stop it, before t' tolate. How can 1 combat youth?" Tee wasn't any answer eenin h tr books to chat one. - Fi-eîve m1iutes laer oger canme loto the ro. t34h ad lost none of bisuod looks, norlis. boyishness ý .andeae sof an "Hi here kido! Sy, ookl We're plannng a picnic up at Birch I. slanýd tonIight. Twocanoe of ius are go)ing. hee'lbe aoon or"d we'llcook steaks.fHne about HePlen)'s lI(oer roze. HeaCIce almost asuifhe hped she'd refuse, yet was rsine o ha-vinýg her with thieothers and let me ty here1ad "Doyoummdif Lt JO go?" he Ipadforprkngan boum yes- temd.ay arc.] parked ooily 15 min, uUtes. Can't I use the resc f t said, "It's the sort of thinIp like doinig, yuknow.,> "0fcus not, darliog. Nwifi youi don't miî1dlk o go t bed." Nýot until te ondofpcnckr had died aw ay airounid a'Lei-,. the lake did Helen ivewyt hier emotions. "e'l asn'teven ro -ïrld aout myv headache . . e wsthinking only, of the chance tu be aonme with Sally Burton . . - Oh., what's the use? What's the usec of trying to dling to somlethlng you know you've ls? How l!ong H1elen lay there she had no way of know)%ing. She muust have slept, for whlen, she opened her eyes it was to have thiem blinded by lighting. Sharp, deafeni- 'ing thunder followed Raîn lashed against the building.ý Terror seze ir Ever silice she had been ai child shie had heen afraid in electric stornis. By 00w, even greater thian this instinctive ferwas fearfor Roger. She: slipped ifroni bed and -ran to teino.Aflaish i )flightn4inýilg shioed hber the lke in a-, wi ldtujr - "I'm soarry, RoerJ se said, mou.She lionht o thetwn rail caoc hat hlad l!VtI,', ierb th Uea arundsharply. TUe room was Iludeilly fl 0ooded(1wi th i ght) "Roger 1W He Stood jpu! inside thedoor, ne =Wde. "Thesouher n areae -at Biley's camlp. They decided not to risk the rm ffHecam towarId hem, placed à hndon ith of he sholders "I-ne -,ou stormrs, addnitn'stefrs time you'd ver efused to go, aoyý plaý(ce wVilime. Tt raeme won- Hele kue shewastrembling, Even thougb sUe anted she coul not have stoped hersef fom ask- înig tUe uext question.ý He staIred atherblakly su koSUie wasni't vitlh our býunch. "Not wth-ý Helnbroke off abruiptly, fe eling sudenly very feoolish. T1h,1(n11Roger's armls slipped2f abouit lUer andiith(, nid faiiiar senlse --f criyswept Over Uher as lie heldUier coe !10.' n nwrt ti, h wsprdhaîf to, herself. 'Nn- swecr at 111--except real love." Eld .Of Thse "World"--Scientists have predicted mrany wcsye tisa the vvorld mîghýt be destroyed, but none of themi thouglit thce endl would corne Îlu the form of a sledlge-swïnginq workman. The warld', in tis cosithe I 2,OO-pound stonie-and-steel gqlobe- Iocat'ed in tisle Ford$ Rotunda, t 'Is being destroyed ta make roorn fzrý or a rrewdiplOy, So You Thank YOU>RE pHt!-~ Sa Yoij Think YOU'R 'IotlIfyou thin-k the heoVws got youv dovvn, £hum, how would you Uie to holcf down ona of the jobs picturd belowV? Not so hot, eh? Or much to l'hot! Ilect-frozzled folk ýi th-ose jobs probabty give out with ai bitter ksugh when fthey heor someone mroaning about tise currentt hecat wavý. OrDr innybe youm uh'inrk your job is worse the thes. If you havie bed T",12heat "arte, Pity niodels sb And muskratted, yRetied r Om DL ife For 6 CYear What Wa--s TheLdysSecret? Sh cn L or d CJifînsiovel dagtr ilahi, setinto alit igwlliter culsstood back fili unire floortwtcl'C.SUe duec- cdriviey Ith Uer ga Cefualy Brillialy wi tty, he as the m1oýt poputlar -débutante )oflhem day, ndwhen sUe married a formecr Lord Annlaly, lieýr hapinss ee- ed asie.Yet, fo'r some sà ixfy year s' unt]Il Uer deathi o 1 !944, LiaLady 'Anîialylived in sa dow in sit)f mros i'W Hol- deb ILoue.Nrtaptonýl, unl- seen even !by many ofUeders friends,. WMen George V and Qucee Ma4ry, tUhe Dulke of W\indslor as; Pr-ince of Wales, anrd tUe Duke ýlnd lDucheaýsS of Ymvisited RoI- deny Huse, this stran;ge wrna neyer san' them, Winter aind Sumu- mel'r, sUeremalined hbind drawnl blidslad lber ltv~coufld lont e pi tUeriddle of lUer eta Somle sr miead ad desire 'fo tUe mollst Cdo mli e Ct e rtrmn touched lier if e. Acute in political1 kniwledge, famons people con- stanty sogh-t Uer vîews and[ frieshp, ytue uddenly became almost aridof rmet--ing strangers. H em shîynjes dro elerto ato lier ro;mlunil evQryneollC in [tUe hlouse hlad retired atl iht n vnswere aboutiitU al Alone With Mmre Throngh tUe dcýad hu of lnih sUle roamed thre stately hm wheme King Chiarles hadc conicealed hlimSelf befiore Round1(head ruhieshr hin m awyrto fajce eiremuion i0 Lon.- don Concale lu adyAnnay'slife n'as tragdy, tUe memory of a twin, sister whoe had died. Alone with U er niemoiries, sUle tro.d tUre spacinus corridors sud etedred tUe ancien and histoic rooms of Uer home ooly sfter every other lighýt hlad been exîînguishied. Hem h nsLand mu s mtime steadily makng oldeunby Hounse Smale saller ller. To adapt it to modern cond(fiti, Sir Charles AI- lbm vas clldinfoarhtcul advice. He had heard te stmange story of Lady Anl' reieet"and muich to hýis surpr)jise wasý told ta sUie wudsee himini ttUe sma'lll houirs o)f tUe mn n, long after weene euseas in bed. Peerage bMystery Lord Anal ld tUe way sud tapped gentiy on tUe door "It is 1, LilaU, wthCharles Alom c announced. A.silvery voice bade them enter. Iu a corner of tUe oomini a -soft and becomiing light, sat Lîlal, Ld Annaly. As the, old rec dc On tUe ;manItelpiece ti(cd saytUe hours, se eagerly questioned hem- viior as if sUe sought toutouch the xctmetof ftUe human worlýýûd outside. Vet, sh lîneer eegdfrom U er stranige self imnposedimismet althonLgh Uher Uusband centertained brillianitly hotU at ld nbyFousec and in Lo(oon. Wlîen myalty wr hem guests, sUie lad to bc excuised Uer dutos as Umoe. ue became no less batflwith ag>e, tbonýigh pale fromla ýck of sunilighlt i0 beur if e. E'ven tUe death l of lUer husbaind dîd niot break Uler solitude. A pesonl aid bronght Uer newsý of tUe outsidc old n thrn-ugh,] this sole om ninLady Anlnaly performeud nmueh good, nun- seeni. SUe paid (doctors> hills sud arraniged for en'tire fmile o taile sesie hoiayShie eqiCpped yo ng menfor careers 1lu awrd sUe Uad neyer coeu. The strange e cret of tis beau- tifuil woan'bzarre eý (xistence re- maiinsCui'-of tUe, greatest lmysteies of thie iihpeae tion of (our maIe population nuni- bers 73 per cent and 60 per cent does not w\ear suspenders,acod iog fo a r-eceot inqiry. peoe with pley of brawni, The plaintdou labor and long oous f haîf a celnrytgo likely hlelped-1to f ili up Our Cities julst as mluchl as theprmiedrearsof industry. Then licame the ecaiclrevoit anm( achinie milkinig made major famoeratione asier, quiclker and m lore C le1an1.lTe smll hores re ltila lot of work. But mnany farrners have , made thes rotin, tie cnsuingdut- ies easier by uisiig [the tractor as a sulbstituite for mucleI. Th'IiS mobile power lntcan do ilmreltan puill pAows, disc, hyn miachineury and combùin)ies. W\ ithij ts powr tke-off and its !belt puilley, atractor 7is eupe ohandle ail1 Fene uilding ,is a, joI,b tat often taes wes of muliscuIlar efrsbut a post ;hole digger attheid I)tolte powr itakze of f Caoi drill ouit tahole in a fcV seconds, Phe posts themelveý-s can hepull Cd along on aUlight triler and a post cao be dropped off at each hole. Thle hres abor is dlone by mai-chines and thLle woejob iïs compdn pjg time BeL it puys are used to power cicuarsasfeed gines as well as hiay and grain lioaders. Water pumps ;cao he irun off the belt puleyC, btL the speed Of thet-,pulley ntsit the Imachinle it: is r-11 nin, ratin loaders or circularsa' ctIt wearout qu!ickly or be ifficult t, rierCate i f mn atu cessive A tactor blade can be u seful iin anuniber of wa in0winoter "te blade, is used to clear si00W fmom tlie fanrt,load to the hlighway, pre- ventng the isolaton so common i mny areas. TChe blade is used to Cdean an irelit Of&p!)nIltype h arnls, as wu!l as, molving dirt lino sOil epessionis- and doinig shiallowecvtos Sornle farmrcis use it!t grade roads Traýctors arlie lhandy -mlachines have i0 a, gar-den or chrdThey drawculivaingtools to till be- teorows, yt miodem itractors3 aeso Imanoeuvrable smll, odd shapd plts cao 1 be -worked. Scnme tralctor)s Ihave the jpower to drive a high capacity j5sp1 ci spr-ayer !by power takte-off throuilg1h ain orchard. B:oomis cati be mut ed oIn 'aul",tractor sndinetcd garden. 0 An irigtin ystem cao b)e laid outbyplavnga newokf dit- ches and furrowýs, Here agaiin, thie ttractor c4ih a plowv cao dig ot stagtrditches il] a shorter timie. Tractors are: often ulsed to0 draw the ruhwo)rk in lcearing a ficed. Fallen tLrees or huige bolderýs cao 1be'chained to te drawbar and puil ed to theside of the field Stnscan be rmvdb t tachinig lthe, rocik picker to any two( or three plovw tractor. Thismahe operats rather like a rake. After it hcas gathiered a anmer Gof rocks, thle tinle, can be lifted yralcal and Ctthe rocks dupe ito a buclcet at the back. TChe buicket cao hiold two tonls The rock picker wl gathter every- thing from two ich stne ot Silage Fpits caoli ,e made by ruaý. ningi' a clftivatojr orplwtoul a given arIles -Df grou.nd, te env thgile loose dirt wt rco motdscoop. ModernizedFrm By IRA MILLERC1 ïFarm Eîectrificatiov, Buý,rau TUe1Cproblem ofkein tU youngergnrain"o h fr' is Oftenth sbjctofcosierba many times comàinlg up foreaes discu1ssionlo oLante for parentÈs t hlp hir sn addagtesr- cpuetheegros thy nc aictua spcîallist sywh youngme adwme watt leýave farm tw:o live in iie re deýS ire for1. city convIl nceIl often l acking in, he(ir own homes long ihours of tediouswokwîz comparatively smll casýh rtr and a gradual dcIne of ctersMl farmiing atviis in g tr formatîve yean, The first two f these obsles Io conItinuenmn t of farm life are bheiingcountr], 1to a.lar!gec- tent, b.the opruiispoie by electric plower to mnoderniize tUe(ý old home, place.,maehuwrl easier -1nd(1put amigon amor au1tom[atic, efficient and 1prof,1ital basýiS. Suirveys îindicatie tht ody' farm girls-and their miothers tooù -are keenly interestcd n eeti washing machines., rage, water heaters, refriger-ator-s ;and othc electrical applianceýs, wichthr City cousîins haeaken forir.te for- yearis. They want cËVtrcà-, t miodem th 1-roomns and farmfre. -Crstoo. Fw at.l ro l dninIg tUle amijy washîng by had, cleaninig ruigs ,w-ili an old-fasiQe carpet sweeper or lieatng water aold coigOn acoJI or wood, 1bulring kitchen ane Farm .boys asoyeýar-nfor cýity which dadi ' .as broughit up to doi tUe bar-d wy Uydntrl pumpilýinýg %wster Iy fhand îwheïn ele ct1r i City cao do ;t chjeaýper sudýn mîilk cooler"s, 11Ml house M ater heaters, graýin elevaiting an dar hay curig equpmeotfund grinder and electrically eqped ar sho;s. Thyxanthsedevice,, not 0o11y to, ake ar-mïîng asiee; bttmore profitable.Wth he, the-y feel, they cao-, do preseot fr wvorl mreeconcsmlically aid fstr fin ime savedto epo urn fai-nng oeain n hsii caïsi-g !fhe famrily in-come. necof ÉtUe best waysforboYsq and girls to keep ther ri ng injjý j- teres-t llive, thceehy-meetïing tUe( third osalesthroughparticpa.- tino in rural youth, organizations, Suich as 4-H -,ï Ftueiarlr of Aml1erica. heeand similar orý- ganlizations are contilnually en- couraging tedvlpetc ru !andindvidat armprojects wich act as a constaint stmulanttoagri- clftural thoutghnt and action. Mn mambers f grons cf tis Uanature hasle pbuîtinther owu herdsq throug'h cînUprnjecs, nd alI0f thon have acquired a oew appre-. caon aold ndcersadig o mdm farinlg methods which often, decidd themto remain -sod prosper 0on tUetfarmi. Bald men wviefudtohv41 pecr cent more m 'aIe chiildren th îlan mni)wîth fulI hair Or thrcdg halinile thlat Uad otdveod stuldy mal'de by a Frdlbrighitfeow He smir-ks Whecn you say you're pers-pýry. Me w,àorksýf J>

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