9reformatory for des rmn prisoners wii l beLESKARD lbrook, 16 miles south- orugh. iCon11tiniued famm page 1) Foote, mýiUiister of re- Abitibi. [s ad theiad een We are -lad p report that Mr. lat thepriso mh t be Coryell is gre>tly improved and is Bay. ulow up for a sliort ture ea-ch day. Money-SOaIng FA 8 ~ml AL Sweet-smieling Fab gives billowy, suds Ll.iAg testantI/y WXashes cptnees cleaner, whiter, witt/let bleeisc/i. lVin.I1nes fast. Can't leave so0apy scunion disheË, ciothes, tub or wringer. We specialize in Warm Air - leating and Air tÛonditionilng wîth either Coal or 011 R. E. LOGAN phone 18-30 Take a iook at the wonderful aew Chevrolets ~ ~* ~for '52! Examine their radUant n"ewl Royal-Toue Yes, C.newolet orings you lowest prices on m~odel Styling and ultra-luxurions Bodies by Fisher, . ~ - - - - j..'. ~available in a wide choice of soiid.tone and t*o- iMrmooel ... as well as tnese extra ieuli pour extra pleusure, comfort und safety. CENTREPOISE POWER Fngine vibration, and power iinplses;are "screenled ouii" - isltdfrom driver anid s saer.Engine rides fleibiy laispended betclen ,nets high- sie mountingi -. . . ccatred, poised, csindin rubisber. EXTRA LARGE BRAKES Chev rolet's Jumnbo-Druim brakes w\ith their big 1 1-inch. briedrumsý, appiy more lever- a-ge ,fîr more stopins power. Stops aeqmo iesfevîwtlà le7st driver ecffort. Bonded ini- malaitt iip ct twce as long. GORGEQUS NEW COLORS Choose fromp a wide choice of rich new colors and twxc-oloe color comhinations . . - the most wonderful ini Cherole's field. Distinctive nlew De LuIxe interiors are cojor-mat'ched to the exterior body colors for rnew color barm-ony inside and out. BODY BY FISHER Fisfher Body sets the-'standard in the autIomobile industry - for stîylinsL, for craftsmnanship, for eomfort and convenience! A nd Fisher Unisteel construc- tion guards you w-,ith the solid sîrengîli of steel wededlu teel ..above you, beteatb you, ail around you. POWRGLDE UTMATC PWERULUN: TIZEO EXTRA-EASY 0RNMISONV14-NHEDENIE KNEE-ACTION RIDE CER-ONTTER aaxtmace tansnsso. I'c ower i c1v in eadenpne ctio-n ride jig iow eveýn oftlIr, fot hel ntîeîd of b,ý simplt wîh "w- o'is 'owuis ~ r tîto idin'perfrmer iylioother. New oct"ore th leifo he.Ii t crfll c t' mdi e ~tes ci-'~nîhe imor jolts more q n Y i mks hvrle orn ate carsOpcoui n D Lux exlosi e.effectively thian ever prk modls t xtr cot.L e,î, %tom-i trns E P s i i nD x NG n the thind s ad et ry îi~gly and OLAS$SIFIÎ-D OLUMNS 1 DNTICE FORI SALE I Any interes.ed person, ývho bas 191Crseingo ruig bee indvetktlyomnitf'e inbe1 order. Cheap for cash. PhÈe 32 r 18, ing canvassa for t Birthday ASharkey, O on, /ý -p Calendar, peAj conat Mrs. Carl COMING ËrENTS1 Tomato pickers for large acreage. A Dance wil1l be held in the New- No stemmiig r equir-ed/ýPhone Clarke ca11stie Commnunî¶y 1Hall on S furda-y,18822 or19.a- Auguast 23rd uè1der the nup ices of TAE thie Board of Manageiienit.,DancingForH~ frou 8.,30 to 1 'pa. m s eigh- eciati ta n t t1n' Orh sra tn n Lot 19, Conession 1, M avers, o Adm--iss-in75c per r August 181,h. The ownop., may bv sanie by pr ving pro r"ty and pay- FOR SALE ig XPenses.a-c 1940 Chev.ý 5 pass gý1er Coupe, FRSL Oshaw bin Appl es ery, New Flei~-B-isselI tandem c R.R. North, 0rono. Peone 5 rfo nytaeo, yroi o taad nc 2 ý. heeJji ws, Oaco mken W-(,, G beariing wagon, $1140. fleieebr At Geund. ýàÀdnsdaY A-u- row\s, 15 ftý for $69. Mamde spread- At airOrund, esa , eug new t ,pe timken Waring trac- 27th. Anyone wl .. id like t, helP, ers, oW'ý'dcal,) fup the Fàir Groxinds is -ecoeipo ig'rs ;Woods o freezers aind Bring a shovei, nime, sawor miesat \new i rices. Phone scyth. a-'Cari To'dd, 15-21 larke, - Valve-in-Head engine performance; and f rom aa newlt smoother, softer ride to extra-large Jumbo-. Drum Brakes. Realize, too, that with ail their finer quality the new Chevrolets are the lowest-priced Une in their field, in addieiog to being exceedingiy econoinicai <o operate and' maintain. Come ne. a see and drive the new Chevroiet for '52 . . and let us show you how easily you can own onel CAST MRON ALLOY PISTONS Pistons aýre forrh-ed from tbe samie material as the cylinder block - expanid and contract al, thse samie rate. Thiis hieips maintai a precise fit a, ail en- gifle temperatures -- reduces piston wear and oil consumip- t'ion! 4-WAY ENIELBRCTO hexrle' xcuiv nlu u Ica gvsef upiseat EXTRA WIDE TREAD Chevrolet measures a fuili 58 incItes between Cntres of rear wheels - providing a broader base bo give you more stabiity on the road, lests saway on thse 'Curves! GM "SHADE-LITE" GLASS Reduces Glare, Heat, Fatigue Chevrolet offers "Shade-lite" glass wiîh exclusive, shoded windshield îioîing for your extra protection. "Shade Lite" glass ail 'round reduces glare and heat, fceips you drive more safelv aod cnmforiiibiy. (Optional aI extra coat). 7~e ~e4' ~ ~tf PRUCED $0 L@W! C-I1528 ROY w. DewnanvIlle NICH"OLS Ontarle Professional Directory A. F. MeKFINZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGE014 Omb Houfsa: 1.00 ta 4.00 pý JG.»t. 8.U -P.OL Sundays and We*«ayi by appo intment tIy, PHOINE 47r1 E. C. SYER, M.». PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Main Street South Office Hours: 2.00 to 4.00 pa.. 6.30 t0 8.00 p.In Sundays andi Holiday% by Appointment PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mïason, B.A Barrister and Solicitoir BOWMIANVILLR ONT. Phenes:- Office 688 ihome 553 T ED J AC KSLCI Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Aucîtoen sale of ai kzez -and at reasoniable ratez Comumunlicate with hdm at Poe,, Perry, Ontario. or ses his Clerk, Lei E. Morton, at Oromo, for date. JACK REID'-' Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator- Specialize in Farm and Furiniture Sales Consuit me fer tenusl and dates LIFEINSU RAÀN CE, Pension Plans; Educational Polici.te, P"rotection and Savings Plans tee Chlrnand Adults; Mortgaee LU- FÈurance Plans. F. E.LYCETT ORONO, Ont. '- Phone 20 r 1f The itUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Dia1 8216 - P.O. Box 622 .Part sep*, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarker. Enzrruvinz. ('oIdIefinr, STAFFORD BROS Phone Whitby 552 318 Dujndae St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND? MARKERS Let us erect a handsotne, cag, 1 nified monument over the <est' !ng place of your leved ues It's net expenisive. And aeedng this last tribute wili gnxe you tndies coGM-for Monuments, P. E. DELANTY aid SO 106 KING ST. WEST pHONf COBOURG, ONT. 7 34,1 Lowest-Priced *n Us FieldI Chevroiet Thbe Leader, is the lowest-priced ccr in ts field. t's Canao's niost beautiful Iow-priced car - and Ccnada's most wonderful motor car valuel A GENERAL. MOTORS VALUE r VUýs ie se f ecar fatues ires To[ tone color combinations-.most wonderful aray of colors in their field.' These cars bring you everything fromn thrilling new Centre po»e Power to fleet, spirited, thoroughily dependnhie 2 /