TUE FÀRM F RONT ï olerating flies ini the farm yar is niot only unsanitary and unnleces- siary !)rt exý,pensive. AcçordinIg to, the agricltural chemicals depart- ment of Canuadiani lidustries Limi- ted, thie tormenting attacks of flues" can reduce the milk flow of dairy cattle by as miuch as 15 per cent, Considerably more when flics aire xreel had(. Beef production miay be decreCased by onIe-qularter to one-hiaîf p-oundi pý-r day-oir a, toý- tai of somre 30 pounds per hcad d',uning flic 1Ily sefison. T'O keep) a tarai "fy.cea",sIn suggestions are offecdI b)y .A OakieY, nloted entomlologisf: Instai screcens wherever ncs sary and practical. Haut out. maný- ure and spread it at least once a wcek. Mý,anure is thec most ses-jous Sinigle source of fi-, trouble on, ilir farm.t Dïon't let flyý-breedinig rub- bishi accumutlate, Spray aiisat least every four or five wecks r in ar veathler. For spaigbuildings. 59 per cent DDT wettable powder- or ln dane wettabàe powder are reccom- mn1fded. Bu>tt they hoi not be sprayed ou nmilking 'riîîîals; or lxe stock being faftcnled for siauiglier, lie war-ns, Instead, a 50 per ceent m)ethOxychIor wettable p) o ý il e r These conirol miethods are ffc tive with houseflies, hioro flics, stIable flics and oflier speciesta prevenit caff le fromi gr-azing peaCe- Fle lcles, Colorado beefles, lealipprsand aphids-tlie mlajor insecf pests aftacking fhicanda potato crop-can bie controlled wif h prefer toi dust mnay use a flirce per cent DDT dusf,, wifle thocse wh favor sprayinig hiave a 0ic of a 50 pêer cent DDT powdet, or a 253 per cent DDT emision. At: least M0 galions of spray or 30 pounds of dust per acre are recommended inearly applications. These am- ounts shrould bie increased iii later applications to allow for inCreascd foliage ajrea. A new giant cockroachý oje andi onle-quarter inches long and baîf anÉ inch widie hias inlvade Nort America fromn flic tropics anid mayq. cvenftually find its way toCanda cfa cincerea,' it is called byi solm s the 'lobster' roachi because ofa loatr rik ar-king on ,it coýlar-.i Recently, hieavy infestations of thlis insect ,w-re found in severai foodC- Floida Hw long tlicy,'ve been there has; not yetee establishied ,ire shorfer than flche dlcvn its edges and( abdomren in ve.Thec uolor is a mo)tled tanl with apink-, isli cast alog Ingegsadci lar. The- lobster dlesignl on Che col- )a~r is tan on at blajck ckru Thlere it ai cream11 colored dot on1 eaichi edgïe of flic a!bdominial sg me-nts onl their uppersufc. n the uder sufctheabomna maknsare, shaed like the M-u Teappie i; tsecominIgasvr- ile as [lie sovbwïm or peanuit tansto cheCmistr. eif bv tae ti oie a1 day keeýps thec suggestos One, Maggie Riley, kecpt shouting, 'Give thie poor mlani isky," but littie attenition, wvas oai 1 her, Then the agonized vice of flic mnrose above the dini: "Wiýilich ltof yet hldj youir tongKues anti let aggie -Riley spealt!" iasy Doos It-The voi-[d's targest pre-stressed concrefe bridge span makes a spectacular picture* as it slips into place over a small valley ta be crossed by Venezuela's new,, $6,000,000 highwaY,ý Most expansive road per mile in the world, the Autopista will extend 10 and one.,haif miles tc link the cilies of La Guaria and Caracas, savingalmost an hour drîving lime. By MAUDE NOR~MAN The win1d -wýhipped fi heopeMn carti. o on RoeElnsftusiled "Sr-_veusyou r ig llitYoui i fool," she muttered, "for aking, thinlgslfor grained, bulic said lie. colntwait to-&tse mc ýalnti aIl thec timlie <ýwas stili ir, love with) -Kate." She liadal y1lve i Seve '%Ail- son and h1ad started wrto 0himi wlicn Kate was too buisy Nvitli ber oflier boy friends to bother. Gra- duiy ýthe tone of ibis letters iad changecl. Then cilwlelie ,anountced 1he %nas coming hiomei. Katc's" ivterest hlad rivdbt Rose-Llen remllained( cndetshe wavs flic onelie now cared fo7r. But why, 0oh wl idsble ihaveto be su imls1ive antiree -hi1a Runingi' ont to ber car as slic liatianti tiriving %wildly rlirocu gl SI)eC a,11approaC Ingh i ty!ýLICýj 7'S ouilf çirts, w1 l'!asshe sol edfor a ced liltheflc dor on hec aside of flic car openeti. a .-ldroundj object prest giatle ie avoice graned. \lovover sisfer--fast!" Ru-sL-Elle1n )openectIcbrmot but a1 icou ab fumet flic in won'f get hîîrf RoseElln ha alaya ictret bandits, àf ule thouglit of fhem at ail, as weazel-facecd or bectiing browc. flshilydrescti.Tfis on looket ilike, an ordinlary citizenl "Say, yu likcicti cold. ",Wliydit you Lget lu my Iýcr', - Ncw%, don' ,teljjIImI ourC ba tiful bt ,dumiib","lieuc, t,' goti because f ncegded a car., l'il tell you flic stori' of 11y !if, later. Say, youi'vc eterig ain'f 'cia. ,What's flic iaffeýr?£Bo, frienti give you lic rhe of? Fear ga-ve cuaeat npr fion. 'nt 00f worryinig abnout in'ý -nw"she muirmureti "WTe were a)waýys qareiig.Ucwan,-tcd fo marry ati s efle tiowa, but t wattqxcitement-and atieturîe. 1 ran away from 'him atîti you came at1ong. Don'f youth ink I shoulti know your name?" Soeciat)i meDn"lic amnirieti. "Youý're So dark and rom"anitic Blasking ini ier admirationl, lie was alerf enougli t f rapli er liandc aýs she openeti lierlinag "Wliatclia got in hee "N1ofhing but powder ant i p- stick, aidnd y ale " O.K. If aini't fllaftio' tut dia, 1Baby, but I got ta be car-efuil" "Don't lbe silty,she siebusy wifh i h-sick cf.aidp-Owdvr-ptlff, TIml iaving oo ilch ýfun f0 do sutC1i a thuîsg. W'ilt you fake mc f0 a reaiglitci and buy Imlebe-au- tiful clofelue ie thcy do in flic mnovîes?" "Yýlou eil -coles-althe money you canto' She ganet AC an exiteti ie laugli anti nestled againt him, ug- Th1e car iee t aeati. Sudtieiy asrnsoindeti beh-iniltit. "Dmit"lie swore. "The COPS atidmle ,vitth no licenîse" "Bu.it i have minle. 1ull1 ver1ai l take tf lweel. OM't orry, ne clonly gref ,ticket. "No ItrickFa,"lie wrnd."e- member M'e go t thsgat ny Rose-lien felt flic bantiit's tense botiy relax as flic trooper ianieti ack lierlcense, then fteniseagain as mastecatiof flicexpttitcket, a revolver appeareti in lis lianti She gave a gasp of relief. fl hear-d tuetroprsshont as somle- thinig struck ier soc e atidrkes Rose-Elln lelticourthflicnexýt d1ay witl tee ie arnsani Kate lier(adnîirîng audience abl, ant his hilieouli fliat f vntpreveýnt vu ern "Butt yuu eetî i fo axebe huirt a! aIl ifyo antmsne soiwlien ilti00Kate t1 îva TeiusoeElen.Kate ask cd cuiousl, "Ho titi you tip moit troper off?" kn à aSUtfeTroopCr wsstationti onl that aide road just beýforeRot l35un fldc au" tfor peeders.Vole ( v'as sppsto f0l-e fixýiîîg An frienti f-o speetc as. Orchids Ini Britain Governmniit fotiay is tkýe orcii, for B'ritisli-growni orcit(Is ,are mosf im lportan dtol lar-ea riinrs, sou glift affer 1bY etuisaalî oývrtfli wvorli. G-owNer-s in f bat couitry hv imlprovedtiflic orcii aIlmosfas muitcli as fliey h1ave tflicîîiJdrose, anti wlierecas *inlich old daYs enior- mous ls umS wee piti f0 infr-epiti collectors 'vlo souiglit rare orchIiti in remofe pýlaces, fotiay, tfliks fe hybritibetincoilecfing tuni- knownî orciis is niot profitable. The nîosf commlonl orcitii is flic Early Putrple, which flowers froin carly sprinig tnfIil laf csommiiier in tiampimcatiow-s ai]by streams. Shakespeare loveltisuaPlant, anti calleti if "Long Puirles" ani "Deati Man'S ,Fingcmsr,/ Arare specimen \whicb gizows if, flic stuf h anti soufh-east couniesc, of Enlanti 1(jis filicMan Orciti. Thie moat loveiy pecimien, how- ever -, lS 00w alimps textinicf ii tflic counfirysitie. If is flic Latiy's Slipper Orchiti, aýnti a hutireti years ago if flouî'islied isome cof ticwvootis anti foresfs, but so mary adjmirera have ,1proote(d if anti frie t o franfs- plant if f0 f licir gardrtins f haf ifis 01n]Y occasion)aIliy founi. A tmodem lorclitdiluSery is -a warmcd grcub)lous<e ieetire areý rows of conlical gtass fiask's, as ini a chemist's lIuoratory. In these flaska atre flic inlfant orchlits. 1lying on1 a .îed (of agar-agar, a getatinie matie froni seaweei hiliprovitica juat fluli oulrliisheft tey neeti. Wilicn tcy ,are a qluarter of an mli1 higli f1leiclcit(s are trans- pllnte i info pots confainling Sp1 lag - ni IImusa, rFýouf SOu f)1rom certaini femnas, ani fibre-(.Seramoerns piantings fialkeplace unltil fnly in flic sixtlî b-u ciglif yer 11flc orciit Fbtoom F irst o-ciliid f0liebrugl-,,nt Britan i asadirt of for ifsý beaufy, lbut for ifs use in fli kitc 1c n. If asVaila, flic potis of wlîich yiett flic fam i olixuiing STRNGETASTE fore a mnicrophione'.lHe dutun n eek-ent i viit short bcue i sai, f lic c, ya-udson of lis liust per-iste ilingoîng aroutidal) day empiltyýing astIifry "Wa' xrong w\iýitli taf?" asket a frilei. "I guesa oudo't uertn, siglicti -Morgn. "U ws ep ing tlien-i intfois mouf)illi.'" Getting Wild Hez ney Fr 1 bave receivce anumtber of gr'eat tlirills in a long ljife, such as the notification that Ijhadi qualified for pmy doctorafe, fthe receptioninA New Yorlc larbour iii late Decemi- ber 1918M afe lc at WTrld War, the citation fromn the President on receivîng an lionorary degree f ;Iromî -Harvard, but, believ'e me, these thrills are ail in ciass B as comi- pareti tothe one I got when I frtfowîmd a hec tree ,unaided, The 6"lndin liatian amusig se- qe.The fiole was about ciglit feet 'p flic bole, too far f0 reach but: neCar enotgli for the becs ftulie very Cotisious of an infruder. 1 sfarfed proutiy à Mbaze niy ini- tiaIs on tihe free wheni becamlle consious of a roar and the air seeml-def0t row dark abovenme. i turnied and ý-n ijust in f;ime, nior diâ 1 rettýirn f0o finishi blazing the trec. Lafer, T reiated th,- event to George Sif t, hwlo coveret iemcwitlicon- fumely. Thait a man sliouid find a trec andi then bie driven opff by flie becs before he couli blaze if, Smif h rcgarded as a disgrace,, He assur-ed nme thaf fie wudtake up thle tree hiniself witilonf benlefit of vetor gloves I s4wbetter flian f0 argule, bt ')n flhae ôi tfinie wlcn hie, my brothler andi1I wenf fo f ake up flic tree, 1 broughit twvo veils andti two pair of gaul1ets, W e wego, f0 filic frce I set about collectilig dry stifi for a smuidge, a mratter which Smithl aid was qulife iunnlec- essary. I was dwhulfrom the treewlie li wen f0work. I hleard f lic axe fait perliapsa a iaf a dozen imes, and then there was a, sirenl-like -.ail . ., and Smliti) came charrging fhrouli flic oods, a afream lof anigry becs behind imi ii like a cornet's taiL. That was une swarm whîch deateti sec nci Smitli.Ilc borrowed mly brotlier's net anti'gove,'m brother wenf offt and hiti i the wootis and Wi net anti glove protection anti a -smudige as well, weC cut (down the frec anti took Iup flicswarl. MWe got sixfcy pountids of hliey,. Eitlicr wl hnyis more fas;y tman flicdanometi refy or one s My guest have Owaen agreed fliaf my wlildhon is more aroniatiC thanl any onie cao bny. 1 imaginle flic answer is fliat sfrained wilti lioney is a blefiti, lwb!iIe domsiieli lionecy is, gcnerally of one variety. Thie mase of lioney varies idel aIccording', f0 flic flowers fromi wliicl iti is matie. Clover lioney, foolîshly tf lie most prized, is flic moat inisipid. Gldtenl roci liey is golden yellow anti spicy. Bickç- wheat hliey is, if anything, f00 punigent ant i liavy as molassecs, The honey of Provence, malýde f'-011 mildti tymec, lias -a special pincy, faste. *-nI trai ing ilti honcy no affempt is madetief0separafe lc Strýeet of Frwers-Perhaps the mosf beautiful mttin streef in the world is this one iii Genzac, itly, during the Corpus Christif religicus celebrcations. On theê main stfreet leading ta the huch a'group of local cifizens complete their f lower decoDrations ca. spectatoirs line- the sidewalk. Hundreds of pounds of fýresh peals are used and even the ropeshodn bock 'hecrd are covered_( with fo:liage. 'om A Bee Tree varieiesand flicresut is a bien vrigsomiewlat according to tree, or scason, but always mooreine- e-stinig than ficdî hsicvrif From "The Be Huer" b 7~NDAY SCIIVAOOL By P , .Ba:,clay Wa3rren.I &A_ BBD. Sarnuel, Judgc andsprophoit 1Samnuel 7:5-17 Mlemary Selactirn: Prcepare Yo)Ur hearts into the Lord, and se'iïe hm oly. 1 Samnuel 7:3 H pyis f bat peoplewic li blessed wýifh vwiSe and tievout lea- ders! Quiet ly flic propliet Samuet worked amonýig flic people. Great public appearanices vwerc nlofmatie. But flic fact thiat God w,,a-,if luim in ha service as a jutige con- sfanfly remindeti men of their ep ty lives. Aýs laaf flic fruit of bis labour was seen as men and woioc heure andti terc began to weep, afferý flic Lord, Then in a greaf mass mneeting fie called upon Jaracl Y separa t limaces from tOuf ïdois. Tley must go flirougli th(r valley of humniliation andcoti tion for- sin, Then lie called ujpone thlimf0tie6dicaf e theacesfor-. ever f0 God i(nd hisservice.Ev- tuaiiy flic fierce Philistinies saw that God was with Israel. A strange fhingws seen; a greedy, pagan nation in ifs diplomafic dealinga-s parenfly became eveni genierous, turning over terrifories which w'etc nof asked, A miliary nation re specithcefi riglifs of a smiatIer, poorly armed people, b)ecause if wasq evidlent fliat Gfld \was wî hth lemO. We believe fliaf religion and Fpiefy are stili flic besf seciîtesof a nation. As w.e rcviewý Samauel's religious anti political influence WC sec flc gofhof a newLý unify among flic varius Hebn-w fribes. Even as sin give-s birth 0 isnterfad ings anti confflicfs 1befween ndvîi nais, if is flic frat cause of wut bctween nations. How can coulit- ries underatanti cdicher when dliy aru to blig% A y el: passions? Bui t t lcWord ofr'Gtid f ind access f0 men's Ihearts and it w'iti bear fruit in straisa unify. W'e neeti Samueis totiay; mTe whbo arc honcat, usiil and Goti- fearing. Suceli lcadershipll JO more for us tian a heis s"lply of afomic bom-bs. God give uf> suclimen!