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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Jul 1952, p. 2

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No Women Allowed Fer 1400 Years T'3clhougin. fast p'lane on 1ca Jimp tht Atlantit inuamatter of boura, tht Paciflc in days, and7si zrntist, are- ncw contempflating ttîps ýot htmonthrestil i emain its 1%a ont cannot enter. Tht best known of othesh Lasth1t Capital cf Tibet, a Manr l. icil recently was closCed Ï0 il foreigners. Pe-rched -semei J0,000 feet abov' e t ,sa;sori- ia1tïHmalayan asesmntbe 1(-ss > toleter it, and tht country iii swept by freezin1g gls Its rea palceof Potala, ow erngbgber 1-than tht edom- of St, Fau'sis ocfl tht mo nAtimprea- siire b'uýildings in thte ondTibet has even been a cOUntry hostie te 'trangtrs and o ü, id (eas, and when some years ago a body cf yeug Tbetnsafter stuoying en- gneiganid scien1ce iný Europe, reuudhome, teytook backina- #hineiry witb tht e intcntion cof set- ini up for tht commnon weal. But itht lamas Ibun-Ild thtmachiuery 1n)l J34, permission îwas actu- ally gnantedc( for tht lighting cf rouomý goverumenit offices and streets by men f lcniiy fter por- tert biad manbndle hunreds of Ions cf mitenial oven passes 1igber 'hnMt. Blanc, the cases, er loadd onyaks aàn d cartel teG Lhassa, whe1rc Mn, R. D). Rinigalng, m ietnwCoStpdied filiLonidon,' hbl(d te painit eut ailtanlie iforeign letteninig and absttut Mcais anothlenrenwnd oly ety which is taboo te ail but gun- &ine believers. Richiard Buirtoni lift- ed tht veil frein Mecca, and affer hma fe- in i-trcpjý ,- nropaus. Ail 'wtt tere in, for tbey reld tat if denlounced a pain- 4db dekith woiild follew ra'pidly. Hadaa tcwiin in Nontheru Inia, is net a sale place for tht Encrope-an when tht annumal festival ofthe H1-indus takes place, A ;pecial fetvlis fheild every tielve Aycars, 1nd ait tbia period tht City becem-es xcengydangerous. H-ardwýan is tht Filst town tolcced by thc holy Gï'ÀngeS 0onits tortuonls journley tb'ougb tht plainte totht e s. B- cause of this it bias becamle Sanc ~le Heie fan, and inifinitely more inacesibeis Kulfu, high i1in tht Ioicy Hmlaathtgoal iof th.ousada cS f piigrimns. Once tht ountaisa rerabe atear n.e fnendby canavanlsenrial icl fod is stance. Fw, îdeed,ý 'vt ht nnvete face thteinb *iaflstrtcb-tbe tlernible, svy nepeway, atretching 2,500 feet -th'- edge cf ont precipice te, A iardwooenseat is su3spendýed o m h noe by a puley. On this lht pilgnim iseats Iimatîf iand i s Pusbtd a, ff, Tht rude cneac taVefs at sncb a speed that sinoke issehafn mtht rapidy heatng WCpt.SOnlîcimes a passengen les fisif grip thironigh ,sheer terrer Con dizziuessý andi is dashedl to pieýces many~tbusadsof feet bc, ini whichl casé bis insaratmti aly wash1ed away. ifbesvis tht ordeailihe is SuPPostýd te have acquired su--filcient menit teprpe chtring tht coinmg year! Then thene S Ordam Padahah, scnd -on-ly ïin holines taMsOa -wiich lits initht hlinterland ci Chinlese Tunkestan. It is a lest tÈitin tht ficdesent, tsineareat ineigh- banna be'jing ht maticallyscnnd(- irqg Ksh a udYa-knd Xissing: Deadly Sin Ordain Padahliis anothen city iii lsih tt snap e onid aind i ievtiesnt to bc dlscovered. It 1s as bot as a bakehouse, Ye, dasripg ý1tht m-onitb of Ramradïýn. wben ontsidcns woarc Believers awre albowed fl. ,no bcdlmesat le taen hetween dawn and sunset. To kîsa a wemanin i;sucli tir- emntanesis a dea1dly sin for which tte mloat igoncua penances ame enfoced Anelther very boly place, guarded niqt cnefllyagainst intruders, is Jebel injan. l its in a nlarrow, sMnaked dehlie near Ain Sefi ni wfili ionce harbonred a quarter af a imsillion ihaiansth as ff1 Says Hand SOM e Men Lack "Tha*t" Appeal Who mak ehtbeat hnsb-fand-a 11andsomre man o r iaplain oneïi? Ask fiïlm trDoris Day who bhas sm definite iw abouit plain meýn iand, aculyprefers Lthtm. Says Doris,: "ans m me lack sexapea."ThatlwILlshock Va lot cf te-gri.kuw ISht also often l hanid icnieaean-dl that a womnan who m-)iarries 'm11atinýet idlol" !bas a ot f wrry inig to do about hiim. And (1tht Plain man? We , h deelpsa eron l ore quick- ly îvsawoman more material comfrorts anloyaty, thlilks abul()t bis ijob miore dee.p l ndeiosy anïd does't spend a lËot of time tryin t mpes ter.Soeugly m'In, in;fact, I bc(e1cme mýa gn1e t i charactLer, Doris dc r-,lButa bandsomerman canofttn bc a br -too muichin lov ib isl and! bisgooldlok M. Andre auosth rench author, once sid tha uilgliiness pic- vents a mnf romJeclini-g coni- ceited, depiveýs im l)of 1too .is conquei(st an;d spurs Ihim ito efforts wh-lich brinlg forth brililice, Ht said thiisafe looking at tht portraits iin hNt ionalPortrait Gallery of aIl tht men who have been im lpor-tant iin every p-.rofession in] England for 400 yas Iwasý struck by thýeir prev-alîing tngnjeýss -grtcat ar-chbishopls, itnust Sclar, tatceuen and men1 0f liais, e add-ed. Frog Thait Carnîes Antti-Qiare Shades Zoologista iin aalae excited at new,ýs of thtliscveyinifastnesses if thtý Drakensberg. Mountainis, *Sonth Africa, of a bi;therto unknown species off giant f rog xvich cairnes its oneebdsotover eacb! Mrthnsix 1inces long, broa, sqnat andprimiitive-looking, 'tht frog bas a z kind of "toad-stool" uýseftijlly situattd a ;bove tht pupil of eacb ect Thïis acts inth si e ayaia eyesbade wo(rn bty sportsmIen and motorists, protectinig tht cretr' eye-s fi7rm'excessýive l1igbt. Tis strainge frog semlteh, e"scapettn1otice of ScjnltistS al tbrugbthtce-ntuies. tht ebettom oüf (eep, ncesil pools intt'ebgher ltitudeis of thtc mlowntains, It waS onl ycac thlat à f ew specimienis ,\cre secuir- cd. eerldïýIed;these wýil! l(be tffdanid cafefll1y preserved in] a atrlbistory m1luseumji. Thtle iving ones ,;are stlI bin(î,g stniedVyScienitistls, wbO aepro- pong o vriteclearned papersi-, about tbem with speciai referenice to tht"mrellyebds WHAT A BEAST "Whlat a noble anma,aid thte man iias i- gazed at tht lion, Wba tren..gtbi! VWhat rmagificenice IN wonder every othier animal quail s ai tht thottght of humii; no wonlder e'veiry other aimladmits him o be tleking of bat. Cofud that lita !',said tht flinas hec imade ont mort attemlpt to rid Ibinrself of bis tormnentor, koers"t You-Nurse iola lmobdeni, left, and Ms Rosemary Browon examine a unfkique iscfe-ty remnde ousid0obig rvbber plant. The 75-year-oldhosedrwnhearsý re s os oun- usual billboaird forthsaeymsae TUE FÂM FRON Preveu9uof accdens o th farm is a s 1bject aefreuentiy wrttn bQut in thlis columu11-. StilI, ttwarnngs you hPAStdyeserday wý"On't do you aàny good i;fyn foirget lowing aken fr m)an atlicle i "Canadas Healb and elfr"are ing by to po-pulatuion ctiate a treeand ont -lhit m nillion and- thîs igrouip represents ia seýgm-,ent ofthippu lation whi)ch is ýexýtretlCyvner WC Ce o thteffectof lirpacideîît or illncss. On a ainwzr ln On acidentYto otpe rson may bring prnoction to astadstllfor many dy,"hreimc .tn j i on2t." sng u iO Of astre in ,a own or iy brn on. When faýrC ibildings humnlor, important in tht prodtiction pic- ture than imiavnsi ra And tht fap ,throgb tt years bas btutht sf ite of ja relatively higb pecenageof ccidenots. Tht farm in tt lelds , " ht hans an tht home. Snýrvty s of frmactciets indicaýte that faIts econtrswith Cliting or ircnintuetndcrnlsb- ing accont for Ï71% of thtý total Of bact timibrug accidents, AI moat 201 ofbth tmelat is du te acdns sncb as kickýs fromn ,faM aimisandmiavnre witb tmracos and moor DBm" are îcrepnible ,,for th blace Ilnf-ortmuat(ly for farm produic- the xuajority of kfarm accidents bap- pes to people iiin tht woring yas In fatct, 8 4%YofAal farm accidents happeto to ipepict, etwttntht, age,3 aI14and (4. Fifty-eigbt per cn of tlhe- accidenlts cculr in the fields and 27% ýviithe 1bornle or outbtild(- ins 2onturafl'Iy the roine with tht greates ý regeune cultiva'tion in propor)tion te tht f-arm ppuaio iïllhvtthi- er incidenceý. In other ordsit scems that. accidents kare, mort apt teo ccur on lrefarmç wýorkeCd by a ftw people than n aml, moj,)-re heaviby 5stafftd fae;rms, on' most ars.Manyfam, ore are cf bhighly v ambl osrc ion PludCIemloy bea(.tingmtod that ;art rCeatiýv aieosfo tht oi;nt cf view cof ire aad In adition',mayfrn stlc- ploy uethOdbs ofillmIination in hIome or ban thatre pottn-tially dangrous A szeabe prcentagt cf omr f arm bome3 bave ,cbecu com-. struicted bInepeiece, f ll anld stovepie could bc osiee Anteiactor injfarm ires ý,,is thtetpeof wodh ;rinm y s0t v e s âand angcs,~ eeal spekin twood is of waee type bhappens te be easily a3 ýccess- ibl'e anid àit ayoften rbe cf'a type tbat hua apilytcrryngof large volumers c'f sak c a centbulig Couideingthtproportion ofý farin resideniuts t htppuato as a wboe, ài i sigiican),t'Ote ote that durinrg tht yvears 1946 tG 1949, there nwere 321( rural oe dsry ed b-y ire aS c.prt e370 urban dwellinga. T'huis aaýiveragecof 80 farm homs (pr y ,I r( lest duirinig thi, orya period e 576 and 51r1 eçiey Ffy~ five per cent cof tht v)cti-ma in ruriii.- areas and 51% eiii urban anreaswre chiillrenii Farm homes are- often partiÎcnlary vujlnerabie te ire bc.- cause cf tbecir iremotenes firrx ef- fective flrefigbing tipmi)enIt an(d tht Jack cf an adlecuate upplyof wattr under pr-essure. Auithorities are agred t hat du cat;Ion presenits tht eby0e1 mnen solution te tht d fanigers of il accidents. Te thistend many velu- tary and 1govecrinmtnt greoupa are directiing a great dea oftim an Iu tht forefront cf tbiscapag bvbentht large Caiaýn o Fshy ldea-imm-y, 1-year-..Id Kosrean lad aidopted by the 3rd Aïr Rescue Squaidron in Korea, bangsý a "KoinobDori" ta replace the standard wind sock, which it in -short supply. Th4 "Koina- bon;" ;is a0cloth-covered model. of a corp, sed by the Jananese ta denote the pniese#ice of aboy ;he btuse on "Boy sDay," an cannuali holiday. I - fea and provincial departmients et agricultuire and ht ino cfttaccident preven1tion educa- tion min rural areas s w eing direted attht chldren, h fam ownile rs ,of oero.Sbolju- nior farmecr clubs, boy. SocIIut a1, partin tt cntiningplan ifor farn ufctY, is to bchoe that tht esuis wil son bertflected in~ ~ ~ ~~e a akdlwnn the acci- lnuspite ofthtenice edcationai prgantht)Bll eleponeCom- pany" conduicts totri people in corrct elehon prcedrefar too tal o under normanircunsanes att lke compeletorus j enatl- phone is placed inthir bns Thiey sneminoitor !munslyl h e ito it, thty shl m tt ceierdowisj in your car, teylut it ring andi' ringý b)efone answering it, teyget ap -wrcng 1number and wIhanig up on 0tt poor ususpecting guy oanwr edI tht'ponewithout so muiich a an apology. Ln shor tthy do thn very higa tbywouldfld nberalein others but nex er gv herbhviour ae seco-nd thought-jusýt býcause it's a telephone they have in their bands, disabilîry, iS;,ýAmuel 9:1-2 10:24Z2; Memoy Slecton:The' Lord willnotforakehispeople for bis grea nam's ske-because it bath peedtht Lord to-, mrakeŽ you is peoplein amel 12 :22 were fot as heir ather1but "t n cd asde afer lure,1ad took bribs, nd prvetedjudgmnent?" Thistogeter wth the desires te be lke ihations round about, promlpted j- lel to ask for a kîing. The desire tL "follow the crocF(I is strong ,,in individuals anld in Saulunder Go d's direction maechoice of Sauil as king. He wsvery taIL Thtýe people were welpsdý When he was pub- licly presentted they shouted and ai,'Gdsave tht king." Other greterstaurewill be thtpepl' choic 1.'Sa l dsome g ood quali-. tie to Hedid no)set 'c o' f- fic , teoffice souight f'im. He fei uworhyof tht hoor or b, is family as tht east4of.i h famiiesof tt aaî rib ofBen-l jamin. Mreover Ihe got alng iith bis fathtr, Ht did flot tikit ibe- neathi him to take orders, even toie do Ithe meaner chores, schas lookingfor thtlost asses, Whien Saul ad te servant wert delayed in her sarhSaul becam--e con- St er old nowbe wrryig more abl1)ou t hem than about tht animais, sinc e tEy wereear Rmhthiey Salws agrto availhimsfof thiS pr Itilge. It is alwýays a coin- mendble hin ip ht yungthat th goduaulws hugtfl too, iii hat he sittdt îi tht prophet wthout l a peso, tant cf ailCin I reartioforflf thsofiews h ac ht le he ws anintd bySaunt~l "Gd7 gaehiSntea rbert-and lýthe S" Ptc o aeuo i God's sanctin wasupo ile- cesh Wthsuc7a0r(4Jngbe innbinit i a t hn ta h Chopped Graes Yieils pMore Spuds?-Nýot saisfed ith hre year rotation of gIrain, alfalfa and potatoes beca use th4 prced- ing crop wacs bard ta plow under, F. H. Krcse dcided thac.t a shredder was wvhat he needed. He went te a moanufacturer and bought the machine, naove,' whicFh wd f-ineded for mowing and chopping grass for slg.Raither thion bo the chopped grass intc, a wa,,gon Krause pufs if bock on the field as "green manure.' He says il will inicrease potato Icprcoduction. r 77-1-C

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