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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jul 1952, p. 4

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AUthorized as Second Class MNail, Po* Office Department, Ottawa. Advertising Rates on Request. Subscriptiori $1.50 Established January, 1937, Feunotr. R A1 Forrester Puiblisher. R CFretr Tariff munrmuriiings fromi the United States on Canladian exports ie now concerni n any. Such a mrove by this neighbouri'ng country wrould pnssibly cut Canadian exports in tis direction. Aît present Bitin and other European countries have eut their imiports due Wt the lack of dollar currency. Except for wheat the great iaktin Bitain tihat used toprovide for huge quantities of Caiiadian agri.- cultural products, pork, cheese, ilk, eggs and poultry mats, bas practicaly disappeared. In this direction, Britain and Europe, have flot raturned to rlior- niai fun-ctioning and are registering a constant decrea-se ýn dollars -which are needed for Canadian products. The MUarshai Aid fromi the linited States has hiad a great effect in stabilizing the e-conmy of these countries and re-establishrnent, yet somnething frther le riow needed. Britan is manking a vaýlulenit stand in returning to world prorinence and normal trade reiatiorship. To buy Gaadia pro- duicts she nmust hlave the cuirrtency and it Îs to the benefit of both corntries if so ehe han. Canada co-uld subsidize bier expiorts but thLis ýv(Yu1d not be permamnnty sound for the country, Governments cen go only so far in this iater of equaliing trade and seiing of productes in foreign counitries. Cndast-hemeelves cený help Britaý,ii by pureba7ýsing Br-itish prduet whn possible, hs eendinÎýg to hei shoeres needed dolarswhch in te lonrg coirse wili -etur ome flianis cmeie oimp)rt fifty ecetof brfosufa pracicaiy ail raw mtteriais except ica, and thus seoms a ogical' for her products in an endeavou r to)balnce hertradk budget. laY ldcrdig so-wV% open a mar2ket for Our Owvn exports. UNINERRUTEDVISTA Ontrios Hghwys refree of conlglomierations ofltatered b0h- beards, and the OntarloDepartmient of Highways le to begrai connanieeduponthretiiosioed The horrible ïmass of adverisng that greets the visitr to theUn- ited Stats is in no May a towist attracton and is a suficint deter- =et in îtself to StoP a p)ersonl fromn travelling tee We have just finished la 50ml drive to Mueskoka an-daevr happy te report that at no time was our v-iew of' the OtroCnuntry- aide obstructed lhy a nauseting mess ef adv-ertisinig. 0ny3 thoroughly approved bilîboards set wvell back from- the -oad Dnd kept in good repir are permitted in Ontarico, and these are aI- lowed iiisucb few numibers that the scenery ie in nowy harmied, Jokes about people going for a driive and seeig nothig but bill 'boa-rds have no bitter application in Ontarie and it is a tching for -which Mwe are thankful. There is much beautiful scenery and there are mnany beautiful drives hin this province. Under long-range planning, the Department le getting Ontario's ronds into excelent shape. Extenien oA te Queen, Elizabeth Way tA the eLnst of Toronto wiil greatly incerease the rnmber of cars and touriste comning in the direction of Napanee. Along with that, the fact tMat tourists are not cotînually exhiorted to pur- chase a speeific shaving creamu, beer or choeiate bar wil, hen the great project is comipleted, miake this mection of Eastern Ontario about the finest place in the wNorld to cone for a happy holiday trip. C or Uni gWest thins umnier? Route yourself through Canada and Sget an extra tIrrili by inluding a visit te Windsor, Ontario P. troit-Windsor tu-nnel, comp!eted in 1930, passes under the rer which separates thec Unitcd States frein Canada. Con-, eof the- outstan.idinig engineering wondIers of thre world, 0,000 persons have used it on their travels. t is the only eworld where you can pase frinone country te an-otheýr by r. tunnel. rs gening West hy -automobile can save maniy a ear mile, ,a bit of foreign atmiosphere by using this r-oute, There Is ttable senisation of remote-noss in t4e strange flage, archi. customs of a different country Canadian an d U.§. officiais o0ur paÏssag-e acrees the border Vea. can enjoy a visit te in Ontario, Mieiga)n and ohrar-eas by simply showing ation, t orly takes tîrce rminutes te go through the tunnel ioLt-Dtroit anmd it is openteny- ourhurs a day. idly dees traffie pass through tIe tunnel tbîn.t rarely 1s ongestion. License plates from practically every state of attest te the popuIarty cf this quick and inexpensive visit TORY (W P-AST SEVETN YF.AM A RI I D C O UN HEALH UIT 1EVIWS HS. _________________FOR SALE çConiuue fne pag 1)CO-MING EVENTS Tihe Robini Hood Blour Mille wi " poliomy elitis and meningitis. 1 ietaCoin eola Cndal, Cernent Blocks, 8 inch, clear sur- Wbenthi Helti Unt wa inu- dJuy t at 2:00 p.m. his event e, ,face. $26.00 per hundred. Immediate tubrcuosi tobe eldat he omeof iss Cah1eivery. Phione 29 r 4 Orono. b-p gurated tie polmof t____________o___________tehomeoMissath-_ was stihlian unknown quaintity in erinie Stewart,.ixhLinie. The ,c1iooI tin Halt Uitare. o ersn asis sponsored by the Kendal Womi-en'k, FOR SALE able eveni to state accurzitely how Isiueadwl rv ot intr Restricted Building Lots on Sta- i;many cases of tuberculosis Well r i sigad1epu nasitn ihtieni and Church Streets. APply Box tireare. Te Hait Unt saffi-etter baikiing, Corne anid bring your1 No. 136 Oronio Weely Times. c- mpediateiy set up thie faaetl~fin There will be a siuver coi-! requiremeaits ùf a tuberculosis co-1cin fyuwsiirnprain trol progr-amme. A cýase and contact pla- etat tevllg toea OR SALE alro rýeister wvas painstak'ingly acquired 2:0 pm 40 sheets of good used r ectalo froa al aailblesouces an 1 The- Kendi W.1. are ailso holdinig, 7feet long. Apply H. E. Hanicock inoratonisavilbl ad ppe-a joint pieniie meetin'g witb t.ire W.A. _rono. a-p priajýte action can ho taken by Hea lth"a'ieOoo'a- isFrdy T~ *Uniît staff and family doctors in Con1- 9Zth, Plan to attenid. iiection witir every case, conitact and o'n' Electric suspect case of tubercuiosis. CARD OF THANKS I_ There bas been a nmarked increase in thie percentage of defects cor- rected la echool chldrea, iLighting bas (been im1prov-ed in miany cases in both ur1ban ýand rural sebools, and this bas' saved imaay ch-.ild-rn from developing defective eye( sigiGener1al echool sanitatien' 1b'as been imiproved. In, the field of maen i ad childý hyinmothers in counitle-se ae have-i turned to fthe Health Unit nurse for mdicead aFsistaane in the ai prbeeof day to dayý care of tire in--fant.1 1!a 1945 andi 1946,slubtrheuses wprp fIrd Nwh-ich er in f iltby (onI- dition a-në suîrrounded by nmareatîng nmasses oýf decayving vegetable and anima mater asbads anytiing tha coid o eea inM the poorer dis- titofthe ret.Nwthlero r shuhe houýs wic ar a- eqaeyequiipp)ledand efcetl raand aand in a dlean and sanitarv ,.-manner.- Iwould like to thani- a i thbosew Were se kind in sending cards,fo- ers and mnade ma-iny inqaîries while t homec and in the hospitalI. Specle thanke te Miýs, Hilditch and heri staff for- their kindniess, A leo ny special nureses their kiM-dnes(sswc 0 appecatd.Many thlanks to D. ,McKenizie and Dr,. Rundle. Neta Plnsber CARD 0J F THANKS We .vish te> express ojur apprecia- tion to al wýho sent Eric trýe4e.: gifts, carde, and in any way helped bim -pass the tiie imore pleasantly witb spec-ý il th.anke to Dr.Mcnze Ray and Ethel Can,-eton- Orono, ae apy o nounlce [tIre birth of aduitr aBrninl e Memoriail lospital, Thu-rsdaiy, Juy l7th, 1952. A baby ise for Faye. DEATHS1 When tins ileathUnit wsm-BAXTER -Suddoaly in Osaw «n-! tieedresuaant weo oun whreeral Hospital on Monday, JuLy '2lst,! thare dîsbwasbiag waste i aeae952, Minla Hooey, beloved wie orf tha cuturs romtheutnsis gveCha1nie, E. Baý,xterý. Funerai Services! baceril cunt rnaig ito hewiii]Ire heid at 2:00 p.m., Fliday, mlin.Now, as a resa-it of the o- Juîy 25tb from tie Luke-Mýelntosh for(em-enit of tIrh eltoe, and Funeral hom,Oswa enicouragement to improvemieat givea by tire'-anotary iînspectors, res1tua- rants are equipped with heecm acres la ite care for the comipetiti-n, paýrtme.(nt siks aad adequate pr-o- Parking is going to be, a big job and vi7sfin made fer cieansing and ster- the 26 men in charge of this are illization of tie dishes, ail of vhich headed by Leonard Heaidensn Sa tenrds te preventte spread of dis- Macklia of Cobourg is chairman of ease..tire ticket committee. Ta al tirse fields continiued su-, Aveiae tented it, th head- pervision and education is niecessary. quarters committee bas Eari Dr-ope3 As -\'ou now, he plie-as chairman. This commraittee bas te As ye kno, thepoiy'oftire look after thre one thousand and one llealth UJnît is te look forward to dmnitrativýe details and aIse has wards thre extension of the work. For t rag o aesatr a exemple, ila 1951 a beginning was tarrton angfr agercollectioynitc made ia the establishmrent of a men- Percy odng of rBgcleton, atiheit inie of this a stafn ieis in charge of tIre demonstration aoctities ofth eareifgpstffnts committee. John Rickard of 'New- coetig o wit t'he ar e ofptentsd castie will work witb Dr. C. W. Mac- i lavig hspiaisbasbee exeadd.Charle, health unit head, In con- A t the present time the imy.provemi-enit ïection with health departureat of dental irygiene in childrea is be- Ircsrs dSmeso omn ing reviewed by the mneical officers ville is in charge of tire eunties and tire dental advisory com-mittee. exhibits; W. Allen, food conimittee; It is wortb whiie noting that du- Bill Scott of Camîbelford, herse ing the past six ful n years duringJ sowand Olly Taylor, manager of wvhiclr tire Heaitir Unit Iras been in Coboulrg Chamber of Commerce, the operation, there bas becsneoincrease biiieting. in tbe per capita expenditure of 1 _'0- Counties funds. Altbough tins' factorý This year thre Trent District bas lias been influenced by the încrease Iaoîe ru o uirRne- la population and tIre fact that therýe wrkinig in tIre district. The boys bas not alway-s been a full staff, lit aecme erAse n okn is still in these timces ratber unusual aecme erAse n ok. to b abe t reortaadredctin .on varions jobs in that area. These to e aleto epot nd edutin Î iboys are for thre most high school expead;iure(,. The per capita expend- students from various southeru On- iture of Coupties fundse acir year is as follows: 1946-------60e 1949..----- 1947_._--67e 1950.-- 58c 19418--.----61c 1951-_._5c GA Ia coiiclujion thre Board can only ai empbasize that the memnbers of thel Cûniï,CUni Jun est1945 and he l 0 CoathUnti ouai ïe 1e45ansrd vhis have supported it sine tat time are now twenty-six Healti Units lan showed remar-kable foresight, as thire M Ontanlo. c DY T PLANS NOW OPERATING FOR 195q PlOýWÏN< MATCH 0 (Coatinued from page 1) G One John Deere 1 bell; vice-cirairman, L. H. Winsiewoý; horse power.. 11teasrer Kn Svmoi-És. , cetarv. o Ralph Baabury. Honorary directors[ G0 will be Mayor W. N. Moore of Porto Hope, Mayor J. D. Burnet of Cobourg G b and otirer prominient mnnla tire countties of Nortburnberland aad G04 SDurham. 01n the exeutive arc a.tWilG niemnber to be inmed later. {jdi For two days before tire match aard tbrough-out the mtcýh there wîill beG a cmmittee incharge of tire detaile 0 of checking the' tractons as 158 trac-G tors participate in a day and aieed* 0 L2 acres for pairkin.g thcm. Thins cm mrittee firas te sec that thee re g asG pumpe and floodflights inistalhed(, Paad thre cirairmani is K. Lapp. Forty-five teames are ue-ed la a dLay and Charlie U Wilson heade theecommiittee incarge o>f th*s job. L S. -Allen i DEchima Pt the an-d comimittee whichi has 220t) )ne George Whit ber. Phonte 30 r 16 CONTRACTORS FOR FARMI and HOUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIAN'CE SALES Promlpt and Guaranteed Repaire to ail miakes of Electnical Equipmeni and Appliances 'ýuch as 'inters, Water Heatera Plwmbin and Rot Water Heating CALUz FOR ESTIMATES HARRY E. LYCETT Phone 84 r 12 ORONO - ONT. tario 'centres. This job with the De- partment gives themn a summecr's work in the bush, coipl1ed with super- vised cam-p hf e . The boys e-niox the life which je g.ood trlaining foýany teenager, and onée hap is baek again this year for his third seasop- ý(ith %us SI L Tractor, Mode]. "D", forty- te Separator, 32-46 on rub- ),wned and operated by South DarlingtonG anld Clarke Syindicate. llighest or any ten- ler not necessari1y accepted. Tenders cios-e Tucsday, JuIy 29th. g Address al tenders Wo secretary, Fred IL. Bennett, R.'R- 4, Boôwmaniville, Ontario. N Professional Directoryý, A. F. McKENZIE, M.Dý PHYSICIAN and SURGEOIN MUite Houri: 2.00 te 4.00 IRm.; 4.30 te 8.00 P,.iu.& Sundays and' Wedmesdayu by appoint ment ,nly PHONE 47rl - OttNO E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON M1,ain Street South Office Hours: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 te 8.00 PAR-. Sundays and Holidays by *Appointment PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor, BowMAýNVILLE, ONT. Phones : Office 688 Home 553 TED JACKIsS( N Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of ail uIzeB and at reasonlable rates Comnmunicate with hMm at Poe perry, Ontario, or se%, hi. Clerk. Lw- E. Moarton, at Orono, for date. J ACK REID, Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuater Specialize ln Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terme and dates LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Educational Policiear Protection and Savings Plane Lut Children and Adults; Mortgato Là- surance Plans. F. E. LYCEIT ORONO, Ont. - Phone 20 r 1r The RUTTER GRANITI, COMPANY Dia! 3216 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarker%, E!nz2ravinîr. (oldleafinr, STAFFORD BROS !Monumental 'Works Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St.,E., Wlhitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS ANIP MARKERS Let us erect a handsomne, lig nified mionument over the mot~ ing place of your loved mes t's not expensive. And e>ng this lat tribute wvill gçi. you enciless ecomort Monuments:: P. E. DELANTY and SON 106 KING ST. WEST CIOURIG, ONT. FHONZ 734M This firmn erectedl the Orono Mem.- orial Gates. One of the highest forme of Can-- adian sentiment is our tradit.zion customis of erecting a Monumment of granite or marbie teo our loved ones, who left this life, tDEADN STOCK Dead and Crippled Farm IAnimais removed promptly Ifor sanitar-y disposai. i Tielpone Coliect i f Cobourg 1266 Toronto M 333 Gordon Yug

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