EXTRA REST URGEI> A third con-sideration- is the rela- tive poCitioni poli'onmyelitis occupies in relation to other, hazards to child lile and health. A ch.ild 'has less ch'ance of being crippled by poijoyaye- litis than by accîidents. Finally, although it is Impossible cuuAurenceci pui. PUnyfl~Iiisn any1 district, it is kniown that in general: ther-e is rot likely to be a large out-' break, in an area two years in suc-ý cession. In the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham the cases of poiiomnyeiitis reported du.r-' ing- each of the past bix years have1 been as flos 1946) - 13; 1947 - 8; 1148 - 0; ý1949- 21; 1950 - 2; 19'51 - Burni's Quality Meats- 6 varieties toChoose froA Canned Genuine spring Ccken i3 b. 3 ozs. Spork - Tasty ulhe Meat -Ï2 oz. tin Chuchwagon Dinne Meat and Vegetables w th Gxravy C atlifowers, Celiery, buyingKeLgs BRran Flakeý RiegulaT Price ýs at 'e 27C were i a*s.y VYCi soexi the United Counties . These wouidt tend to suggest that outbreak of poliomyyelitis those normally residiag in is imlikely in 1952. figures a large amlong the area ïlutaibing j and Rlot Water HeatIng IIARRY E. LYCETT Phoie 84 r 2 ORONO - ONT. 'EXHIBITION SPECIA LS Going Daily from Augusi 23rd Ride On the bus and avoid worryinig about driving ire heavy traffic, parking or crow.dinig for street carsç. Reserve Grandstanid lickets and Transportaioa- Tickets noyw. 1TORONTQO EXHIDITIO'N BUSESfDAILY FROM DAYL T SVINGTIME Leave (Going) Arrive R eur Rend Down lRecad Up Fte 7:25 cwataMaplesIL35 42 7:30 Janetvil e----------- 1:25 4 X 2 7:40 Yelverto n ---1:--- 15 /4,00î 7:50 Nestiet 1:05------/ f3.7 5 8:00 Blackst k 2:55 3.5 8:10 Burketoi------------ 12:45 3, 35 8:20 E nnijs kiil l :n --- 12:35 3.15 8:30 Hampo-------12:23. 00 8:45 Bow,,7man 11'Je 12:i' à 2,75S Ar. 10: 15 atl Torôwtïo Ex-hi-bj- ýion Bus Takes Passengers ig4Inside oronto xibto Grounlds and Stayq-,s Tllere linitiIjlà inu--,tes after- GrandÉ- stand Performnance is Over, for your convenlience. Chidren - HaIf Fare Fares lNC4JJDE Exhibition Admission For Information Phione BowmamvilIe - 266 Lindsay - 5381 Patrons using ouir buses may leave their cars ln parking spaceeat Kawartha Maples, 7 miles south of Lindsay on Tighway 35, Éieroy Harnr., 11 BROKrýI 1oz-49e ckIig O nsYePer(red., green) în stock foer your Woodbury's Soap DEALI (Crown Tea Bag-s, OIrange Pekioe 100 for - -89 )rn-iish ( M1arketi 4bars Reg«-size We. Cartn CachLunes f3 peaker, Mr.M.HStpe OFor the reaCde r' te irby or Leskard. 'REE Picture for you COMVE IN WITI1 THE FAMILY TORONTO Mr. and Mrs. Vernonj Saunders and son of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saunders. Mr-. John Thorton of Manor, Sask., is visiting friends in Oi-ro and dis- trict. Mir. and _Mrs. Ed. Grah:im and faily andMr.s. «raham Sr. spent Frdywith MNr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gay- nor in Toronto. Miss Marlene Gra- ham remnaîned for a longer -visit. Seveial of the parents and -friends of the Girl Guides, Nvho are camiping- at Pidgeon Lake, visited with themn on Suinday and report ai are e'njoy- ing theinselves. Visitors ait Mr. and Mrs. johnl Bigeiow's on Sund.ay were WMr. Philip Bigelow, Willa. and Rosýs of Porit Hope, Mr. Johnr Brown, Mr. and Mrs, W. DeMilie ofOsa, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graami, Bi1ly -,iidlMerrili. Marty Lynn Bailey is spendinig a week's holiday wýith her grandparents Mi---and Mrs. Wm. Biiley, New Tor- Mis MrionRikay Toroï1to is isiting w-ith 31,r. anid Mrs. C. W. Biiliings. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hancock and family of Belleville are v\isiting wvith lis parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hancock, In the report of theswmin tests in Iast wNeek's isýsue, Marilyn uat inie was omnitted as hav- ing passed her Junior týest. Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn an.id familyý an r.Evýerett ronspenit s week at a cottage at Lakeside Pýarki 1.akýe Scugog. Mirs. Wilbur Henry, Newmarket visited MsMab ý_el Davey. MU1. and Mris. Mlon Mrrsad lRos hve been camping at the Mor- risCotag, LkeScugog. Mr.%and Mrs. Ed.Misoan Ellen spent thile weked at Candos Lake.1 ýi Mrs. W.Stutt asbeen idyg w'ith Mis. F. SýouCh, croo MissMarorieMeLrenhas been- viiin er gadaetMr. and Mrs. Moe at Massey, Ont. J Mrs. Fred Tamiblyn who ha s spent severai weekswthMr, andi Mrs. Ken Taimbly«\n in Tex>as, r'etdrned by plane on1 Sunday to Malton Airport .Mrs. J. J. Mellor is istig ith Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Collinis and famnily Ferýgus, Ontario. Rev. ri. J. \Teals, Toronto bas con- ducted the services in Orono UnitedI Ch1urch !the 'pa1st two Sundays, an1d givn vryfiln mss'ages. MJr. and Mris. CarlBl g nd Baain Friday. Miss Audr[ey lIl who .has hb enspeninilig a eksh-I dythere, return-ed home ict Vemi V-isitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Truli are Mr. and Mrs. L, A. TrulI and daut,,,ghter Nan1cy of Kingston. Mrs. Sain Brown lias accepted a position in Cornish's store. M r. and vs, Mervin Keane and Ifamiiy, Scarboro are vstn with Mr. and Mrs. A Keane. AiMr. and Mrs. C. A. Frost holidayed ~recently in the Muskoka and Thous- and Island. district. Mr. Geo. Lunin and Mr. Leroy Myles lare spendîng- somne holidays at fiall's Lake. t Mrn S. Somervîlle, Toronto is visiting with Miss Mary Somnerville. Mî~r. Geo. Feuster, imianager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce here, is on three weeks vacation. Miss Bertha Cain bas returned 'home after visiting friends in Ham- ilton. M4rs. W. S. Howson and Mi. ira Huggins and Master Jimimie Lang, of Peterborough visîted wî-'th Mrs. Fred Duncan on Sunlday. Your picture wilI be takea by a professional - . photographer and youj A will receive with Our I ~, A FULL 5,x7 Picture 4 in a beautiful miounit. Dontfgt 0 y Brin--the f amÎIy for these E PORTRAIT on ORONO FAIR DAY, -e etween 10.00 a.m, and 6 p.m* The "ngaivyour photo is the prjperty of iik storîe. Other. wise TIIERE A 7E ABSOLUTELY NO STRING S TCHDO THIS OFFER. There is 11o ei barr-assmlealt when ikin-g upsou-r l F'EE photo. There are nio h ,h pressure salesmen tryingg bsou youi more phlotos. 'This is a Free 1qf fer. You and youir fai reivted on RNOFAIR D ýY. Tyrrè1's » rtg Store (Char1es~ B. Tyrrdel, Phm.B) Phone 68 Orono,ý Ont. ARMSTRONG'S Fali and Winter Rats Ail the glitter! Ail the fiat- teryl Al the loveliness of the season is with you aiways with one of our gala bats! Yes we have a wbole new group of sumptuous selections -- every- thing from exciting turbans slouch hats to snug-fitting caps and oblique afternoon hats In ail the newest texturesome fabries -high fashion detailed, of course. Comc se. .ý-. today. pesses in rayon bedford cord, wools she'ers and Cr our Suxumer Dresses at give away prtices. Red Rose Coffee Paks. each c-f 1lta box.............0 SuLgar, 10 1b . .9.... Aylmer ýAppIe Juice, 48,bz. 27e 20 oz., 2 for..27 Kam, tin ........35e Kick, lin ...... .37e NiitCornil.2 tins for...5 Ecipe astry Filou-,ýr 24lb I Jo'hnson-'s Ia rýdG t~ in .6c Fruit and Vegetables Cok*-inig Apples Peaehes Cabba-,-gcs-,> Celery Parkay Margri9 iettL-uee iomatoes ARMISTRONG'S bMEATS FOR THE TASTIEST MEALS BEEF - PORK - BABY BEEF HOME KILLED on O:or:7o Fair Day -Sat., Septý. 6,h Your insurance costs can be substantially re- dui,(-eed by buying Divi- dlend Paying Policies Quotations on request. Leroy llamilton Phoac'e: ORONO 1 RING 16 INSURANCE -Ia ail its branches Fire, Burlglairy, Hospitalizationz Automobile, Life, Accident and iSickness, Plate Glass, Lïabilit,,y, Livestock, Houler, Wind. Real Estate 1 have a number of applica- tions for mortgage funds on choice. popertles. Amounts of $1,00 to $5.000 required on t- cellent security and good in- terest rates. N z N N N N N N N N N N N -Umm dunib