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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jul 1952, p. 1

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I ~Diflent MtosI okn Inlterested W v.e Meb eri O, ONT., EHUI~SDAY, JULY 24th, 1952 ew £iasen Eelri day wýe read co hemchn nsed ajvncem le ilts Il 11gni mad(e lu M Wn('s nstut hldtheir th pwrldand which are noted C ÛfPs evnYasJuîy meeting in the Ceunci Ch iiiamberda Uf hÉ evn Yarv n'Fridayeeng The PresMien,l, Qe of the marvels of our present _____-Mis. FQster Fergulsol was li the dn-v era was noticed on 0Orono'sr main cir ai-nd presid i 0--- ' short lbus- strost on Monday of thi eek WCe Tt is now seven years s ncete ness Yesion after bv c1 she initro- a f arner (1d0\ve Ihis tracter to the curb Menthers Of Gouncil lu this very meaet- duced the guest seal: - of~ the even- of Main Stiret and parked his vec pu lace pussed a resolIution Éte e- iug, Mrs..Y Y C Sii 'I - the Robin- iiee. is pas-enige-.(-e- presumae tabliait the first of the new Hiealth hood Fleur Mil1s Ltd,-ept the bis wf)snt on a nail keg oi, a int U itsluOntarlo. It appeared te the lde eyintJ see te ru- -suiallplatferm ant the mrarfetthe SBudof HeaLlt'kithat Néhisright be mauder of the ceviuug. Using sever- trctor. Thée platfiorum was pssibly a suitable occasion te revîewv sonie al of thej cake mxs she mradeaope of feeýt higher than the curb -etJ the progress that has been tiande ceekis , pudding etc, she aise made, but ou pressig a leerte hydrau- J1 l nectie)n with public health dur.- a cake itut. eggs or shortening' lic system ecd the vebicle lowveredf the iug the years that have elapsed. but with eue cp of salnddre u, p-temtoer eel. Whe~n in this The day te day routine work of this wvas .-swetng etely nesw and position the fariera wiýfe vacated hier the Health Unit is handed byte ate 1eicieus. With the prepared, seat and made off te do ber shop. ~tuff At egula meeings he: ict riux shenimade sevecral supperr-pin- Mwith ne incoeneneo f havlng edclOfficer mnakesý reports on 11he:cmbig hebiscuitdog eup or se down te the curLib. Mh werk to the Board of Health audwihhmug tek itvryfn Weae oidoulclgnlmn uccontsarescrtiniedAilqu - t, aq ao a ment loaf with dres, wéihthi Buicks and Cilacsts- ain fmajrpeiy A11 eerredsîniginside looked mnost appetizing. se te diseuga:ge thinlselves Frein b- teteBar o onieaina Turniing te hread dough she gave a iud the whcl when leavingr their 1maItecisornfr. o fii-tine demonation of fancy breud and vehice After beomiug iintangled inideiiorelis and whIile busy with clever fini On hae yet te feel frth e The fanùlydepend ungersshDe kept taling explaing ea hey rbsth m dadHM s ',if heir famlily physician lu regard! sep and tellng jekes whichn kept ail turc eut ef their car. Now our Mra te t'he general cure of their cblîdr-en u111geed humiour hogetteee-trfiuihdn nbicnvnec an nreadtetetineut required nug. Mrs3. Sid Rutlherferd, ou hehaîf lor- with a pull of a lever they were oranly ilînlesses thiat occur. Lu the 1 of the maembers thanked Mrs. Scriver at thesdealievel and departed' nmwathe 'Medical Office r cfiCUfer a very worthwhile denmstration. frein their. vehicie. iLalh ith hîs staff is the general Thie meeting w-as undier the Home Perhaps our aumetive industr advisor to e eemmnunity served by~ Econom-ics and Health Programmne tuÏe healthuit The purpose of the whose corsenoers, Mr/Its. H. Barlow and, could 'nerPorate lu thep'reducut itivities co hsaf v t siu Ate Ms.S. Rutherford and their cen- sc etr ri hspee9 um US saff s t' mula mittee servedi a delicious, lunich of mncinery whichhbas a teature yeti te pomoe ad t orgnis ai ac uuhea-d of lu Our present day auto- tivtisw-ihea reetdiseusersandwichles and cake, including cok.~ie 51nd improve the lieaîth of the en- les und cake madle during the even- mbls niurity. For this reasen it la meces- ing. Other things baked were givnHome -athatthe staff of the Realth Newwayoembe tahn home. Unit- co-operate Wýith all individujals_____________eng we ind il official and voluntary Vgeu- treDprtnu fHulhadtAway At CE. ýclos that are înterested ilu pr-omnoting ai ertn oEllhadte com,,munity and individiialhelh support of the genieral public through- ~rbs ealh ni ha seurd hethe sale cf Christinas Seuls by the Somne lucky person Nvîll flnd the gr-ea)test possible mneasure cf co- local tuberculosis associations, r7e- aus-wer to the housiug probleip t ~ceainfrom ail physiciaus, den-peated mnass chest x-ray surveys and,-thie CNE this y7ear. It's a bra-nd new tists, hospitals and vo'îuntary or-[ regular monthly x-ray cl1inics have bu-nngalow cfofeontemnporary dlesign to gaunizatiion,%. becomne avuiluble in al districts cf ho given a.wPy the last night of thel the United (3outiites. Since 1946- a Big Fair.11 Vie ight first glance brlefly uti total cf 53WI30 chlest s-ruys have, Hewever other visitors,ý to the somte cf the figures showiu.g the work been taken. Lu preparationi for clhent Giveaway Bung¶alowý wont be disap- carned eut by the staff of the Health clinics and foilow-up cf cases aud pointed. They may win a uiew gar- 'Unit for the period te June 1952. lu contacts, Hlealthl Unit Lîtaff have age, al uew car, or any- one cf thet the flid cf cmmuinicable- diseuse made 4,216 berne visita. mauiy nttractive furulshtngs, Rate control other than ttiberculosis, the , lAiken, directer' cf womenl's activities ataf!dloofthe kHeath Unit 2made 6,61 i aaTin sai.nuse ae ,home visits to cases and contacts. At made 51,170 visits to homes l o clineican schools and Health~ Unit of- nectiOn With other aspects of thel ýrficesý, in nîzation doses and jac- work, s'-..- cinatons have totalled 57,OS050 In pronioting general sanitaition In pronoting the health of infants and food control the etaff have car- ýand preschool children,/ there bas ried out 4,394 inspections of eating1 beein an attendance of 11,539 at child establish mnents and taken for exam- lieail conferen<ces. ination 7,486 water sampl es and A total of 4,604 immunization17,469 iniiik samle o'ilofwhc Ciflead ehild health confairences reports have be-en made te the per- havet beein held in schools, officessoscneed an4rural netoinitte hial.o As the resuit of the work of the, k conedhi wib th he th af lf of the Health Unit there havel the sehool chiki 1,995 inspections been delinîte accomiplishnent4 ail nd rpot have been mnade on of which 'were made possible by the ýie1co1 uildings. 'The nursesý havelaction of this Council in setting up maâ, 7;58G inspections cf sehool tthe Health Unit. cbilfren and 11,049 vision tests. Dur- Durin!g these past seýven years ing the period 1946 to, 1949 the yned- hee has been neo utbreak of con- ical officers examiied 9,429 achool h chidre an sice 950 th failytrollable communicable diseuse such ns diptheria, and it is well te keep phscanis have exanuned aud re- lun mmid the fact that other parts' cf ported to the medical oýfficer oýf the country have flot been, so fortun- heath n 2602chldru eterngate. There have been ne deaths s'chool. mog children directly attributed te Throughi the co-operation of puy- cnni4~dsaechrta Skcians-, hospitals, the Divisiîon o Tu)berculosis Prevention cf the on-J (Continued on page 4) New Features AtLis Carnival This Friday ut Oshawa at a Inter date in Samn This Fr1daýy èvenîng, Jly 25th 15Snydler's Water Follies on August Caýrnival nighlt for the district ýwhen'21, 22, 23. thje Newca,5stle Lions hold thieir ani- nual ig sho 1w 'in Newcastle, The Hure Trophy aga-ini comes up 'l'le magnitude of ths show is pie- luinwiîich Prmuny centresluCîk icted a s being larger and better than - Townisip wîll be repreeauted. This et previeus year-s. TJo back tis ýtate- feature heralds the o)pening «- ftire mient are muuy l»ew and outstaunhg I snival, features whicir have nýt malde t11heir appearaLnce Ili former ycars. Sonie Elever bootlhs will dot the greunids ucyperson for th-e total puýe off on, Fiiday nii n gie t ain M,.25 will drive awuy frein tis show typ-Ies w-il greet both tire yung aud itra grey 195_9 Ford car and every- j od. Sbootinig gnllery isaian addled eu)e han aul equal Chance lu doin g se.' booth as is a cigarette bo>oth. Tire Fuither entertainieut wi be Pro- comnitee lu charge ae cnfidenlt ývided tiec carivalenhsat in thbe that everyene w-ilu fînd enjeyrnlentý couducting cf -aIButiing Beuuty, conï- jini tus years gi-eutesit outinig lu New- test lu w-bci everyone las eligîible te' cýastie. take part. We bave it, on ruinersa tn thtie ccy cf CurniivalVirat w-i sorne cf oi Orono girls have inti-1 ,dd a ne note te the souud waves wrnnted theïr initentionis toe enter tis ou Fiiday evening wità many ans- -phajse of thre carnival. Tue %w-muiera' we-,ing ruoug eir attenuance ut cf thie contest are te appear ag-ahau1ils gala eenut lias annouunced.- This year's sr-nurt fi-ve-roomed bungalow has been designed to bouse au aver¶nuge-income Canadian fumnily cf four. Visiters will muet the Brow,,ns, Canada's budget family at work and play iu the Giveaway Bungalow. Built with an oye te comfort a% wel as econcmy, the bungalow feu.. tures a number cf space-saving bufit-ins plus a mo-vable dividing par-11 'Atiou luintl1i 'dbhIdren%j bedr<oom l that converts itite a large piay-i rocin by day and twc separate bed- rooma by night, Tickets on this Giveawny Bunga- low willV ho avulilable cnly te thosé who visit this--hcuse, and on the fin- ai day of tire Exhibition, SeptembP Gth, the wininer'a naine will be dr- Lasit year's bungalow w-as visily some 80,000 people and w-ou Toronto RCA F veteran, W lnud bis bride cf fifteen mn, ja Construction cf the l' aduplicate cf whlch thre winner's lot, has t la g-oing Up ou h the Coli*seuiin aud- with the bestcf ainly. Wildlife After The survival bg --amne and fectedl by tîre tire bitietfti ing turne. Tib te upply te found lu every cover thi-ougire Maily reports îidg-e batch 1lu trip into thir, burton certuIialy, brooda were e- nny as 10 te appear almosit c theinselves thon,~ pretlprotectie., Severual deer anc were aise seen, as-, onl luke shores, po. et tire prevulence ot)f TFire protectione frein trire 15 a nmuait tien of wild lite, cýould easily dlestrey n, you-ng parIItr;Idge drn tlyiug stage. Sihriuozu 1.50 pet ea Prety edingSoInui(e O erturned TractoLr 1Pins 1Local ReenlyAtOrnoBoy ForiN ear Tïwo Hours uely lu the rono uitedchu hPlans New COperting For 1Mr, Bob Wani ltet ouno suiffer- On SaturayJuîy Sh, -1952> ->h* edbru Liisýes auYd -eee U ionMonil- Jeoyce Marie. Sutton), daugbiter 0et Mr. i iJuOWfg iail dyateiio(ýion0ftis week whaa land Mrs. R,'egrnuý,ld Sutton was un- tr acteor hle was drivîuig over1trned ited i l mrriage te ýMilton 1(eunedy pînu ing hum te the groLund fer at (;-nY, souOetplMr. and Miýjs. Milton Tehg nentoa îwn ea an heur and a haif and pesw- -Gray. 'The officiatinlg clrgymaun Yn was lneinuntmm AN 11ev Joh Kichen Pmach neur Cobourg liOtben siL wo hours. The accident occuired Rwn Jhn fitchnthe main item of discussion w-heu whiile Bob wvas werkiug on the tri The bridegiven lu naiabge by countes ceuncil opened itl JWuse- of Mr. Harold Alin, nortb-west of berAbu fathr e a P'ink bdieina sien receutly. A aî-ge deputation re- the výilage. Iength gown i of net ov er satin with ýlpr-eseultiug the district and Ontario At the tUme eofthe accidet Bob mathing lace bolere and )&-tteus,! plowmen's awsecationw-as present w-as woîkinig alone on Lire tarin sin Her headdîess w-as a band of Pink land spokemen were L. H. Winslewthe trac:ter nud imnure spreu4e"r. roses wivthli l]y 01 the vuîley nnd she R.L Lackley and Ra!ih Banlburly. ïThe un ifor-tunate incident occured lui cariedc, a uosegay of white coatons "L-t is a worthy venture we have a tire field w-hen the vehlice weut ceuted with piuk recebuds Mid mwhite d(yadapcsLr ohl o td dw n asteep ravine nd turn'ed over, sduty aad ahpleusureotethhelp you aud streamers. s:pe*iuhg for myseif amd the counies Tecueo tr rce oing dowu The bidai atteudunts-were Miss couPcil 1 can say tint w-e are uetS incline bas net beet deexme -Margaret Winni as muid of hbouýurhucied pur cent belhînd yeu' de-.asouly tie driv'er w-as preseit at tr Vdhq wore a' baïh-llria leugth aue laeWrdn ary Cumpjjbell intune. Lt 15 assuinOed -1 ttern- nylon over tLaffeta. Miss VWinn iý,s a. wcomicg tire pîowmen's delegaýtion. Led e ft Jump1) a -tire tatroetrr cousin otfthe grecin oucl a aki yMi Aul dbut -as iudered lu doing se u-s Counci mýýs sked b Mr.his pan1t leg caughit in leilirr tireý LorieDayes, cousin cof the te make a grant of 1100 next 'year- braike or clutchi lever. A teinder of tire bride w-as flower girl. She chose ato the match lu order to help meet vebicle, whici had AIl forur w-heels pale yelw tfeadress.Bilan the initialoüutay jlu Ztagcmgthe big inthe airpmned Bob acrosDetheirp Gray, nephewv of tire groom, acted eveut audi he assured ture counties rand lunthis position was beld for as ring beaier. Tire muid of boueur counIl tint tire finaucial returus 1seme two heurs. Cries of hielp \vera, and fleurer girl carriled nosegays et would mone tancompwensate the 4net heard until after six o'clok piuk carnations centred with yelole cunties for the granL. Ris requesit wenMi. erb'. Scott7,,a neighber, roses and pink streaimers.pris referred te the finance commnnit- waattrncted by thin )te the seo Aftrwrdal t ee. A truck mlud to be used te right the Afpternwar d t t3.00 p.m. tshe r-tracter uand free Bob, %whe w-as thona cepionw-u hed u tbD bLdes hme Some of the tacts gleauýed frein rusiied te tie Bowmianviile Hospital -tb ail tie gumes present. tue remnarks macle by delegatjin Tirebrie'smnlmrrpeivpt ~ SpokesnienXf revealed that this juter-, .lut hiýs endeavour te uttract atten- njationjal pïougiogng match Wîll bIe the lion uBonae. tiea nis- nat tI e meog biggest event these counties of Nor- whîch was wjth hlmi and sent hinm to thmbrlndand Durham hias ever the house but uinfortuniateiy al were ýwitnessed. It is a mioney-miaker toc, away at the timne. as Oxford County, for instance, mi-ade Bob now suffers frin bruises and heOïd ther f themhheen t a asevere burnA alalong one iog. At; hel thre.Thee ae crtan pe-1 fiirst the burns were assunned te be liminary expenses that have to *be, eaused from q cid leaking from the met but the matchi eventually carrnes atr;u eiale-mnto a itslf inacialy.determiined themn as gasoline burna It was feit that, since Cainada's while Jaying in the intense heat of Governorý-Genieraidthe 1Loni.Vincent the atn~.AcI1 bùirns. sre dis- Mvassey bas his homie near Port Hlope, counted when the driver's clthing in the counties, he iîght be willing was not affected. No benes were~ bro-~ to formially open the ploughing ken. match.________________ Thecoutie pîwinn'sassciaionthe nmoney begins te corne in at the- bas cnly $500 inentreassociain'match. General ehairman of the bia niayasistncfrin the j coyan unlties commiîttee of the interna- fici asistaneeuird te couities ttion'al match je Wa.rden Harry Camp. rolling and keep them rolling 'until (Contihued on page 4) iOronol Girls Tie Playoff Series-1~* -i -4 -4, -4 '-4 -i 4-' -4. 1-,~~ --4 ~ -4 iugà n usyrose ,écrepe gown with matchinig lace iniserits and wore a cor- sage of whrite gardenias and w-bite carnations witl w-bite ribbon, The greorn's mother assisted weuring nuvy ahèer over navy taffeta and corsage cf pink carnations ,with pink ribbon. The happy couple Ieft for a w-ed- dinig trip te points east. The brides travelling costuie was a »aIe pk gabardine suite, white nylon blouse, navy and white accessorias and she were a c-orsage cf pale pink carna- tions with white i-ibbon, iMr. and Mrs. Gray wilI reside on the grooms farin, R.R. 2 Janetvilîe. CHATER--BASNETT A quiet wedding -was solemunized ut the Woodbine Heights Baptist Church, Toronteo-on Wednesday, July 2nd, 1952 wheu Miss AliceBant was uuited iu muariage te o b ot Orono. The w-eddinr played. by Kn" 11ev. Affl, -7- -77 iýý

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