ýilbSCriptiGn $1.50 per Year adia us Op rooslove- ng, July 7 L ild appro- ý -1.--.11. -- -1 -- l---- --miade Oy Joan l 1. CLÂark, cetr l mtl tie Irunri people eaied' ,ý equoieen tf et t e the Association, \who aise ploints out 1hemsýelves of the service thus ren- ~'eand qiiin are o e tirat' this is the fouri1-1tirlime this dered. Mfany p)eole had made a whoin)e usedmor thn tw mies ithi th Attirestar cie i eep-lds-oo)1l iras"von frstpiz ince die day of it, attnding loal churci ser- iunaisof tire Townsip oflarke lacttionMaple Lea. 1Bttergrl, cmettton was begun in 1C 5. v ice athe mornig tA ire aving dA- ;n ail directions freinOrono villag'e one of the purenr cd iSteins bred(Prvio inis wr in l!945, 146,ier aad supper amnid idyllic surround- Sm icts nin case of a fire in Orno and womnby IL c ~eeerLoraie and 1949). Tweher At tis achlool is ings wiih aone the imoel Orno wh-en serviaig outsde ofOrono tiret B. Reid pîey nt iasevoe1aIMrs . . B.Nels-on. Enahlme ted arwrvie.PepefrmaConn thefie rigdereuf imeH~f1ycase fïikfvr n a lothave registe-red sucir a win thte prjze distr-icts auginented this rmemorableý tesrein Orono, igiven up by her own ier. However, a m ioniey has been uLsed to buY aMWre"nervie, 1înanry regi,ýte(rig 'orbnto 1 'asBe inijection of calcui saved land for theirforest project. an Dtroit as t1ieir nrmpal abode. il was meoved that the secretary her and she went on to coplete tire1 ire insUltrute to request the Roe ndrma e record of 26,038 bs. Scond prize wa-s wnby' U. S. S. The Rev. John Kýilthen, minister of Superîntendent to prepare Ils.on's Milkcontaining 1014 obs. fat, average INo., 4 Coï1ingwo(-od and Eu,-phri-anOrno, cnducted tie sanervie hUI bridge for supplhing water Io firetest 3.89percent butterfat in 365 rin Grey Couty, irrtes oteacirt0s te adress on the theme: "Eternaf ngn:1. Grade inside of west gae. days on twice-a-dapmiking. Mlrs Annle Teed. Tirird and fourth Aife" froa tire narratve cf tire , Pace gat athe Oast aide cf pizsweewon by S. S. N'o. 1-4"ihYoung Rle"'ws'ie ,b aeainu. 3. Place og et stream t reAi ibhlgs ecod orThirow STcwvnsirip Hstngs Couxty tire ýRe, Lawrence Tu-rner, New1- pacd by firemen. 4. Gtpermission peltkirer v mdein amadivonuChandier Scirool, South casteý. 'Thle Or-oneBa:nd,une the freinMr. 1Mlison. Bruce County and rates as aoe1cf tireIWindsor in Essex County, ledersirp cf Mr. M1ilton Tcamblyn, ___________top dozentweaialmlkn Mr- Mr. Clarik points eut tint te take led t sinî týjng s eil as rendrn cords ever comnpleted in Canada.ntGerPinstwunntal numbers. Thei part inscWtireaProvincil Cometsitin, usic was rmuc i appreciated. feelng ride ka The Fera was miiked by Marlon and ireir district comipetitins, wireaLia1Piervte tire gnrlservicethr ratOudors f Otal Gladys, daugirters cf Lorne JReid. retdelof w\ork ýis done--by thfi(ýwas a ,coiiimuiiity- sing led y r The girls miiiked togetirer one on)istic edzone Foresters, nid the lTurner nd -with AMr. \W. E. C. Werk-j rach irde, a ï1eat tunusual procsedue Scirool Inspectera.i eddi on the ba-Iman et the organ. MtAamtJl~ CanonAneQUfl L Trie:.loUtin LvLII V14in e tUtili Vi. 91LV 1 in lN ewtonvilfle El,îrinlates Orono Girls la Playdown Serieï f Tie Orno irl' Sotball team hie0 Onmoa bowed out üof'Ïth-e leagu-Le padwsSr Newtonville£on theirihome ground ,-in in aCour gamec seies-. As C,'uri- The rage, fcoîe"aoraDn tîce wseeteibyNwcat1e1 ShrIUbs is beinig greatl exendd thleir. frtround it now lavsNew'- plant breeders. Horticulturists it t tonvilie nd INewcastle' to battie for Centr al Experimiental Far, O top honours. taahae ade 1man1ycotito lint ireOon-ewnvleseries, Oronio secured cnily onie gaine, tiret beîng thýe second. lint1'ie oth.er three l NevtoiIvilIe played tihe better bail and with suiperior Iiittinig were able te ak the(se wa.Lat Friday in Newonvlletire l1ocalI squaid were de- feate d by a two l'un margin in an ei'ght t o ten score. .Ailthogir-Newton- oBScen ut the victers intis game i-,they dk!id laferepart drag by recent years efforts on tire p re have aise been cnsiîderabie nad fruitful. Apairt frein Exper'imlental stations ïui as thoýse eit Indien Head, Sut-ll erland anld Morden), pietectize-ns suhas Dr. F. L. ke, Percy H, Wrigirt, George Bugniet, R. Simmonet and R. M. Mduckie, have beente-Iro fere ln sirruirbreedinig. Ve ruia. In repor-tig on tire merl donc Nem,\toav Ille iras siromaigrat tad- I MreMntiE~nm~t vanernnt insyear la tiiir style Station, Supenintendent W. IL Lest MAn efeivbeno f piayfor tîogi montios core of tire otabe a=me tire soasoa's sciredule tiey irold tire1 introductions. Tire Abney crabapp] btonrang of Lte idden cd or of tire Rosyblomcin lss le a i>rybri able la tire piay-domaso et eolimii- Iin4gpplr't'lie vgr nate tire second pace tean, Orono. tire benne brigit red flemere ant Fuirtier they bvecoaeied a nurire ily. Tire emaili scanîlet fruits 'are re Prabytire greatcýtst bulwark e fertefedn Frawsaposbetirui tr eerst f Tie Pu!blic Address Sstmwaýs efyoung playerstepmenea uiuu ieuLlÇe Uviiv.u. tirat we have in tins country against teyprotecere ig est dway ipe- iblei osrvtotsscain rd psil brroedWoyrdi utr erstlndtertei-lesetthyenerbrs .'iS"ns, te vmy m d. is tirefpursit i g96ib w1ile'lire waS Stili ranilk- as-w L s tatOf A. J. Jackm--an, ea'i ie Pakwd.carg- mates ,wiliibe a chlleg e f Tire PareAmnfrein a si1'aI hig 70 lirs. -etftire end c f irerl at-Peidn'ftr tro Hriu- int er witfira 1imi nium of the local lade ofbl ta cfs(jn relaxaion j natuel surocndlgsdefort orietal amond ot!ier aid b m Incncessitates jouracys inito Vire te.~jAsction an Mrs. . W j nd a naximium cf ease Tir ___, ___ befoerîn lmpollen is econs great ut-pf-eors."Ministr cf BucheratiPandPresiti3siosegnwas laed bty M. nd Mrs. duecme beraed s oreya Landsand Furests, MWeland .Gel-, Tnwaens-itrcosctvepriipeted in tire project. Rb.Hnok ieofcr f 0-o z ~~Ial ct1iien 'the pollenit arent. Tire fiýnë neisaid recently. Rcr United Cirurcirc-oeatdslenil risjfuvýiue etrdbs cfPrfoiacets, ieba-- -- - -in alil](tire arngemtent!s whîc!ir were veý i s s abundauntiy 1louifCerous. Tir ing ,a tieadylifetimie total r luiesor otirer cales, seek sur- ' 383 lirbs. fat, 'lir best previeus re- 1,i u iePr uioiisfr____ r ucee y itrsig r ~caefromt hot pveent d cerl- Cor1d was imade as a i-ya-dlDuhm[hsYrtre ban cf tire Park grounds. inuts. Tire fruits add i ie iest te tir rierciahin iecoe ie ie8041 lbs. fat frein ___ ow nonad1sbet tir orgres producO220Gls. e v eýQee eg-etables used leij-ý- l.li 1 envroa cfforste lkelndscf 2,46 bs.mil. Sre is exeedd Ii~1e unc Siffes treday, long beforetire blirtir of Ina irybrid bush roses, PrairieWr 'wrcrtiere 'remrain somIe 120 millionsire, 000in.lb. mark as anm igtyer- Opn Seasons for Dceer forch1952, r Christ. ie'odotus tire Greek iristo- and Plrairio Yovui h are distinctiv-e mlUnider iutlirorty of Ontario Reg-.___ ved ait tirhe yal "dtables 2,500Q years wiricir bea s man iii chr saumon pin Tirere, tirey 1relax and enjey sce-iuainsi752ad-î5 t iLir golid aragtrecm ona-dobe rrat f;wrsla June tbeauties, angle or irunit, r, r eayvproduction le hbrnd ilto Feml ulat'ioIn '- tint 2 and soo4d1ý,i- ' is - itl wiyil, eulen eb, ceto c culf1jy and feaen hlvJ i ad e.f i tereJefterinte Sef, pirtegapir or ca'sually observe tire fr SIre is tire t1iird genleratien c f .ett iepoiin ftr neL ldduie o r n r ila a vr400yase araetemiber nra aretescffilir, birdls aduni- 1oob onp, rer dami rav:ing Gaine and Fisireries Lnws, dutring Lynicir, Woodbrcidg«e and frm r o fand parsnlips wer-e knIorýn tetirle a-litie-ae iybi iac, Ci malsiret iniabit cu n dens.120J,2241 11)s. end lber grnd-em176- tr olwn eid:Ooo e ii eiu cietdn oas art n saau ii iu oat ii upe e 26lbs il ut,,Iree recordsmereinde -at tire ii dam in Weedbridge last go back te pe-isore ures; records ~'1ir geatprblinfacd1ryGe -llte Reid Herd on 2x- Jovember Srd te Novenber 15t'-'-diae ir livt o f beets Iin ie mt ierd n reo ernetforest and fisir and mild- Tr ony fHlbron itpr'Tirdy 00B.C.; i!ndl ceiery oion n ii ra bnac fpi Lif admlinistraters todey, tirerefore, eai agitrc ieExr in c-etroogrCu t or-tilr ,At tire time of theire(ccdent, Lucîlle tmte oec nintlnae îk ieflomers aper te b senste be te malintain, sufficient i ;re College View- Governior wiro iras o N.7 Higiray-; tire Tomnsipls wais divýinýg in tire pend. Sire bt1 e surpuse cffisr ad mldlf epopu- nmrosp.iz-wý--finig progeny dOf -Dalten, Digby, LaýxtLngrdireonacnntomanwsre-Terisosirbldute-bre. ltosin compatijble Jhabitalts, ceeai- uTidyfrcaragana ryltir narreILwi eferaabl oriely elnedwihwodsoer-16) mirose deug-rters a1re classified ad omrvlelaVitoi Cuny.cedfrm ir atr y flowevrmetre trergeabesc -0(sýDea'as vrygoed". lis 143 tested deugir- toNovember swimer. n hbeng rsidte ir'ýe rese el dyoldbereonize tiens, se ,tiret the people cf Ontario; ters hvecmpetd134 lrecordstrtNrme r e6i rmtn optltr ai ebrbsd terdsednsc oa.flaeappiioiersl tienM 14n treurwoodlnd vcetins iny bej e 1837 bs. 1k 'd523 b-' Tret ortin cf eterorougr Gonty readtequied tmnty-iveititchs. Aes cfcultvatin tegtierwitirtobaasgmre iraotiy tia'urLrber a Vera i, mi,,o uti'cf No. 7Hgrm ;tieTwnIsielitiifie planit breedi'ng in mere re -,crgnatIicilt cans s reasoably saisfiedwitir ire reuits ft (3.7 %). sipsocfBrigiton, Murray ind sey Thre folloving day wýIr en 1x-rays cent ime, ave deubtlesscingdjsblceateuritnssfen cf tireir deys cf sports afîeld. mour, la tire Couaty cf Nortliuir..rà- were taken it was ýf ound ietLuille't'ememstbyndrcgition. dfeetseis "Gvnapoeeeut aia.laIld. aise m fid a eipped bone in lier baek. Prairbeod -eoii lnt breeders, 'enys M lakes uaaem l, oand streams tiret bounid Nt:Bm n ree n io-Mdcexamnte ia emined Net onlyYiras tire plant bLreeder 'tnd Lsie refusy onimany kinds , xnd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~oe piobper anagemet, popua-lests thiat ejcast mii tne ireeeded buot tire mrc adne enIsoninirb advns iryaecu vie)e beleive. Tien, if meSli,!) cvnuontiu wfouprsateand eey eronl erirmbrladCont.hientmut wandaedier a wube1r ne oter ti issec'i tudy ed _____________________ tecnervd n rpeetr os reon T ade drnentionedl in- fine'Xr hir boiag ion te r sei watrs teesea oirr pans a aatonl and eeas tremm, e- i1boeae tfoutbr.1) -n-- transprtation ackagig and m r-utigoess le ire rocess. Tod iralace eoaeyfiirng edma- rsies utire b s lodu mbeiintrecusveurifuf i2i.h eta: f andanfritdnduee-i i rnizdtirt'nan Ciai ýspj'espirit a faiand in Nature pandsla tire iag cen proid-teecontinesr, ue re,[ le-acîitvl ng o ern fo raseor 11No prvislIii" uly cdiÉaz :onrra bon mao orn 'b e"" "'-tls etwr li e irey aey reacilue vgtbe b sd rw e ICe cosaid. tirem Townsirips7s.1 1 )cf Aln'w'iek'otîeC amahe,1 mirethertfor fesir sreads, sld. G(I(tral trssm er "Prre"sr(, r. Gem.elilenninued1Hadne anltnPre a1fo k, frenaiirfet ie raiermel e rnetse a cos(a icr erapfar nthl-eonrie boý -i mbuesepeut Cron l -sMriritpsandVealin l Ve- rerelnin tre utitonl alu c fmiy skformoetutcaai -nid.ene cf Lake Huron, le Tirfoigafale rai u-a n derneesTaownshipstaverse tie for- Miieter conluded, p aydwn s K iare ewA sta r nd itv o'l t o rs ýrilte smnlt-a .A god cowddttencdotrenport Corourn. Ne caste Lon st- Club C-ýt;arc-ïÏS Drham unio ra mersTie Day old t ndalon ednes'1dy'__" nia -ievr b abe o pr- o-tliý,renonaftngornccn eri ofi tiiins week.Tir pr-rai..M-orial Widows(,edcatedhGoe To Rouy , Quefbe tile h ge b,,,-, lilitsond lo g ýýe - equaly tire eveaiag mitirtIlv an11(11dItillie haireL _________________ ac11e. Tdn Intln u' crpee ,iregra moa rm ee es o w t o ireid,Ï1miir enaigh c 'tie irs rope a loel1 'iefi s g ndo ewenOrnoan A ipresve ddiatcse re g ais c f lcnte tiietocf ýtie Nom- tesante rg gie auplaemIn i At'e iretQuinte Dias ltilct' "Day'liety1K ndal reulted l a ene sidad s ore wi- h edntéO en o tits Mri'td Ciacr ate in a n e Crîal ms an Sadr sh w l Oia e a l' dtinstyan t stir 2Sio fo ire i ss a do,1oivi e c m , i nd [t t e eQ3îp i nsteii ec o o foar i v s i n e m o n il e r o e d w i d w s a d r a ti e r e s e t s c f ti efin i f u ts a ti r e d o r t r e Heetiae Conny f]loiresDs- tir On tohs ovemtireOrono irls l a Ci ui,r s d re deated. o 1te tie '¶ tppjeiitii y t1 e prenywasn dono Hgriitn ir e gaia Pa ký rao g te )0 - 'O+'i o"nn I'i.wcale m d Or n1 n m ry c dr an r. o n î-onibrillomasi ed Xr y- o ked tre eosn fetr Ù) ir i sîI'1'e f La t, uron in 'e ur -ULUr le ý,ý[e w il-r N ev ýlste i ýýe oild the car 'bc erv d, I iýhusky lo"mons monoi I Pram' lire beys'sftaloun et -tire Dun-iain boys mon tireir. open-, gin-e everrunîing Victoria Couaity by a 40 te 2 score. in tir 1e figiia gansre agaiast Peterbor-otugir,. O6uyl te letby a 15 te Il scoi:e' Ili tir giirs' oftalltournamietDrlin girls mon tirirr fi-ert gam11n -aginst VitraCouaty by n 15 te Il se. In tire final ganie a-uinst Hýsti*ngsj U'oy's'evenlte-- 100 yard dasir, Alec MNartin .3rd1; irigirjumip, NmtnSelby let; irelay É(,aini, 2nd, Alec MeLrten, ,Alec Moffat Eenle Brown knd David Wilson.' Girls' events-- 75 yerd dasir, Beatriece Cra5ig- lst scftball tirrow, utir Bragg Ist, Joan 1 Craig 2nd; iigir jumP, Joan -ICag 3rd; relay teea-, 2ad, Jogan Oraig, Rutir Bragg, Beatrice Cra-ig. s,tle mitir Kiriry-' Yc tirle geaes y th est ira seuning as tropirymincir e %ede vent the inidmay ýelnter Vol. 1 o26 Trustees Advise ~-Remain1WIhin A 'etigof tiio Trustý'ees of - t1ire NlaeofOrnwahedMda v in.It wae mioved tiret thle fire