Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 31 Jul 1952, p. 7

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Parrot, Aplenty un cMr guide, WCe niadle ouFrwyu thc tepand deseate is ih- yond ttsllnîifelt'SS Ulake., It took uleur hourste reach'il, «esýt of tht ig tyn.Zb inog their bays like ht-dc petals of a freshly epened lowr, AastjaIde greeýn cf'!tt junule were clusters ofscreoflm liýoopinik, pur-pî adoplscn wee ested e cj ni t;(_î,ontd fur! cdte nil each Mnd forthil lik anindîvidual jwl- inger "sied and then sidgo almsiarwîedir lWa'tvertis Ibissunnwnajunle holisthreg wont e anyting ore e atf âRright onal' "sad "1 pcan ai-ý' sne ost tase that aofar, gLet's o get itloil(erý e sred femrar, acht bladesinlthin a teybt theug tht go reth wichcugtlh bari'er ejuanged nseppd wret hue ceve, weîc4unshuldered iur yacks andsa ow t hwte' weak in ht Oes,à I feit au e tien seCintn it esembe pysi say ebawct were feeig" thing w,;e'veilnned o, nd w farked dwn ýad oc bit c..")idloi red steppeds tkigrand stared at th noelievable elins ar-n Wbile weswaumchlilyke eaPl-. iczd tha watexer ieouhr tPaa roeer us, butve t eyer7,paofild aW hd ncb a ariety: ard-long %ed macawse brgt gren gparre- kets, ane( th ue lar ge tha spar rWs;menfa lg c, graceu cn fltrtcand tercky eloweushulc0 ie- Wc parretAstmthe bie otht el lys" we'd knwniiatkoebcGin ge ati I pesisd fehr U I ta be frch-ntba itrbseng d tem fr we funda high, crecat ructureý fltse!eah eraeoryerefiedwit «es -os asil)tml eiefsorts, Thtfac ht irbsm e and itfUA dtopwe le st J IIY1perfec:t ircei shape, me culdswonderif ne ha the'yer develeped(Ptelescopes, astrolobs, o such, andmusthav dep eed o»ya stpen wat tht hum an cy euforse, heyhadbee 1fr t or Cnpe that night, na thtGne mena ilte rsetee mi4 r \,il4itoiGingr e't he lieve f le 'ya erhlgma.Tit with- potian %tvt feri !hyat"-etuC "Qust o h etCty'eyDn andGingl erdLam Bvozilian Soge-Looking like ai bewhiskered ,wiemosn, "Mus-. taho'a rare Imperiol mar- moset, sIetes bis views ofst bbc Broux Zoo. This spece!es of mmd- moerarelyse in ccptuvity auJ he first cwed'Y thec zo, is nai!ve t to eBrilH, ER M aln supper for outdoor eat;in3g -- porch-, lerrace or garci. Il yissat- iyîgand eau be amoile- tirely prepared lu the mcmn- in'g heurs and kepL in the e- frigerator Unl Ilspper lime. Vegeablejuicemaarn çao a cconite. The hot colet, hh yen 'iIconverýîinjte iced- collet, eube i1nade several hur befÏore serving, :and coteil lu n non-mtli, If yen prefer, make it dýouble- slrenglh ai thi laiminute and lerîr ute be-f illed glsss.Besure the clt is f'reai and stronig, and that ý-ou Serve it Nvith plenty cf îet inî Ilel le CS1I*, frotes glases yen eCal i ma n a ke Serve with erean anda oiee f Simple syrup or Mýacûarotni ChefsSad (6Gencous servings) Ont 9-ounce package elbow c-u )ol 2 stuffedi olives, Siieed: 14 Sove inbuflttoue.. Actasugar, stlrrlng unt)îl dsseved add cherr9 Chill until set, Place sîlcec hab nnsin secvtng î ecover Vithi colie Jiy even rh Look.,ng for usanilbut as te get lunchIeon ihe.W 1 - test. They're ged. 4 & FluffynTmate Rabtï toaesoup,2cus hrdd American ccese, ½tapo r shtirè sauce, '2egs eaatdtot Hetsoup slowly; aMdherse a c heatunti buteit edst r ng eetsstotly.Add e ta n Woresersir sacete eaenegg 1yeiks,; stir into bot mixsture Geo'tlY fld lu beaten egg whites aend k. -heat theroughly. Serve cou eto toast or ekr Baked Eggs lu Tomato Saute Macaroni salas, colIt eIlyans lei colitfýe pep cg isummer-w'ted (4 servlngs) a ppetits ans! tan be prepard befoeans!. onteao(Pe ups) ceudeoised Pound Ameyrcn cheddar scse, said b ibW saiamd gree s om tomate p , 4 e ýÉ ggs, 2 tabespeens cubedj 'y peuns bdoegna, cues! wt usindressing.butter, bakppe etse PeatC. lur tn oaesoplt lacts!;salas!grens, ussan dr e ss-u srlnsact cf feur buttered, tbAkb'ng cups tng. - On ani eue-hll talespons 1or mufin tins, Break an egg it Cee mcroiinbelgs Itel uflavores! gà elaýtin,3 cups streng, edot each with'?àtiapeon atrunil tnde; rain, rinse jiel ot e, 3 tablespo-ons sherry, ' e buter anci sprînkt nQ> eu with botntt; hili. Combli-ne 1tnp streug, cic olitCe , ½ CuplPer-, Bake irilu a moderaete maatni oivscheee, boiegnaý, sugarv, 2baanscutlu c-incbh (350 degres F forl 20 minuesý toatesan! uembr laice Àla sUces. . I Garnish with prjesiey, datw Andrews Even durîinlg llthtIthir s tbeCs t àys cfth ear's yugses-u ots cfgronnuwps tee-nulj pass up lesn our,îishbn iig drinks for good, coo omik, o0ieg as yen have aiongsbde 2a iar of delicieus choc- boate Syrup fer flavoring. Ans bere!s honte make that syrup CHOCOLATE SYRUP 1 package semi-sireet chocoiate cips 7e ýcuýp sugar 34cup cernl syrup Icup hoiing nater Mtemtcheceate chwsipsbutop et doutble beiler, Rmoe rem bel'at and stir unllene.Addsua aunix neiw(l, fthen add!(!cern syrup, ans! sftir unltil sm-oeth. Add hoilingv lY. Ceek ofver hoiing vnater 2 miue.Makeýs 1-1/3 cups saue. For CHOCOLATE M IL K- msre2tablespoonis syrup bte, taligls, d cbied mlk sioniy te î-ii lasstrrinig ei.Or shake For CHOCOLATE EGGNOG -prepaïrechoo nt ilk aud add it te eibe-aten eg.Mix -oeil CHOCOLATE FLOAT - is preare! ceclat mîk ith abou't 3 tablespeenîs oet bet cream, vanlilla or ceeaeflaveur, adcldd.With cg"ffe c ceamàitbecomesCHOC- OL-ATE MOCHA FLOAT MINlT4'ED CHOCOLATE A suruner t hirc;a t queu, cer fer genpsanid yoopgsters àahkc, is MINTRU CHOCOLATE.Fer this yen addoee clip et miik te 2 tabitspqos chocole syrup, stir- ing cntnty d 2 te 3 dreops otpeeite-xtract b ealt or shakec el.Pouir lto taill glass. Tep andseve bt asprîgoet) mint. Ipurdover 7radketd ice, serve at one )r, If the ice i, se be leIt te n-elsadd orechoatsrn to e h umik te starsnith Pitre is; a very qick recpe giyicg dep, sîviibg feodsof frst fg it fer a banqueitcae Ans!d mks semething very qspecial even BR,'OWNl VELVET FROSTINO ~4cup~ vpîts ik(ai ix stes!.)J snea.Ceek ans! stîre ver leo hecat tutti! chioceiste ,ismete! ns! mixtuýre Is blenides!. rinig tea. be)il ans! eM geufly 5- minutes, or until thckndstiing coorstantly. Rt- mcve frem heliat. Co, trie- te, cever tops e! tue8ichlyr ýovens nt ic hocae ac Fer timie savin:g ;sud i rosfa veu-r émbndb's br aha QUICK CHROCOLATE SAUCE 4 squares seuil- sieet "candY- makbng" chocolate. 4 tabiespoons, botter. MeIt tht choceiate ever bedbing water. Add butter, blins!. Serve bot. SauIce 'may be kept bIot ve boilibng nater, Makes 2 tnpsane jsitotr this.c i top iltj!cake fleurk 34 tespoo sai 2 egs, epaate 2 ablespoons sugar Sut fý lr, bakbu poder25 aud lmon os! e eggyelk ans suigr graduiiy hatu -eiate eah diton teodpflu .mx 1 cup sugar 5 tablespena cake fleur iegg, sbgtiy heaten 2/3 copnete 2 teapoonsbutter, c4 tp »wbipped crtamn Combine sugai ans! imer; add egg, theuail ther ingedients eu- cept lemn ndosans!enhbpped crmamnbopop f doublehouer ans Cook 0inuters, stirrig Constant- ly. Chili=ans! dd emo ndnis!ans! Il cop svhipped crem. ,Use bai! fer cadke flhlbog. ,To rmabihall, KEPIT COD Beanng thhafppitess ovttht, tntus3stfsceptjon bis camag address ba? recives!, the veUtran. peititianý bores! hhnrself off tht stage and jtathe midst of bi eestarrýy-eye-d spotr 'e crtainyiymade yeurseif écar on tht roicilrights usto. "Mfy gosh," motteres! thtels!M campagner "xvat ablun irm- Don't Abuse That Washing Machine Hon geod a sratyu ab ing mc iis depends ie-en tiriyupe yntht e pe'rater. Man neenpay it"Cti or ne a- them cs L' c paisont point cf ù!care isai wayýs stressed, that eM oiling tht mach-ine beilore ec sig Dry, gtars cause- trouble frem negleet b in ingtht machine. Ne- ver bbuintee great ahurry te nash te negittihteilng Oui, in thiýýs s ay iidnsery gears near eun nd hae tebe cepiaced. tht hreakdonn ý-oasvsed y n-. glc.Svri macines iver e Famous Home 0f Sherlock Hol mes Ont This Side 0f The Atlantic Now Sherlock Hoirnes»- tht fmed arfivd b Manattantht ther evoigfreibndn tebis ledginIgýs at 22J1B Bak er Stret an wuld'tsay wbe1theCr he -oas there onalas e t just sisbis LBaker Strîeet resicoek- CA xttyas he bas! Ieft tbemf. This, fceuicmrsec, is a bit et ibtiqon, jusýt as He10imes bimiseli isfctna -ans! prebýably tht msost lamons O n cdo secr inspctioni, 22 1- B Bakr Sutreet turnes! ontbse eh Plaz Galerie on 9th Stree buit tot s Holmes 're,,,ouilds!sy, is ttc- meintal, my clear Watsen, B13ktc Dtr-eet is ins-ideü,ans! it's a iceu- piletely l hflanad uhettre- produtction e! t'ht e om i rb7ere bi 13 ahvas 1897. Tht ceus as ben benïgb't t sou f Sc ArhnrConian Doyle, an! iuIl hs!tekilI lm ofe. hie ceuXd- et te blis eIterPttr- To a gre amy peepleail nr tht onV ,--eriek linmtS isJ as; atctuai esnntjlust oa chauradCes lu fiction. F cyar, Adranï Ceni pleas 'for hi; iatenad-s- es! te Rebats, Wh leu ttfiexhibt en eens! aný elderiy lady stopped bu aunse fer tht( great (detct ive Cenanl kwasn aroo , nereupoii tht lady grenindnan su re-faedShe kevqueeil eh -oas there, she sd;sedsQeen bis ý,pictuire seme- As yenlsadatth aibng, ieok NtO tht Baker Street study, yen eao'tbel pfeeing tuat Hoimes ad 'Watson hvejut uitth rom Its a room ef" Victesian hm ns! el-utiter, nl>Heie'am chir ou onteide,-o! %thtlreplace ans!Wa, ssOurtt1e ther, Ou a long deai table standsa tray wshbalf-empty teacups, bal- cafta ru *'mpets as!nakis us tessd dovo,-Jo ht iiv-er buitter ish are tht bulleztsHelmes bas caressiy liuug there (tbiy nec taken f filthtbodY e! a man murdees! a 185>4 n ontht back' ct'htdehsHmes'[deer- sti er.,ans! In ývrnes s, tegetia)er ivth r. Watýson's taliie. bat 5sud esie tt rplce1$tht eaià scgtexvteHieskp i sans.table 2at nhich hle neriçes!4 ovtbs xeimnsin chemilistr-y ans!oet Ao it, tht axbisst o! Hmedrapes!aboutit h bi ruest-eloeddressing-gew'O. (Ti&ý, Later iems figures beaviy in "The. Th eeis ise tht igdesk :at nhlieh Sir Arthur Conank Doyie nre( lte tht Heieastories Ou A isý Heoimesý' lamons m nagnbfying glas Teeare varonssudsisd(ry etherCWiederfl thiings Ibultbhie. eayreem: ýtht erfSian sippz holding 1Heimles' shsag tebacco; z barpeen likt tht euet that 1kilies! BE-ïlac Peter; cigarett'es from thài£ year 1897; thte"agouy celumus" e! tht enken nený jjcspapers ,ready %md w'iîgfor Hoîmes' perusalý,. Tht res! '.,titCurtains art dirawst againaýt tht ca-o ans!id Imt ivahe f Baker Street; 04- stage, there -ire seans! effeets el horsts' biooves' clip-Cleppiiig auC1tû -the cobbics. Tht game is abat. Aýs yenmileave thlt ledgin1gs p fins!yonrself baek 0ou S9th Strt again, yeu'il set a res! car at t14 cucrblits sides letterec "110lm«, Eiectre - Protection ,Buroglacy W A ltte odem fefr Shtrle-,k5 pebpbolt Oynko alk mn inBaker Street Inogh ir rpPair becalite the lu eulcansstht eperaters hIa4 sfevec taken i ttpgyratert m ktnthyrater pest, D'irtha celte ad n im h d corede because 1i tht ampness. Tht üor frmsuch mchnecaïeiy, 'maginedý splt tt yraorwith- a celdch Iisel b rdrtermeve it. Alitî care tapeus et ne ents iliefct fputtig tee muc crater l ht e machn.Tht waer gees u insdetht gyrater te the toý-p ef gyrater pes.t threugh th(- holes and dwnuehtshaît me0th gears. Thîs can IcauIse nothiiing but troubleas la coupleef repod case-s where tt mahins ere s;heved ente a celd perch l tht ninter te ý\aaR their next Cali ta service, The water freze and hurnst the gear cases. Another neman Iolking fera pla,ý c testore ram n ater iledtht ,washing machine tubI. It nas fer-. gettn wud Mft on>the hak perc Whnaceid nighitcame,cht u- bapy w~erfound belir Imachine tubshad Spa, Tht mchanimnefthe wringer. et mchie as dmgdbeyenld ne aetee uc and it is unl- farte expect it. Wýhe'n ton, imuch straýIIin 13 caused emhigbas te rive and most e! tt tme sripeilgears cesit It can very nelibc a burued but metorte.When -!sem-etinîg iM neund areund them tiht eneugh te stop them, and tht action of tht gyrater otht power shioutld be im- mediately snitcbed off Onshuld remihr aP',ashig mauchinýe is likce anyý otheir machinie and heui he ivenat least x reasabe amunto!far if it is expected ta giveged service. i 14 r

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