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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jul 1952, p. 5

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~UImL p. Newcastle V.Èun Event of the Year Newcastl e MIerry-Go-Round for the yin Cames of ail I for young anc Bal Park Iy2S Draw for 1952 Ford Annual Tug-of-War for Trophy Biathing Beauty Contest View the districts most Iovely girls as they conipete for top honours ini the beauty class of this great annual extravaganza. Chickens Spring Chiekens, average 5lbs. 59c. lb. Boi1jng Fowl, plump, mod rately priced. Canned Chicken, 3 lb. tin woe $2.49 Disjointed Chickent, 2 lb. ti $1.15, Choice Meats Includingý Beef, Porki Lamb and V4 Peamealed Cottagwe Roils, lb... Sausage, home-style, ILb..... Scotland Cheese, new baby roll, lb. Cornish ROSE lb. Me. JelIo Lenion Pie Filling 3 for 29c. Pure loney lb. tub 25c, 2 lb. paît 4'7c. 411h. pail 85c. Wagstaffe's Rtaspberry Jani 24 oz. jar 43c. Capo Sprays Aýerosol Insect jKiller Spray $1.25 MothPror Spray ---$1.35 INAB1ISCO Rice Flakes New! NewiT 2 pkgs. 39ec Mlarketer* W@n.. I l 1 Sandw-iches, cookies. tea anid esi Local iNcws 1 On thisSudy JuIy 27th an open was served as a delicious lunchi. air Church Service is' to be held inl the Orono Park at 7:30 la the even- Mrs. -Dr. Sherwin thien moveda ng. The service is heing hield joint- vote 0f thaatrks to thie ji>rE -dent o Mrs. Antnie Roy, Mrs. Jack Arniott Iyv with thle Newcastle United Ch u rch j iavitilg UiS to her home. aud children returned to their homie ( ig gain in Orono last week-end after, spend- Mr. Murray Paterson is speidI:rg ing several rnoaths in Regina, Sask. n few holidays -withi his parents, -Mil Rev. Lwec Turner, B.A., of the land mm.J. E. Paterson MIr. and Mrs. R. P. llickaby, Mr. Newcastle charge wil be the guest' J. W. Rickahy, âMiss Marion Ric-kaby, speaker for- the eeniag The Oronio Mr.JmMdetife anbok Mrs. C. A. Cummning, ail of Toronto; Band will be in attendanice io Pro(-:hrwito.Mna ftî ek M4r. and Mi-S. George Cole, Port Hope; v'ide themjusical bcgon for' the' Visitors with Mr. and Mvrs. Fe Mr. -and Mrs. Mebourne Wight, Mrs. service. These evie have miet with Tru'il on Sunday were Mrs. Dunamtý, H. W. Jewell, Bowmlanville; Miss Au-,mchenithutsiasm la i previous year-s Tor-onti>, Mrsý. Dr. Beatty, GardenI drey Billings, Oshawai; Mr. and Mrs. n again is expiected this Suinday. Hill1, Mrs. Rickard, Bowmnanvlliead H. J. Souch, Mrs. Dorothy Baîley, -rs. Dixon. Wayne and Matry Lyina were guests of Mr. and Mrýs. Carl Billing-s on Sunday ,nd :t also attended Dedication____________________________ Servic.e of the Memiorial Windows in the Orono Unitedl Chur-eh. ,n WATSON'S9ARAGE ý Mr. and Mr-s. Win. McKezie of Orillia visited i Ono eon S-uniay. Mr. and MNrs. John1- Forrester a nd David and Mrs. lome Forrester spent thie wee-end at Lake Simicoe. M-. and Mrs. Frank Ardroa and ~family visited with Mr. and Mr's Madison Hall over the week-end. Mr, aadl Mrs. Junior Weýst anrd -on are spendinghoidy with Mýr. and M rs. A. E. Wet Mr. and Mrrs. F. O. Coopier are holidaying t s eek ut CGergian Bay. Miss Mro Warde(r of St. 1IiarysI is sp)eing i--two (weeIks hldywith Mrs. JennieRihrs, Mrs.ý C. A. CmîiTrao peQïdiIIg a few dayIs viih heýr sisteri NIrs. IehrSouch. Congratluationis t4 MraadM Floyd Nicihlson on thie bir-th of ai daughter in Bowm-aavmilleHspalo Thursday, July l7th, i952. Miss Lena ,Tiaylor Boma îl visi'ted in O-rono on Sunday and at-i tended themrng service In Oronio United Church. Mr. Tomn Tebble, Haimilton visited with friends over thleweknd Mr. and Mrs. Aruh'ie Wso nd family, Toronto are spending holidaiys with Mr. and rs.Alex Wa,-tson. Master Bohhy, and Catherine Lynch of Woodbridge are lholidaying1 with their gadarasMrn and1 Mrs. W. Hl. Rowýe. Mr. and Mrs. W. Spencer, Oshawa visited i -th M-r. and Mrs A. S'auni- ders last week. Mr, and Mrs. A. Saunders vtittel wîth friends in CastietLon on Satur- day Mr. and Mrs'. Jack Bairstow and Sharon and Mr. ani Mrs. B. Bell of Torontoý spent a few days with friends ia Montreal and points east.. Mrs. Percy Morgan spent the ypast week with a sister in Detroit, Mich. Mr,. A. Moore, Port Hope, Mvrs. J. Northcutt, Mrs. Benson, Mirs. Rose and littie daughter, Bewdleyvisited their cousin Mrs. H. Walsý,h on Sun-1 dlay. Mir. nnd Mrs. S. E. Allia visited thejir daughter, Mrs. Harry Taylor,' Mr. Taylor and family lai Napanee over the wveek-end. Mrs. Dunham, Toronto and Mrs. Beatty of Elizabethville are visitiaig their cousin Mrs. Jas. Dickson. Mrs. Wm. Cohhledick speat the week-end with Mr'. and Mrs. R. C. ]Rosborough.' 1Mme Gordon Leamen, Paul and Judjy are visiting her mnother Mrs. L Winter, Miss Shirley Flîntoff, Guelph visi- ted Mr. and mr-S. Os. Cowan, Mr. Cliff Cooper, who spent t.hree weeks in Sunnyb>rook ýHospital,' me- turned last week. miss Margaret Allia, Bowmanville %vas soloist at the United Church service on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. A. Waitson ,-isited Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson and. famnily ia Toronto last Nweek. Mrs. Marjorie Watson, Toronto is visiting hem unt, Mrs. A. Roy. Evening Auxiliary wvas held at the home of the president, Mrs. Eileen Billings. A social timne gas spent la sewing for the Children's Aid Society instead of the reguflar meeti ng.i Thie birthday >m-oniey vas haaded la during the evenling -Ind thie birth- day calendlar w\ill be ready by the Fali terni. MisBe\elrleyMcClureofoma- ville is visiting with Glory Pigo0tt for 'a few days. LATE SPORT R îESIJLTS The Oronio irls ýon taeligto Newtonville on Wdasdy veniag-9 met wîth tei econid defeat 'ia the playdowýn series. This at present gives ewo ,ileaone game ]ead in the hest three out of five series.1 The score inulast nright game \ 12- to 6 for Newtoaville. The 4th game is beiag played ia Newtonville this Friday eveniag.1 During thie hours of your bereave- ment ourii aim is to do - -1 iur power to ligliten your bu- RARTLEY H. BARLOW FJNERAL DIRECTOR Phone 18 r 7 Orono, Ont. Phone 18 r 2 AR MSTRONG'S Sih 4 r Delight Dresses and Skirts ai Cive-Away Prices Clearing ýîIl our beautiful Sum- mer Skirts aýd Dresses at real Bar- Dresses in r.ion, printed silk, or- gandy & lace. Reg. $19.50 for $13.50 Dresses in chýimhray, kriskay, ging-/ ham. Reg. $15ý95 to $17.95 now seil- ing for $5.95 anîd $7.95f Skirts in prinied and plaini poplin, ...... kriskay and piqu~e---- $350 and $ý5 2 Gabardine Suits, size 12 and 14 colour grèy anq green. Regula l $35.00 for on11Y.........--$.9..~5 Fruit and V' èetales Honte Grown To afàtoes at Market Price Grapes - Bananas Nçw Potatoes - Carrots Cucumbers Fres hies, ail flavors, pkg*. .6 Sugar, -5 lbs. for.... Jelly Powders, 3 for .. Large Prunes'. lb. for.. FIy Coils, 3 for ....I... ý. -Rutbber Rings, 2 dozen Neilson-i Chocolate Bars 4 for üfly ....... .... 5oc 27c. 15e. 25c. e, r e e e pkg 3 5c. Freez-E asy, any flavour, 2 for.......25c, Burn's Chuckwagon Dinner tin for ..,..49ec.j Crîspie Swveet nïixed Pickles jair for. ...4c Lions M ETE OR -'JMERCnURY ad LINCOLN CR J-MERCURY, RUCKS White R0SelGas and Oil B.F. Goodrich Tires Sales and ýýervice Greasing and Washing Good UsedkJCars Phone 42 r 11 s s s- s s s s s -a N N 'N s 'N s- s s s s s s s s s 'N 'N s N s. s- s- -a v -s N top ............ -9

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