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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Jul 1952, p. 6

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Q~. jusat what 1s the prope-r ru12. îarCerning the remnovai of a1a' kat ini an elevator? 1A. A gentleman sbo l remeve, Mha hat 0on1y'i.1 an-,le'vtor itn a building weepeop-le live, suc es a' hobel or 3an pabmntbild-. inig. The e1evators; of ofc build-. inga and stre ae mated asth Q.Whlenithe bride wears lier veil river, lier face into the churcli, whnis it proper for the veil to be lifted, and who should do this? A, Tl'le maid of lbonor performs th1is task, auld abe aiso stoOps and etraighbtenis ont thie bride's train-ý juat befome tbc bridle starts down the aisie. Qý. When, after being seated a the dinner table, should une pick up one's napkin? A. iimnxediateiy upon sesbing yourself, -nnifold your n iapkin and place it acrosa youir lap. Q. Is a memrber of a bereaved famiiy expected to receive friends or acquaintancea wha are making cails of condoience? A. Usuially scoefr"id or a relative rcivspersons i ngt exteuld s(aÉy 0 ousi the case of anin ltimat(e rcdth famly ay wisb to s:ec im, H 1ow- ever, thiis i, lwysleit to the e dcis'ion i othlei-aiiy. as o nue ,3oui itrulde ;at Sn1cb me Q. When there ia no one wxailing ;àn table and the serving dîshea are paased from hband to haud, are they paaaed te the lei-,t cr 'the iiglt? A. To the rigbbi, sotbait the person receives [the isih in bis left, hatd udbeps imlsell,%îtb Ible Q ait àal right t: et eihîcken leg, or "rnstk with the fingers? A. Onily tveyifomi e and 1piculics.Otewsiisbt ta forego 'bbc pleasuire lnI(1tha st bit of mteat. Q. For year, .1have beeni send-. in., wedding anniversary carda te a friend. Since Iast ann.iveraary, however, lier husband has passýýed a;ray. What should 1 do this yeýar? A, Yen cari send -la ecard epes tng thughjta o-,;frieudsb;jip, bet ocae t ic ~beword hpy' QWher. a person to whom iul e area beilnig introeiuced saya;, "I ain ver-v spiasd t<o meet un » wha DoULE l V-A LUE ' fi- our sw iug lim I Sumer'a mst prac'ti-. cal, coo!leat Wrapron -maei also in a brnci ver-sion for a cover- vup aproen that ralyprotects yonl! Sec bhe ueckfiinc-- it's air condli- hoe! Check thatdiga ceiutbe casier, taster sewýiug. Pattern R80:Misses' -Sizes12 il, 16, 18, 20), 40. Si7te 16 ta'.s Tbis pattrasy to ue iîl t tew', ;la teted for fit. Ras conIl Seuil THIRTY-FIVE CENý.TCF (35)'tlucoinis (tns Launot h accpted) for thiis patemu. Print plaiaî SIlZE, NAME, ADDRES2'ý STYLE NIJMBERP Sot rder 10 Bn x l'1-23 1" F. ,naist (w1kauacidetbpl e nbasw2 read -ni in bbt paer sud illc outehe ighway. We thiuk"bow -errile" sud theni, not knowýing teLiro, e ore about it. Btwbni lour next doorniborwte ed n forgel. Las i Thrday ngb tragedy caeto bbc fady ou ai arm that adinis our owul. A aen-ik du respected arerwas cro-saing the highway to bis own bouse > . . a screech ni bralkes . . . scruiiipledl body . . . sud a woman 1)aud bat ber bnsb)and; a voung lad bhis father. Jsýt assuddely as , Cia a famnily eu b breaeddsad- deed heeis it ueeusay -s-o little n1 uIeaudo. Only time can lssen bc agutisiI sud d iml same iday I reýtulrurd from a shýIort stay lu Fort Eri sud as bbc bus; wbeeled alugiirougb llthe ýcou- gestcd rile in iiSt. Ct ariessd Hamilton 1I as t athe Lbus winidow wondeming boss auy ni us; bavebc nerve tc, drive at ail these days. No wyonder there are so mauy, ac- riciets wb-leu lime after tinie you secs diver wbýIose ambition secms to cach p t,,s4dpass, bbe feliow How,~mtrIticwas tnt cou- gcsed il bc ay, I an glad to say. \v- be e bcscenery was at ils bet we bd the road aimoat bu ouselvs. Snbta ovely driveý Prom iagaa Fals 10Fort PFric slongtbbc River Rod ws,;".to lme, mlorebeuifl than bbc Flîs t uibc- scives-not 50 mjestic isud ae inaýpirinlg but mabll itIi slove- iesil ilsw' .VEigbIunmliles long a ond moad, w c itb bautf wa:rdmd u id e tres1nitbbcotheri, dJipped, -crced sud iv\ed overe water. And i beui, evem cwmiles, erek lovwing down to the .river 7sbcm'sC rek BakCreek isud othecrs that TI have forgotten. ,These- crcis appeared '10 be wides-ud deep, wth ippblgwaesdrk isb]-gt-eeni ilu telou-. 'Thle irieudao witb wbOm I was stay-ing tÉook mei for a ci lovl drve that sanIe een iulg 'aIlg the iackCrueek mai wcewe iouud qibe 'a colony ai anor grentiy sîvtacd b th lap- it libt bbf apmorhto il. Herec %hrvoie eurra ný i wbite trelis goiu luai diectonswibb grand(- es oipa Iimbir rossIever saw. ThenfathIbein cui-sceIo bbc ace racts thre ws asort of courtyard wàihrnin an sd great wbîbe iliars. ufltw ict pillars -were bangiug zbalskets iu wvhiCh .wcre growinlg te . tr-ailiug , geranumathat ere iter l5, ma;iss oi blooml. Fortie there, areplaes i hitor cieIitecat fosi ir Ihose ,Wh10 have ilime te visit thein -tibc Mnseum suad bbc nd For)t. Buit aIl we 1,ýtalme for duimv bni fvisit was b odrive pas thetIli- foasthre o nue ighit onh. Tîtenas a ontrab 10ail thlis natura beaulisudistiomiclad marksIhereta Bffalo ud its "wmi- had neyer bheen there etook a bussu senlt itrecbomwid- pie.ToIm,)bcolpemain are ewakdaloug iloolkcdliesoe thiu fmo a idw-a sho -Aon nigbbil mut be uit.s glare ai ilasbug coouredlighb, Bycorn- parîsn Yoge Steetin Trno la ging10 ookvery dignlifie:d whicî, erixpalis ail 10 bbc good. Wcl hItiuk bhis bas becu 'bbc hI teat day y et. Aronîîd bere il is i:i luite s'hade. For once 1 sd 1 netiu 1Ido't nsually like do- îîîg sIltut ;a1Ille door)Is sudwindio%\, tiists pelI lets b:) a bit, Lt is Training For The Biîg Cotcienaswe!l as womeri wiil be among thie re- thon 700 contestants, in the2 daily "M,/omr-noth Cooking Comipetiton" soonsored nt the Colisem by 1Ahe Women's D)ivision Of the Canadion National Exhibition. Contestants woil pr-epore their seliin f ive modeîclitcens 3before audiences, willh daily prizes cf op ta $50.00. Higliest ove-oli score wiIl win the qrand prize of $200. Food Mie the sýpaghetti and meat ballaý MacCox wH,ýîLenter AiU be cooked every dayi, Cnd sampl!ed by the audiences after being (udged. Mr. Cox i3 pr-acising Ùli on his spealy for-the big day. Ho-w To Keeýp Cool 1: tlrc he it is ied, briu p dbsi avne This syjîl save a blIot uflcg orkcmugand goin1g to mIarkets, anid t t get yOur oongdonc -'lu tcool of (the, morn1inlg befiore thethrnomte eipszoominig op. Thlis lw tinie ',0<cil fodswbic you wish to. ser1ve cold, ohr a be taken from bbIlc refigertor nd hated tmtroub'e anid kitcliun lbeat. Oý1ce you've acquired a lg ood tan, yui be ab)Ie to toleratequt a bit on iltsu Snbahigfromi nooln tiil thiree is a poor tmepcal fori.malcildeen llwjtl)tenider skinis. Plan* f poSsile (ýto sumiyourslf beoe anditer these Ihoulrs. Most doctor willteli you itatpey o ;1es i,0 buIt Ili thle s d, is aioias benefiicial as bei.rg tex- psdto thdirec( rysof ()IdiSol. Longbour of aîerplayserves no re'alnpurposeilu Ilhe race for- bet- er helh iittle tots a brief dmck ing lu hii ot %weJ her, if thIis elyintroduction tlo sai rrs water is mdagn lsd sft precau'tions are fcli o xed t tl letter i. Mal- peopie ak te11 sak of openiung alil or n dw to kee(p ot the etf deuî _Shades ý il(,tljdolxnanld idoors closed if you\,aumt youir home te b comotbyco in bot weatbecr. Hoeeit',s a g1ood pa to openl attc indwsas tPe heat from ethe, lower room iic t) ail uncomfiort- ablericgee oten120 dgesl blot. bot days in on( s attie. To gt tbebeSt reutlts for anj e;crc fani, plauceit Iin front of a'n open wndowand turu-ed b- warjs the romlu thisc;posit:ion t will s iiki10coo l*, fresbair.Bu smialichdr. A odfan Icao be bougt2 at 'a reasonble p1rice md biee it orf cold w ,tc. Býetter go Ii i om lukev driks ncraseperpiationl, the led lcooler. Yiout'll bemrecMortbli)e in bhot wcathr w %itbout fattv fnds Duing this sasnthere's îp"enty of frealý i fuits anidveebest be 1a(1. Rem uer tothn tit1el bod~ only nu n îîd ansd ne mcans o3 crcatiuig a draught ini the> Cool nf the eveing. Last week-end we Iladi a hotseifl on visitors; tis wcck neyer a nuei for %%bicli, in ic o thie beat, 1I;unietceltbnfi ago 'bc beno'ctr lmbug1 103! ate n wr cflo Ille tuýrip-sand wequIit.Tec anlé IolytmeI eeme eo uît tinlg ou acu Ote h et In TorridWahe basssait ïin peiimbio.Vooffset this doi't spare tb sitbke we yon serve meloi, gaerut, matocs, etc. 'TI,;is goes1 for idd as well asaduts Infants sud ýtvcm ou lide sbould iint be over-dre-sed. Just enough cobigbP o c tficmi from dagasis bst Oun va prsve niigbt, il',% a gond idies 10 ,ýcbaîîge thle pillow cases sud shcet[s as 0)(>%,absorl> mucb per -pratiýon. Those Pensions Mak-, A Big Dif ference No wnndembb Mfil(er a fast li vtig' bmslvsnue. lIow qualiied forfilpnso are a grono i -1) 3 12 iicildiug Earl Rowe, Cordon m aydooeHacris sud fHughes Ccve. W e bbc next ssso i JPaumient meets, there xviii be 87 quailid fl or nm pension. But uow ilta eometa am M.P.'s wb>lý o toglît nireiring aI thelie uxt cto aerenaie- ing. One mlore rounl d sonme w qnsliiyfor ibbc i ptiio a $3,000 forlitereat ofIIbeir lives. Miemberis fil- t eleeted ini 1940cod put np1,$4,543 eîNv brsu quaiiy îmeiteyfr uepn sion oi $2,754 ayer -l'mobcinnil ot cellophane tc ape eau )becmoat hcl- fi. F or in vmIr Cy n eau .use sucbtfalpebata aizeable paper bag bsie ouat bc swing ima- chine fÏor disCarl!ü cil teads, cl- tinga sud rvlig.Thlia doca sway with untidinesa ,ýwhicb !muat otherwise be ckàcaueid ip af1 terwa;rdsý. aewiuig bsktif outa e b0lose ends i)f uin, ap ick- ra ck braid ticd adbfr twu we wnuild add, into nue. lov. wnta usban nd d (la lborne ni my owit. . . WenIi jmet this manil,[was dî1vorced Hel-said ble was' ramle to> - bis city 10 marry wîf and t wo, 'Therne i s foosb.J szaed and1(jkept on sec- sa d'(1be was get- býing lbisdivorce.(Tbey had already sepratd)He aîdbewas sorry for- ber, anid l'i ioed tbecb(ildreni, He ,payvs ;aU their bill, sudsends tbcm mney tvery ontiî. "Adze imus 1'vec tricd te leve bt cretoo imuicb. He is 1iil bo mne, anld wolIderlul in many wys. Butal Ihavear IcntresýpcCt myseW, iÏving do you sayr" * he o1 umouud his oman khad *\dcei!d.onIt is tolo bad you * ddnt tketbe fiirs rainhome. * Itisn' tonlate. Tbe sonner *yudo, i] tu!snerb wil get * Afîr ai, wbt's bis hurry * uo? 11 isenjoing ourlove. *ile scs is cilru. Ui-iesa * be learuIs Ibe's lsn vu ewill * epon puttiug ibings off, sud * take un î hougbit for your scanda- *lou« situatýon sud your deepen- *inig unhappinesa. *You arc atili in love-. But love * aone is nlot gond leuouigb for il * a omraulike you. You mi-ils * bave hiouer, ton. Anld you will, *if yo)u - Go(-,back hIome. GOSSIP PLAYS HAVOC Deal-un irt snh ieu agirl do whien .the b)oy she loves deserta b fer? 01(er boy)s, wbo wantied daes itb mic, to)Ild im liesabume " ndhebereedthux! ;ow he doesn',t even pek. "J can't Lgo on like this Wbat ,?~ Im iridthe kenly tWný(g ta *1deis týo qmake îew friends ,amIong * ve ouing ini. * Any boy whlo gossips about * a youg girl beas e won't * ati i s the low\est kind of M!ca The girl eaui do nothing *ul agiut nc alice; ithe more- *she prMtesîs ber inncne b * les is she blelieved.] * If tile younIg 1man yen love hbad * bad reaýilly loved youý, ibe woufld * bave takei thesesana-og * r1i aud asud abltit thein i p. *witbouit ev protecing you, il *rorian ex-cusýe 1 end the friend- GO Goour ovuway noIvliw, witb *ei your bed igkStay jaway frieoï ai ail t-ep1acesour friend ire- * quents. HvI utbigte do witt, *him. WVatch youir nanner 4,34 * Xcuse 1for.criticlism. *Thereý are other boys brought. miup as gentleme.n. Fiud tisesi *thriough yvour girl iriends, Ibrougis * xour (Iicbrch.asd tbrougb .yoe You eau always turis te Annes Hirst, tell ber things you'd neyer tell anyone else, Her wisdom arn& her sympathy are- yours for tbe asking. Address at Box 1ý , 123 1eighteenth St., New Tocanot, Ont, U'se -Remnanits Your littie girl11willArcar Iisas a pinafoýre now s udrs lt Bonnet is sclloped amdaorbe Both garmneuts ope-n fiat te ion Patterti 787; patterif parts, ctuttjilg guides, 2, - and 6 iliclnded. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in] coins (tampý211)s caninot bc accept.- ed>ý for this pattern t ox 1, 123 Eighiteenth liSt.,'New TrntOnt. Prinit plaily PATTERN NUM- BEP, your NAME and ADDRESS. Suc!li ac(olurfuil roun!dujp of han- diwork îdpas! Senid twenty-fivecet nowý\ for otur Laulra Whkele Neeýdie- craf t Cata]og. Choose yur patterns f ront oLurgaily illiustra"ted îto S, dVIlS, hlousehold and lpersonial acsois .A paitteru1 for a handba;isprirlted right, in the ook ISSUE 31 -- 1952 Points Hause At 74 Neyver, thinking about hiiring some yoiîng fellow to do the lob, 74-year-old Mrs. Harriet Morse points ber own h-use fromn a rickety old ladder, The self-reliant qrand-, mother of three is used to doing thinqsheS'fie was widowed when ber only son, was 12 years old and she eairned their livingq by taking in roome-rs., She'sý anxious to comiet hehajuse a ah. Ccn gt arted One big pocca- athre-rir'--Jg

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